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Osho accepts Godliness but not God. What do You say?

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 4:01 pm
by dattaswami
Osho accepts Godliness but not God. What do You say?
[Ms. Thrylokya asked: Osho says that good qualities like love, egolessness, etc., are God. He accepts these qualities as Godliness and does not accept God. He says that Godliness, which is any of these divine qualities can be experienced. Swami, this concept seems to be good and there is no place for any objection. What do You say?]

Swami replied:- The main objection to this concept is that God must exist to utter the word Godliness. I deal this question in two stages:-

1st stage:- Is love or Godliness an inert quality (like weight of matter, propagation of energy waves, etc.) or quality of awareness (like happiness, suffering, etc.)? You or anybody will certainly say that love, egolessness, etc., are the qualities of awareness.

2nd stage:- Do you agree that the awareness cannot exist independently without a container? We observe awareness is always contained by a body as in the case of insect or bird or animal or human being. You cannot find awareness independently as an item in isolated state.

Conclusion:- Love is the quality of awareness and awareness must always be contained in a container. Therefore, it is very clear conclusion that the love is present in awareness and awareness is present in a body or personality. Hence, God is with awareness. This means that God is a person containing awareness that contains good qualities like love, egolessness, etc. This clearly concludes the existence of a divine personality called God. This is a logical derivation based on the concept of Osho himself and hence, Osho cannot object his concept and this conclusion is derived from his own concept. Love is in awareness and awareness is in a body. Such body with awareness having love-quality is called as God.

If you want to have the perception of God, you can take the human incarnation like Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Mahaveer Jain, etc. Actually, we say that God is unimaginable because He is beyond space without spacial dimensions having these good qualities. Such unimaginable God is mediated with energetic form to become energetic incarnation and is mediated with human form to become human incarnation. Hence, incarnation is visible unimaginable God. The genuine miracles or unimaginable incidents are performed by the incarnation and hence we infer the unimaginable God in the incarnation, which performs miracles.

You cannot argue that any human being having love alone is God. In that case, every human being is God. Even if you say that every human being is God, you are accepting the God as a person and your concept is closed here itself. But the human incarnation has unimaginable love. To filter such special human being having unimaginable love from the rest humanity, we have also introduced the quality of omnipotence through miracles. You cannot find even a trace of miracle in any human being except the human incarnation. Such human incarnation is present as we have seen the latest Satya Sai Baba.