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london meetup - a new venue,day,time ?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 11:01 am
by jetsetjason
I am trying to avoid being out at night,now it is cold and dark, how would people think about a meetup,say on a saturday afternoon, perhaps at that pub near the mary ward centre, that many of us visit after pfalondon debates ?

We may even go to the basement at the school of life sometime, turn it into a kind of philosophy version of the poetry cafe ?

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:16 am
by jetsetjason
mmm, a pub meet probably best !

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:52 pm
by tbieter
Hi Jason,

I owe you some thanks. Having read your post about an interesting venue, I wondered about any philosophy groups in my immediate area (one that I was interested in in the past had folded). I discovered a new one, about to hold its first meeting.

Further, one member is a retired lawyer like me. And the founder is a 2004 graduate of the University of Minnesota Duluth where I studied and taught philosophy. I'm now reading his paper. I'll be interested in his opinion of the UMD professor who I sued.

So, Thanks, Jason.


Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:35 pm
by jetsetjason
thanks,for saying,thanks, remember to advise all those philosophy fans about how amazing 'philosophy now' is :)

mmm, go along with an issue and post a pic on here, of you with them,reading the mag ?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:20 am
by bus2bondi
hi tbieter, hope all is well with you, i'm so close to minneapolis, but sadly probably could never make it to one of the meets, but if you go, i agree with jetset, that it would be nice to hear about the goings' on & maybe even a few pics.

i also looked through your link about Paul Wellstone, that was such a sad tragedy to happen to such a wonderful man, & i heard the conspiracy theories too, but never really necessarily believed them, especailly due to the fact that these plane incidents happen quite often, even many times a year, just within the own confines of our state even. & furthermore, although Paul was one who stood out of the crowd and had a great following, there are others evenmore so, that you'd think one of these attempts, if one were to happen (hopefully not ever) would have been directed towards. i think your chaos theory is quite reasonable. although, a product of all the chaos is randomness as well, and there are those one in a million happenings, so we may never know. but all in all, i think your reasoning is on the right track in this situation. but what a loss to our region, and world, regardless of affiliations, a very sincere and decent person, i was quite sad when i heard of the tragedy

anyhow, hope you enjoy the meet in the twin cities, wish i could go too, but hope you'll share about it here, thx