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Where is the sanity?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:39 am
by GreatandWiseTrixie
I got trump to the right of me, faggot liberals to the left. Where is the sanity?

This is not the future I wanted or pictured. Shit movies like "Call me by your name" gets the highest rating best movie of all time. The main topic everyone cares about is how much rich women get paid, not habitat destruction, not one person cares. And instead of spending 20 billion on making a space elevator, we spend it on building a fucking wall in Mexico of all places.

Not the future I asked for. I'm still trying to figure out how to escape the Matrix, cause we are living in it.

Re: Where is the sanity?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 9:25 am
by gaffo
American culture turned to shit about 18 yrs ago - i've tuned out of all of it since that time. MY old YT channel (remvoed by YT for copyriech violations for offering 50 yr old TV shows - channel lasted 6 months). offered shows from the 60's and 70's Brit and American - The Senator, The Defenders, Danger UXB, The Human Jungle, Secret Army, Callan, Gidoen's Way................etc.

you know TV shows that knowbody today knows about nor heard of - to busy watching nihilist shit with asshole psychopathic characters "We love to hate" - to be bothered to watch some old TV shows with likable characters with social themes of helping the helpless and championing a sense of justice.

shows that we used to be offered and watched 50 yrs ago.

oh well, music (autotune anyone?) went to shit post 2000 too (there is good music to be found (not good TV though nor movies (many excellent FOREIGN movies - but those are not shown in Theaters and like the good music you have to look for them).

Excellent movies like.

the Hunt
Children of Heaven
Color of paradise
song of sparrows
central station
house of sand
somewhere between
the bridge
the lives of others (my personal favorite)
sophie scholl the final days
the tunnel
the city
intimate stories
white balloon
nine queens
whale rider
dark blue world (my personal favorite)
two women
city of life and death (my personal favorite)

olders stuff - 70's and earlier Critirion stuff (mostly foreign of course)

Battle of Algiers (my personal favorite)
Wages of Fear
Burmese Harp
Apu Trilogy (3 movies by famous 50's Bengali director)


as you see none of them are American nor Hollywood films.

ALL of them are about the Human conditon and lightyears better than american crap offer in theaters.

and you know what? its all "pearls before swine" at this point. folks today in america all have ADD and lack the attention span or taste to actionly apprcaite ANY of the above films or TV shows i mentioned above.

with the exception of the 350 sudscribers to my Youtube channel before it was removed ;-/.

Re: Where is the sanity?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 9:32 am
by gaffo
but I'm a fool tilting at windmills, fighting an unwinable fight and why i ran a "pirate radio" station years ago and am building one again.

mostly for OTR (Oldtime Radio Drama) what i offered years ago. a lost artform that most are ignorant of. i include NTR too (newtime radio - BBC and small american posdcast and 80's era NPR stuff like Cantical for Leibowitz minseries (best radio play of all time).

Diminsion x
X-minus one
Nightfall (Canadian 80's).


most on Interet Archive website now - but i collected them in the 90's via the Usenet Binaries originally.

Re: Where is the sanity?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 9:43 am
by gaffo
BTW I tried to create my channel "Z-Channel" on Dailymotion (which is what YT used to be - liberal (ignore) about copyriech of prehistoric TV shows, but it locked up on me (that website kinda sucks, the severs are slow/etc...............but it is the "last bastion of liberty left in the net - so just will have to try to make my channel again sometime.


when i get around to it i'll try again and my you will see it when you do the above "z-channel" and daiymotion google search.

you never know.

Re: Where is the sanity?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 9:52 am
by gaffo
BTW the TV movie Threads is the best movie about WW3 ever made - guaranteed to remove 2 weeks off your lifespan with each viewing.

the bleakest (because realistic) movie i ever saw.

more movie mentions:

Culloden (1964 brit tv movie)
The War Game (1964 brit movie by same guy as above - about ww3)

Snowtown (bleak as hell - about "bodies in the barrel" killers in Australia) - will remove 2 wks from your life with each viewing like Threads

A Man for all seasons (60's movie with great acting/actors about Henry the 8th vs Thomas Moore)

Re: Where is the sanity?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:15 am
by vegetariantaxidermy
Who is this beige cardigan of a person called Ed Sheeran? Is that what is considered a great singer-songwriter these days? That's it. I'm divorcing the human race.

Re: Where is the sanity?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:16 am
by GreatandWiseTrixie
gaffo wrote: Sun Jan 21, 2018 9:25 am American culture turned to shit about 18 yrs ago - i've tuned out of all of it since that time. MY old YT channel (remvoed by YT for copyriech violations for offering 50 yr old TV shows - channel lasted 6 months). offered shows from the 60's and 70's Brit and American - The Senator, The Defenders, Danger UXB, The Human Jungle, Secret Army, Callan, Gidoen's Way................etc.
Well modern hollywood has turned into a corporate cash grab, actual ideas are not really valued by the powers that be, as much as your connections, who you know, and profitability.

I do have a plan a solution for this, it's all here in a thread a made. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=23458

Tell me what you think, by posting in my new thread.

Re: Where is the sanity?

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 4:47 am
by gaffo
thanks for reply to me.

your link is dead though ;-(.

if you have the time check out the tv shows and movies i mentioned last week - since YT is not what she used to be now (being coroporate pssies now and copyriech upholders - YT is now a "celebrity centric" (putiepie or whatever the fk.......and others similar - i.e tabloid garbage.........and no longer of value to me personally)..................check out the last refuge of obscure programing in violation of copyreich laws, but for you to discover and view (and buy the DVD/Bluray of - which i have and still do - if it is worthy to me (but i have to be able to disscover these works first! (thanks YT of nuthin!).


Vimeo (who "soldout" years before YT - somehow STILL (9?yrs now) has allowed the full upload of "Threads". I implore you go there and view it - one of the best films of all time.

which BTW is now undergoing a full restoration for a Bluray release. I bought the DVD of after disscovering it on YT 7 yrs ago and shall buy the Bluray of (which will have a better picture quality).

it was shot in 16 mm film which would seem too low to offer more than the old DVD, but not so. I bought the Bluray of The War Game/Cullonen last year and they were shot in 16 mill in the 60's and look much cleaner than the old copies i had from prior YTpostings when YT allowed them to be shown and me to copy via 3-rd party software to my hard-drive.


Re: Where is the sanity?

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 4:53 am
by gaffo

Re: Where is the sanity?

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 6:32 pm
by Science Fan
The issue regarding sanity in politics is not just a problem for the USA, but is a problem for all of western civilization. I think it was the World Values Survey that showed 1/3rd of Americans prefer to live under an authoritarian government. For those who want to claim that this shows the USA is a fascist nation while the rest of the western world remains intact, think again. The same survey showed the same results for Germany -- 1/3rd prefer an authoritarian government. In the UK and France, it was even worse, with 1/2 of their citizens preferring authoritarianism. And these are polling results during relatively good economic times. During the next economic crisis, the number of people supporting authoritarianism is likely to increase.

If anyone seriously thinks that there is no danger of any western nation losing its freedoms and being replaced by an authoritarian form of government, then they are not paying attention to the actual data.

Re: Where is the sanity?

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 6:48 pm
by SpheresOfBalance
GreatandWiseTrixie wrote: Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:39 am I got trump to the right of me, faggot liberals to the left. Where is the sanity?
Don't ever wonder why no one seems to love you, one has to love in order to be loved! One has to know what love is to see it in their life.

This is not the future I wanted or pictured. Shit movies like "Call me by your name" gets the highest rating best movie of all time. The main topic everyone cares about is how much rich women get paid, not habitat destruction, not one person cares. And instead of spending 20 billion on making a space elevator, we spend it on building a fucking wall in Mexico of all places.

Not the future I asked for. I'm still trying to figure out how to escape the Matrix, cause we are living in it.
Yeah, life is all about what you want, dipshit! Only you!! Grow up, Not So Grand or Wise Trickster! By your cartoon avatars, in one way or another, it's obvious you're a child. You need to seriously Mature up a bit!

Re: Where is the sanity?

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 7:53 pm
by vegetariantaxidermy
GreatandWiseTrixie wrote: Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:39 am I got trump to the right of me, faggot liberals to the left. Where is the sanity?

If you yanks would just stop being such uneducated morons for two seconds you would realise that Trump's policies are actually pretty darn socialist, and that those you call 'liberal' are the exact opposite. But unfortunately that's just a pipe dream (that Americans can become intelligent for two seconds).