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Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:33 am
by Dontaskme
Who or what is it that knows ? Who or what is the knower?

The answer is very simple....

You are the unconscious dreamer...the I without an object... knowing it is dreaming... aka being consciously aware of the dream as an object.
The I object within the dream will never know any thing because it IS the knowing known that cannot be known. IT is not a thing, but knows all things. IT is everything known.

You are the emptiness aka the unconscious dreamer in which all dreams appear and disappear while you the unconscious dreamer cannot appear or disappear. If you could then there would be no dream period! there would be no reality, or world or universe etc etc..
A dream needs a dreamer to appear, but a dreamer does not need a dream, the dreamer neither appears or disappears, and you are THAT

As THAT is my presence, which is always here and now, that gives the quality of actual to any event, I must be beyond time and space. I was never born, nor will ever die. THAT immediate presence belongs to no one, yet it is everyone and everything.

I am not an object in the dream I am it's source, it's witness, I am the pure shapeless emptiness or awareness in which shape is formed.

Re: Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:26 am
by duszek
Why beyond time and space ?

The fearful eye that watches the dream develop is in the time and space of the dream.
And in the time and space of the person lying in bed, whose brain is producing the dream.

I see at least two sets of time and space.

Re: Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:51 am
by Dontaskme
duszek wrote:Why beyond time and space ?

The fearful eye that watches the dream develop is in the time and space of the dream.
And in the time and space of the person lying in bed, whose brain is producing the dream.

I see at least two sets of time and space.
There is no time and space, or cause and effect, except as and through the illusory dream of separation dreamt by a timeless, causeless eternal dreamer happening now and now and now and ONLY now.

This present energetic happening is the nature of existence, a dynamic event ever presenting itself NOW. The perception of a happened universe, happened things and a happened self is an illusion.

The illusion of the happened self (or self extended in time) is particularly sticky. This illusion comes in two persuasive variations; the past self and the future self. Both are projections - the past self is pure memory, the future self is a fantasy. The only thing that is real is this dynamic flux of existence occurring as it occurs NOW

Right NOW notice that you are not looking at something in the past - something that has happened - you are looking at an energetic, ever fresh, occurrence. In this present immediacy notice that there is nothing to be found that can be said to have happened. What I mean by this is that there are no happened things - every seemingly happened thing is really a happening.

NOW IS always here in real time.. aka time forever unfolding within timelessness aka the eternal now.

Re: Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:49 pm
by duszek
But when you watch a fascinating movie in a cinema: are you in the movie or are you in the cinema ?
If you completely forget about where you are and are completely immersed in what is happening on the screen.

Your body is in the cinema but your mind is in the movie.

Re: Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:47 am
by Dontaskme
duszek wrote:But when you watch a fascinating movie in a cinema: are you in the movie or are you in the cinema ?
If you completely forget about where you are and are completely immersed in what is happening on the screen.

Your body is in the cinema but your mind is in the movie.
Yes, it appears as if the body is in the cinema and the mind is somewhere else, in the movie.
So it feels like there is a loss of a sense of self in a body watching the film. Now, there's just this uninvited spontaneous emotion and reaction arising from nowhere, not from the movie, but from nowhere because the movie is not real, the movie is no thing but empty images, flashing lights, sound and colour appearing on a blank screen, which the mind interprets as a real witnessed, experienced...but it's all a trick of the brain/mind body organism.

In truth, there's no thing looking out from behind those eyes as was previously thought when one is self identified with their body. The body is just a concept, a thought arising from the same place as every emotion sensation or feeling..aka from the blank screen of awareness aka emptiness, known in the instant, one with the knowing. There is no dividing line between the seer and the seen. The knower and the known, the experiencer and the experience.The hearer and the heard, the feeler and the felt...etc etc.. They are inseparably one and the same thing appearing AS complimentary opposites mutually arising in conjunction in the instantaneous moment NOW one with the knowing as one unitary movement in constant flux.

In both the waking and sleeping dream of life there's just everything arising in no thing aka YOU. You are everything and no thing...inseparably one, and in that you, a thought arises conceptually freeze framing the flow into single things and events, that's what the mind does. It claims I am in the cinema, I am in the movie, I am my body, I am having fun... etc etc..

But the real YOU is never in the cinema or the movie. The movie and cinema are IN YOU.

When thought is absent... there's just this raw seamless experiencing, happening, sensation, colour, sound and light..appearing real...when all that's actually appearing is composed of illusory images like the movie on a blank screen...behind all characters, colour, sound - emotion feeling....there lies pure emptiness.


Re: Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:52 pm
by Hobbes' Choice
Dontaskme wrote:
duszek wrote:But when you watch a fascinating movie in a cinema: are you in the movie or are you in the cinema ?
If you completely forget about where you are and are completely immersed in what is happening on the screen.

Your body is in the cinema but your mind is in the movie.
Yes, it appears as if the body is in the cinema and the mind is somewhere else, in the movie.
Enjoy it whilst you can, as time passes into maturity it takes more and more for a film maker to be able to suspend your disbelief, and provide something you've not seen a 100 times already.
Even with the world's greatest effects, story lines show the worn out cliches of every film you have seen heretofore.
Problem emerges, time-line established, hero found, hero meets girl, hero has a crisis of confidence, deus ex machina appears, confidence back, only 12 hours before it all goes to shit, Hero has fisty-cuffs with the bad guy, order restores.

Such an example such as Elysium ( ... lmg_act_13), was so dreadful and predictable. Even if you accept the tech and the basic scenario the story was fucking awful, and I love Sci-fi.

The 100-120 minute format is basically dead. The best entrainment can be found in the Box Set which can develop characters and offer novel ideas. Writers have to be very good, and the stock of them worldwide is small.

Re: Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:51 am
by Dontaskme
Hobbes' Choice wrote:
Enjoy it whilst you can, as time passes into maturity it takes more and more for a film maker to be able to suspend your disbelief, and provide something you've not seen a 100 times already.
Even with the world's greatest effects, story lines show the worn out cliches of every film you have seen heretofore.
Problem emerges, time-line established, hero found, hero meets girl, hero has a crisis of confidence, deus ex machina appears, confidence back, only 12 hours before it all goes to shit, Hero has fisty-cuffs with the bad guy, order restores.

Such an example such as Elysium ( ... lmg_act_13), was so dreadful and predictable. Even if you accept the tech and the basic scenario the story was fucking awful, and I love Sci-fi.

The 100-120 minute format is basically dead. The best entrainment can be found in the Box Set which can develop characters and offer novel ideas. Writers have to be very good, and the stock of them worldwide is small.
You are not the character Hobbes' Choice.

You are this ever present unborn timeless oneness awareness dreaming aka being consciously aware aka knowing it is a character named Hobbes. Hobbes has no identity separate from this one knowing consciousness, Hobbes is not conscious, Hobbes is a thought arising as a separate character in [my(the one dreamer) dream.He has no existence apart from me the one dreamer, aka the witness. Without the witness there would be nothing to witness. This one has to be firstly present for the dream to appear.

Dreams come and go in me,while crazy things happen in the dream, nothing happens to me, for I am always here before and after all dreams dissolve back into me from whence they arose.

You mistake your character to be who you really are..but see it from this perspective... in your nightly dreams you awaken from your adventures to the relief that nothing has actually happen to you, even though in your dream you may have been running away from the jaws of a big hungry lion.

Well, the same principle applies to waking life, in the waking dream, the character will have all sorts of good and bad things happen to it, but upon awakening to the truth of yourself, you will realise that nothing ever happened to you either. For you are that in which the dream of you as a separate character appears and disappears without a trace, and that is essentially who you are. You are always prior to the thought you have about yourself. Prior to any thought lies REALIity.... THOUGHT on the other hand is total fiction...AKA the dream.


Re: Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 10:48 am
by Hobbes' Choice
Dontaskme wrote:
Hobbes' Choice wrote:
Enjoy it whilst you can, as time passes into maturity it takes more and more for a film maker to be able to suspend your disbelief, and provide something you've not seen a 100 times already.
Even with the world's greatest effects, story lines show the worn out cliches of every film you have seen heretofore.
Problem emerges, time-line established, hero found, hero meets girl, hero has a crisis of confidence, deus ex machina appears, confidence back, only 12 hours before it all goes to shit, Hero has fisty-cuffs with the bad guy, order restores.

Such an example such as Elysium ( ... lmg_act_13), was so dreadful and predictable. Even if you accept the tech and the basic scenario the story was fucking awful, and I love Sci-fi.

The 100-120 minute format is basically dead. The best entrainment can be found in the Box Set which can develop characters and offer novel ideas. Writers have to be very good, and the stock of them worldwide is small.
You are not the character Hobbes' Choice.

You are this ever present unborn timeless oneness awareness dreaming aka being consciously aware aka knowing it is a character named Hobbes. Hobbes has no identity separate from this one knowing consciousness, Hobbes is not conscious, Hobbes is a thought arising as a separate character in [my(the one dreamer) dream.He has no existence apart from me the one dreamer, aka the witness. Without the witness there would be nothing to witness. This one has to be firstly present for the dream to appear.

I am Hobbes' Choice. But not only HC, I am also CW; a son (now orphaned); a husband (now separated); a Partner (happily); A father. I am what I do, and I am what I think.
I have been born, so NO i'm not unborn. I was born in time and exist in time, and shall end in time; so NOT timeless. I am clearly not a 'oneness" whatever that is, but am different things to different people. When I am a teacher I act as a teacher, when I am an artist I act as an artist.
I do not consider any of this to be a dream, and contend that calling it a dream is an abuse of language.

Your response has nothing to do with my post.

Re: Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:43 pm
by Dontaskme
Hobbes' Choice wrote: Your response has nothing to do with my post.
The reason my response has nothing to do with your post is because your response to my thread topic had nothing to do with the thread topic. :roll:

Hobbes' Choice wrote:
I am Hobbes' Choice. But not only HC, I am also CW; a son (now orphaned); a husband (now separated); a Partner (happily); A father. I am what I do, and I am what I think.
You are the I as the reference point, the witness of all that is appearing to you, and this I has no beginning nor ending and is the same I in everyone else..that is without doubt or error....however, what comes after the in I am my name, my body, a husband, a partner, a father etc...those things that come after the I are fictional thoughts arising in the I inseparable from the I, what ever arises in you the I are transient things that come and go. You the I are the witness of each coming and going.

So you can't be your thoughts that come and go, because you are always present, as the unmoving unchanging witness of those thoughts. Notice you never change as you witness your thoughts of being a baby, a child, a teenager, an adult, an old man, etc...notice that the witness aka awareness of all those stages never changes. That never changing I is the only true reality that exists for real...everything else is a transient fictional appearance in that.

If the I wasn't already available, there would be no knowing of any thought or thing whatsoever, nothing would arise. That I is the only knower of truth that stands totally alone one without a second and is prior to any thing that comes after it claiming it is the knower of truth...for what ever claims it has no reality because it is already appearing within this already one true reality that is totally nondivisive and all pervading.

If you want absolute verification of what I'm saying you can find it either in yourself right here and now, or read it in the Upanishads, that were written sometime during the period from 1400BC to's not an old truth, it's a timeless truth, appearing here for the very first time each time it is discovered by itself aka you.

Hobbes' Choice wrote:I have been born, so NO i'm not unborn. I was born in time and exist in time, and shall end in time; so NOT timeless. I am clearly not a 'oneness" whatever that is, but am different things to different people. When I am a teacher I act as a teacher, when I am an artist I act as an artist.
I do not consider any of this to be a dream, and contend that calling it a dream is an abuse of language.
The I aka you isn't born and cannot die. Only the mind aka the object is born not you. Although it does appear like the subject aka the I aka you which cannot be known by what it knows, is taking the object known to be the subject simply because there is nothing else available that it can grasp hold of... So the subject mistakes the object to be who it is, and completely mis -identifies with it's true nature which is the subject in which the object arises... the part of itself that allows the transient thought /object to be in the first place. Or in other words, it forgets about the screen of awareness in which the dream manifests.

So what purpose or function does object aka the body have then you might ask?.

Well, The I aka you without an object cannot do anything without an action hero to perform it's deeds, so the body is the engine for the subjective I who is the engineer. Here we see, the body can't do anything without the engineer, aka the I..and I can't do anything without the it is realised that they are in fact one whole, and not separate. There simply is no witness here and that which is witnessed over there, they are inseparable one.

This I is the engineer to all bodies alike, it is the everything in fact. It's everything and no thing.The body is a machine, machines don't have consciousness, consciousness is that which is prior to the body, it's that in which the body arises, it's the driver of the body. Consciousness has no beginning nor ending. That which didn't exist in the beginning and doesn't exist in the end, can't exist in the middle. So there's no separate person or thing born here.

If you think you are a separate being that has been born, then where were you before you were born, where will you be after you've died?

Did you ever witness your own birth? ..the answer is no, but then you will say my mother witnessed my birth...and there we go again...a mother cannot be the witness, the witness was the consciousness of the mother, the mother is an object of that consciousness, some thing to be aware of, while the things in and of themselves aka objects have no consciousness or awareness. Consciousness awareness is that in which all objects aka dreams appear as consciousness itself, because both consciousness and it's contents are the same one true reality.

Hope this makes no sense to you.

As for abusing language. No thing can abuse language except the language itself which is just an imaginary thing abusing itself. Language has no reality, language is made from the same stuff it appears in, namely, empty space.

Re: Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 7:21 pm
by Hobbes' Choice
Dontaskme wrote:
Hobbes' Choice wrote: Your response has nothing to do with my post.
The reason my response has nothing to do with your post is because your response to my thread topic had nothing to do with the thread topic. :roll:

Hobbes' Choice wrote:
I am Hobbes' Choice. But not only HC, I am also CW; a son (now orphaned); a husband (now separated); a Partner (happily); A father. I am what I do, and I am what I think.
You are the I as the reference point, the witness of all that is appearing to you, and this I has no beginning nor ending and is the same I in everyone else..that is without doubt or error....however, what comes after the in I am my name, my body, a husband, a partner, a father etc...those things that come after the I are fictional thoughts arising in the I inseparable from the I, what ever arises in you the I are transient things that come and go. You the I are the witness of each coming and going.

So you can't be your thoughts that come and go, because you are always present, as the unmoving unchanging witness of those thoughts. Notice you never change as you witness your thoughts of being a baby, a child, a teenager, an adult, an old man, etc...notice that the witness aka awareness of all those stages never changes. That never changing I is the only true reality that exists for real...everything else is a transient fictional appearance in that.

If the I wasn't already available, there would be no knowing of any thought or thing whatsoever, nothing would arise. That I is the only knower of truth that stands totally alone one without a second and is prior to any thing that comes after it claiming it is the knower of truth...for what ever claims it has no reality because it is already appearing within this already one true reality that is totally nondivisive and all pervading.

If you want absolute verification of what I'm saying you can find it either in yourself right here and now, or read it in the Upanishads, that were written sometime during the period from 1400BC to's not an old truth, it's a timeless truth, appearing here for the very first time each time it is discovered by itself aka you.

Hobbes' Choice wrote:I have been born, so NO i'm not unborn. I was born in time and exist in time, and shall end in time; so NOT timeless. I am clearly not a 'oneness" whatever that is, but am different things to different people. When I am a teacher I act as a teacher, when I am an artist I act as an artist.
I do not consider any of this to be a dream, and contend that calling it a dream is an abuse of language.
The I aka you isn't born and cannot die. Only the mind aka the object is born not you. Although it does appear like the subject aka the I aka you which cannot be known by what it knows, is taking the object known to be the subject simply because there is nothing else available that it can grasp hold of... So the subject mistakes the object to be who it is, and completely mis -identifies with it's true nature which is the subject in which the object arises... the part of itself that allows the transient thought /object to be in the first place. Or in other words, it forgets about the screen of awareness in which the dream manifests.

So what purpose or function does object aka the body have then you might ask?.

Well, The I aka you without an object cannot do anything without an action hero to perform it's deeds, so the body is the engine for the subjective I who is the engineer. Here we see, the body can't do anything without the engineer, aka the I..and I can't do anything without the it is realised that they are in fact one whole, and not separate. There simply is no witness here and that which is witnessed over there, they are inseparable one.

This I is the engineer to all bodies alike, it is the everything in fact. It's everything and no thing.The body is a machine, machines don't have consciousness, consciousness is that which is prior to the body, it's that in which the body arises, it's the driver of the body. Consciousness has no beginning nor ending. That which didn't exist in the beginning and doesn't exist in the end, can't exist in the middle. So there's no separate person or thing born here.

If you think you are a separate being that has been born, then where were you before you were born, where will you be after you've died?

Did you ever witness your own birth? ..the answer is no, but then you will say my mother witnessed my birth...and there we go again...a mother cannot be the witness, the witness was the consciousness of the mother, the mother is an object of that consciousness, some thing to be aware of, while the things in and of themselves aka objects have no consciousness or awareness. Consciousness awareness is that in which all objects aka dreams appear as consciousness itself, because both consciousness and it's contents are the same one true reality.

Hope this makes no sense to you.

As for abusing language. No thing can abuse language except the language itself which is just an imaginary thing abusing itself. Language has no reality, language is made from the same stuff it appears in, namely, empty space.
`Kook alert

Re: Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:54 am
by Dontaskme
Hobbes' Choice wrote:
I am Hobbes' Choice. But not only HC, I am also CW; a son (now orphaned); a husband (now separated); a Partner (happily); A father. I am what I do, and I am what I think.
You cannot be what you think, because if that were true you would be a sky blue pink with yellow dots on unicorn. And your not that are you?
You can't be the doer, because you did not give birth to yourself, you are not beating your heart or breathing your breath, or thinking your thoughts...if you were thinking your thoughts you would be able to control which thoughts you had and when to have listen very carefully to what you are...

What you are is the unmoved mover, the I am - the source of every appearance and disappearance..aka the witness.

While the I am does not make an appearance or disappear, names, forms, titles, emotions, thoughts, feelings, sensations, beliefs, do appear and disappear in you, so you can't be any of those appearances- the I am has to be in place in order for anything to appear at all. Like the ocean has to be in order for a wave to appear. Using this analogy, the ocean is the source of the wave, the wave has never existed apart from the ocean. The ocean can't be the wave, because the wave is only a temporal appearance of the ever existing ocean waving to itself.

It's the same with people who think they have been born, people are not born, they are appearances of that which has always existed, namely, life aka oneness without a second. People are concepts, concepts are a reflection of life, they appear and disappear in life, while life never appears or disappears.... concepts are like waves to the ocean, the ocean being the eternal source of every wave, from source to source and endless spring.

This is what oneness is in case you were still wondering... this is the meaning of oneness.

No thing ever comes into life, life is only ever no thing aka everything living itself all at once.....things come out of life that already exists, like the wave from the ocean, the ocean is not a thing, it is everything..everything is already here now eternally, like a wave is to the ocean. Like a shadow is to the sun. Things are not born literally, only the concept is born, concepts are not conscious, they are only reflections of the source that is everywhere all at once.

This light or energy source is permanently NEVER goes out, it is unborn and undying. And that is who you are. You can't die because you were never born. That which lives never dies, and that which dies never lives.

There's nothing kooky about this knowledge, this knowledge is the one common denominator we all share, and that is we all share the same one awareness of aliveness...we all know this, but we don't know why or how we know...that's the sticky part.

Hobbes' Choice wrote:I have been born, so NO i'm not unborn. I was born in time and exist in time, and shall end in time; so NOT timeless. I am clearly not a 'oneness" whatever that is,
Oneness is this immediate seamless timeless flow of life effortlessly living itself right now without beginning nor end. You are that. This is unborn and cannot die.

So Hobbes, if you think you are real and that you have been born a man in time ---- please answer the following questions openly and honestly from deep within your own heart of intuitive knowing.....

Q 1: how do you know you have been born?

Q 2: if you are alive right now and are real, where were you before you were born, and where will you be after you die?

If you can't answer those two questions with an authentic bona fide authority then your claim of being born is the only kook here you not see that?

Please answer...instead of just copping out calling bs on this, just because it blows your mind to pieces.

Re: Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:33 pm
by Hobbes' Choice
Dontaskme wrote: Q 1: how do you know you have been born?

Q 2: if you are alive right now and are real, where were you before you were born, and where will you be after you die?

If you can't answer those two questions with an authentic bona fide authority then your claim of being born is the only kook here you not see that?

Please answer...instead of just copping out calling bs on this, just because it blows your mind to pieces.
Q 1 Evidence.
Q 2 Washington ; Nowhere.

Re: Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:57 am
by Dontaskme
Hobbes' Choice wrote:
Q 1 Evidence.
You know you exist because you can't know you do not exist. Therefore you have always existed as knowledge known. However, that which is known cannot be the knower, for the knower is not the thing it knows. The knower can only appear in the thing it knows arising together in the exact same instant inseparable as one unitary movement from knower to known.

Any thing known is knowledge aka illusory... known by that which is not a thing ..aka the [knower] therefore not an illusory thing... and you are that.That is the I AM prior to knowledge.

One is only illusory in the sense there is no other...there is no thing behind this one except the concept life is basically made of zero's and one's....Therefore you have never been born therefore cannot die. The witness, you, aka awareness, aka no thing, only appears in relation to the witnessed. This happens as one unitary movement.. because the witness aka awareness never moves. The relation between knower and known is illusory.

This is the truth sages have known for donkey's years, but the mind cannot handle the truth because the mind's existence claims personal ownership of existence, which is a fallacy, fantasy...the minds only way of existing is in it's concepts which are illusions...however, the illusion appears as if it is real to the mind, and that's the way the mind lives, as and through it's concepts...coupled with the belief the words are real, and that's just the way this energy functions.

IT'S NOT THAT I KNOW THIS AND YOU DON'T Hobbes...everyone knows this because they are this. It's always been an open secret.

Hobbes' Choice wrote:Q 2 Washington ; Nowhere.
These are concepts, they have no reality, there is no thing behind a word. The awareness of a word and it's meaning is invisible and meaningless. They are mere appearances, appearing and disappearing without a trace.

No thing can appear without an empty blank space in which to appear. You are that. You have always been that. You have never not been that.

And that is NOWHERE...HERE NOW.

Re: Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 2:28 pm
by Hobbes' Choice
Dontaskme wrote:
Hobbes' Choice wrote:
Q 1 Evidence.
You know you exist because you can't know you do not exist. Therefore you have always existed as knowledge known. However, that which is known cannot be the knower, for the knower is not the thing it knows. The knower can only appear in the thing it knows arising together in the exact same instant inseparable as one unitary movement from knower to known.

Any thing known is knowledge aka illusory... known by that which is not a thing ..aka the [knower] therefore not an illusory thing... and you are that.That is the I AM prior to knowledge.

One is only illusory in the sense there is no other...there is no thing behind this one except the concept life is basically made of zero's and one's....Therefore you have never been born therefore cannot die. The witness, you, aka awareness, aka no thing, only appears in relation to the witnessed. This happens as one unitary movement.. because the witness aka awareness never moves. The relation between knower and known is illusory.

This is the truth sages have known for donkey's years, but the mind cannot handle the truth because the mind's existence claims personal ownership of existence, which is a fallacy, fantasy...the minds only way of existing is in it's concepts which are illusions...however, the illusion appears as if it is real to the mind, and that's the way the mind lives, as and through it's concepts...coupled with the belief the words are real, and that's just the way this energy functions.

IT'S NOT THAT I KNOW THIS AND YOU DON'T Hobbes...everyone knows this because they are this. It's always been an open secret.

Hobbes' Choice wrote:Q 2 Washington ; Nowhere.
These are concepts, they have no reality, there is no thing behind a word. The awareness of a word and it's meaning is invisible and meaningless. They are mere appearances, appearing and disappearing without a trace.

No thing can appear without an empty blank space in which to appear. You are that. You have always been that. You have never not been that.

And that is NOWHERE...HERE NOW.
Sorry I can no longer respond to you because you don't really exist.

Re: Knowing the waking dream.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 7:50 am
by Dontaskme
Hobbes' Choice wrote:
Sorry I can no longer respond to you because you don't really exist.
Ahh, but that you have responded is because you still think there is something external to you that you are responding to. But I am only your own projection.

In Plato's cave analogy, the guys in the cave identified their selves with the shadow on the cave wall, they identified with the wrong I because all they could see was their shadow. They didn't realise their eyes were not the one seeing the shadow, and that the REAL seer was the projector behind them, the projector was superimposing an image of itself to appear outside of itself...the cave men didn't realise that their real self was prior to their assumptions/thoughts about their selves...on REALISATION..they saw that there's only ONE I that sees all.

The real I is the one light aka energy source projecting the appearance of ''others'' as in the appearance of shadows. It's the SAME one energy source streaming through each and every one of us as we perceive ourselves to be. Thoughts arise as an energetical by-product of this one energy that claim ownership, thus the I is born......but the source is a total mystery without concept of itself, it is without birth or is that which allows birth and death to appear as illusions, while IT is never phased by it's own projections..

Without the appearance of shadow there is no source, similarly, without source there is no shadow, they co-exist, one is real the other is unreal being immutably one and the same.

So your only ever responding to yourself anyway.