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Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:13 pm
by Nick_A
Secular Progressives believe they know the path to utopia, peace on earth and how to educate and +organize society to follow it. However, there are some people who stand in the way of progress. They have been labeled as collectives and have become scapegoats.

Modern examples of these scapegoats are:

1. White males over fifty
2. Christians
3. Political conservatives

How many other collectives can you think of which deny secular striving towards peace and love culminating in utopia?

Re: Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 6:20 pm
by davidm
You have been repeatedly educated as to the true meaning of “secular,” which includes many religious people. That you persist in misusing this word shows that you are either willfully ignorant or a liar, perhaps both.

“Secular progressives,” however they are defined, are not seeking utopia.

I’m a white male over fifty and do not feel the least bit scapegoated. People who feel this way do so because their unearned privileges have been consistently eroded over the last half-century — their alleged “right” to all the best jobs, the “right” to run things, the “right” to discriminate against blacks, gays and other minorities, the “right” to rule over women, etc. Those were never your rights, Nick, they were unearned and undeserved privileges.

This country is simply besotted with Christians and Christianity. But if there be those Christians who think, for example, that they should have the right to discriminate against gays because of their religious hallucinations, too bad. That’s another unearned privilege going by the wayside.

Political conservatives (i.e. right-wing radicals) now run all three branches of the government. How could you fail to notice that, Nick? Still they and you will lose in the long run because of changing demographics.

Re: Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:25 pm
by vegetariantaxidermy
You would be better off writing ''Progressives'' alone, as a proper noun, because it's an actual political movement--unlike the vague and mischievous (not to mention ignorant and incorrect) label you use.

It actually looks good on paper, but unfortunately most people are incredibly stupid and don't know where to draw the line between common sense and compassion, and insincere OTT hyper-'sensitive' wankerism.

Labelling oneself politically is stupid. Every decision and opinion should be based on logic, reason, rationality and evidence i.e critical thinking. In this way all the good things self-proclaimed 'Progressives' stand for would be implemented anyway, while all the OTT wankerism would disappear.
If this were the case we would have seen massive ''Progressive'' anti-war protests against the destruction of the ME over the past decade and a half instead of the crocodile tears over their murderous heroine's cringe-worthy humiliation (probably similar to Gaddafi's but without the torture and death), faux concern for Palestinians (what Israelis have or haven't done to Palestinians doesn't even bear a passing resemblance to what Americans have done to muslims in the ME), and feigned 'offence' at what they consider to be 'insensitive' comments about 'special' groups of people (apparently that takes a lot of energy. So much energy that there's none left to bother with the fact that untold members of their 'special groups' --along with their countries-- have been continuously blown up for practically all of this century so far). Perhaps their professed 'compassion' for the resulting refugees is a mark of guilt and a pitifully too-late and futile attempt at atonement.

Re: Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 9:25 pm
by Nick_A
First I have to clarify what a secular progressive is. Here is a dictionary definition:
Secular progressive is defined as a non-religious person or organization that promotes and supports liberal change and reform. An example of a secular progressive is Michael Moore.
I learned of the term from Bill O’Reilly. From Wiki
Culture Warrior is a book by Fox News Channel political commentator Bill O'Reilly, published in the fall of 2006.[1] O'Reilly asserts that the United States is in the midst of a "culture war" between "traditionalists" and "secular-progressives". O'Reilly appeared on The Colbert Report to promote the book and revealed he is in the Grand Canyon in the picture on the cover.
O'Reilly declares war against "the committed forces of the secular-progressive movement that want to dramatically change America, molding it in the image of Western Europe". The term secular progressive, often abbreviated as "S-P", is used extensively throughout the book. O'Reilly's S-Ps are virtual socialists who are hostile to Christianity and traditional American values. Funded by a few far-left billionaires, he asserts that the S-Ps are implementing change in the United States by dominating major newspapers and network television, through the work of such organizations as the American Civil Liberties Union, and by "judicial fiat".
Hillary and Obama are good examples of secular progressives and dedicated to transforming traditional American values as expressions of religious principles connected to higher values into the whims of the Great Beast defining societal values
"God bless the America we are trying to create." Hillary Clinton

"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." - Barack Obama, October 30, 2008
Transforming America requires first defining scapegoats, who to blame. Their elimination for S-Ps is the first step leading towards the coming utopia.

Re: Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 9:38 pm
by vegetariantaxidermy
You just don't have a clue...
You can see the danger of misleading labels, or labelling oneself. It immediately makes you part of a collective--bound by the rules and 'opinions' of the collective group. A lot of my views are liberal, but that's only because those particular stand-points make rational sense. Rational critical thinkers are always going to be basically liberal. It's just a shame the yank illiterati has destroyed the word 'liberal'.
Even some of Bill O'Reilly's views are fairly liberal. He just tends to enjoy blowing words out of his arse.

Re: Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:39 am
by Nick_A
davidm wrote: Tue Jan 02, 2018 6:20 pm You have been repeatedly educated as to the true meaning of “secular,” which includes many religious people. That you persist in misusing this word shows that you are either willfully ignorant or a liar, perhaps both.

“Secular progressives,” however they are defined, are not seeking utopia.

I’m a white male over fifty and do not feel the least bit scapegoated. People who feel this way do so because their unearned privileges have been consistently eroded over the last half-century — their alleged “right” to all the best jobs, the “right” to run things, the “right” to discriminate against blacks, gays and other minorities, the “right” to rule over women, etc. Those were never your rights, Nick, they were unearned and undeserved privileges.

This country is simply besotted with Christians and Christianity. But if there be those Christians who think, for example, that they should have the right to discriminate against gays because of their religious hallucinations, too bad. That’s another unearned privilege going by the wayside.

Political conservatives (i.e. right-wing radicals) now run all three branches of the government. How could you fail to notice that, Nick? Still they and you will lose in the long run because of changing demographics.
You have now confessed to being a white male over fifty so by progressive standards you are a part of the problem. As a representative of your collective You are guilty of white privilege and you should be looked upon as such. Your collective has been exposed so there is no sense in denying it.

Does black privilege exist? If a person is given a job or a student is accepted in college only because they are black, is this black privilege?

Re: Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:51 am
by Nick_A
vege wrote
Labelling oneself politically is stupid. Every decision and opinion should be based on logic, reason, rationality and evidence i.e critical thinking. In this way all the good things self-proclaimed 'Progressives' stand for would be implemented anyway, while all the OTT wankerism would disappear.
A popular misconception is that people are governed by logic, reason, rationality and evidence i.e critical thinking. Actually we are governed by emotion.
People mistakenly assume that their thinking is done by their head; it is actually done by the heart which first dictates the conclusion, then commands the head to provide the reasoning that will defend it. Anthony de Mello
That is why taking progressive logic seriously is absurd It only seeks to justify an egoistic secular emotional bias

Re: Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:05 am
by Sir-Sister-of-Suck
...This thread doesn't seem to exist for any reason other than to start up another very generalized debate about PC culture, with a side of trying to trigger atheists. As if there weren't enough threads like that?

Whatever. I think the scapegoats are whatever their peers tell them is the scapegoat.

Re: Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:45 am
by Arising_uk
Nick_A wrote:...I learned of the term from Bill O’Reilly. ...
From Wiki
Culture Warrior is a book by Fox News Channel political commentator Bill O'Reilly, published in the fall of 2006.[1] O'Reilly asserts that the United States is in the midst of a "culture war" between "traditionalists" and "secular-progressives". O'Reilly appeared on The Colbert Report to promote the book and revealed he is in the Grand Canyon in the picture on the cover.
O'Reilly declares war against "the committed forces of the secular-progressive movement that want to dramatically change America, molding it in the image of Western Europe". The term secular progressive, often abbreviated as "S-P", is used extensively throughout the book. O'Reilly's S-Ps are virtual socialists who are hostile to Christianity and traditional American values. Funded by a few far-left billionaires, he asserts that the S-Ps are implementing change in the United States by dominating major newspapers and network television, through the work of such organizations as the American Civil Liberties Union, and by "judicial fiat".
:lol: And Fox News is what?
...Transforming America requires first defining scapegoats, who to blame. Their elimination for S-Ps is the first step leading towards the coming utopia.
LMFAO! Does the Yank know no irony? What do you think this "secular progressive" is being used for? :lol:

Re: Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:49 am
by Arising_uk
Nick_A wrote:...
A popular misconception is that people are governed by logic, reason, rationality and evidence i.e critical thinking. Actually we are governed by emotion. ...
Only the stupid. That the majority are ill-educated in Logic and how it applies to reason and how evidence is a vital part of being able to think critically is an issue but actually Reason and Rationality, i.e. thinking, includes the emotions if you are doing it correctly.

Re: Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:22 am
by davidm
You have now confessed to being a white male over fifty so by progressive standards you are a part of the problem.
This is your typical hallucinatory strawman of “progressive standards,” in which, among many other defects, the word “progressive” is ill-defined. It is also your strawman of what actual progressives want — which is not the oppression of whites, an idea that is nothing more than your bizarre and self-pitying delusion.

As a representative of your collective…
I don’t belong to a collective, Nick, and represent no one except myself. Unlike you and the other racists who infest this board, I don’t believe in group labels, especially about race, which has no meaningful biological existence. I’m an individual, a free thinker and a skeptic, and I judge others as individuals and not as members of “collectives.” In this, ironically enough, I have something in common with Ayn Rand, may God forbid.
You are guilty …
I’m not guilty of anything, Nick.
… of white privilege and you should be looked upon as such.
Well, yes, as a matter of fact, I have benefited by unearned privileges because I am white and male. That doesn’t make me guilty of anything, however, because I oppose unearned white male privileges, including for myself — unlike you, who favors them. I believe in fairly earned privileges. So you are the guilty one, and not me.
Your collective has been exposed so there is no sense in denying it.
I don’t belong to a collective, Nick. See above.
Does black privilege exist?
Black privilege, Nick? Really?

Well, let’s exam black privilege.

Blacks had privilege of being kidnapped from Africa and being enslaved in North America for centuries.

They had the privilege of having their families members sold off by slaveholders such that the family members never saw one another again.

They had the privilege of being auctioned off in auction houses like cattle.

They had the privilege of being whipped by their overseers until their flesh hung on them in tatters.

They had the privilege of not being allowed to learn to read and write.

They had the privilege, after the Civil War, of watching as Reconstruction — which had greatly improved the lot of many of them — was prematurely ended in a dirty deal whereby Rutherford (Rutherfraud) B. Hayes agreed to end Reconstruction in return for being allowed to steal the presidency in the fraudulent election of 1876 (which nearly precipitated a second Civil War).

After that, they had the privilege of being introduced to the tender mercies of the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow, which consigned them to another century of second-class citizenship in freedom’s land and bravery’s home.

They had the privilege of being lynched by white mobs, including the lynching of black servicemen who were veterans of World War I and were killed by the filthy white stump jumpers whose freedoms they had fought to defend.

They had the privilege, for another century, of being prevented by illicit means from voting or holding office or even serving on juries; they had the privilege, north and south, of being forced into substandard housing, substandard education and substandard jobs.

Even after the civil rights revolution of the 1960s, they have to this day maintained the privilege of substandard housing, education and jobs, a regimen enforced by subtler means; and in the current era under the reign of President Cheeto Benito, a monster whom you support, they have the privilege of being gunned down in the street by white cops for crimes like driving while black, and they have the privilege of watching this monster in the White House babble about what mighty fine people racists and neo-Nazis are. They also continue to have the privilege of being subjected to voter suppression laws and backdoor efforts to repeal or at least eviscerate the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965.
If a person is given a job or a student is accepted in college only because they are black, is this black privilege?
Where did you get the idea that blacks are given jobs or accepted to colleges ONLY because they are black, Nick? Did you get that idea from Fox News and from your hero, the sexual predator Bill O’Reilly?

How about the decades after decades after decades that white people were given jobs and accepted into college ONLY because they were white (not black) — which is what actually happened and as a matter of fact continues to happen. Does that fact trouble your paltry conscience or even ruffle your brow a bit, Nick?

But, hey — you’re a Cosmic Man! Ooooh!

Right, Nick?

Re: Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:18 am
by vegetariantaxidermy
Nick_A wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:51 am vege wrote
Labelling oneself politically is stupid. Every decision and opinion should be based on logic, reason, rationality and evidence i.e critical thinking. In this way all the good things self-proclaimed 'Progressives' stand for would be implemented anyway, while all the OTT wankerism would disappear.
A popular misconception is that people are governed by logic, reason, rationality and evidence i.e critical thinking. Actually we are governed by emotion.
People mistakenly assume that their thinking is done by their head; it is actually done by the heart which first dictates the conclusion, then commands the head to provide the reasoning that will defend it. Anthony de Mello
That is why taking progressive logic seriously is absurd It only seeks to justify an egoistic secular emotional bias
Hmm. The second is a false quote. I quoted no such thing. As a matter of fact some people are capable of critical thinking. Your thinking, on the other hand, is governed only by superstition. That's hardly objective or reasonable.
ps. I do hope you never take medication or make use of scientific medical research. All that 'emotional secularism' could be bad for your health.

Re: Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:13 am
by vegetariantaxidermy
davidm wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:22 am
You have now confessed to being a white male over fifty so by progressive standards you are a part of the problem.
This is your typical hallucinatory strawman of “progressive standards,” in which, among many other defects, the word “progressive” is ill-defined. It is also your strawman of what actual progressives want — which is not the oppression of whites, an idea that is nothing more than your bizarre and self-pitying delusion.

As a representative of your collective…
I don’t belong to a collective, Nick, and represent no one except myself. Unlike you and the other racists who infest this board, I don’t believe in group labels, especially about race, which has no meaningful biological existence. I’m an individual, a free thinker and a skeptic, and I judge others as individuals and not as members of “collectives.” In this, ironically enough, I have something in common with Ayn Rand, may God forbid.
You are guilty …
I’m not guilty of anything, Nick.
… of white privilege and you should be looked upon as such.
Well, yes, as a matter of fact, I have benefited by unearned privileges because I am white and male. That doesn’t make me guilty of anything, however, because I oppose unearned white male privileges, including for myself — unlike you, who favors them. I believe in fairly earned privileges. So you are the guilty one, and not me.
Your collective has been exposed so there is no sense in denying it.
I don’t belong to a collective, Nick. See above.
Does black privilege exist?
Black privilege, Nick? Really?

Well, let’s exam black privilege.

Blacks had privilege of being kidnapped from Africa and being enslaved in North America for centuries.

They had the privilege of having their families members sold off by slaveholders such that the family members never saw one another again.

They had the privilege of being auctioned off in auction houses like cattle.

They had the privilege of being whipped by their overseers until their flesh hung on them in tatters.

They had the privilege of not being allowed to learn to read and write.

They had the privilege, after the Civil War, of watching as Reconstruction — which had greatly improved the lot of many of them — was prematurely ended in a dirty deal whereby Rutherford (Rutherfraud) B. Hayes agreed to end Reconstruction in return for being allowed to steal the presidency in the fraudulent election of 1876 (which nearly precipitated a second Civil War).

After that, they had the privilege of being introduced to the tender mercies of the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow, which consigned them to another century of second-class citizenship in freedom’s land and bravery’s home.

They had the privilege of being lynched by white mobs, including the lynching of black servicemen who were veterans of World War I and were killed by the filthy white stump jumpers whose freedoms they had fought to defend.

They had the privilege, for another century, of being prevented by illicit means from voting or holding office or even serving on juries; they had the privilege, north and south, of being forced into substandard housing, substandard education and substandard jobs.

Even after the civil rights revolution of the 1960s, they have to this day maintained the privilege of substandard housing, education and jobs, a regimen enforced by subtler means; and in the current era under the reign of President Cheeto Benito, a monster whom you support, they have the privilege of being gunned down in the street by white cops for crimes like driving while black, and they have the privilege of watching this monster in the White House babble about what mighty fine people racists and neo-Nazis are. They also continue to have the privilege of being subjected to voter suppression laws and backdoor efforts to repeal or at least eviscerate the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965.
If a person is given a job or a student is accepted in college only because they are black, is this black privilege?
Where did you get the idea that blacks are given jobs or accepted to colleges ONLY because they are black, Nick? Did you get that idea from Fox News and from your hero, the sexual predator Bill O’Reilly?

How about the decades after decades after decades that white people were given jobs and accepted into college ONLY because they were white (not black) — which is what actually happened and as a matter of fact continues to happen. Does that fact trouble your paltry conscience or even ruffle your brow a bit, Nick?

But, hey — you’re a Cosmic Man! Ooooh!

Right, Nick?
Actually you are a ''Progressive''. Just saying. And btw, modern, self-proclaimed 'Progressivism'' (which was born in the US) assumes that every Western society is as racist and fucked up as itself. Highly unfortunate that it has infected the entire Western world.
By all accounts it was a movement that was originally intended to enlighten humanity (and should have) but ended up being hijacked by morons i.e. Americans. What a surprise. So much for labels.

Re: Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:43 am
by Nick_A
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:13 am
davidm wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:22 am
You have now confessed to being a white male over fifty so by progressive standards you are a part of the problem.
This is your typical hallucinatory strawman of “progressive standards,” in which, among many other defects, the word “progressive” is ill-defined. It is also your strawman of what actual progressives want — which is not the oppression of whites, an idea that is nothing more than your bizarre and self-pitying delusion.

As a representative of your collective…
I don’t belong to a collective, Nick, and represent no one except myself. Unlike you and the other racists who infest this board, I don’t believe in group labels, especially about race, which has no meaningful biological existence. I’m an individual, a free thinker and a skeptic, and I judge others as individuals and not as members of “collectives.” In this, ironically enough, I have something in common with Ayn Rand, may God forbid.
You are guilty …
I’m not guilty of anything, Nick.
… of white privilege and you should be looked upon as such.
Well, yes, as a matter of fact, I have benefited by unearned privileges because I am white and male. That doesn’t make me guilty of anything, however, because I oppose unearned white male privileges, including for myself — unlike you, who favors them. I believe in fairly earned privileges. So you are the guilty one, and not me.
Your collective has been exposed so there is no sense in denying it.
I don’t belong to a collective, Nick. See above.
Does black privilege exist?
Black privilege, Nick? Really?

Well, let’s exam black privilege.

Blacks had privilege of being kidnapped from Africa and being enslaved in North America for centuries.

They had the privilege of having their families members sold off by slaveholders such that the family members never saw one another again.

They had the privilege of being auctioned off in auction houses like cattle.

They had the privilege of being whipped by their overseers until their flesh hung on them in tatters.

They had the privilege of not being allowed to learn to read and write.

They had the privilege, after the Civil War, of watching as Reconstruction — which had greatly improved the lot of many of them — was prematurely ended in a dirty deal whereby Rutherford (Rutherfraud) B. Hayes agreed to end Reconstruction in return for being allowed to steal the presidency in the fraudulent election of 1876 (which nearly precipitated a second Civil War).

After that, they had the privilege of being introduced to the tender mercies of the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow, which consigned them to another century of second-class citizenship in freedom’s land and bravery’s home.

They had the privilege of being lynched by white mobs, including the lynching of black servicemen who were veterans of World War I and were killed by the filthy white stump jumpers whose freedoms they had fought to defend.

They had the privilege, for another century, of being prevented by illicit means from voting or holding office or even serving on juries; they had the privilege, north and south, of being forced into substandard housing, substandard education and substandard jobs.

Even after the civil rights revolution of the 1960s, they have to this day maintained the privilege of substandard housing, education and jobs, a regimen enforced by subtler means; and in the current era under the reign of President Cheeto Benito, a monster whom you support, they have the privilege of being gunned down in the street by white cops for crimes like driving while black, and they have the privilege of watching this monster in the White House babble about what mighty fine people racists and neo-Nazis are. They also continue to have the privilege of being subjected to voter suppression laws and backdoor efforts to repeal or at least eviscerate the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965.
If a person is given a job or a student is accepted in college only because they are black, is this black privilege?
Where did you get the idea that blacks are given jobs or accepted to colleges ONLY because they are black, Nick? Did you get that idea from Fox News and from your hero, the sexual predator Bill O’Reilly?

How about the decades after decades after decades that white people were given jobs and accepted into college ONLY because they were white (not black) — which is what actually happened and as a matter of fact continues to happen. Does that fact trouble your paltry conscience or even ruffle your brow a bit, Nick?

But, hey — you’re a Cosmic Man! Ooooh!

Right, Nick?
Actually you are a ''Progressive''. Just saying. And btw, modern, self-proclaimed 'Progressivism'' (which was born in the US) assumes that every Western society is as racist and fucked up as itself. Highly unfortunate that it has infected the entire Western world.
By all accounts it was a movement that was originally intended to enlighten humanity (and should have) but ended up being hijacked by morons i.e. Americans. What a surprise. So much for labels.
You missed the point. Where freedom seeks to create individuals, the secular progressive movement seeks to create collectives in service to the state. I wanted you to react as you did. I wnted to make the point that most within the secular progressive prefer to see themselves as individuals regardless of the state yet are content to put others into collectives. That really is the idea of this thread. Why has it become so fashionable to continually refer to collectives. In previous years we admired the individual. Now we fight over the superiority of a collective.

The transformation of America requires the loss of the American ideal of individualism and the formation of collectives which people obey as a matter of conditioning

Freedom requires accepting people as people, as individuals, and not judged as parts of collectives. When we lose respect for individuality the inevitable result is tyranny to keep the peace amongst collectives.

Re: Scapegoats for Secular Progressives

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 7:07 am
by vegetariantaxidermy
Nick_A wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:43 am
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:13 am
davidm wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:22 am

This is your typical hallucinatory strawman of “progressive standards,” in which, among many other defects, the word “progressive” is ill-defined. It is also your strawman of what actual progressives want — which is not the oppression of whites, an idea that is nothing more than your bizarre and self-pitying delusion.

I don’t belong to a collective, Nick, and represent no one except myself. Unlike you and the other racists who infest this board, I don’t believe in group labels, especially about race, which has no meaningful biological existence. I’m an individual, a free thinker and a skeptic, and I judge others as individuals and not as members of “collectives.” In this, ironically enough, I have something in common with Ayn Rand, may God forbid.

I’m not guilty of anything, Nick.

Well, yes, as a matter of fact, I have benefited by unearned privileges because I am white and male. That doesn’t make me guilty of anything, however, because I oppose unearned white male privileges, including for myself — unlike you, who favors them. I believe in fairly earned privileges. So you are the guilty one, and not me.

I don’t belong to a collective, Nick. See above.

Black privilege, Nick? Really?

Well, let’s exam black privilege.

Blacks had privilege of being kidnapped from Africa and being enslaved in North America for centuries.

They had the privilege of having their families members sold off by slaveholders such that the family members never saw one another again.

They had the privilege of being auctioned off in auction houses like cattle.

They had the privilege of being whipped by their overseers until their flesh hung on them in tatters.

They had the privilege of not being allowed to learn to read and write.

They had the privilege, after the Civil War, of watching as Reconstruction — which had greatly improved the lot of many of them — was prematurely ended in a dirty deal whereby Rutherford (Rutherfraud) B. Hayes agreed to end Reconstruction in return for being allowed to steal the presidency in the fraudulent election of 1876 (which nearly precipitated a second Civil War).

After that, they had the privilege of being introduced to the tender mercies of the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow, which consigned them to another century of second-class citizenship in freedom’s land and bravery’s home.

They had the privilege of being lynched by white mobs, including the lynching of black servicemen who were veterans of World War I and were killed by the filthy white stump jumpers whose freedoms they had fought to defend.

They had the privilege, for another century, of being prevented by illicit means from voting or holding office or even serving on juries; they had the privilege, north and south, of being forced into substandard housing, substandard education and substandard jobs.

Even after the civil rights revolution of the 1960s, they have to this day maintained the privilege of substandard housing, education and jobs, a regimen enforced by subtler means; and in the current era under the reign of President Cheeto Benito, a monster whom you support, they have the privilege of being gunned down in the street by white cops for crimes like driving while black, and they have the privilege of watching this monster in the White House babble about what mighty fine people racists and neo-Nazis are. They also continue to have the privilege of being subjected to voter suppression laws and backdoor efforts to repeal or at least eviscerate the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Where did you get the idea that blacks are given jobs or accepted to colleges ONLY because they are black, Nick? Did you get that idea from Fox News and from your hero, the sexual predator Bill O’Reilly?

How about the decades after decades after decades that white people were given jobs and accepted into college ONLY because they were white (not black) — which is what actually happened and as a matter of fact continues to happen. Does that fact trouble your paltry conscience or even ruffle your brow a bit, Nick?

But, hey — you’re a Cosmic Man! Ooooh!

Right, Nick?
Actually you are a ''Progressive''. Just saying. And btw, modern, self-proclaimed 'Progressivism'' (which was born in the US) assumes that every Western society is as racist and fucked up as itself. Highly unfortunate that it has infected the entire Western world.
By all accounts it was a movement that was originally intended to enlighten humanity (and should have) but ended up being hijacked by morons i.e. Americans. What a surprise. So much for labels.
You missed the point. Where freedom seeks to create individuals, the secular progressive movement seeks to create collectives in service to the state. I wanted you to react as you did. I wnted to make the point that most within the secular progressive prefer to see themselves as individuals regardless of the state yet are content to put others into collectives. That really is the idea of this thread. Why has it become so fashionable to continually refer to collectives. In previous years we admired the individual. Now we fight over the superiority of a collective.

The transformation of America requires the loss of the American ideal of individualism and the formation of collectives which people obey as a matter of conditioning

Freedom requires accepting people as people, as individuals, and not judged as parts of collectives. When we lose respect for individuality the inevitable result is tyranny to keep the peace amongst collectives.
I'm sure. Please show anything that I wrote that shows any kind of 'service to the state'. Let me predict what your response will be: to completely ignore my request. As a matter of fact you don't have a clue what I'm talking about. EVER. I suppose your religion encourages critical thinking, individuality, and freedom of expression. :roll: It's a weird irony, but we actually dislike the same group--for completely different reasons. I'm sorry if such 'radical thinking' gives you a stroke. There is a major flaw (among many) in your 'logic'. I don't belong to any stupid yank political movement.