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A new ontological argument

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 6:23 pm
by Philosopher19
Whatever's perfectly x is indubitably x (for example, a perfect triangle is indubitably triangular. An imperfect triangle's triangularity can be faulted/doubted/rejected)
Whatever's perfectly existing is indubitably existing.

Semantically/objectively we know what's perfectly triangular (a perfect triangle)
Semantically/objectively do we know what's perfectly existing?

There is nothing better than a perfect existence or a perfect being. If x is a perfect existence/being, then x exists perfectly. This is semantically/objectively contradictory to deny (just as it is semantically/objectively contradictory to deny that triangles are triangular).

Do we know what a perfect existence/being is?
God (or the perfectly omnipresent. Existence is Omnipresent. God and Existence denote the same. A truly perfect being and a truly perfect existence denote the same)

Given 1-4, God indubitably exists.