Generosity is the subjectification of objective Generation

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Generosity is the subjectification of objective Generation

Post by Eodnhoj7 »

Generosity is the subjectification of objective Generation.

If we look at the nature of subjectification it is fundamentally absent of any specific boundary considering the nature of the "I" is not definable...we observe this intuitively with the common existential remark of people saying "I feel empty" or "there is a hole in the center of me" that is common to all people throughout life or at minimum one time or another.

Observing a subjective state is fundamentally observing a state of relation so to speak, as subjectivity is premised in a form of relationalism. This relativisitic premise to the definition of the self in turn observes a negative trifold nature of:

1) Randomness, where the subjective nature existing through objective means, effectively observes that subjectivity is an approximation of objective truth where the subjective nature acts as the limit of objective limits considering the subjective self lacks definition. This randomness can be observed in the empty nature of the human condition.

2) Potentiality, where the subjective nature existing through objective means, effectively observes that subjectivity is potential localized objective limits. One may be defined through one's actions, which act as limits that form the "I" objectively, but the "I" as subject to time contains an inherent nature of potentiality where that while the subjective is objectified through the limits of action, because it is subject to time as existing through time, it is never fully defined through time as the objective nature of the "I" is dependent upon potentiality where the subjective nature is potentialistic in the respect it determines action itself. In simpler terms potentiality is the negative limit which forms the positive locality of "action as limit".

3) Possibility, where the subjective nature existing through objective means, effectively observes that subjectivity is possible further objective limits. "I" may be defined through the actions which act as the limits which form it, but considering these limits extend through the "I" and the "I" is no completely definable this absence of limit from which limit extends observes that subjectivity has an inherent negative limit of "possible further limits" where subjectivity is an observation of further possible limits.

This nature of Generosity and Generation goes back to a dualism of the uncaused cause, which while premised in the nature of Divinity, can be observed within the subjective-objective dualism which composes the "I".

God must become subjective man if God is all powerful...however this would effectively be saying God is becoming random, potential, and possiblistic hence non existent. However this nature of both "I" and "Divinity" being non-existence effectively observes this non-existence canceling itself out through its own nature where:

1) Randomness cancels itself out through "order as cause".

2) Potentiality cancels itself out through "actuality as locality".

3) Possibility cancels itself out through "limit as axiom(s)(atic)".

Hence the cancelization of the subjective through self-negation, which is subjective, effectively observes the objective nature of reality.
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