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Why Terrorism?

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 6:14 pm
by Hobbes' Choice
In his book Howard Zynn makes this quote;

"Three years before the terrible events of September 11, 2001, a former lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force, Robert Bowman, who had flown 101 combat missions in Vietnam, and then had become a Catholic bishop, commented on the terrorist bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. In an article in the National Catholic Reporter he wrote about the roots of terrorism:

We are not hated because we practice democracy, value freedom, or uphold human rights. We are hated because our government denies these things in Third World countries whose resources are coveted by our multinational corporations. That hatred we have sown has come back to haunt us in the form of terrorism ... Instead of sending our sons and daughters around the world to kills Arab so we can have the oil under their sand, we should send them to rebuild their infrastructure, supply clean water, and feed starving children...
In short, we should do good instead of evil. Who would try to stop us? Who would hate us? Who would want to bomb us? That is the truth the American people need to hear.

How true is this?

Re: Why Terrorism?

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 6:20 pm
by Necromancer
I'd say it's d*mn right on! Thanks, man!

Re: Why Terrorism?

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 11:43 pm
by vegetariantaxidermy
Hmm. 'Rebuild the infrastructure' that the US has destroyed and continues to do so. How kind. The whole cataclysmic mess just keeps getting more and more complex and it seems it can only get worse. I have a feeling those 'terrorist bombers' aren't doing it for the reasons we like to think they are. Why don't they ever GIVE a reason? They never say 'stop bombing us or we will keep bombing you'. In fact, it seems that the more those gullible pawn 'suicide-bombers' blow themselves up the more the US and its grovelling lackies blow their countries up. All it does is give the US more excuses to keep at it, and foments more hatred and warmongering amongst the credulous drone populations. That couldn't possibly have escaped the notice of ISIS, ISIL or whoever 'claims responsibility' after each 'terrorist bombing'. Why would ISIS keep enlisting suicidal pawns when they know it only makes things even worse for their people? ISIS is making millions out of it all. It's true that ISIS has nothing to do with islam. ISIS is a criminal organisation.It's simply using islam as a cynical recruiting tool. Suicidal religious fanatics are good for business. Where does ISIS get its seemingly endless supply of the latest weapons and vehicles from? Who is really pulling the strings? The same insidious, silent malevolence that invariably pulls the strings in conflicts that involve the production of quintillions worth of people-killing mechanisms? It's the only explanation that makes any sense.