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Going to have to leave

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:36 pm
by Kuznetzova
My scientific aptitude has exceeded the peer group of this Philosophy Now forum.

None of these people is exhibiting any real training in any of the disciplines in which they pretend to talk about. I am being isolated by a coterie of regulars at this forum who, because I do not sufficiently entertain them, are throwing temper tantrums.

A wise person once told me that the internet is full of drunk and high people talking about things which they know nothing about it. I am saddened to see this philosophy forum fall to that truth. I had high hopes but those are dashed to pieces.

I realistically and seriously consider leaving. My reason for leaving is not an emotional huff-- rather it is that I have spent hours of my life constructing elaborate threads about real, pressing topics, and none of the people here are capable of producing any cogent, coherent response to this material. It is like I am yelling out a window and only the birds hear me.

Why should I waste any more time here? Counsel that!

Re: Going to have to leave

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:50 am
by The Voice of Time
rather it is that I have spent hours of my life constructing elaborate threads about real, pressing topics
You did? You have? Your profile picture always puts me a little bit off, give me some bad associations to you as some religious guy who wants to appear secular. The fact you once made a thread about some religious-like question didn't make the association any better.

As a writer, you are aesthetically unappealing to me at least. Your threads are usually far from containing real pressing issues, some topics that almost instantaneously I find boring and lacking greatly or completely of pressingness:

i) the ontology of "Energy"

- bad name for a thread, topic is too general, should be something more specific and targeting a specific issue. Ontology is a category of issues, not "one specific" issue. Long text scares a bit, but reading the first few lines and realizing nothing of interest makes the scare into a reaction for boredom-phobia.

ii) Filaments, voids, and the Great Attractor

- when your short text in the thread is "Filaments, voids, and the Great Attractor "... 'the Great Attractor' sounds very mystic to me, and therefore its value as something to know about and discuss falls sharply

iii) the wrath of Tornadaclese

- title of thread is not one of a philosophical issue. Opening the thread it seems its place is in the philosophy of religion forum... I never go there, with a very few exceptions. Ignored as misplaced thread.

iiii) Why are creationists drawn to philosophy forums?

- another misplaced thread. Any discussion about religion, its followers and its philosophical adherents should be in the philosophy of religion forum.

iiii.i) Aquinas's First Cause in formal notation.

- Thomas Aquinas was an overly and deeply religious philosopher, the association to religion gets confirmation with the opening sentence: "In this thread we will examine Aquinas's argument for the existence of God as the First Cause". Ignored as misplaced thread.

iiii.ii) the reality of sexual arousal

- could be interesting, as this is a topic I'm also interested in. However, opening two lines: "Violence against women
War's overlooked victims" disappoints me. Abuse of the word reality, and the initial aggressive stance seems offensive to the concept of sex as something good. If I wanted to know about bad things done in the intent or act of sex, I'd just read the media where we get it every day. Philosophy is where I can discuss it in a good or neutral sense, more negativity is not appetising as a topic, already too much of it going on.

iiii.iii) On being honest about the nature of men's sexuality.

- title appears sexist, I judge the thread-maker to be an asshole before reading it.

iiii.iiii) "perfectly natural"?

- The answer to the title and opening text is too simple (argument made hundreds of years ago and totally irrelevant today), not challenging enough. All in all it shows a lack of imagination (outdated, overly recycled), and I'm instantly bored.

Re: Going to have to leave

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:00 am
by Kuznetzova
Okay well then another one bites the dust. You basically admitted to me that your attention span can't even get past the first three lines of a thread. In the majority of cases you don't even get past the header.

Are you here to be entertained?
Your time would be better spent at reddit looking at photos of cats with funny text on them.

Re: Going to have to leave

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:01 am
by Kuznetzova

Re: Going to have to leave

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:17 am
by The Voice of Time
Kuznetzova wrote:Are you here to be entertained?
Yes. And no to the second line. Entertained is not necessarily amusement (and not all people find cat videos to always be that funny, our sense of humour differs), I have a special desire in entertainment which is my philosophical interest, in the same way as a professor might get entertained by his interest in any subject or experiment.

The image you posted does not entertain me. Religion is not usually an entertaining subject to me, it is very much disinteresting.

My attention span is very quick indeed, but usually right, and given that you make thread after thread, I can further judge you by what you've done earlier, and it fits into my interpretation of you in the future, which leads to an even shorter attention span as I get increasingly sure you are not giving me topics of interest. But that's just me, you are getting replies to most of your threads, so some people find them interesting enough.

Re: Going to have to leave

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:08 pm
by marjoramblues

Re: Going to have to leave

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:47 pm
by Kuznetzova
This forum is getting worse, not better.

I should be paid to write articles for the magazine publication.

Re: Going to have to leave

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:53 pm
by The Voice of Time
Kuznetzova wrote:This forum is getting worse, not better.

I should be paid to write articles for the magazine publication.
In order to get paid somebody must want to buy. If you can find that, then no problem.