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Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 5:51 am
by ken
I had never been a believer in god, nor anything else, nor did I know anything about philosophy. That was until i started on a journey of just wanting to change. In order to change i had to seek out help from others, I had no idea on how to become a better person by myself. But what happened as i was seeking to change was that i found that by just listening, truly listening that is, and by truly answering honestly and fully those meaningful answers of life, which we are all seeking, unwittingly or unknowingly, just start coming to light. I was not looking for answers, i was just seeking out how to change for the better, but by being truly open and honest with others, and with myself, I began to discover how the mind and the brain work, then how to gain full understanding and thus forgiveness, and then who I am, the meaning of life, why we are here, etc., etc. While discovering these I also came across a formula that, to me, shows what will lead us all into living in peace and harmony together.

Living with autism I am a very simple and slow person. I can find learning what others want to teach very confusing. I do not believe something just because something is said nor written down. If someone wants to tell me that something is true, right, or correct, then i want and need proof. For example until i discovered what god is I never believed it existed. Surprisingly it is not what most people believe it to be. I also thought that philosophy was something only smart people could understand. That was until i looked into one dictionary and one of its definitions given said that the word philosophy came from 'phil', love of, and 'sophy', wisdom. If wisdom is gained from learning, then to me 'phi-o-sophy', just means having the love of learning. This is nothing special. Every human child is born with a love of learning. Unfortunately though this love can quickly diminish with ridicule and embarrassment over time. Through others misbehavior and an unfair and unjust, so called, "education" system people learn to hate learning. Did you know the word 'education', once meant to draw out? Like in to draw out the potential within a person. But sadly the peoples of nowadays talk about an education as though it is something that the ones enrolled are meant to repeat "word-for-word" what is being taught to them, as though what is being taught is absolutely, without any questioning, true, right, and correct. If a person then does not get exactly right what is being taught to them, then somehow that person has become or supposedly stupid, dumb, not smart or one of the many other put-down names.

The reason the human animal has, for lack of a better word,"progressed" as far as we have now is because we humans inherently love to learn. When we are being an inquisitive being, and as long as we are open to and want to learn more, then we can and will learn more. In fact we can not stop learning if we are truly open. But if we are already believing (in) something, and thus being so called closed-minded, then we are not being an able to learn being. It is our unique ability to learn, understand, and reason anything/everything that is what separates us from all the other known animal species. Intelligence, which is unique to to us humans is just our ability to learn. This ability should not be mistaken for intellect. Intellect is just the things/knowledge that we have already learnt.

As long as we are open, and thus not believing nor disbelieving (in) anything, then we are being truly intelligent enough to learn more and absolutely anything, including how easy it really is for all of us to being living in true peace and harmony together.

I may be a very simple person but seeing and understanding all of 'life's' so called problems, and answers is really rather easy. I can see and understand why every person is the way they are and why they do the things they do. If I am wrong anywhere, then I am openly able to accept being proven wrong, and will thank you for showing me what is right. I always want to be open. I love being shown where I am wrong and more importantly why I am wrong. I LOVE learning more. But until then I am prepared to be challenged on any or all of this. I enjoy the challenge of learning how to show you how you also can learn how to live in peace and harmony with all others. One of the hardest things, I think, for human beings to do is show that what is right when others do not and will not believe (in) them.

Re: Hi

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:42 pm
by Dalek Prime
Hi Ken. Welcome to the forum. For a fellow who knocks himself, you are clearly above average in written skills. Have some faith in yourself bud. And have faith that you did all the heavy lifting to progress within yourself. No one else could have done that for you.

Anyways, its a fluke that I peeked in. I'll be back regularly in the fall. Enjoy your time here, and stay well.

Re: Hi

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 5:41 pm
by Laertes Oleander
There are two kinds of philosophers: the really great ones who write about it and the rest of us who just try to live it. I hope you don't come across anyone on this web site who will call down on you for being wrong, unless it's a simple matter of logical form which can always be amended with a little help. Most people have respect for other points of view. I do think, however, that there is more to wisdom than just gaining knowledge. Learning how to think is as important (and sometimes more so) as what you think. There's all this deductive, inductive and abductive thinking; but that's where the rudiments of the philosophic method come in handy. You do seem somewhat satisfied with your ability to live in harmony with others. I don't know if that is an asset or liability. I find many gregarious people rather obnoxious and would be tempted to knock their blocks off (think Donald Trump) were I not completely out of shape and incapable of physically punishing anyone. However, I have no problem in criticizing those whose totally illogical arguments annoy me. My point being that complacence can hinder problem solving. Logic also has its limitations and those metaphysical phenomena that do not yield to careful reasoning may yet provide moral value under the guidelines of a reasoned faith in what one considers to be good. All in all I expect we all are imperfect enough to heed the words of others.

Re: Hi

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 2:57 am
by Dalek Prime
Seriously, speak for yourself next time.