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Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 7:37 pm
by Eodnhoj7
The observation of cause and effect through the logic implies a degree of "retro-causality" found within certain elements of the philosophy of science.

Through retro-causality, effects determine cause in a manner equivalent to the future affecting the present and the present affecting the past.

It is this duality between standard causality and retro causality which can be observed as corresponding duals which maintain structure through a revolution around the third variable of "now" as a third causal degree.

It is in these respects that causality maintains a trinitarian dimension if observed through this format with cause and effect being equivalent duals as causality/"non-approximation"/(+) and effect/"approximation"/(-).

As physics has not observed a strict demarcation between cause and effect (Sheehan), which can partially be explain to the approximate nature of effect, retro-causality within logic must be observed as a possible inherent element due to its reflection of physics. While philosophy has long held retro-causality to be contradictory, based upon the Aristotelian understanding of causality that Hume further built upon (Beauchamp and Rosenberg) along with more modern philosophers such as Anthony Flew (Dummett and Flew), other philosophers such as Michael Dummet (Dummett and Flew) argue for its possibility.

As the past is often interpreted approximately by the present, and the present is built upon the past, the past is often determined by an approximate present equivalent to the very future of that same past. In a separate respect, the future is interpreted approximately by the present (through reason and or prophecy), and the present is built upon the future, the future is often determined by an approximate present equivalent to the very future of that same past.

Retro-causality at minimum can be viewed as an objective principle of observation as a form of "effectual approximation". While retro-causality can be observed as a negation, or contradiction through the grandfather-paradox (Krasnikov) and in many degree, contain truth in this statement, in a separate respect retro-causality could broaden the dimensional structure of the past, rather than entirely negating it allowing the past to remain the past while simultaneously broadening it through effect.

In this respect cause as ever present allows for a propagation of dimensions as effect through approximation. The grandfather-paradox can further be avoided by limiting certain conditions within retro-causality, or in physics terms “time-travel” (Earman, Smeenk and Wüthrich). If causality is to be observed as prior to time/space (Robb) (Whitehead) it must be observed fundamentally as a dimension of abstraction with this "abstraction" being a dual of the "physical". The "physical" in turn equivocates to an approximate of the "abstract".

However, if causality is observed to be manifested as at minimum three dimensional, as argued above, then it would be more appropriate to argue that an abstract dimension reflects the physical, the physical reflects the abstract, and the ethereal median between the two is "reflection itself". "In Aristotelian philosophy, the word cause' is also used to mean 'explanation' or 'answer to a why question" (Cxx) and in this respect causality may be synonymous to symmetry as structure with the fullest form being the circle or which “allows for the contribution of self-organizing dynamics.” (Freeman)