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Unity, Multiplicity and Infinity

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:54 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Unity, Multiplicity and Infinity

What we understand of unity is fundamentally a "Holism" where there is no absence but rather what exists, exists as 1. It is within this nature of unity the observation of structure is involved as merely space as curvature through symmetry. What we understand of structural symmetry is merely curvature produced through a mirror effect as space.

This mirror effect is inseparable from space itself, and can be argued as space itself. From this structural symmetry, as mirroring space, unity manifests itself as a totality of being.

It is in observing the symmetry of a structure that multiplicity takes place as a form of individuation where symmetry as curvature is separated into an individual element. The observation of equality, much is the same manner as A = A, is an act of multiplicity as a form of individuation takes place through division as "A" is just "A" until "A = A" is observed.

Within observing the equality of curves as symmetry a dualism inherently takes place, as evidenced intuitively through the equality symbol "=" as dual symmetrical potential curves (lines).

Equality is dualism and is the founding of multiplicity as a form of individuation in which "A" is no longer "A" but "A = A". To argue equality is to argue separation in which (A = A) = B and simultaneously just "A":

A/(A = A) = B

This dualism manifests a propogative movement as relation in which the observation of further equality manifests further individuation:

A/((A = A) = B = B) = C
A/((A = A) = B = B) = C = C) = D

In these respects equality can be observed as a form of gradation of unity, into multiplicity.

From this Unity and Multiplicity form a duality where A and its gradations equal infinity as limits that provide the foundations for infinity and in these respects synthesize infinity:

......................A....................... = ∞
((A = A) = B = B) = C = C) = D → X

Infinity can be equated to a boundary which is both unified and multiple in nature. This boundary, as curvature, is space itself.