Protestantism is Strictly an Observation of Entropy

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Protestantism is Strictly an Observation of Entropy

Post by Eodnhoj7 »

The origins of protestantism are subject to the laws of entropy and in these respects as strictly extensions of universal principles and in no effect hold any authority of there own.

All ideals and faith movements, in the course of there progression, are subject to an inherent form of individuation where one faith/ideal divides/multiplies into other over time.

PracticallyLooking at the nature of discussions on forums we can observe that entropy occurs over time. This entropy is observe in the breakdown of logic within arguments, the fragmentation of the subject into many subjects, the fragmentation of the forum itself, etc.

This is further mirrored in human psychology where relations between people breakdown or the personal identity of the individual breaks down .

Religions fragment into further religions as evidenced through the protestant denominations in Christianity or various fundamentalist groups of Islam or buddhism.

This entropy is observed further within the laws of physics without need for much explanation and is further observed in biology through sickness and death or even the abstract elements of mathematics where a solution becomes infinitesimal or excessively large beyond calculation. Logic breaks down into many separate seperate schools as well, with a variety of axioms, not all of which are dependent upon the classical laws they originated with.

The common bond among there very phenomena is entropy as a form of individuation where a unified phenomena effectively inverts into many phenomena with these further phenomena being fractions of the original while dually multiplying into whole parts in themselves in which the process repeats itself.

This entropy, as a form of inversion of one part into many along with the original separating into an antithesis, presents itself through a common median of void or zero dimensionality that is present within philosophy, religion, science and there corresponding empirical and abstract phenomena under various forms.

These forms of non being, nothingness, zero dimensionality, point zero, etc are all subject to this very same form of entropy as definitions in themselves.

What is common is that all axioms exist as points of inversion where an axiom as effectively nothing in itself acts as a point of inversion.

What other common universal principles are there? Are there universal principles to begin with?

Granted universal principles does lend itself to reason, but considering these universal principles (entropy in this case) are embodied in religion (specifically Protestantism in this case) it is dually religious as well. The two cannot be entirely seperated.

Strictly speaking the religion can be composed to a rotting fruit that quite simply is useless and has no value except as a fertilizer to other ideals.

While this analogy may seem somewhat overly harsh, the fractating nature of this faith shares similiary qualities to that of decay and the foundation for further religions.

The protestant religion, premised in "protesting" so to speak as an inherent defining quality, is strictly a projection of viewpoints in a linear pattern away from there origins. The history of protestant is soley defined by a projection away from catholic/orthodox foundations (historically) as well as paganism (the references to crucifixion, "dying God mythology, etc. present in many different faiths and cultures) to form a new distinct entity strictly as a "viewpoint".

One protestant faction in turn progresses away from this root points, while progressing away from eachother, with the secondary defining quality of protestantism as strictly a process of fracturing that defines it.

Protestantism is strictly an extension of cycles in natural law in these respects and has no merit except as an expression within geometric law. This geometric law, founded in the understanding of "space" reguardless of how ones to define geometry, is strictly the origin of protestantism. In these respects it is less of a religion but more of a process of measuring reality and has no merit on its own.

Now sure, you can quote whatever verse you like from your scriptures, but this replication of thought processes is inherent within the "Prime Triadic Laws" itself (viewtopic.php?f=5&t=25507) where justification is dependent upon a symmetry between thought processes as a form of "proof" which is strictly an extension of a subjective experience that is inherently not universal.

Protestantism, as a religious embodiment of Christianity, is strictly just an expression of entropy on its own terms and has no real value in and of itself. This entropy in a unified system of beliefs in turn is reflected on the various definitions of scriptural sources where scripture itself becomes subject to a "fallacy of authority" and "equivocation" as well as "bandwagon" (where one verse is diverted to another).

Now where the standard protestant come back is strictly to say "The Bible says "x"", this methodology is quite literally subject to the framework of interpretation as a quote is fitted to determined the nature of some actual real life or theological scenario and in these respects is formed according to the chaotic environment its seeks to bring order to. In these respects a form of subjectivity occurs conducive to an inherent moral relativism that exists as an extension of the political times in which "everything is relative".

Moral Relativism and Protestantism are two sides of the same coin in these respects considering it is strictly an observation of decay.
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