On politics, government, and real opportunity

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On politics, government, and real opportunity

Post by prof »


The public would be better served if government had more people who think Ethically. Such personnel and office-holders would operate on principles rather than just pushing policies. Don’t policies reflect principles? Not necessarily; allow me explain the difference.

Good policies ought to reflect good principles; on that we can gain agreement. However many a government policy does not follow from any moral principle at all. Those policies follow an agenda – and the agenda, too often, is designed to control people.

The politician’s agenda in many instances is to make people dependent upon the government so that the citizen will be inclined to perpetuate the incumbent in office, thereby giving the office-holder a guararnteed income for life …and a marvelous health-care plan and pension plan. This is sold as “providing opportunity” when really it is not true opportunity at all.

In Norway, and in Poland, they rarely fire people. The employers are too ethical to cause such tragedies: instead they find the employee an alternative position, or they arrange for him/her to become a part-time staff member until times get better, but still to keep the dignity of having a job. If they can do it, why not here in America?! Why can’t there be more free retraining sites here sponsored by public-private consortiums to train workers for the kinds of jobs that are in demand. High unemployment is a scandal – a scandal of the so-called “free enterprise” system. People want to be useful, productive members of society.

If businesses knew their ethics they would care as much about their employees as they do about profits: they would give equal attention to the staff as to the ‘bottom line.’ They would also give lots of attention to their customers, to the uplift of their local community, and to the greenness of their environment. Yes, a profit is necessary to the survival of the business but it turns out that cooperatives – owned by the workers – also survive …and even flourish. And a business-owner that actively encourages his employees to start their own business and give the owner a small percentage of the returns is one where it is fun to work, for all concerned. How do you feel about this?

For further details as to what it means to think Ethically, see these links:

http://wadeharvey.myqol.com/wadeharvey/ ... _Lifef.pdf

http://wadeharvey.myqol.com/wadeharvey/ ... EORY%20OF%




Recently a candidate for President said: "...I like firing people." Do you know which one that was?
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Re: On politics, government, and real opportunity

Post by Impenitent »

shackling oneself to an ethical Leviathan is double plus good

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Re: On politics, government, and real opportunity

Post by prof »

I recently learned that in Germany, instead of firing people when a recession comes along everyone in the firm takes an equal percentage cut in pay ...until better economic times when people can get raises once again. No one loses their job. 8) :!:

Pretty cool, huh?
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Re: On politics, government, and real opportunity

Post by martinm »

Here in the UK, the police lost their ethicality after it was decided that they were institutionally racist. Instead of ethics, they have p-r-o-c-e-e-d-u-r-e-s, which are minutely adhered to and overseen by legions of committees and oversight commissions. Any minute deviation from procedure is heavily punished, Criminals who were once the target of policing now know that they only have to troll through procedure records and select any minute infringement and they are automatically free, the infringement being ethically more serious than any crime, including murder. A missing signature, a missing form, a decimal point in the wrong place, that sort of thing. This is the vengeance of the police on us for calling them institutionally racist, the criminals are put back on us.
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Re: On politics, government, and real opportunity

Post by martinm »

1. What makes the Good Life good? lots of money
2. Who lives the good life? Those with lots of money
3. Can a good individual be a better one?1 Sure, just get lots of MONEY
4. Do we sometimes act out of selfinterest? Yes, gets us lots of MONEY
5. How can we recognize... Ethic-free people get lots of money
7. How do we get from here to there? Get EHICS- free and take the MONEY

The get lots of money ETHIC is the driver that made all those millionaires who stole all the wealth, that caused the credit crunch . Nobody has said it was wrong, nobody has gone to prison, All these crooks are still in charge dong MORE of the same and raking it in.

So much for ETHICS, a dead, dead idea.

Silly, why have morals when yo can walk off with ALL THE MONEY.

Easy: Borrow millions, buy up an unsuspecting business, sell off its assets, inflate its ratings, load it with your debit , sell it off at an apparently attractive price, walk off with ALL THE MONEY. doesn't take much effort does it? Just the willingness to stuff your fellow humans and lie, lie. lie.
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