the flaw of truth

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the flaw of truth

Post by GreatandWiseTrixie »

Lets say a baby could shoot lasers out of its eyes. baby grows up to be a man. What kind of lame super power is that? You couldn't get away with crimes or anything, shooting lasers from eyes is basically like having a gun permanently glued to your hand. It would be a super lame superpower. Basically the only power is it would make muggers afraid to attack you and women afraid to date you because you could accidentally chop them in half. It would be the lamest superpower in the world.

At most you could use it to get a job as a sideshow, but then once the public accepts it as a "fact" people would lose interest and you'd lose your job. And this is what i mean. Truth is accepted as "truth" once it slowly becomes a fact in public eye. This is how our brains work. We evolved as social animals and this is how we detect if something is "true". If I told you, that I knew a baby that could shoot lasers out of its eyes, you would think Im lying and making it up. But if this baby was a side show, and millions and billions of people attended the circus, saw it shoot lasers, and it was in the news, then it would become a "truth" and i would believe that babies could shoot lasers out of its eyes.

and this is the flaw of the human brain, and how religion infects itself in society. the human brain has a flaw that, the only way it detects truth is through public majority opinion. since the majority of the public believes in religion, we assume that religion has some truth to it. this is the way the human social brain operates, and it is a flaw of the brain's system. For example, if I proved magic, or ufos are real, but the majority believes it is false, lets say 1 person sees a UFO and ufos are actually real, but people will say UFOs are a fake lie because, ufos dont have public majority approval.
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Re: the flaw of truth

Post by Harbal »

GreatandWiseTrixie wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:18 pm Lets say a baby could shoot lasers out of its eyes..../ What kind of lame super power is that?
Exactly, I would be far more impressed with a baby that could change it's own nappy (diaper in Yankish).
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Re: the flaw of truth

Post by Impenitent »

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Re: the flaw of truth

Post by Troll »

The question of "super nature" which you seem to imply really has more to do with the issue that reason and experience never assure us that a behavior is right or wrong, one needs to make a leap even to say that murder is wrong. And yet, our natural experience, includes instincts towards compassion and empathy. The desire to educate these instincts, to cultivate them, leads to the need to justify the kind of education. To be able to differentiate it from brainwashing.

Martin Luther pointed out that what is called a miracle is whatever one is not used to seeing regularly, the miracle of birth, for instance (his example was an acorn becoming a tree, which is quite fantastic if if one consider it abstractly, forgetting the regularity of that occurrence). It is not at all the case that "religion" has confused this matter. Rather, through the Greeks, especially Aristotle, the scholastic, Christians, produced our current notion of natural science. Truth can mean simply that something is there, that it is there and that the statement (i.e., this sentence) says it is there, that the Eiffel Tower is in Paris, or it can be a claim that a certain behavior, say murder, is truly wrong. With the Greeks, what it meant was that there was something called nature, the principle of motion, that always was. It was the foundation that allowed one to think this or that thing, say oneself as someone born at a given time and place, alongside what is perpetual. When one speaks of Laws of Nature, this is a claim about truth in the specific form, modified from the Greek and Christian tradition, to the current notion of the Uniformity of Nature.
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