CRT Taught to Young Children: Video Evidence

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Veritas Aequitas
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CRT Taught to Young Children: Video Evidence

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

CRTists and CRT apologist had often countered and claim CRT [theory and their elements] are not taught within the K12 school.

Here is a video evidence where the toxic elements are stealthily and subliminally infecting children in Grade Schools in the US.

Note this CRT infection is not related to American History but rather in an English Class: the zealous CRTists are in fact striving to infect toxic CRT elements into all aspects of education and society.

Watch an 8th grade class [Subject of English] be indoctrinated to be social justice warriors.

These are the videos taken out of the above to avoid Copyright infringement.

The above is merely one example, there are many others which are supported with proper evidences.

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