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Memory as Deterministic; Hence Perception as Cause

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 6:40 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Memory has an inherently deterministic quality to it as it requires an interplay of past and present in which the present takes on an active form embodied through a passive crystallized "image". And contradictory "conflict" between the dualism of past and present, is less a question of "meaning" or "meaninglessness" but a continuum that is trans-temporal (existing through time but not subject to it); hence always containing an element of originality synonymous to "quality" (this definition of "quality" can be observed in "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"-Pirsig) where the interplay between the subject and object not only has an intertwining quality but effectively observes a sense of determinism in that this order/boundless nature is axiomatic;

thus reducing itself deductively to a simple "point of awareness" as both a universal symbol through the dot and inherent within the black slate nature of the consciousness (prior to impression) observed by Socrates and further collaborated with his definition of "Man" as "that which reflects". This definition of man, corresponding to his definition of consciousness, observes repitition/continuums/recurrsion (all subject by nature to there own definiton due to there multiplicity) as a process of "mirroring" inherent within consciousness as consciousness.

This "mirroring" can be observed in the mirror circuits of the brain (necessitated by loops) that results in intuitive empathy as well as intellectual acclimation of knowledge and is further observed by the "mirroring" of behaviors in social interactions. This mirroring, as a form of replication where "that which reflects" as the Socratic standard of man takes on a group zietgeist nature in a Jungian sense of the word where the individual mirrors the group and vice versa causing a continual "interplay" of movements conducive to a wave-function; thus necessitating a deeper degree of determinism.

Even the psychological nature of mathematics results in isomorphisms in more advanced levels that isomorphically stem from the particulars which defined them (basic positive and negative number as addition and subtraction).

This isomorphism reflects to politics in the universal left/right paradigm of Communism and Capitalism or even the basic dualism of countries themselves as lesser and greater versions of the other: Ireland/Scotland, Britain/France, Germany/Australia, Russia/Ukraine, China/Mongolia, Korea/Japan, etc. all of this observing a dichotomy of cultures resulting in spiritual systems premised in a personal subjective western ideology/spirituality of Christianity or the objective interplay of forces in Eastern ideology/spirituality of Taoism.

So even at the objective level of "reasoning" we are bound to a socratic notion of isomorphic-mirroring not even originating with socrates himself (while we observe the paradigm of Platonism and Aristotelianism diverge from him as a focal point in the west), but the presocratic atomists/wholists whose schools replicate the same form and function of which they teach (Very Few Monists-Parmenides, Greater Atomists-Lucretius, Epicurus, Leucippus of Miletus, Democritus, etc.).

So even the base act of memory is inherently intertwined with various perspective memories that have a cause/effect role at the general level of "perspective" as an interplay of Apollinesian/Order-Dionysian Disorder by Neitzche, Consciousness/Shadow of Jung, Ego/Super Ego of Freud, Catophatic/Apophatic of Aquinas, Arisotelian Materialism and Platonic Form of the Socratics, Wholism/Atomism of Wittgenstein, a priori/ a posteriori of Kant, Parmenides Truth/Opinion, Lucretius Atoms/Void (representing the consciousness in his poetic work),...etc....because the list goes on and on.

The memory, moving through the present takes on an "imaginary" or "imaging" role where the future is carved by through present into a form symmetrical to the past and any sythesis of these memories (solution) into a new form; but this in itself is still subject to deterministic space by its directional qualities that effectively observe a replication of symmetry conducive to a cause/effect paradigm where the very act of "localizing" an axiom effectively is both a cause/effect leading to further cause/effect.

The problem is that all current events are based upon a deterministic hindsight where even the perception of a tree is premised on not only see the past, but comparing it to relative memory, where the memory itself takes on a cause and effect paradigm where a movement to another movement results in a static structure.

All memories are forms composing infinite variations or further memories, and as such acts as "limits" that while "moving" further direct the movement of perception. Even this prior sentence itself is part of determinism as cause/effect fundamentally is structure.