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ISSUE 85 - What is Love?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:04 pm
by RickLewis
The new issue of Philosophy Now is out. It is being sent to subscribers now, and should be on UK newsstands by the end of tomorrow. (Geography being what it is, it'll take a little longer for the mag to reach news-stands in the USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, Norway etc etc).

Bora has already put the new issue online at so if you are a subscriber you can log in and read it there. If on the other hand you subscribe on Kindle you'll find the whole of the new edition is waiting for you on your Kindle now. (I know because I checked mine a moment ago).

Some folk here already know the new issue is out as I can see some of the articles are already being discussed on the forum at:


The theme of the new issue is Love (should that be spelled Lurrvve?), and the issue editor is Doctor Love himself, aka Tim Madigan. I hope you enjoy it.

This is the 20th Anniversary issue of Philosophy Now magazine. Wow, that couple of decades went by quickly! When I started the mag I was editing it in my spare time and the head office was my spare bedroom. Now it's sold all over the globe and is all glossy and much of it is printed in glorious Technicolor (r). Thanks everyone for your interest and support over the years. What shall we do next? :D

Re: ISSUE 85 - What is Love?

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:39 am
by puto
Thank-you, so very much. I am going to tackle this question next semester. :lol:

Re: ISSUE 85 - What is Love?

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:34 pm
by Typist
RickLewis wrote:This is the 20th Anniversary issue of Philosophy Now magazine.
Wow, 20 years, that's awesome Rick, congrats! Impressive accomplishment indeed.
RickLewis wrote:What shall we do next? :D
Well, what are your goals? Build audience and income? Or?

I cast my little vote for something in between the mag and the forum. Interactive, but under the close supervision of a wise editor too.

Anyway, love is death, that's why it feels so good.

Re: ISSUE 85 - What is Love?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:54 pm
by zimmer80203`
Congratulations Rick Lewis on having a successful magazine. That's very difficult today for very few survive the first year. Not only that, but fewer and fewer retail outlets devote space to magazines like they used too. And if that isn't bad enough the market is constantly changing.

Anyway, what I would like to know if you are going to talk about the image or perception of love (which changes and can be destroyed) or "unconditional love" which cannot be altered or destroyed or compare the two of them?

I am a curious fellow,
