what a bunch of laughable simps

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what a bunch of laughable simps

Post by godelian »

Today I ran into another video decrying the immigration of Islamists into Europe:

"This Country Just Realized Their Massive Immigration Mistake:" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKPYbjrGPqM

Now they want "to do something about it".

How utterly laughable!

The survival of the feminist state existentially depends on men not being able to defend themselves. If European men were truly able to defend themselves, it would also not be possible to divorce rape them or to income tax them into oblivion. They cannot do anything about these things, or anything else for that matter, because that is exactly how the system was designed. The system successfully exploits their false beliefs and their existential stupidity. This system has emerged as the inevitable embodiment of their wholesale idiocy. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

That leaves only one reasonable option open: to switch sides.

Seriously, the feminized simps are wrong and the Islamists are right. It is the entire world view of the feminized simps that is wrong. If it wasn't, then they would not be in this predicament. I despise the feminized simps. Whatever is coming at them, they fully deserve it, because they have asked for it.

As far as I am concerned, I do not even care, because whatever happens, I am always on the winning side of the equation.
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