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Noah's Ark

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:22 pm
by Gary Childress
Had I been alive at the time of Noah and were the story of the Flood and the Ark true, I imagine I would have been one of the people God drowned. Probably all of us here on Philosophy Now would.

Had I lived in Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 40s, I would probably have been among the Gypsies, Jews and the mentally and physically disabled that the Nazis interned in the concentration camps.

I suppose just about all of us would be murdered by some group out there. There are many who have tried to make the world a 'better' place (in their opinion) by getting rid of somebody else.

I would like to say, "let's all just get along" but that's been made into a cliche/joke.

Oh well, let life continue. Carry on. I now return you to our regular broadcast programming.

Re: Noah's Ark

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 1:03 am
by Age
Gary Childress wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:22 pm Had I been alive at the time of Noah and were the story of the Flood and the Ark true, I imagine I would have been one of the people God drowned. Probably all of us here on Philosophy Now would.
How many human beings were on the ark, in the story?

If, like all of the other animals, there were only two human beings, that is; a male and a female one, and "noah" was one of those human being animals', then what you imagine here sounds about perfectly Right.

But, also let us not forget that what was meant by the 'drowned' word, which was being used in, let us not forget, was just 'a story', could be just 'wash', 'clean down', or a 'reset' of things. What could have been talked about or referred to was just a 'flooding of a cleanse' of things, which may have been needed.

Remember, 'parables' can obtain many different meanings, and/or can be pertaining to many different things, which might not come across on first hearing nor on first glance.
Gary Childress wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:22 pm Had I lived in Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 40s, I would probably have been among the Gypsies, Jews and the mentally and physically disabled that the Nazis interned in the concentration camps.
But, then again, you might have been one of the mentally disabled ones that thought killing human beings was 'normal' and/or 'good', also.

Or, you 'could have' been many other different 'things', if you were born in other different 'times'.

Also, you appear to be always completely forgetting that all human beings so-call 'die' anyway.
Gary Childress wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:22 pm I suppose just about all of us would be murdered by some group out there. There are many who have tried to make the world a 'better' place (in their opinion) by getting rid of somebody else.
There are governments in so-called the "united states of america" are still, even in the days when this is being written, 'getting rid of' of some human beings, ironically, in the name of 'making the world a better place'.
Gary Childress wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:22 pm I would like to say, "let's all just get along" but that's been made into a cliche/joke.
But, because of governments, especially like the ones in the so-called "united states of america" have infiltrated and indoctrinated "its citizens" to 'grow up' hating and judging "others", there is 'now' a whole generation of older human beings who 'believe' that it is 'better' and/or 'safer' to just 'not get along with others'. And, the saddest part of this is those exact same 'adults' are teaching future generations of 'children' the exact same Wrong way to misbehave, in Life.
Gary Childress wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:22 pm Oh well, let life continue. Carry on. I now return you to our regular broadcast programming.
As long as you have 'interrupted' 'the programming' and have 'shown' others how much of 'a victim' you really are, in Life, then 'we' can resume back to our 'regular programming' right "gary childress"?

Re: Noah's Ark

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:19 am
by Age
Hi "gary childress", why did you remove your questions here about what would have happened? To me they were good questions.

Re: Noah's Ark

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 8:59 pm
by Gary Childress
Age wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:19 am Hi "gary childress", why did you remove your questions here about what would have happened? To me they were good questions.
They're not important. The world is a horrible place for most people. And there's little any of the rest of us can do to sway our governments to behave differently.

Re: Noah's Ark

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:09 pm
by Greatest I am
Gary Childress wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2024 8:59 pm
Age wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:19 am Hi "gary childress", why did you remove your questions here about what would have happened? To me they were good questions.
They're not important. The world is a horrible place for most people. And there's little any of the rest of us can do to sway our governments to behave differently.

Not to quibble or downplay the hurt of the evil remaining on our world does, but as statisticians of evil like Prof. Pinker show, the vast majority will in fact have great and un-eventful lives, in terms of a evil visiting us.

Most markers for evil are the best that we have ever enjoyed, even as we have to suffer the blips from Russia and others messing up our long term stats.

Re: Noah's Ark

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:55 pm
by Age
Gary Childress wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2024 8:59 pm
Age wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:19 am Hi "gary childress", why did you remove your questions here about what would have happened? To me they were good questions.
They're not important.
How would you know that 'the answers' to, your removed questions, were not going important?
Gary Childress wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2024 8:59 pm The world is a horrible place for most people.
News stories about a few million people or even about a billion people is not about 'most people'.

Also the 'actual world', that is the earth itself, is the exact opposite of being a horrible place. For every known other place in the whole of the Universe 'this world', the earth, is actually heaven and the only real place that any one would prefer to start 'their life' on.

However, in saying that, 'the world', that is, 'the way of life' you adult human beings have caused and created, and are causing and creating, for others, because of your Wrongly learned greedy and selfish ways, can be and are causing and creating Truly horrific places, on earth.
Gary Childress wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2024 8:59 pm And there's little any of the rest of us can do to sway our governments to behave differently.
Well this is very True, when 'your', originally voted in, governments falsify elections so that they continually get so-called 'voted in', later on.

But, until that happens, there is a lot the rest of you can do. That is; do not give 'your power' to others, and especially do not give it to those who are obviously self-obsessed and who obviously want to have and take over full control of you and others.

Any one who tries to get 'your vote' by saying and claiming that 'they' will protect 'you', from ' others', is a sure sign that they 'want you' to be 'following them' in such a way that you will end up under 'their spell', so that they can and will take and have control 'over you'.

If the 'rest of you' vote in self-obsessed, greedy, and selfish human beings, especially while looking up to them as 'your protectors', after they have fooled and deceived 'you' into believing that you need 'protection', then I suggest to not be too surprised when you end up living under 'a dictatorship'.