Agenda's and experiences/truths

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Peter Kropotkin
Posts: 1727
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:11 am

Agenda's and experiences/truths

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

I come from a family of 5... 3 girls and 2 boys... I have noticed,
even though we grew up together, events and experiences are
understood younger sister and I recalled a certain event,
fairly similarly and my older sister will recall that exact same event
radically different... and I have wondered why? I finally realized that my
older sister recalls that event differently because it paints her unpleasantly...
not a nice person. And so, her agenda, which is to hold and maintain a certain
self-image of herself, so she sees that event in different light than we do because
of her attempt to maintain that self image.. Her agenda allows her to see that
event far differently than we do....

and within that explanation, lies much of our understanding of the universe...
we see events, people, actions all in terms of our agenda... for example,
looking at a sunrise... many people will just see a sunrise, but others,
because of their agenda, will see something else.... now some might see
the hand of god, others will see an act of beauty, others will see science
at work and to others, the sun rising might means the last day of existence
for them.... preconceived notions and beliefs change the meaning of events,
people, actions..... we see those people, events, and actions through a lens
created by our agenda/preconceived notions..

If my preconceived notion is black people are inferior to whites,
I see all action by whites and blacks through that lens.. of black inferiority
to whites.... and if a black person does something, anything that might be
construed as being inferior to whites, it becomes a part of conformation bias..
an action that confirms an already held belief....
but what about a black person who is smart or clearly not inferior?
they are dismissed via some means or another....a black person can never
be superior to a white person and all events, actions and people are seen
through that lens....of black inferiority....

the conservative holds that men/all people are corrupt and suffer from
"sin"...look at the conservative need for police and armed forces...
that comes from this viewpoint of the dangerous nature of human beings,
that nature coming from the very heart of what it means to be human...
conservatives hold a very negative viewpoint of human nature...
human beings are innately born, being bad/evil/ dangerous....
So conservatives see all events, people and actions through that lens....

liberals see people as innately good.. and we are called naive for that..
instead of prisons and police and armed forces, we call for education,
charity, kindness toward people... and all of it stems from our initial
viewpoint or our outlook about people.... our beginning agenda
about who people are, will dictate how we see people, events, actions...

and now we see the problem with our childhood indoctrinations...
we are indoctrinated into our childhood beliefs, and values...
that there is a god, that America is number one, that whites are
superior to blacks.... we are given our initial indoctrinations and for
most people, they never escape that childhood indoctrinations...

their childhood indoctrinations are the means by which people view the
world... and the problem with that is that we need to view the world
with our adult understanding, not with childhood indoctrinations...

as we find ourselves in new and changing environments, to adapt to those
new and changing environments, we must adapt our views and understanding
of what we see on the ground... I cannot understand the world by childhood
indoctrinations when I am an adult.... to hold childhood indoctrinations/agendas
while as an adult means I cannot correctly see events, people, and actions....

my views and understanding of the world must change as I grow older and
have more experience in the survive the world, I must change
and adapt my views from my childhood indoctrinations to an adult
understanding of the world... I cannot allow my agenda/childhood indoctrinations
to distort how I see the world because to do so may mean I misinterpret
or misunderstand events, people or actions....

we see the world through agendas and childhood indoctrinations..
we see events, people and actions through this false viewpoint...
Thus, we continue to misunderstand and misinterpret the world...

it isn't by events or people or action that we must understand,
it is how we view those events, people and actions that matter...
so, how do you view existence or view events, people or actions?

the question facing us is how do we interpret and view the world?
through which agenda do we see events, people or actions?

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