The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

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The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by Walker »

The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left
Dinesh D'Souza

Today, for the first time I watched some videos of this fella speaking.

Never read any of his books, but his latest looks like a good place to start, with a critical, open mind.
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Re: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by davidm »

Oh, yes, Dinesh D'Souza, the convict. :lol:

Pro-tip: the American Left stretches back to the 19th century, which is, you know, before Naziism.

Moreover, there is no overlap whatever between the American Left and Nazis.

You lose! Bzzzt!

But thanks for playing!

Don Pardo, do we have a consolation prize for Walker? No?

Sorry, Walker! :(
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Re: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by Walker »

I think I'll read the book.

Have you?

He has a standing invitation for anyone to name a single Republican slave owner prior to 1861. No one has done so.
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Re: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by davidm »

Walker wrote: Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:22 pm I think I'll read the book.

Have you?
Why would I?

The American Left predates the Nazis, so the right-wing convicted felon's thesis is already discredited.


Pro tip: one cannot have roots in something that comes later.
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Re: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by Walker »

Indeed, why would you?

You know what you know, and that's obviously enough.

In one of his talks, he says that the majority of blacks voted Republican prior to 1930. Roosevelt promised all kinds of free stuff with the New Deal, and so blacks made a deal with the devil and joined the party of the KKK. They were quite conflicted, but times were hard. Four years later, they were hooked on the social programs. Fascinating.

He also says that the Left is fascist, which is likely his reference to Nazi’s.

The book title is probably referencing the Left post 1930, when the Democratic party shifted to fascism. But I don’t know for sure, I’ll have to read the book and check his historical references.

And you won’t know, because your mind is closed.
Last edited by Walker on Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by davidm »

Maybe you'd like to enlighten us as to how the American Left could have roots in a political movement that came after it.

Feel free to quote from your fascist convicted felon author, if it suits you.
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Re: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by Walker »

You have thus been enlightened.

How could I quote him if I haven't read him.

And, how can you criticize from your base of ignorance?
Last edited by Walker on Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by davidm »

I see. Got nothing, eh?

Now go back to watching Fox News. :lol:
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Re: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by davidm »

Oh, I see. You added some idiocy to your idiot post above.
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Re: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by Walker »

Haven't read the book.

Haven't read anything he has written.

But I will.

And I will be better informed than you about what he has to say.
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Re: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by Walker »

A bigot has his mind all made up.

Sounds like you, Q-Tip. :wink:
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Re: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by davidm »

A few brief correctives for clueless, Fox News-watching Walker:

Yes, we know, in your tiny mind, lazy, banjo-strumming, watermelon-gobbling darkies shifted to voting for FDR and the Democrats because of “free stuff” — because the darkies are all lazy and want “free stuff,” right Walker?

Never mind that those lazy jigs were enslaved and built the American plantation south without recompense … or that afterward they were effectively enslaved again under Jim Crow.

The thing is, though, that ALL demographic groups, except for rich white people, shifted toward FDR and the New Deal Democrats in the 1930s, because he and they offered leadership and creative solutions to the Great Depression.

When FDR took office in 1933, the unemployment rate was 25 percent.

Four years later, when he was sworn in for a second term after a LANDSLIDE victory, the unemployment rate was 16 percent — unacceptably high by today’s standards, BUT representing a drop in the unemployment rate in four short years by nine full percentage points — probably the greatest drop in unemployment in four years in world history. Thanks to the New Deal.

A great base of support for FDR was the white south — or are white southerners also a bunch of leeches according to you and your convicted felon author?

Still, it IS NOT TRUE that blacks flocked to the New Deal and FDR — black support began to shift toward the Democrats decisively ONLY in 1948, when Harry Truman backed a civil rights platform that caused the racist Strom Thurmond to depart the Democratic Party and make a third-party run for president. Still, Truman won the election. FDR had done pretty much nothing for civil rights.

Of course, I suppose for a white racist turd like you, black folks voting for a candidate who offered at least the hope of liberating them from Jim Crow is unacceptable. Those darkies need to know their place, after all!

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Re: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by Walker »

All the more reason to read the book.

You're a testy little germ.

Let's see ... bigoted, name-calling, race-baiting, ill-informed.

Let me guess. A Leftist?

(Sometimes my powers of deduction amaze even me.)

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Re: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by EchoesOfTheHorizon »

Walker and Walker only.... are you a racist? It needs to be cleared up, by default one of you must be a racist given his claims, if it is not you, then the default racist here is DavidM, for c
harassing someone to change their beliefs or interests purely off the basis of their race, via false accusations. DavidM has from past activity with me posting initially on this site has shown himself to be on par with the KKK, and I absolutely abhore racists like him.

Needs always to be pointed out who the real racists are, and DavidM has a track record for hate and rage against those he doesn't approve of. I myself can hold a lot of sympathy and compassion for those living lifestyles I don't agree with, or ideologies I strongly disagree with. I don't agree with the intolerant culture of suppression, censorship, intimidation, ostracism, and harm that the left represents.

I will note that D'Souza was both very open and adamant about being framed. We've seen the left use Hitleresque Brownshirt tactics before. The roots of the Nazi movement reach back to the 19th century in Nietzschean thought and Prussian militarism.

I wanted to watch his Documentry on Hillary and the Democrats prior to the election, but was striving too hard to promote Trump across the river in Ohio.... in hindsight, I would of targeted PA (the Pittsburgh area) given my town borders both (my state is only 3 miles wide here).

Unfortunately, a few local pro-Unionists here in the area I lived did embrace Slavery, it was the absolute northern point slavery could exist legally. I'm oftentimes confused, given some slave slots like Browns Island, was a slave plantation literally on the border of Ohio, and You had about 350 of 360 degrees of the compass if you were a slave to run off to and be on free soil in minutes or a hour or two, tops. One of the more bizarre aspects of Slavery.... slaves in the Deep South had to walk weeks North, while ones literally on the edge of freedom just never bothered. I don't fully comprehend the reasons why. Abraham Lincoln's cabinet member Stanton was from the town immediately across the river, and had a brother (named Darwin) who lived here, committed Suicide. The family was staunch abolitionalist, and I'm looking to getting ahold of a few of the papers from the abolitionist he funded to write pamphlets reprinted.

President Grant was a Republican who owned slaves. It wasn't unknown for republicans to denounce slavery but also hold onto slaves, expecting to be bought out like the British did AFTER they lost their slave rich colonies, it was very easy to abolish slavery when your main overseas colony was cold as fuck Canada, and a handful of islands and footholds in India.

None the less, sure the flying fuck wasn't the Democrats who lead the charge to get rid of Slavery. Republicans didn't always treat (then called) Negroes with much respect once they entered the workforce. It is a big part for their self enforced segregation to this day, in sticking with the democrats. It is a high paradox, it is absolutely certain the democrats are abusing and lying to Blacks, and the blacks comprehend this, in San Francisco there is a sharp racial division, with Hunters Point and Oakland being black. I used to live right next to a Nation of Islam Mosque on the T Line. They swore up and down there was a black Democratic Party, and a white. City after city where liberal strongholds exist, this segregation exists. Why do they stick to a system that abuses them? A part of the reason is while being in the North was way better than the South, it wasn't a utopia either, and a rough form of segregation and racism did meet them.... and the Democrats spoke the sweet words to them to inspire them some sort of rewards and better ends would materialize. It never did, stays worst for them. Only time they've progressed was when they broke away, joined the larger society as individuals or families, becoming middle class (possible even in segregation times, we still have a small reminant of a middle class black neighborhood I didn't know existed for the longest time here on a small hill) or as a community, like in Atlanta, replicating it on a large scale.

If you stay in the democratic system, the poor are segregated, poor whites sent to trailer parks in the countryside, blacks put on display in inner city housing, both equally impoverished, but one put on a circus display. You'll see this city after city, I went around seeing it. It is disturbing.... but that is how they lock in voting blocks. People who can escape (kids growing up) just blend into the larger American culture once out, while replacement kids staying are stuck in a nasty game of liberal mousetrap. You can never get rid of these ghettos, they never ever want them to go. Old neighborhoods like Harlem were always immigrant neighborhoods, new waves of immigrants would fill them, wasn't until the liberals clamped down that they fossilized, and people became stuck there. Everything is done to encourage dependency on party and government, and rage at distant evil bad white conservatives, you know.... the ones who created the system they are trapped in :|

I don't however agree with merely turning republican, as much as I support Trump, I recommend sticking independent, hearing out other parties. Only two parties in the US are descended from the old Nazi Party, the Nazi party in New Bern, Wisconsin, and The Green Party, which developed out of Nazi fascination with ecological protection, following in Nietzsche's footsteps of earth worship. Obviously, the Green Party largely is a demilitarized shadow of the former Nazi party, but is certainly a descendent of that era's thinking. They created a Anti-Christian religion of worshipping the earth and appeasing the angry Sun God, with recycling programs to stop global warming. Stupid, moronic at times, but preferable over say, the confederate legacy of the Democrats, of instagatingnfalse race wars, keeping a whole segment of society impoverished and dependent. I can't begin to support Heidegger either, a bona fide Nazi thinker, but will take his writings over Hitler's one the basis of The Lesser of Two Evils any day. Just.... I'm not required to accept the lesser of two evils, so reject both.
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Re: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

davidm wrote: Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:18 pm Oh, yes, Dinesh D'Souza, the convict. :lol:

Pro-tip: the American Left stretches back to the 19th century, which is, you know, before Naziism.

Moreover, there is no overlap whatever between the American Left and Nazis.

You lose! Bzzzt!

But thanks for playing!

Don Pardo, do we have a consolation prize for Walker? No?

Sorry, Walker! :(
Y'all are yanks and y'all are morons. 'Left' or 'right' is a moot point. A 'left' moron is just as bad as a 'right' moron. A moron of any other name would smell as rancid.
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