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is consciousness nonlocality as relativity

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 12:54 pm
by jackles
Yep thats the question is nonlocality relative to the event consciousness.

Re: is consciousness nonlocality as relativity

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 4:41 pm
by hammock
jackles wrote:Yep thats the question is nonlocality relative to the event consciousness.
Afraid I'm having one of those unimaginative weeks when it comes to projecting meaning upon these Rorschach Texts. Sometimes the semantic and syntactic ambiguity is too much for me. Instead of finding some skeleton-key like round peg that can be forced into the amorphous slot, I conceive only the typical interpretations of sexual anatomy, sinister silhouettes like a monster eating a baby's brain, innocuous butterflies, etc.