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Reflection, Causality and Holism

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 6:34 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Reflection, Causality and Holism

Causality, due to its dependence on structure through the mirroring of cause through effect as cause, is equivalent to an observation of a whole through Reflection.

It is in these respects that logic maintains as an inherent element of Reflectivity that enables the boundaries, we know of as symmetry, to exist and form logistic structures for what they are. These logistic structures implies a necessary duality of causality and randomness as both "being" and "non-being".

Reflectivity (or "mirror effect"), in turn can paradoxically be observed as a dimension of unified space manifesting further dimensions of unified space as extensions of itself through summation. In this respect, Reflectivism as a mirroring of Pi expresses itself through infinite structural extensions of three as all known number. In a further respect it corroborates with infinitism as an ever existing "1".

A mathematical object, therefore logistic object, is considered symmetric if the operation applied to this mathematical, or logistic, object preserves this object or some property of it. (Morris) It is in this respect that reflection is a form and function of symmetry as the preservation of the axiom as itself. This understanding of symmetry in logic points to the necessity of understanding the nature of circularity within logic as strictly an extension of perpetual unity.

William of Ockham, in Summa Logicae part II, presents an observation of a unifying median through: "every A is B' is true if and only if there is something for which 'A' stands, and there is nothing for which 'A' stands, for which 'B' does not also stand." (Schuurman) A and B can be synonymous with Φa → Φb, implying William of Ockham first observing an inherent reflective nature within logic connected by a unifying median.

However, where Reflectivism differs is in the respect that this is not an isolated logical example as Ockham observes but a universal underlying nature within all logic. This universality “finds expression in questions as to the essence of language, of propositions, of thought.—For if we too in these investigations are trying to understand the essence of language—its function, its structure,—yet this is not what those questions have in view. For they see in the essence, not something that already lies open to view and that becomes surveyable by a rearrangement, but something that lies beneath the surface. Something that lies within, which we see when we look into the thing, and which an analysis digs out.” (quote Wittgenstein philo invest) 43e.

The mirror effect is the essence of the logistic structure as unity.

It is in this infinite unity that leads to a series of question: "Is a structure unified at all if it reflects further structures?" "How can there be unity through multiplicity?" "Is space strictly a unity as reflection?"

However, logic is still logic as the observation of structure as "whole". Regardless of the causal nature of this structure, the observation of cause and effect is the observation of a structure as being, with the limits of this being manifested through a deficiency in that structure through randomness inherent within the approximate nature of effect. In these respects the boundaries always exists for what they are, as boundaries, and a structure is unified for what it is, a structure. This structure maintains itself through the mirroring of other structures, ad infinitum, and what we understand of being can be observe through space mirroring itself as a unified entity.

The problem occurs as the reflection of logistic structures implies some degree of movement, and movement implies some degree of instability. In these respects Reflectivism is fundamentally an observation of logistic positive space mirroring itself through an eternal act of intradimensional reflection which contains no movement. All observation of randomness, or absence of unity, is strictly the boundary of unity existing as itself.

In these respects Reflectivism can be equated as a form of logical holism, as all structural extensions of the one are merely the result of space as unity mirroring itself. No seperation can be implied and logical atomism can not be observed.

This view of Logical Atomism, Rejected later by Russel and Wittgenstein, observes the inevitably of Holism as a logical necessity for existence as structure and in these respects equates Holism to a Positive value.

Logical Holism manifests logical Atomism as strictly a structural extension of itself through approximation as a dual contruct inevitably the result of randomness inherent with the limit of being. Considering Holism manifests as a causal structure, multiplicity as logical atomism is strictly a deficiency with cause as acausal randomness or movement.

Holism is causality through a mirror effect as structure; it maintains this unity through an intradimensional nature of reflection.

It is in this respects, all logistic structrures are inherent connect to further logistic structures as binding medians and this connected as structure manifests as cause in itself perpetually reflected through effect as approximate cause. This approximate nature of cause, through effect, in turn reflects the limits of this infinite unity as a perpetual boundary of one.