The Point, Line, Circle as the Foundation of All Phenomenon; Hence Definition of God as Proof of God

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The Point, Line, Circle as the Foundation of All Phenomenon; Hence Definition of God as Proof of God

Post by Eodnhoj7 »

Presented argument

ALL phenomena exist through the point, line and circle.

1. What we understand of abstract and physical phenomena is the composition of limits. The question of "what is limit?"

Referencing back to the nature of phenomena we can observe that all phenomena project past their origins to form further phenomena with this phenomena being composed of and composing further phenomena. In these respects phenomena are extradimensional as they project past themselves and are directive in nature with this continuous expansion observing movement. These phenomena as directed away from other phenomena observes the phenomena as definitive.

In a separate respect phenomena are directed towards themselves as one phenomena directed towards another phenomena is in turn directed back towards itself. In these respects phenomena are intradimensional as they are directed towards themselves and are directive in nature with this continual circular alternation observing movement. These phenomena as directed towards eachother as a phenomena observes the phenomena as self maintaining.

Under these premises all limit exists as directed movement.

2. The question of limit, in turn as directed movement, observes all phenomena as composed of limits in turn existing through limits as limits where the foundation of the phenomena as limits observing the foundation of the phenomena being further phenomena equating the phenomena to a limit in itself.

Under these terms a dualism occurs between the phenomena and the limit where the phenomena is a complex set of limits and the limit as a simple form of phenomena. These terms can be dually reversed where a phenomena is a simple form of limit and the limit itself is a complex version of the phenomenon. This alternation can cause confusion unless looking at the premises which define them: simplicity and complexity.

3. The question occurs as to what simplicity and complexity "is"? Considering both phenomena and limit are determined by directed movment, with one being foundation for the other. A limit directed through itself results in the phenomena as complex limits, and vice versa, where the premise for simplicity can be observed a Unity, or movement towards unity. Complexity as unity existing through unity, resulting in a multiplicity, observes complexity as a form of multiplicity or a movement towards multiplicity.

4. This dualism of unity and multiplicity, observed through the limits of simplicity and complexity leads to the question of "unity and multiplicity"? Cycling back to tne premise of limits being simple phenomena and phenomena being complex limits, it may be observed that:

A. Simple limits are directed towards complex phenomena, which in themselves are multiple limits. Unity is directed towards multiplicity in these respects.

With the phenomena being directed towards complex phenomena/limits further, it may be dually observed that unified simplicity is directed towards complex multiplicity, with this multiplicity of unified simples directed to further complex multiplicities as complex multiplicities. In these respect multiplicity is directed towards unity.

The directive quality of unity towards multiplicity, and vice versa observes that unity and multiplicity are extradimensional limits in themselves where this extradimensionality is conducive to a form of separation.

In a separate respect the alternation of phenomena observes an inherent connection as the direction of one phenomena to another, with the phenomena being directed towards the original again, reflecting the phenomena are directed towards each other and through each other as one. The apparent multiplicity of the phenomena is an approximation of unity through connectivity.

The direction of one phenomena to another observes separation. The direction of each phenomena towards each other, through each other as one, shows a connection.

In these respects simplicity as unity is connection. Complexity as multiplicity is seperation.

B. In a separate respect unity directed towards multiplicity which then in turn is directed towards unity, observed unity as intradimensionally directed. The same occurs for multiplicity. The self directed movement of unity through unity observes simplicity as maintainance. The self directed movement of multiplicity through multiplicity observes complexity as dissolution.

C. Limits exist through a dualism of connection and seperation and another dualism of maintainance and dissolution, with connection/separation being composed of extradimensional directed movement and maintainance/dissolution being composed of intradimensional directed movement.

5. Considering connection/separation exist through extradimensionality and maintainance/dissolution exist through intradimensionally, with these duals existing as directed movement, we are left which the question are extradimensional and intradimensional limits?

The extradimensional limit can be observed through the line as connector/separator.

A. As connector between phenomena directed towards each other through each other as each other the line is absent of direction. In these respects it is -1 dimensional as absent of direction.

B. As separator of phenomena directed past phenomena as a phenomena the line is strictly 1 dimensional.

C. The separation as a form of complex multiplicity observes the line as a locality, conducive to a unit as an approximation of unity (considering unity and multiplicity are connected). The connection as a form of simple unity observes the line as potential locality, conducive to unity as no direction

The line as both connection and separation observes the line as definition.

The intradimensional limit can be observed through the circle as maintainer/dissolution.

A. As the maintainer of phenomena directed towards each other through each other, the circle exists as absent of direction. In these respects the circle is intradimensional and simple unity.


B. As the dissolver of phenomena directed away from phenomena as a phenomena, the circle exists as all direction through expansion or contraction. In these respectd the circle is extradimensional and complex multiplicity.

C. The line and the circle exist as both one and many.

C1. The 1d line as extradimensional exists through the circle as expansion and contraction with the circle in turn existing as 1d through the line.

C2. The -1d line as intradimensional exists through the circle with the circle in turn existing through the -1d line.

C3. The circle as projected to further circles exists through the 1d line as extradimensional.

C4. The circle connected to further circles exists through the absence of the extradimensional line as the intrsdimensional -1d line.

C5. The 1d line as projecting towards further lines exists through the circle by alternation as maintainance of the line.

C6. The 1d line as projecting towards further line exists through the circle by alternation as the dissolution of the line into multiple lines.

6. Considering all limits/phenomena exists through connection/separation and maintanence/dissolution through the line and circle as directed movements we can observe these limits as the foundation of qualities exist as quantities (see 1 as infinity argument) through unity and multiplicity considering the premise of quality and quantity as phenomena in turn exist as directed movements, hence limits.

The nature of quality and quantity as limits in turn observes them both as connected and self maintained, hence unity as one, while maintaining there distinctively separate qualities. The question of the "limit" as line and circle in turn gives premise to the question: "What is the origin of the limits of the line and circle, hence all phenomena?".

Using the directive nature of logic itself where all exists as unified, we can observe the origins of the line and circle stemming from the point under the standard definition of euclidian geometry. The question of the point as origin of limit, with limit being directed movement, lends itself to the question of the origin of directed movement.

Considering the point as origin, is the origin of simply unity and complex multiplicity, what we can observe is the point as

A. pure being as directed movement, hence pure directed movement with this definition being an approximation of the point through multiple terms, but most axiomatically observed through itself as itself or under the terms "All", "Tao", "God", "I", etc. The point as point through point effectively makes it 1 dimensional as intradimensional, considering any extradimensionality would still have it directed through itself.

Hence the -1d line existing as the connection of phenomena, observe A the -1d line as an approximation of one point through multiple points with the line itself being composed of infinite 1d points as absent of point making the point as both limit and no limit.

The -1d circle as fundamentally directionless observes the -1d lines forming the circle as 1d point connected necessitates the circle as an approximation of the 1d point as 1d point.

Inversely to the 1d point, as pure being effectively, is "void" or "nothingness" as 0 dimensionality. Considering only being exists and nothingness cancels itself out as "void of void" only being exists with 0d point space effectively being a veil which covers the 1d point approximating it through multiplicity, with multiplicity being an inversion of unity and the inversion of multilpicity being unit as unity.

Hence the 0d point exists as inversion where the 1d lines existence through continual projection exists if and only if it individuate into further lines through which the line exists. The circle exists through inversion of 1d contraction or 1d expansion and the inversion of one circle into many.

The point as origin exists as both All and Void with the point as no limit being beyond both as both and neither.

7. The point In turn exists through the line and circle, with the line existing through the circle and point and the circle existing through the line and point as 3 in 1 and one in 3.
A. The 1d point composes the -1d line.
B. The 1d point composes the -1d circle.
C. The 1d Point composes the 1d point.
D. The 1d Point composes the 1d line.
E. The 1d point composes the 1d (2d) circle.
F. The 1d point composes the 0d point.

G. The 0d point composes the 1d line.
H. The 0d point composes the 1d (2d) circle.
I. The 0d point composes the 0d point.
J. The 0d point composes the 1d point.
K. The 0d point composes the -1d Line.
L. The 0d point composes the -1d Circle.

Being/Void, connection/separation and maintainance/dissolving exist through the point, line and circle as both quantity/quality through extradimensionality/interdimensionality as limits conducive to directed movement. The Prime Triad exists through all phenomena and is all phenomena with all phenomena being composed of it.

What we understand of the basic nature of reasoning stems from this foundation with this foundation not just being universally axiomatic but beyond axiomatic as it completely subjective and objective through the Prime Triad.
Last edited by Eodnhoj7 on Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Point, Line, Circle as the Foundation of All Phenomenon

Post by Eodnhoj7 »

The question of all problems is rooted in its framework. However no framework in itself is complete if it must be composed of and composes further frameworks.

Hence all frameworks have an element of contradiction in these respects considering they are always incomplete and not self-referential with the progression of one framework necessitating the elimination of another (we see this in the evolution of computer languages and to some degree in logic).

The question of the framework it literally dependent upon the foundations which form it as the foundations, as often "assumed" universal axioms, in turn are frameworks in themselves.

Under these terms the question of universality is put to question as the foundations become the framework and the framework becomes the foundations.

Under these terms the self referential, while simultaneously progressive, limits of geometry as "directed movement" provide this necessary dualism while maintaining a neutral third nature of existing as "is" considering the simple point, line and circle cannot be "doubted" within any course of reason without simultaneously applying these limits in one form or another through the form of math, logic or basic spatial reasoning (which is embodied in directed movement).

Even standard language whether based in pure reason, empirical roots, or sophristy is still defined and determined as true or false according to these limits.
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Re: The Point, Line, Circle as the Foundation of All Phenomenon; Hence Definition of God as Proof of God

Post by Eodnhoj7 »

The Nature of the Monad is reflected in Pythagoreanism most likely due to his travels rumored towards India, however the evidence for this is controversial, but it reflects variations to Parmenides Holism and the Eastern Philosophies schools of Advaita Vedanta, Vishishtadvaita, Shuddhadvaita, Dvaitadvaita, Dvaita, Achintya Bheda Abheda, as well as a number of Chinese Philosopher's I cannot count.

This concept of the Monad, in a pluralistic state as Monads, observes the Monad in a multiplicious form under the term atom where this multiplicity is founded in an inherent dualism as opposing forces resulting in multiple localized states in continual flux: Epicureus, Anaxarchus, Democritus, Leucippus, Metrodorus of Chios, Nausiphanes, Heraclitus, Liebniz, etc. as well as a list of eastern schools too long to count.

This concept of God as Both 1 and Many is reflected in a trinitarian concept universally observed in many religions:

Many world religions contain triple deities or concepts of trinity, including:

the Hindu Trimurti
the Hindu Tridevi
the Three Jewels of Buddhism
the Three Pure Ones of Taoism
the Christian Holy Trinity
the Triple Goddess of Wicca

The Shield of the Trinity is a diagram of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity

The threefold office of Christ is a Christian doctrine that Christ performs the functions of prophet, priest, and king.
The ministry of Jesus lasted approximately three years (27–30 AD[citation needed]).
During the Agony in the Garden, Christ asked three times for the chalice to be taken from his lips.
Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his death (Sunday, April 9, 30 AD).
The devil tempted Jesus three times.
Saint Peter thrice denied Jesus and thrice affirmed his faith in Jesus
The Magi – wise men who were astronomers/astrologers from Persia[citation needed] – gave Jesus three gifts.
There are three Synoptic Gospels and three epistles of John.
Paul the Apostle went blind for three days after his conversion to Christianity.


Noah had three sons: Ham, Shem and Japheth
The Three Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
The prophet Balaam beat his donkey three times.
The prophet Jonah spent three days and nights in the belly of a large fish
Three divisions of the Written Torah: Torah (Five Book of Moses), Nevi'im (Prophets), Ketuvim (Writings)[8]
Three divisions of the Jewish people: Kohen, Levite, Yisrael
Three daily prayers: Shacharit, Mincha, Maariv
Three Shabbat meals
Shabbat ends when three stars are visible in the night sky[9]
Three Pilgrimage Festivals: Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot
Three matzos on the Passover Seder table[10]
The Three Weeks, a period of mourning bridging the fast days of Seventeenth of Tammuz and Tisha B'Av
Three cardinal sins for which a Jew must die rather than transgress: idolatry, murder, sexual immorality[11]
Upsherin, a Jewish boy's first haircut at age 3[12]
A Beth din is composed of three members
Potential converts are traditionally turned away three times to test their sincerity[13]
In the Jewish mystical tradition of the Kabbalah, it is believed that the soul consists of three parts, with the highest being neshamah ("breath"), the middle being ruach ("wind" or "spirit") and the lowest being nefesh ("repose").[14] Sometimes the two elements of Chayah ("life" or "animal") and Yechidah ("unit") are additionally mentioned.
In the Kabbalah, the Tree of Life (Hebrew: Etz ha-Chayim, עץ החיים) refers to a latter 3-pillar diagrammatic representation of its central mystical symbol, known as the 10 Sephirot.


The Triple Bodhi (ways to understand the end of birth) are Budhu, Pasebudhu, and Mahaarahath.
The Three Jewels, the three things that Buddhists take refuge in.


The Imperial Regalia of Japan of the sword, mirror, and jewel.


The Three Treasures (Chinese: 三寶; pinyin: sānbǎo; Wade–Giles: san-pao), the basic virtues in Taoism.
The Three Dantians
Three Lines of a Trigram
Three Sovereigns: Heaven Fu Xi (Hand – Head – 3º Eye), Humanity Shen Nong (Unit 69), Hell Nüwa (Foot – Abdomen – Umbiculus).


The Trimurti: Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer.
The three Gunas found in Samkhya school of Hindu philosophy.[15]
The three paths to salvation in the Bhagavad Gita named Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga.


The three virtues of Humata, Hukhta and Huvarshta (Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds) are a basic tenet in Zoroastrianism.

Norse mythology

Three is a very significant number in Norse mythology, along with its powers 9 and 27.

Prior to Ragnarök, there will be three hard winters without an intervening summer, the Fimbulwinter.
Odin endured three hardships upon the World Tree in his quest for the runes: he hanged himself, wounded himself with a spear, and suffered from hunger and thirst.
Bor had three sons, Odin, Vili, and Vé.

Other religions

The Wiccan Rule of Three.
The Triple Goddess: Maiden, Mother, Crone; the three fates.
The sons of Cronus: Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.
The Slavic god Triglav has three heads.

Esoteric tradition

The Theosophical Society has three conditions of membership.
Gurdjieff's Three Centers and the Law of Three.
Liber AL vel Legis, the central scripture of the religion of Thelema, consists of three chapters, corresponding to three divine narrators respectively: Nuit, Hadit and Ra-Hoor-Khuit.
The Triple Greatness of Hermes Trismegistus is an important theme in Hermeticism.

Wikipedia: 3

Now this nature of unity and multiplicity is premised in the foundation of all being fundamentally being directed movement, with this directed movement occurs through a process of repitition or "mirroring" where the movement itself as a constant is reflected through a variety of phenomenon both abstract and empirical. This repitition of these common limits, allows for not just continuity but an inherent connection where symmetry in form and function necessitates a form of unity.

We can see the circle represented in:

1. Pythagorean Monad / Hindu Bindhu.
2. Sun and/or moon Worship in Various Cultures, observed with the Egyptian Aten.
3. Presocratic and Socratic emphasis on the Divinity of the circle.
4. Stonehenge
5. Taoism
6. Muslim Dome of the Rock
7. Circle dance of many cultures, specifically Jewish culture and 3rd world tribes.
8. Philosophers such as Hall, or the Occult book the Kybalion.
9. The 24 philosophers definition of God, with one as sphere.
10. Marcus Aruellius meditations.
11. Platonism
12. Book of Ezekiel Wheels within Wheels
13. The golden rule / "you reap as you sow".
14. Reincarnation
15. Moderation as cycling of extremes.
16. Nichmachean ethics.
17. Ecclesiastes "For everything their is a season".
18. Moral reciprocation (to give x is to receive x)

This is further reflected in natural and artificial phenomena.

1. Orbit of planets and stars.
2. Atoms
3. Circulatory, Respiratory and Nervous system.
4. Alternating current.
5. Seasons and weather patterns of nature.
6. Migratory patterns of birds.
7. Hunting/foraging patterns of wolves, deer, Turkey, etc.
8. Ocean currents
9. Reproduction as cycling of genetic material.
10. Movement of water to clouds to rain.
11. Alternation of emotions.
12. Personal habits
13. Standard conversations.
14. Wheels
15. Flying Saucers
16. Various dance and martial art moves.
17. Cycling action of semi automatic weapons.
18. Ball/puck/marbles
19. Various sports.
20. Mirror Effect in psychology.
21. Eyes, breasts, buttocks, various facets of human body, specifically female. Joint movement.
22. Economic exchange in cultures and between cultures.
23. Alternation of common traits amidst various people (personalities, physical traits)
24. Evolution.
25. Genome.
26. Political Spin.
27. Revolver, rolling, bullet spin.
28. Centrifuge.
29. Gyroscope.
30. Movements of elements.
31. Tornado, whirlwind, whirlpool.
32. Forms of liquids, solids, and gases.
33. Bipolar disorder.
34. Multiple personality disorder.
35. Various rolls for meals or desert.
36. Etc.

X. ALL triads, dualisms, and monads.

To cycle back to the premises:

1. Isomorphism in math and logic.
2. Godel's incompleteness theorems
3. ALL definitons in dictionary cycling back to previous defintion.
4. Addition and multiplication.
5. Wittgenstein observation of sets.
6. Subject-predicate looping in paragraphs.
7. Noun verb alternation in paragraphs.
8. binary code
9. Word through word as sentence, sentence through sentence as paragraph, paragraph through paragraph as page, page as page through book, book through book as volume with all cycling back to words.
10. ALL numbers as cycling of 1, 2 and or 3.
11. ALL languages looping through each other.
12. Set through set, definition through definition, concept through concept, etc.
13. Etc.
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Re: The Point, Line, Circle as the Foundation of All Phenomenon; Hence Definition of God as Proof of God

Post by Eodnhoj7 »

creativesoul wrote: Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:39 am Batshit crazy
Calling someone crazy without an argument of proof or reason why is "bat shit crazy", you have to elaborate more than that.
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Re: The Point, Line, Circle as the Foundation of All Phenomenon; Hence Definition of God as Proof of God

Post by Davyboi »

Eodnhoj7 I wouldnt say you batshit crazy..but you certainly as nutty as squirrel shit..which to be fair isn't a bad thing. One man's insights and views are next man's food for thought. just got one problem, can you simply your posts abit. I find your posts interesting, just having trouble understanding some of the way you present your views..I am new to this forum, I joined so I could learn, and discuss some wording, subjects, data etc. I am newly learning.
This is not a criticism just a request, so please don't take offence.
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Re: The Point, Line, Circle as the Foundation of All Phenomenon; Hence Definition of God as Proof of God

Post by Eodnhoj7 »

Davyboi wrote: Fri Nov 09, 2018 8:58 pm Eodnhoj7 I wouldnt say you batshit crazy..but you certainly as nutty as squirrel shit..which to be fair isn't a bad thing. One man's insights and views are next man's food for thought. just got one problem, can you simply your posts abit. I find your posts interesting, just having trouble understanding some of the way you present your views..I am new to this forum, I joined so I could learn, and discuss some wording, subjects, data etc. I am newly learning.
This is not a criticism just a request, so please don't take offence.
Yeah me and timeseeker where talking about this issue of language. Language entropies over time, meaning it inverts from one defintion into another. Words change into further words and misunderstanding ensues.

If you have some confusion, just ask a question.
Last edited by Eodnhoj7 on Sat Nov 10, 2018 2:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 201
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:56 pm

Re: The Point, Line, Circle as the Foundation of All Phenomenon; Hence Definition of God as Proof of God

Post by Davyboi »

I have many questions mate! Also many perspectives, views and ideas of my own, just finding it hard to express and understand my thoughts into words...
Posts: 201
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Re: The Point, Line, Circle as the Foundation of All Phenomenon; Hence Definition of God as Proof of God

Post by Davyboi »

I think you will find his name is timeseeker, not timekeeper..just thought you should know
Posts: 8595
Joined: Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:18 am

Re: The Point, Line, Circle as the Foundation of All Phenomenon; Hence Definition of God as Proof of God

Post by Eodnhoj7 »

Davyboi wrote: Sat Nov 10, 2018 12:46 am I think you will find his name is timeseeker, not timekeeper..just thought you should know
Ipad...more typos than usual.

Yeah, whatever you do not understand just provide an argument about what you perceive and/or just ask a question.
Posts: 8595
Joined: Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:18 am

Re: The Point, Line, Circle as the Foundation of All Phenomenon; Hence Definition of God as Proof of God

Post by Eodnhoj7 »

Time and calendar cycles
Main article: Time cycles

Atomic clock – Calendar – Chinese calendar – Computus – Diwali – Ephemeris time – Hertz – Intellectual history of time – Julian date – Season - Sexagenary cycle
Planetary cycles
Astronomical cycles

Astronomy – CNO cycle – Eclipse cycle – Eclipse – Full moon cycle – Galactic year – Great Year – Lunar phase – Mesoamerican calendars – Metonic cycle – Milankovitch cycles – Mira – Moon – Nutation – Orbit – Orbital period – Saros cycle – Sothic cycle – Secularity – Sidereal year – Sunspot – Tide – Tropical year – Year
Climate and weather cycles

Animal migration – Avalanche – Carbon cycle – Climate change – Climate change and agriculture – Climate model – Climate oscillation – Clock of the Long Now – Ecology – El Niño/La Niña – Endometrium – Environmental geography – Global cooling – Global warming – Historical temperature record – Ice age – Transhumance – Milankovitch cycles – Monsoon – Pleistocene – Season – Sunspot – Tide – Timeline of meteorology – 1500-year climate cycle
Geological cycles

Age of the Earth – Cycle of erosion – Mass extinction cycles – Climate change – Earthquake cycle – Dynamic topography – Glaciation – Supercontinent cycle – Wilson cycle
Organic cycles
Agricultural cycles

Agricultural cycle – Carbon cycle – Climate change and agriculture – Crop rotation – Fertile Crescent – Harvest – Nitrogen cycle – Organic farming – Season – Soil degradation – Sustainable industries – Water cycle
Biological and medical cycles

Alternation of generations – Beta oxidation – Bioelectricity – Biological pest control – Biorhythm – Bipolar disorder – Cardiopulmonary resuscitation – Calvin–Benson cycle – Cell cycle – Chronobiology – Citric acid cycle – Circadian rhythm – Clinical depression – Digestion – Ecology – Feedback – Life cycle – List of biochemistry topics – Marine biology – Menstrual cycle – Neurofeedback – Non-Hodgkin lymphoma – Organic farming – Periodical cicadas – Polymerase chain reaction – Soil degradation – Stomach cancer – Triage – Urea cycle – Zygote
Brain waves and cycles

Bioelectricity – Circadian rhythm – Consciousness – Electroencephalography – Neurofeedback – Persistent vegetative state – Sjögren's syndrome – Sleep
Physics cycles

Cyclic process – Carnot cycle – Double-slit experiment – Dynamic theory of gravity – Physics of music – Resonance – Sonoluminescence – Speed of light – Sunspot
Mathematics of waves and cycles

Almost periodic function – Amplitude modulation – Amplitude – Beat – Chaos theory – Cyclic group – Diffraction – Doppler effect – Eigenstate – Eigenvalue – Fibonacci sequence – Fourier series – Frequency domain – Frequency spectrum – Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics) – Harmonic oscillator – Huygens–Fresnel principle – Longitudinal wave – Mechanical wave – Navier–Stokes equations – Partial differential equation – Periodic function – Permutation – Phase (waves) – Physics of music – Power spectrum – Signal – Sine wave – Spectrum of an operator – Translational symmetry – Transverse wave – Wave equation – Wave–particle duality – Wave – Waveform
Electromagnetic spectrum

Absorption spectroscopy – Anders Jonas Ångström – Astronomical spectroscopy – Astronomy – Black body – Blazar – Bremsstrahlung – Caesium – Cherenkov radiation – Color – Diffraction – Digital signal processing – Direct-sequence spread spectrum – Dispersion (optics) – Eigenstate – Eigenvalue – Electromagnetic radiation – Electromagnetic spectroscopy – Electromagnetic spectrum – Electromagnetism – Emission line – Emission spectrum – FM broadcasting – Frequency domain – Frequency hopping – Frequency spectrum – Gamma-ray burst – Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics) – History of radio – Hue – Isotope – Light – Optical brightener – Particle in a spherically symmetric potential – Piezoelectricity – Power spectrum – RADAR – Radio frequency – Radio – Radiocommunications Agency – Redshift – SETI – Spectrogram – Spectrometer – Spectroscopy – Spectrum analyzer – Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect – Supernova – Telecommunication – Timbre – Very high frequency – Visible light – Visible spectrum – White noise
Sound waves

Acoustic theory – Acoustics – Aerodynamics – Amplitude – Anemometer – Audio feedback – Beat (acoustics) – Bugging – Cherenkov radiation – Cold fusion – Compressibility – Delay line memory – Diffraction – Doppler effect – Echo sounding – Electronic filter – FTIR – Krakatoa – Loudspeaker – Mach number – Microphone – Ossicles – Pan pipes – Parabolic microphone – Phonetics – Phonon – Piezoelectricity – Psychoacoustics – Sawtooth wave – Shock wave – SID – Sonar – Sonic boom – Sonoluminescence – Soundproofing – Sound recording – Sound – Speech processing – Speed of sound – Sperm whale – Square wave – Subsonic – Subtractive synthesis – Synthesizer – Telephone – Transmission line – Triangle wave – Wave drag – Waveform - [Elephantic wave]
Miscellaneous cycles
Economic and business cycles

Business cycle – Inflation / Recession – Monetary policy – Virtuous circle and vicious circle – Kitchin cycle – Juglar cycle – Kuznets swing
Music and rhythm cycles

Harmonics – Interval cycle – Musica universalis – Music theory – Physics of music – Ring cycle – Rhythm – Song cycle
Religious, mythological, and spiritual cycles

Astrology – Mantra – Numerology – Pratītyasamutpāda – Samhain – Sexagenary cycle – Surya
Social and cultural cycles

Dynastic cycle – Kondratiev wave – Social cycle theory – Tytler cycle
Military and war

War cycles

Literature cycle – Play cycle – Sonnet cycle
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