imaginary cheaters and true evil bastards

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imaginary cheaters and true evil bastards

Post by Advocate »

Eugene Varshavsky and Marki (Team Heretic) were robbed.

Eugene won third in a sudoku tournament but had his outcome and prize confiscated because of suspicions. The nature of statistical probability is that it is a measurement of uncertainty. They couldn't understand how he could have won, given other things they knew about him. They then tested him and based on results that were not the tournament, not the same conditions as the tournament, and NOT THE FUCKING TOURNAMENT, decided it was impossible for him to have done what he apparently did do. In other words, they went from "we can't understand how he could have done it" to " now we Really can't understand how he could have done it" and counted that as evidence more meaningful than the apparent Fact, caught on video in front of everyone, of what he actually Did do. When suspicion is sufficient to be counted as evidence and nothing plus nothing equals something, that's the epitome of injustice.

Marki experienced a bug in a fortnite tournament. Another bug had knocked him out of a previous round. This bug worked to his advantage. He was kicked out for cheating despite the obvious double-standard and the fact that he instigated nothing. When money is on the line a business cannot have the right to arbitrarily decide what is "intended" as part of the game's programming and what's a bug, after the fact. The time for that is long passed. It is both utterly immoral And immature to remove someone from a tournament because of your own shortcomings, and far worse to then claim they've acted immorally. That's the epitome of injustice.
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