Why the West is morally superior

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Why the West is morally superior

Post by philosopher »

The West may not be militarily or economically superior to say China, Saudi Arabia etc. It may be, but it may well turn out that China becomes the world largest superpower, unfortunately.

But I will argue why The West (Western Europe+US/Canada+Australia and maybe even countries in Asia/Middle East under Western protection, like Japan, South Korea, Israel but excluding Saudi Arabia, even though they are protected by U.S. but they certainly do not share Western values).

It has all to do with the understanding of basic human rights. Not that I'm saying they're not imposing Death Penalty (they do execute a lot in South Korea, Japan and U.S.) or that none of them have censorship (media censorship is tough in Australia, France and Germany amongst other countries).

It has to do with the degree of human rights (freedom of speech, the seperation of state - judicial, governing and executive, and the right to political representation ie. the right to vote) is of a much higher level in The West or countries influenced by Western Ideal, than in any other part of the world.

China has always had a history of surveillance and mass-executions and heavy censorship + Despotism - back to the earliest Dynasties.
So has Russia with its Tsars, and the entire Middle East with all its sultans, despot kings etc.

From the Ancient Europe (Greece, Rome) very few rulers possessed absolute power. Caesar did, but he was assassinated.
The same fate happened to a lot of other despots in Europe. We never shared the same "need" for despotism in Europe, like they did/do in China, and this is what makes The West morally superior to the Chinese.

Religious freedom has also been very much thought of since Ancient Rome. Even in the Middle Ages, but in the late-middle ages, Cathars and other Heretics were burned at the stake, and the Protestant Reformation gave us the Witch-burnings and the Baroque through to the 19th century despotism in many European countries and the Slave-era from the 1500s-1860s. Those were dark chapters in our history, like Holocaust in 1930-1945.

China and the Middle East has had not one or two or three, maybe four dark chapters of its history. It had one - but it lasted throughout its entire history from Ancient through pre-modern to Modern which continues to this day.

Generally speaking, the West is simply put a much nicer place to live, than anywhere else on Earth, and its not due to our resources. China has plenty of resources - like Oil, Minerals etc. and plenty of space. The Middle East was the Fertile Crescent and to this day, it has a lot of oil.

It has to do with our MORAL values. U.S. may have Death Penalty, but the U.S. don't kill as many people as they do in China - even if we look at executions pr. capita, China is the leading World Executioner.

U.S. also don't execute people merely for their religious beliefs or speech - it is reserved for murder and treason.
China impose Death Penalty for minor offences as well, even speaking out against the regime.

Any nation under influence from Saudi Arabia, China, Syria, Russia or any other despot state, is a cruel and barbaric place to live in.
You really don't want to live in any Asian country, unless its name is Japan or South Korea. You don't want to live in any other continent unless it is Europe (The Western side), North America or Australia.

And the reasons has nothing to do with our wealth & prosperity. Our Wealth & Prosperity throughout history has all to do with our basic moral values, to never trust a despot, to scatter our people and beliefs and be diverse - together.

However, present day Europe may be the end to this story. Nationalism is becoming really ugly these days. Just look at Orban's Hungary, or Poland, Austria and even the U.S.

Nationalism is making more and more European countries fall into despotism and becoming less European and more... Asian. In every aspect, Hungary and Poland is much more Asian/Middle Eastern in its way of thinking, than France or Germany.

If you don't get rid of Trump, U.S. will fall too - into the hands of the Chinese/Russian sphere of influence. It won't be pretty.
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Re: Why the West is morally superior

Post by gaffo »

philosopher wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:02 pm The West may not be militarily or economically superior to say China, Saudi Arabia etc. It may be, but it may well turn out that China becomes the world largest superpower, unfortunately.

But I will argue why The West (Western Europe+US/Canada+Australia and maybe even countries in Asia/Middle East under Western protection, like Japan, South Korea, Israel but excluding Saudi Arabia, even though they are protected by U.S. but they certainly do not share Western values).

It has all to do with the understanding of basic human rights. Not that I'm saying they're not imposing Death Penalty (they do execute a lot in South Korea, Japan and U.S.) or that none of them have censorship (media censorship is tough in Australia, France and Germany amongst other countries).

It has to do with the degree of human rights (freedom of speech, the seperation of state - judicial, governing and executive, and the right to political representation ie. the right to vote) is of a much higher level in The West or countries influenced by Western Ideal, than in any other part of the world.

China has always had a history of surveillance and mass-executions and heavy censorship + Despotism - back to the earliest Dynasties.
So has Russia with its Tsars, and the entire Middle East with all its sultans, despot kings etc.

From the Ancient Europe (Greece, Rome) very few rulers possessed absolute power. Caesar did, but he was assassinated.
The same fate happened to a lot of other despots in Europe. We never shared the same "need" for despotism in Europe, like they did/do in China, and this is what makes The West morally superior to the Chinese.

Religious freedom has also been very much thought of since Ancient Rome. Even in the Middle Ages, but in the late-middle ages, Cathars and other Heretics were burned at the stake, and the Protestant Reformation gave us the Witch-burnings and the Baroque through to the 19th century despotism in many European countries and the Slave-era from the 1500s-1860s. Those were dark chapters in our history, like Holocaust in 1930-1945.

China and the Middle East has had not one or two or three, maybe four dark chapters of its history. It had one - but it lasted throughout its entire history from Ancient through pre-modern to Modern which continues to this day.

Generally speaking, the West is simply put a much nicer place to live, than anywhere else on Earth, and its not due to our resources. China has plenty of resources - like Oil, Minerals etc. and plenty of space. The Middle East was the Fertile Crescent and to this day, it has a lot of oil.

It has to do with our MORAL values. U.S. may have Death Penalty, but the U.S. don't kill as many people as they do in China - even if we look at executions pr. capita, China is the leading World Executioner.

U.S. also don't execute people merely for their religious beliefs or speech - it is reserved for murder and treason.
China impose Death Penalty for minor offences as well, even speaking out against the regime.

Any nation under influence from Saudi Arabia, China, Syria, Russia or any other despot state, is a cruel and barbaric place to live in.
You really don't want to live in any Asian country, unless its name is Japan or South Korea. You don't want to live in any other continent unless it is Europe (The Western side), North America or Australia.

And the reasons has nothing to do with our wealth & prosperity. Our Wealth & Prosperity throughout history has all to do with our basic moral values, to never trust a despot, to scatter our people and beliefs and be diverse - together.

However, present day Europe may be the end to this story. Nationalism is becoming really ugly these days. Just look at Orban's Hungary, or Poland, Austria and even the U.S.

Nationalism is making more and more European countries fall into despotism and becoming less European and more... Asian. In every aspect, Hungary and Poland is much more Asian/Middle Eastern in its way of thinking, than France or Germany.

If you don't get rid of Trump, U.S. will fall too - into the hands of the Chinese/Russian sphere of influence. It won't be pretty.
what your point Sir?

BTW leave "The west out" concuring Isreal - as long as they illegally occuy the Westbank and deny Palistinian living thier (and Gazan's who are now Stateless - but still under Israeli control in real world reality) Israeli citizenship, Israel is NOT a Western power, but a thuggish colonial power - not "Western" in any way................after they leave the WB (will never happen - 20 yrs too late for)- allow Pali's citizenship, then Israel will be part of the West.

India - after Modi leaves - will be a Western hedge to counter China. thankfully.
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Re: Why the West is morally superior

Post by -1- »

philosopher wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:02 pm The West may not be militarily or economically superior to say China, Saudi Arabia etc. It may be, but it may well turn out that China becomes the world largest superpower, unfortunately.

But I will argue why The West (Western Europe+US/Canada+Australia and maybe even countries in Asia/Middle East under Western protection, like Japan, South Korea, Israel but excluding Saudi Arabia, even though they are protected by U.S. but they certainly do not share Western values).

It has all to do with the understanding of basic human rights. Not that I'm saying they're not imposing Death Penalty (they do execute a lot in South Korea, Japan and U.S.) or that none of them have censorship (media censorship is tough in Australia, France and Germany amongst other countries).

It has to do with the degree of human rights (freedom of speech, the seperation of state - judicial, governing and executive, and the right to political representation ie. the right to vote) is of a much higher level in The West or countries influenced by Western Ideal, than in any other part of the world.

China has always had a history of surveillance and mass-executions and heavy censorship + Despotism - back to the earliest Dynasties.
So has Russia with its Tsars, and the entire Middle East with all its sultans, despot kings etc.

From the Ancient Europe (Greece, Rome) very few rulers possessed absolute power. Caesar did, but he was assassinated.
The same fate happened to a lot of other despots in Europe. We never shared the same "need" for despotism in Europe, like they did/do in China, and this is what makes The West morally superior to the Chinese.

Religious freedom has also been very much thought of since Ancient Rome. Even in the Middle Ages, but in the late-middle ages, Cathars and other Heretics were burned at the stake, and the Protestant Reformation gave us the Witch-burnings and the Baroque through to the 19th century despotism in many European countries and the Slave-era from the 1500s-1860s. Those were dark chapters in our history, like Holocaust in 1930-1945.

China and the Middle East has had not one or two or three, maybe four dark chapters of its history. It had one - but it lasted throughout its entire history from Ancient through pre-modern to Modern which continues to this day.

Generally speaking, the West is simply put a much nicer place to live, than anywhere else on Earth, and its not due to our resources. China has plenty of resources - like Oil, Minerals etc. and plenty of space. The Middle East was the Fertile Crescent and to this day, it has a lot of oil.

It has to do with our MORAL values. U.S. may have Death Penalty, but the U.S. don't kill as many people as they do in China - even if we look at executions pr. capita, China is the leading World Executioner.

U.S. also don't execute people merely for their religious beliefs or speech - it is reserved for murder and treason.
China impose Death Penalty for minor offences as well, even speaking out against the regime.

Any nation under influence from Saudi Arabia, China, Syria, Russia or any other despot state, is a cruel and barbaric place to live in.
You really don't want to live in any Asian country, unless its name is Japan or South Korea. You don't want to live in any other continent unless it is Europe (The Western side), North America or Australia.

And the reasons has nothing to do with our wealth & prosperity. Our Wealth & Prosperity throughout history has all to do with our basic moral values, to never trust a despot, to scatter our people and beliefs and be diverse - together.

However, present day Europe may be the end to this story. Nationalism is becoming really ugly these days. Just look at Orban's Hungary, or Poland, Austria and even the U.S.

Nationalism is making more and more European countries fall into despotism and becoming less European and more... Asian. In every aspect, Hungary and Poland is much more Asian/Middle Eastern in its way of thinking, than France or Germany.

If you don't get rid of Trump, U.S. will fall too - into the hands of the Chinese/Russian sphere of influence. It won't be pretty.
What do you mean by morality? You did not say at all what makes the west more moral. You talked about systems of governing, systems of communication, human rights, but not an iota on morality.

Do you even know what "ethics" and "morality" mean? They don't mean that you can vote. They don't mean that your economy runs on the free market system. They don't mean that the system of governance is not despotism or tyranny.

You are not presenting a case promised in the title of your thesis.
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Re: Why the West is morally superior

Post by Dachshund »

gaffo wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2019 2:19 am

what your point Sir?

BTW leave "The west out" concuring Isreal - as long as they illegally occuy the Westbank and deny Palistinian living thier (and Gazan's who are now Stateless - but still under Israeli control in real world reality) Israeli citizenship, Israel is NOT a Western power, but a thuggish colonial power - not "Western" in any way................after they leave the WB (will never happen - 20 yrs too late for)- allow Pali's citizenship, then Israel will be part of the West.

India - after Modi leaves - will be a Western hedge to counter China. thankfully
The Israelis are not terrorists, they are a civilsed . intelligent people who are heirs to a very rich and sophisticated culture.They are a peaceful people, they do not harbour any Islamic terrorist groups like HAMAS. But, by the same token, when they are threatened , as they have been in the past, by scum like Yassar Arafat, they will staunchly defend their State.

The majority of Palestinians as Muslims. They follow the faith of Islam and their religion's holy scripture's (The Koran, the Sunnah, the Hadith) and have been indoctrinated into their violent (and frankly evil) content from childhood, so that they believe Westerners are infidels or "kafirs" who must either convert to Islam or die by the sword. Islam, in fact, is better understood not as a bone fide religious faith at all but a form of expansionist totalitarian fascist ideology that seeks to conquer the world by force.

Palestinians practice barbaric Sharia law, a legal code whose medieval punishments breach just about every human right in the book. Why? Because the average IQ of Palestinians is quite low.

Personally, I regard any Muslim to be (1) a sworn enemy of the West and (2) a brutish, primitive savage. And I don't give a shit if it wasn't their fault they were born that way. The reality is that right now they are enemies of the West and given the slightest opportunity in the future they will launch a violent onslaught ("jihad") against us. If you think it could never happen, there are a lot of high-ranking political and military analysts (like Samuel Huntington for ex) who disagree.

As for the West Bank I would rather have it occupied by cultured, civilised human beings than brainless swine who still haven't worked out how to put together a vaguely decent, civil society for themselves.

If you're such big advocate for Palestine, why don't you book a 3 - month holiday there? I'm sure a white boy from the West would be greeted with open arms. You could get a job with HAMAS throwing Molotov Cocktails at the Israeli border guards. Then again You might get locked up on suspicion of being a Yankee spy and thrown into a filthy prison, tortured or maybe just summarily executed for being a white Westerner but hey, that all part of the "local colour" and it would be a great adventure while it lasted, right.

And finally, don't forget the two original fountainheads of Western culture were the (spiritual) cities of ATHENS (rational discourse) and JERUSALEM (Judeo-Christian morality). You are right that Western culture is objectively superior to all other past and present world high cultures. It is the greatest culture ever to have emerged in the 6000 year history of human civilisation. Tragically, however, the core principles of Western culture are now dying. This can be seen most clearly in America. After 1965, the US was flooded for 40 + years with mass immigration from Third world states. This will sound racist, but I couldn't give a toss, the point is that from its ancient roots in the warrior tribes of Indo - Europeans who spread up to Scandinavia, from the Germanic tribes they gave rise to , to the Vikings, to the Anglo-Saxons to the birth of Western civilisation in France at around 1020 AD with the Cluniac reforms, Western culture/civilisation has been created solely by the White European race. (That's a fact, I'm afraid.) When a country like the US becomes a white-minority nation as a result of mass non-white European, third world immigration (this , BTW, is due to happen by 2042), then, its native Western culture is doomed. You see, Western culture, apart from being the greatest culture this world has ever produced is also VERY unique, it is a unique creation of the white European mind/soul. No other ethnic/racial group could ever have realised it. A white European American man will defend his nation's Western culture, because he appreciates that it is his inheritance, something of great value that was gifted to him by his forebears; equally, the principles of Western culture are an expression of a world-view that is written in his blood/DNA, they resonate with something deep in his being. On the other hand, Ethic/racial groups who are not white European value their own cultures, and they will have no desire to uphold and maintain "whitey's" culture, once "whitey" become a minority group.

Finally, as for morality. Morality is about "good" and "bad," So what is "good"? Good is (1) What is life-affirming (2) What is good does not harm (inflict any physical/psychological suffering) either on oneself or others unless there is some compelling, rational justification for doing so. If you want to understand the superior morality of the West then you will find it explained in detail by reading Nietzsche's accounts of (1) Life Affirmation, and (2) The Will to Power. The two concepts are complementary and they formed the basis of his whole philosophy. And before you make the predictable objection, NO the NAZIS' interpretation of Nietzsche's Will to Power is was not a valid interpretation of what he meant by the concept.


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Re: Why the West is morally superior

Post by gaffo »

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm
gaffo wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2019 2:19 am

what your point Sir?

BTW leave "The west out" concuring Isreal - as long as they illegally occuy the Westbank and deny Palistinian living thier (and Gazan's who are now Stateless - but still under Israeli control in real world reality) Israeli citizenship, Israel is NOT a Western power, but a thuggish colonial power - not "Western" in any way................after they leave the WB (will never happen - 20 yrs too late for)- allow Pali's citizenship, then Israel will be part of the West.

India - after Modi leaves - will be a Western hedge to counter China. thankfully
The Israelis are not terrorists, they are a civilsed
they have elected 2 times - soon a 3rd time (even after corruption charges in thier courts) - a fascist-racist.

that make the electorate racist fascists too (no doubt the 1/5 of Israelis who are Arabs did not vote for the fascist pig 2-3 times).

so Israel/Israelis are fascist pigs (the 80-percent of at least).
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Re: Why the West is morally superior

Post by gaffo »

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm They are a peaceful people,

peaceful people do not allow thier gov to illegally (per the 4th geneva accord thier gov signed 60 yrs ago) occupy a people and their lands for 50 yrs without representation in the gov that occupies them.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm they do not harbour any Islamic terrorist groups like HAMAS.
correct, their is no need for the Israelis/their gov to do so.

instead they just need to "look good" while shitting on the 4th geneva accords and continue to build settlements until "judia and summaria" becomes "Greater Israel" (liebestrum).

now a done deal, Palistinians are now American Indians in reservations - but unlike the latter, who are affirmed American Citizenship, the former are denied Israeli citizenship.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm But, by the same token, when they are threatened , as they have been in the past, by scum like Yassar Arafat, they will staunchly defend their State..
agreed, palistinians these last 50 yrs have not gotten any merit badges, but thier moral conduct bar is lower - as it could and is sadly (not should) be since they are the ones being illegally occupied Sir!

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm The majority of Palestinians as Muslims.
Christian Palistinians that used to number 10 percent are now 1 percent (most left the hellhole to other lands since 1968) - is the Religions makup of palis today relivant here?

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm They follow the faith of Islam and their religion's holy scripture's (The Koran, the Sunnah, the Hadith) and have been indoctrinated into their violent (and frankly evil) content from childhood, so that they believe Westerners are infidels or "kafirs" who must either convert to Islam or die by the sword. Islam, in fact, is better understood not as a bone fide religious faith at all but a form of expansionist totalitarian fascist ideology that seeks to conquer the world by force.
the above shows you as a narrowminded bigot - blaming Islam for Israel's immoral conduct of illegally dissalowing peoples they occupy human dignaty and israeli citizenship.

if you show a mind willing to discuss - stuff like right vs wrong (with using your hate of Islam to justify Israel illegel occupation of 2 million people in the name of "Security" (in violation of 4th geneva accords).........................then GREAT, lets discuss.

of not - your mind is too blinded by Fox news talking points and hate for a religion i personally do not like so much in general (though some of i do - as with Christianity and Judaism - some, but not most of)....then you frankly are not worth my time. Deprograming is not i field, nor do i have the patience.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm Palestinians practice barbaric Sharia law, a legal code whose medieval punishments breach just about every human right in the book.
some do, most do not.

do you know of Koch? and the founder Merr Kanhane? do you know of Baruch Goldstein? - those two THUGS are worshiped (by Judiac asshats living in the Westbank currently) as heros today, the former championed "cattlecars" to remove 2 million Palistinians by force, the latter murdered 38? at the Tomb of the Patriachs 23 yrs ago.

Naziyahoo at the time said Goldstein was a "mad man" - not he was a Judiac Fundie (Halacha) Kirat Arga and most of the rest of the Jews living in the WB are now Fasict thugs willing to view all Arabs as animals and fine with killing/removing off of the land they have lived on for millinia.

Halacha =Sharia.

educate yourself and don't waste my time.

I support Rule of Law, right (not Reich) vs wrong, and oppose illegal occupation.

unlike you Sir.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm Why? Because the average IQ of Palestinians is quite low.
I now understand your mentality - snipped the rest of your post - you are white supremist, not worlh my time.

give Naziyahoo my regards "sir". had i read the above before wasting my time with replylng to you as one of clear mind and heart to another via reading earlier part of you post................I'd not have wasted 30 minutes conversing with you.

good day "sir".
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Re: Why the West is morally superior

Post by gaffo »

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm You could get a job with HAMAS throwing Molotov Cocktails at the Israeli border guards.
and shot by said border guards.

why am i replying to a white supremist? you are not worth my time, but guess so since i am wasting my time with you.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm Then again You might get locked up on suspicion of being a Yankee spy and thrown into a filthy prison, tortured or maybe just summarily executed for being a white Westerner

"spy" give you away, you really are clueless, you seem to think the Palis via Hamas in the WB have their own jails.

they don't, if I'm put in jail or killed while throwing MC at Israeli border guards, the jail will be an Israeli one - as will be the bullet killing me.

you really are clueless of reality in the real world WRT to the West Bank and who/what controls/have jails/kills.


lol, clueless.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm but hey, that all part of the "local colour" and it would be a great adventure while it lasted, right.

Last edited by gaffo on Sun Apr 07, 2019 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why the West is morally superior

Post by gaffo »

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm You could get a job with HAMAS throwing Molotov Cocktails at the Israeli border guards.
and shot by said border guards.

why am i replying to a white supremist? you are not worth my time, but guess so since i am wasting my time with you.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm Then again You might get locked up on suspicion of being a Yankee spy and thrown into a filthy prison, tortured or maybe just summarily executed for being a white Westerner

"spy" give you away, you really are clueless, you seem to think the Palis via Hamas in the WB have their own jails.

they don't, if I'm put in jail or killed while throwing MC at Israeli border guards, the jail will be an Israeli one - as will be the bullet killing me.

you really are clueless of reality in the real world WRT to the West Bank and who/what controls/have jails/kills.


lol, clueless.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm but hey, that all part of the "local colour" and it would be a great adventure while it lasted, right.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm And finally, don't forget the two original fountainheads of Western culture were the (spiritual) cities of ATHENS (rational discourse) and JERUSALEM (Judeo-Christian morality). You are right that Western culture is objectively superior to all other past and present world high cultures. It is the greatest culture ever to have emerged in the 6000 year history of human civilisation.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm Tragically, however, the core principles of Western culture are now dying.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm This can be seen most clearly in America.

no, not 1965, but more aptly post 1995 or so.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm After 1965, the US was flooded for 40 + years with mass immigration from Third world states. This will sound racist,

yes it will iam sure and yes i think you are.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm but I couldn't give a toss,
concur, you don't give a shit if you are a racist or not.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm the point is that from its ancient roots in the warrior tribes of Indo - Europeans who spread up to Scandinavia, from the Germanic tribes they gave rise to , to the Vikings, to the Anglo-Saxons to the birth of Western civilisation in France at around 1020 AD with the Cluniac reforms, Western culture/civilisation has been created solely by the White European race.

noting your WS racism, i will also not your poor historical knowledge.

1. Indo-European - per warrior tribes (Hittites) means geographically Kazistan, Persians and Turks (your hated Moosilms!!!!!!) brown folks, not lighters Scandinavians.

2. Folks lived in Scandinavia - Lappanders/etc anyone? - not Germans! Scandinavians and Germans shared a similar pagan religion - the latter never moved into/colonized the former lands. Germans are not Scandinavians.

3. Scandinavian Tribes gave rise to the Vikings, not the Germans!

4. anglo-saxons were Dutch, not Danish (so not Vikings), nor German!

5. Western Civilization is all thanks to the Romans and the prior Greeks (not due to Germans, nor Anglo-Sazons, nor Franks or Danish), with help from the English who re-discovered the former's works and adopted them for their own.

you have little historical knowledge, just seem to me a racist that make up history to support your erronious historical revisionism.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm (That's a fact, I'm afraid.)

ya ok, if you say so.

my bad, i'm wrong about history, you said so and so it is so.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm When a country like the US becomes a white-minority nation as a result of mass non-white European, third world immigration (this , BTW, is due to happen by 2042), then, its native Western culture is doomed.
make sure your white sheet is pressed and cleaned for all to see when you march in the street.

make us proud.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm You see, Western culture, apart from being the greatest culture this world has ever produced is also VERY unique,
yes it is!

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm it is a unique creation of the white European mind/soul.

Indians - who are not european (but via colonializm by the Brits have adopted Western Culture) value and affirm Western Culture.

thier mind/soul is the same as mine, though my ancestery is European and theirs is not.

but you are "different" aren't you? you deny that they have the same mind/soul as me for they were not born as europeans.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm No other ethnic/racial group could ever have realised it.


Brits via the Romans via the Greeks (not the Germans are not included here bubba) realized Western culture in the last 2500 yrs...................after living in Europe for what? 50,000 yrs!!!!!!!!!!! so in otherwords "white european minds and souls lived as all other lesser races in europe for 47,500 yrs picking and sniffing their own assholes for eons.

yep, "thats a fact i'm afraid"

..........goodbye, hope you look good in white, you don't look good otherwise IMO.
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Re: Why the West is morally superior

Post by Dachshund »

gaffo wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2019 2:26 am
Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm You could get a job with HAMAS throwing Molotov Cocktails at the Israeli border guards.
and shot by said border guards.

why am i replying to a white supremist? you are not worth my time, but guess so since i am wasting my time with you.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm Then again You might get locked up on suspicion of being a Yankee spy and thrown into a filthy prison, tortured or maybe just summarily executed for being a white Westerner

"spy" give you away, you really are clueless, you seem to think the Palis via Hamas in the WB have their own jails.

they don't, if I'm put in jail or killed while throwing MC at Israeli border guards, the jail will be an Israeli one - as will be the bullet killing me.

you really are clueless of reality in the real world WRT to the West Bank and who/what controls/have jails/kills.


lol, clueless.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm but hey, that all part of the "local colour" and it would be a great adventure while it lasted, right.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm And finally, don't forget the two original fountainheads of Western culture were the (spiritual) cities of ATHENS (rational discourse) and JERUSALEM (Judeo-Christian morality). You are right that Western culture is objectively superior to all other past and present world high cultures. It is the greatest culture ever to have emerged in the 6000 year history of human civilisation.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm Tragically, however, the core principles of Western culture are now dying.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm This can be seen most clearly in America.

no, not 1965, but more aptly post 1995 or so.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm After 1965, the US was flooded for 40 + years with mass immigration from Third world states. This will sound racist,

yes it will iam sure and yes i think you are.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm but I couldn't give a toss,
concur, you don't give a shit if you are a racist or not.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm the point is that from its ancient roots in the warrior tribes of Indo - Europeans who spread up to Scandinavia, from the Germanic tribes they gave rise to , to the Vikings, to the Anglo-Saxons to the birth of Western civilisation in France at around 1020 AD with the Cluniac reforms, Western culture/civilisation has been created solely by the White European race.

noting your WS racism, i will also not your poor historical knowledge.

1. Indo-European - per warrior tribes (Hittites) means geographically Kazistan, Persians and Turks (your hated Moosilms!!!!!!) brown folks, not lighters Scandinavians.

2. Folks lived in Scandinavia - Lappanders/etc anyone? - not Germans! Scandinavians and Germans shared a similar pagan religion - the latter never moved into/colonized the former lands. Germans are not Scandinavians.

3. Scandinavian Tribes gave rise to the Vikings, not the Germans!

4. anglo-saxons were Dutch, not Danish (so not Vikings), nor German!

5. Western Civilization is all thanks to the Romans and the prior Greeks (not due to Germans, nor Anglo-Sazons, nor Franks or Danish), with help from the English who re-discovered the former's works and adopted them for their own.

you have little historical knowledge, just seem to me a racist that make up history to support your erronious historical revisionism.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm (That's a fact, I'm afraid.)

ya ok, if you say so.

my bad, i'm wrong about history, you said so and so it is so.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm When a country like the US becomes a white-minority nation as a result of mass non-white European, third world immigration (this , BTW, is due to happen by 2042), then, its native Western culture is doomed.
make sure your white sheet is pressed and cleaned for all to see when you march in the street.

make us proud.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm You see, Western culture, apart from being the greatest culture this world has ever produced is also VERY unique,
yes it is!

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm it is a unique creation of the white European mind/soul.

Indians - who are not european (but via colonializm by the Brits have adopted Western Culture) value and affirm Western Culture.

thier mind/soul is the same as mine, though my ancestery is European and theirs is not.

but you are "different" aren't you? you deny that they have the same mind/soul as me for they were not born as europeans.

Dachshund wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 pm No other ethnic/racial group could ever have realised it.


Brits via the Romans via the Greeks (not the Germans are not included here bubba) realized Western culture in the last 2500 yrs...................after living in Europe for what? 50,000 yrs!!!!!!!!!!! so in otherwords "white european minds and souls lived as all other lesser races in europe for 47,500 yrs picking and sniffing their own assholes for eons.

yep, "thats a fact i'm afraid"

..........goodbye, hope you look good in white, you don't look good otherwise IMO.

I see your response is riddled with such appalling ignorance, that I will not waste my time continuing with this dialoge, for ex:

The Angles and the Saxons who settled in England were both GERMANIC tribes.

The Vikings of Denmark, Sweden and Norway were descended from the proto- Germanic tribes of Southern Scandinavia. These nascent Germanic tribes developed from out of the ancient "Battle Axe" ( or Corded Ware Culture) that emerged in Scandinavia and Northern Europe during the Nordic Bronze Age.

The Vikings, like the Anglo-Saxons were a Germanic people who spoke Germanic languages (Nordic is a Germanic language).

Strictly speaking, Classical Greco-Roman culture/civilization does not EQUATE to Western cuture/civilization (and before you object, YES, I KNOW that Western civilization made use of some of the cultural achievements of Ancient Athens and Rome, that does not mean that the WEST and its culture/civilization were THE SAME as that of Athenian or Roman antiquity).

Oh yes . The Hittites. They have nothing to do with proto- Indo -European culture.The Hitties were not white-skinned people and they were never geographically located anywhere close to the West (Western Europe). By the time their civilization went belly - up they had not accomplished very much that was remarkable culturally.


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Re: Why the West is morally superior

Post by DPMartin »

philosopher wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:02 pm The West may not be militarily or economically superior to say China, Saudi Arabia etc. It may be, but it may well turn out that China becomes the world largest superpower, unfortunately.

But I will argue why The West (Western Europe+US/Canada+Australia and maybe even countries in Asia/Middle East under Western protection, like Japan, South Korea, Israel but excluding Saudi Arabia, even though they are protected by U.S. but they certainly do not share Western values).

It has all to do with the understanding of basic human rights. Not that I'm saying they're not imposing Death Penalty (they do execute a lot in South Korea, Japan and U.S.) or that none of them have censorship (media censorship is tough in Australia, France and Germany amongst other countries).

It has to do with the degree of human rights (freedom of speech, the seperation of state - judicial, governing and executive, and the right to political representation ie. the right to vote) is of a much higher level in The West or countries influenced by Western Ideal, than in any other part of the world.

China has always had a history of surveillance and mass-executions and heavy censorship + Despotism - back to the earliest Dynasties.
So has Russia with its Tsars, and the entire Middle East with all its sultans, despot kings etc.

From the Ancient Europe (Greece, Rome) very few rulers possessed absolute power. Caesar did, but he was assassinated.
The same fate happened to a lot of other despots in Europe. We never shared the same "need" for despotism in Europe, like they did/do in China, and this is what makes The West morally superior to the Chinese.

Religious freedom has also been very much thought of since Ancient Rome. Even in the Middle Ages, but in the late-middle ages, Cathars and other Heretics were burned at the stake, and the Protestant Reformation gave us the Witch-burnings and the Baroque through to the 19th century despotism in many European countries and the Slave-era from the 1500s-1860s. Those were dark chapters in our history, like Holocaust in 1930-1945.

China and the Middle East has had not one or two or three, maybe four dark chapters of its history. It had one - but it lasted throughout its entire history from Ancient through pre-modern to Modern which continues to this day.

Generally speaking, the West is simply put a much nicer place to live, than anywhere else on Earth, and its not due to our resources. China has plenty of resources - like Oil, Minerals etc. and plenty of space. The Middle East was the Fertile Crescent and to this day, it has a lot of oil.

It has to do with our MORAL values. U.S. may have Death Penalty, but the U.S. don't kill as many people as they do in China - even if we look at executions pr. capita, China is the leading World Executioner.

U.S. also don't execute people merely for their religious beliefs or speech - it is reserved for murder and treason.
China impose Death Penalty for minor offences as well, even speaking out against the regime.
there may be some agreement about human rights or the agreement of the US constitution of inalienable rights but these are a agreement of those who have dominion of a portion of land on the earth, but not something people are born with into the world. it may be your good fortune in your view to be born into a land that is dominated by those in such a agreement but it doesn't make you superior to anyone else or give you the right according to your own set of morals, to impose your morals ideas and the like on any one else, does it? they live according to their agreement or the agreement of those who dominate lands not dominated by those you agree with. hence the peaceful mutual agreement between nations to live according to their own views and morals, expressed by national or political boarders.

it is an inalienable right according to your set of morals that people don't like you, not want to be with you, nor want to live with your lifestyle where they live. you express how those not like you should not be where you don't want them, therefore what is good for the goose is good for the gander, according to your set of morals you say you agree to.
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Re: Why the West is morally superior

Post by Kayla »

it is interesting to note that people generally think that their own country / culture / etc is superior - and then try to justify it with reasons that purport to be universal

whats with that?
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Re: Why the West is morally superior

Post by Sir-Sister-of-Suck »

Kayla wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2019 8:54 pm it is interesting to note that people generally think that their own country / culture / etc is superior - and then try to justify it with reasons that purport to be universal

whats with that?
Do a lot of people in Canada have a lot of pride about their country? As an american looking out, it seems like this sentiment is much more common in america than most other countries.
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Re: Why the West is morally superior

Post by philosopher »

Kayla wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2019 8:54 pm it is interesting to note that people generally think that their own country / culture / etc is superior - and then try to justify it with reasons that purport to be universal

whats with that?
True, but only the West has proven it in reality. The West was - prior to the First World War - the only culture to have colonized just about the entire world. From France to UK to Germany to Spain - in Asia, Americas, Middle East and Africa.

The West rid these inferior cultures from superstitious rituals like widow burnings and kept islamofascists at bay in the Middle East.
Spain also ended the human sacrifices in the Americas.

These inferior cultural traits returned only after the West abandoned their colonies in the mid-20th century, which they should never have done.
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Re: Why the West is morally superior

Post by FlashDangerpants »

philosopher wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 5:52 pm ... inferior cultures ...

... inferior cultural traits ...
When are you planning to end this charade and become an actual official nazi? This bullshit dance where you pretend to be a lefty is just annoying.
Gary Childress
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Re: Why the West is morally superior

Post by Gary Childress »

philosopher wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 5:52 pm
Kayla wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2019 8:54 pm it is interesting to note that people generally think that their own country / culture / etc is superior - and then try to justify it with reasons that purport to be universal

whats with that?
True, but only the West has proven it in reality. The West was - prior to the First World War - the only culture to have colonized just about the entire world. From France to UK to Germany to Spain - in Asia, Americas, Middle East and Africa.

The West rid these inferior cultures from superstitious rituals like widow burnings and kept islamofascists at bay in the Middle East.
Spain also ended the human sacrifices in the Americas.

These inferior cultural traits returned only after the West abandoned their colonies in the mid-20th century, which they should never have done.
Hmm. So none of this is making coherent sense to me. In another thread you wanted to kill Nazis because you said they deserved to be killed for wanting to kill those inferior than them. Now you are saying that western culture did the right thing by colonizing "inferior" cultures (something that had to be done through intimidation and violence--often resulting in killing those "inferior" peoples). You seem to be preoccupied with condemning people to death. What's worse, is you are condemning them to death for reason that they condemn others to death. Should those of us who haven't been advocating for anyone's death now decide to kill you? I mean, it sounds like you may have "inferior" values that need to be purged from the human genome. And as much as I am reluctant to do it, maybe you have a good point. We need to purge you for the greater good of humanity. Sorry. :(
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