How Can We Achieve World Peace?

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Philosophy Now
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How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by Philosophy Now »

Each answer below receives a book. Apologies to the entrants not included.
Gary Childress
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Re: How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by Gary Childress »

The blurb in the article sounds like a good and realistic description to me of how to create world peace. We can't expect peace from others if they are treated unfairly by us and we can't expect peace from those who are faced with circumstances where they must either fight for basic needs or else die of deprivation. Therefore, good will and access to basic needs are essential. Basic needs also include ways to adequately address grievances and some degree of constructive or else passive means for countering boredom.
Veritas Aequitas
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Re: How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

Peace is defined as:
Peace means societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. In a social sense, peace is commonly used to mean a lack of conflict (such as war) and freedom from fear of violence [threats verbal or physical] between individuals or groups.
The above negatives are considered evil.

Kant had a Mission and Vision for Perpetual Peace, i.e.

1. What can we Know - Epistemology
2. What can we Do - Morality & Ethics
3. What can we Hope for - Perpetual Peace from 1 & 2

Kant wrote
Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch ... cal_Sketch

Whilst the above included political* elements, the ultimate contribution to perpetual world peace is driven by Morality and Ethics which is grounded on the individual[s].
*Morality and Ethics are independent from politics.

Morality is the management to prevent evil to enables its related good.

For each individual to be morally competent, they must first cultivate inner peace and develop their inherent moral functions.

When the majority of individuals on earth has reached a reasonable moral competence world peace will ensure, i.e. the majority of individuals will have no urge to kill, rape, and commit the various acts of evil.
This can only happen in the future and humanity need to recognize the objective moral elements now for improvements in the future.
Gary Childress
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Re: How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by Gary Childress »

How can world peace be achieved?

Achieving world peace is a complex and multifaceted goal that requires the concerted efforts of individuals, communities, governments, and international organizations. Here are some key approaches that can contribute to the pursuit of world peace:

Promoting Dialogue and Understanding: Encouraging open and respectful dialogue between people of different cultures, religions, and backgrounds fosters mutual understanding and empathy. Platforms for dialogue can help address misunderstandings, bridge divides, and build trust between individuals and communities.

Conflict Resolution and Mediation: Investing in peaceful conflict resolution mechanisms and mediation efforts can help resolve disputes before they escalate into violence. This includes promoting negotiation, mediation, and diplomacy to address conflicts at local, national, and international levels.

Addressing Root Causes of Conflict: Many conflicts arise from underlying factors such as poverty, inequality, discrimination, political oppression, and lack of access to resources. Addressing these root causes through social, economic, and political reforms can help prevent conflicts from occurring in the first place.

Promoting Human Rights and Justice: Upholding human rights, including the right to freedom, equality, and justice, is essential for fostering peace and stability. Governments and international organizations must work to protect human rights, hold perpetrators of violence and oppression accountable, and ensure access to justice for all.

Education and Awareness: Education plays a crucial role in promoting peace and understanding. By teaching tolerance, empathy, conflict resolution skills, and global citizenship values, education can empower individuals to become agents of positive change in their communities and beyond.
Promoting Economic Development: Economic development and poverty reduction efforts can contribute to peacebuilding by addressing socio-economic inequalities and promoting stability. Providing opportunities for employment, education, healthcare, and infrastructure development can help mitigate the grievances that fuel conflict.

Disarmament and Arms Control: Reducing the proliferation of weapons and promoting disarmament efforts can help mitigate the risk of conflict and violence. Arms control agreements, arms reduction treaties, and efforts to combat the illicit arms trade are essential for building a more peaceful world.

Environmental Sustainability: Environmental degradation, resource scarcity, and climate change can exacerbate tensions and contribute to conflict. Promoting environmental sustainability, conservation, and climate action is therefore crucial for fostering peace and stability.

Achieving world peace requires sustained commitment, cooperation, and collaboration at all levels of society. While it is a challenging goal, progress can be made through collective action and a shared commitment to promoting peace, justice, and human dignity for all.
Gary Childress
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Re: How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by Gary Childress »

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 5:25 am Peace is defined as:
Peace means societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. In a social sense, peace is commonly used to mean a lack of conflict (such as war) and freedom from fear of violence [threats verbal or physical] between individuals or groups.
The above negatives are considered evil.

Kant had a Mission and Vision for Perpetual Peace, i.e.

1. What can we Know - Epistemology
2. What can we Do - Morality & Ethics
3. What can we Hope for - Perpetual Peace from 1 & 2

Kant wrote
Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch ... cal_Sketch

Whilst the above included political* elements, the ultimate contribution to perpetual world peace is driven by Morality and Ethics which is grounded on the individual[s].
*Morality and Ethics are independent from politics.

Morality is the management to prevent evil to enables its related good.

For each individual to be morally competent, they must first cultivate inner peace and develop their inherent moral functions.

When the majority of individuals on earth has reached a reasonable moral competence world peace will ensure, i.e. the majority of individuals will have no urge to kill, rape, and commit the various acts of evil.
This can only happen in the future and humanity need to recognize the objective moral elements now for improvements in the future.
Why so [my typo. Should be the word "do" instead of "so"] some religions divide the world between good and evil and what are good and evil?
The division of the world into categories of good and evil is a common theme in many religions and belief systems. There are several reasons why this division exists:

Moral Guidance: Defining good and evil provides moral guidelines for adherents of a religion to follow. It helps people discern between actions that are considered righteous or virtuous (good) and those that are considered harmful or morally wrong (evil).
Cosmic Battle: Some religions depict the world as a battleground between forces of good and evil. This narrative often serves to explain the existence of suffering and injustice in the world. In these belief systems, adherents may be called to align themselves with the forces of good to overcome evil.
Judgment and Salvation: Many religions incorporate the concept of judgment after death, where individuals are rewarded for their good deeds and punished for their evil actions. This serves as an incentive for adherents to pursue virtuous behavior and avoid wrongdoing.
Cosmology and Creation Myth: The division between good and evil can be rooted in cosmological or creation myths, where the world is created by a deity or deities who establish moral order. These myths often involve the triumph of good over evil, setting the stage for the ongoing struggle between these opposing forces.
As for what constitutes good and evil, this can vary significantly between different religions and cultures. In general terms:

Good: Goodness is often associated with qualities such as kindness, compassion, honesty, justice, and selflessness. Good actions are those that promote well-being, harmony, and virtue.
Evil: Evil is typically associated with qualities such as cruelty, dishonesty, injustice, selfishness, and malice. Evil actions are those that cause harm, suffering, and discord.
However, specific definitions of good and evil may vary depending on cultural, religious, and philosophical perspectives. What is considered good or evil in one context may not be viewed the same way in another.
Gary Childress
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Re: How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by Gary Childress »

I think "How can world peace be achieved" is a better way of framing the question. It eliminates the "we/they" distinction and throws it back on the lap of each of us, I suppose. It also frames it as a "to do" list for cooperative effort, instead of some heroic conspiracy among "us" against "them".

I think harmony is a key. Taoism seems particularly concerned with harmony between opposites instead of the good vanquishing evil. I think we need to respect China's wisdom also. China is not a "bad guy". Until we can embrace China as a friend and an equal that deserves dignity and respect, then we're going to struggle with trying to force peace unilaterally. I think China is probably as much in favor of peace as we in the West are, perhaps even more so. I don't know. It's difficult at this point to look to Western nations and our mass manufacture of weaponry as conducive of peace.
Veritas Aequitas
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Re: How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

Gary Childress wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 7:25 am
Why so [my typo. Should be the word "do" instead of "so"] some religions divide the world between good and evil and what are good and evil?
The division of the world into categories of good and evil is a common theme in many religions and belief systems. There are several reasons why this division exists:

Moral Guidance: Defining good and evil provides moral guidelines for adherents of a religion to follow. It helps people discern between actions that are considered righteous or virtuous (good) and those that are considered harmful or morally wrong (evil).
Cosmic Battle: Some religions depict the world as a battleground between forces of good and evil. This narrative often serves to explain the existence of suffering and injustice in the world. In these belief systems, adherents may be called to align themselves with the forces of good to overcome evil.
Judgment and Salvation: Many religions incorporate the concept of judgment after death, where individuals are rewarded for their good deeds and punished for their evil actions. This serves as an incentive for adherents to pursue virtuous behavior and avoid wrongdoing.
Cosmology and Creation Myth: The division between good and evil can be rooted in cosmological or creation myths, where the world is created by a deity or deities who establish moral order. These myths often involve the triumph of good over evil, setting the stage for the ongoing struggle between these opposing forces.
As for what constitutes good and evil, this can vary significantly between different religions and cultures. In general terms:

Good: Goodness is often associated with qualities such as kindness, compassion, honesty, justice, and selflessness. Good actions are those that promote well-being, harmony, and virtue.
Evil: Evil is typically associated with qualities such as cruelty, dishonesty, injustice, selfishness, and malice. Evil actions are those that cause harm, suffering, and discord.
However, specific definitions of good and evil may vary depending on cultural, religious, and philosophical perspectives. What is considered good or evil in one context may not be viewed the same way in another.
You asked from the perspective of religion, so you get a religious related answer.
The term evil can be very loose and generally is related to religion and theism but meanings of words evolve with time. Note the term 'gay' once upon a time and now.

One good thing about the present AI, is often open up the topic more widely.
However, specific definitions of good and evil may vary depending on cultural, religious, and philosophical perspectives. What is considered good or evil in one context may not be viewed the same way in another.
Here is the more critical meaning of evil in the present circumstances;
Since World War II, moral, political, and legal philosophers have become increasingly interested in the concept of evil.
This interest has been partly motivated by ascriptions of ‘evil’ by laymen, social scientists, journalists, and politicians as they try to understand and respond to various atrocities and horrors, such as genocides, terrorist attacks, mass murders, and tortures and killing sprees by psychopathic serial killers.
It seems that we cannot capture the moral significance of these actions and their perpetrators by calling them ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ or even ‘very very wrong’ or ‘very very bad.’
We need the concept of evil.
It is by defining certain acts and events more definitively that we can assign the criticalness to those acts and give the appropriate attention to resolve the related problem.
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Re: How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by Walker »

Question: How Can We Achieve World Peace?
Answer: We must evolve. However, We means everyone, so that's a tall order. Could it happen?


The nature of the world now, without world peace, is that life consumes life in order to utilize energy that originated in the sun. Even eating plants is consuming life.

However, when every life form evolves to master photosynthesis, then the nature of the world will change. The world will no longer be predatory in nature.

Without the natural need for predation, which is the need for any life to take life in order to live, a predation upon life that includes even husbandry and farming, then peace will be the new natural order of the world.

Sounds outrageous.

Could such a thing ever happen? Could such a world ever be?

Stranger things are said to have happened … such as all life beginning in a mud puddle.
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Re: How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by Sculptor »

A college professor was "arrested" yesterday by armed men dressed combat style wearing ski masks.
Apparently they were a private security firm ordered by the college authorities.

His "crime"? Wanting a ceasefire in Gaza..

America has lost the plot.
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Re: How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by seeds »

I'm not suggesting that it will lead to world peace, but it certainly couldn't hurt if every nation in the world, besides teaching its children its designated native tongue, would also include in its curriculum a mutually agreed upon world language so as to put an end to this "tower of babel" we've been born into.
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Re: How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by attofishpi »

Philosophy Now wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:11 am How Can We Achieve World Peace?
Easy, just kill all the bad people.
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Re: How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by Dubious »

attofishpi wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 12:05 am
Philosophy Now wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:11 am How Can We Achieve World Peace?
Easy, just kill all the bad people.
...that's what I was going to say! :shock:
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Re: How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by Walker »

Sculptor wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:29 am A college professor was "arrested" yesterday by armed men dressed combat style wearing ski masks.
Apparently they were a private security firm ordered by the college authorities.

His "crime"? Wanting a ceasefire in Gaza..

America has lost the plot.
No, it’s the same old story. Apparently there's a comfort of sorts in repetition, and reality meeting expectations.

This is an election year so it’s Riot Time for the Left. Chaos. Oh boy! Fundamental change time, strap on your helmet.

The occupation of college campuses is the current manifestation of Riot Time, this time around, just as BLM and Defund the Police was the manifestation of Riot Time in 2020. The manifestation changes but the intent remains the same: destroy the USA USA USA.

This time the focus is not George Floyd, or Cease Fire, or the fact that Trump was elected. Remember the rioting after Trump was elected? Of course not.

The current focus for the fundamental changers is the meme … from the River To The Sea, which of course does require a cease fire for the Terrorism of Hamas to regroup before again breaking the cease fire, as they did on October 7, being the lying scum murdering terrorists that they are.

The silence from the Left condemning the campus riots is deafening.

The question is, why haven’t they yet burned down any buildings?

Obviously, the simultaneous rioting on campuses is organized and funded, and the details are simple to track down for a real investigative journalist. However, the naming of names regarding the organizing methods and the funding is not being widely reported, is it. Out of sight, out of mind, and a population grows accustomed to that. It's called, dumbing down, i.e., indoctrination.

Since methods and names of organizing are not being reported then connecting the dots becomes a matter of opinion, doesn't it, which creates a lot of noise and distraction away from simple, obvious causation.

The other question is ... how to blame Trump for all of this?
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Re: How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by Sculptor »

Walker wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 12:33 pm
Sculptor wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:29 am A college professor was "arrested" yesterday by armed men dressed combat style wearing ski masks.
Apparently they were a private security firm ordered by the college authorities.

His "crime"? Wanting a ceasefire in Gaza..

America has lost the plot.
No, it’s the same old story. Apparently there's a comfort of sorts in repetition, and reality meeting expectations.
Until you wake up it's pointless reading your stuff.
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Re: How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Post by Walker »

Sculptor wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 12:37 pm
Until you wake up it's pointless reading your stuff.
This is not a rare occasion of your failure to not meet expectations.
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