An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by surreptitious57 »

Age wrote:
If you are agreeing with what I said about When that body was born there was a complete openness within it but sadly
that openness become slowly closed then I can expand on it tremendously so that it is fully understood
I understand it perfectly well but if you want to elaborate then you are entirely free to do so
It is not my responsibility so you post whatever you want to as it makes zero difference to me
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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by surreptitious57 »

Age wrote:
In this forum I am continually referred to as insane an idiot et cetera and ridiculed quite often so this identity begins to form as is in me
What others think of you here on the forum is not my responsibility and neither is how you see yourself and I never knew anyway
That is I never knew there was an identity beginning to form in you but how you deal with it is only something that you can know
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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by surreptitious57 »

Age wrote:
Fear of being misinterpreted and / or misunderstood

I fear being misjudged
So again how you deal with this is only something you can actually know
I myself have no such fears as they are not things that would bother me
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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by Age »

surreptitious57 wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:32 pm
Age wrote:
If you are already set on insisting / believing some thing being true then really what purpose is there to look at or for any thing else ?
You can never actually change my mind unless you truly challenge me and show me where I am wrong from your perspective
But it is not mine nor any one else's 'job' to change "another".

The Truth anyway is a person can only truly change ONLY if THEY really or truly want to.

Also, how does one show another where they are wrong when they are NOT open to the idea that could be wrong, let alone not open to the fact that they are wrong.

How could I show you that there is only one Mind and that there is NO such thing as a human mind nor human minds?
surreptitious57 wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:32 pmNow you love to be challenged but it would seem you do not like to challenge others so much from what you have said here
If it is seen that I have implied, inferred, or even suggested that I do not like to challenge, from what I have said, then I really do need to learn to rephrase what I say and change the way I say things. I NEED to change more if I want to be better understood. I did not mean I do not like to challenge. I have just meant I have found that there is no use in even just trying to challenge some one's strongly held beliefs. Thoughts (beliefs, et cetera) are, literally, who 'people' are, so people do not like to be made/forced to change, that is; if they do not truly want to, literally, change themselves.

I find also it is not my job to challenge, if the "other" does not want to be challenged anyway.

If some one wants to insist or believe absolutely any thing, then, to me, they are completely FREE to.

I am not here to, or even try to, persuade nor convince any one of any thing.

If, however, any one admits that they have a problem, and are seriously Wanting to change, for the better, and for the right reasons, then I will most certainly challenge them, that is; if that is what they truly want. I do this usually by just asking, what you call the right questions, and what I just call clarifying questions, and, if they provide the completely open and truly honest answers, then they will naturally also HAVE thee True, Rght, and Correct answers of, and for, Life.

I like to challenge, by mostly just by asking clarifying questions. However, if those questions like to be answered is another matter, which, by the way, how often my questions like, or do not like, to actually be answered can very easily be seen, witnessed, observed throughout this forum.

Also, how much some one wants to be challenged or not can be clearly seen in their writings, and by how often they keep insisting some thing or by how strongly theykeep believing some thing without ever asking to be challenged nor questioned.

After all of this I could have instead challenged you by asking you a clarifying question about; What was it exactly in what I said that made you assume that I do not like to challenge?

When, and if, you provide that, then we will be able to see if it was you lack of answering one of my clarifying questions and instead making an assumption about what I was actually asking/saying, and from that jumping to the conclusion that I do not like to challenge, or, if it was some thing else that led you to that conclusion.

When, and if, whatever I said that led to; 'It seems like I do not to challenge others', to you, is brought to light then thee Truth will be revealed and thus can be seen.

Until then, from my perspective, I can not see any thing that would lead to such a thing. But, this is not to say that I have not said some thing, which would in fact, from If you are already set on insisting / believing some thing being true then really what purpose is there to look at or for any thing else 'another's' perspective, would really seem like that. It just is if it is not brought out in the OPEN for all to SEE, and become known, then the Truth is It just remains unknown.
Last edited by Age on Fri Aug 23, 2019 4:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by surreptitious57 »

Age wrote:
But it is not mine nor any one elses job to change another person

The Truth anyway is a person can only truly change ONLY if THEY really want to
This is true but sometimes the change can only come about if another reveals knowledge to them they do not possess
After they acquire the knowledge they can use it to change themselves and become a better person as a consequence
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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by surreptitious57 »

Age wrote:
I am not here to or even try to persuade nor convince any one of any thing at all
And yet your writing style is very persuasive indeed which makes it look like you are trying to convince everyone of all that you say
But if you are not actually trying to do this then why do you still write in that style as if you are since that does not make any sense
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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by Age »

surreptitious57 wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:42 pm
Age wrote:
Besides me saying that there is only one Mind whereas you keep insisting by continually saying there are many minds which are each
the cognitive capability of the human being I am not sure how else I can just show you some thing other than what you think is true

There was really no use in me continuing any further before when you just kept on insisting that there are human minds
Your opinion was that there was no use in continuing any further but even if I still disagreed with you the conversation could have carried on

How can logical reasoning take place if one is trying to explain that there is only one Mind when the "other" is continuing saying but there is many minds and that those minds do not work that way?

If one keeps repeating the phrase "there are many minds" and/or "the human mind", then to me there use continuing the discussion about HOW there is only ONE Mind.
surreptitious57 wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:42 pmYou cannot have a conversation with another human being if they decide that they want to end it because in their opinion it is going nowhere
So, can there be just ONE Mind.

If yes, then great. But,
If no, then the opinion, from "both", would be the discussion is going nowhere, correct?
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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by Age »

surreptitious57 wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:51 pm
Age wrote:
If you do not ask clarifying questions to another then that shows a lack of interest in what they are saying ?
I have told you before that I do not have the mental energy to ask as many clarifying questions as you actually would want me to
But I just want you to ask as many as you want to ask. No more nor no less.

How many you ask or how few you ask shows just how interested and curious you really are, or are not.

I certainly do not want you feel pressured to do any thing that you do want to do.

I have absolutely no care who challenges me nor asks me clarifying questions nor how many are asked. I just like and want to be challenged because of the learning I gain from it.
surreptitious57 wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:51 pmThis is why I ask so few of them but that in no way suggests I am not interested in what you are saying for that is simply not true
But, if you do not understand some thing I say or do understand some thing I say but not fully, then, if you want me to elaborate on some thing or further expand on some thing, then how would know this? Especially if you do not have the "mental energy" to notify me or just ask some simple questions. Considering you go to all the effort of rewriting what I say when you quote me, I am not sure if it really takes that much more "mental effort" to just come up with some clarifying questions out of curiosity?
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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by Age »

surreptitious57 wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 1:03 pm
Age wrote:
If you are agreeing with what I said about When that body was born there was a complete openness within it but sadly
that openness become slowly closed then I can expand on it tremendously so that it is fully understood
I understand it perfectly well but if you want to elaborate then you are entirely free to do so
It is not my responsibility so you post whatever you want to as it makes zero difference to me
I was just alluding to the fact that I was still unsure what you saying and understanding. But now this has been clarified in this post.
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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by Age »

surreptitious57 wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 1:12 pm
Age wrote:
In this forum I am continually referred to as insane an idiot et cetera and ridiculed quite often so this identity begins to form as is in me
What others think of you here on the forum is not my responsibility and neither is how you see yourself and I never knew anyway
That is I never knew there was an identity beginning to form in you but how you deal with it is only something that you can know
I was aware of and agree with all of this.

You seem to like to make sure it is known that, from your perspective, 'you' are very separate from 'an "other" ', and that 'you' in no way responsible for "another".

Is this somewhat correct?
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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by Age »

surreptitious57 wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 1:16 pm
Age wrote:
Fear of being misinterpreted and / or misunderstood

I fear being misjudged
So again how you deal with this is only something you can actually know

I was NOT asking for advice, nor looking for any thing. I was JUST answering the questions you asked me.
surreptitious57 wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 1:16 pmI myself have no such fears as they are not things that would bother me
I really do not care.

I was just answering YOUR questions posed to ME, with open and honest answers.

To me, it comes across as you really do not care what is thought nor how some thing is felt about a situation, and that it is not your responsibility at all and that the "other" is made aware of this fact. You also come across, to me, that it is the sole responsibility of the "other" to deal with whatever there is. Now all of this is perfectly fine with me. But if you do not like the answers given or will not accept the answers, when they are obviously ones own answers, then I suggest do NOT ask questions.
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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by Age »

surreptitious57 wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 3:57 pm
Age wrote:
But it is not mine nor any one elses job to change another person

The Truth anyway is a person can only truly change ONLY if THEY really want to
This is true but sometimes the change can only come about if another reveals knowledge to them they do not possess
After they acquire the knowledge they can use it to change themselves and become a better person as a consequence
But there is no rush. ALL will be revealed soon enough.

Things are revealed accordingly.

Sometimes acquiring to much knowledge or acquiring to new a knowledge, to soon, can be a very dangerous and bad thing.

For example, imagine; if I revealed how time travel works to an unsuspecting planet of people who are still living in times where greed, class, hate and wars still exist and flourish. Now imagine what would happen if, and when, those who are the wealthiest and have the most power or ability to have access to and full control over this ability. What do you suspect these people would do with having the ability to time travel?

First what needs to be done is reveal just how easily and simply greed and hatred can be gotten of completely from a planet, AND THEN other things can be and will be revealed.

As I stated earlier; There is no rush as things are revealed accordingly.
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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by Age »

surreptitious57 wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 4:04 pm
Age wrote:
I am not here to or even try to persuade nor convince any one of any thing at all
And yet your writing style is very persuasive indeed which makes it look like you are trying to convince everyone of all that you say
But if you are not actually trying to do this then why do you still write in that style as if you are since that does not make any sense
It would have better if I had made it more clearer.

I am not here, IN THIS FORUM, to persuade, nor even try to persuade, not convince any one of any thing.

I am just here, IN THIS FORUM, to learn how to express better so that can and will be better and fully understood.

If my writing style is coming across as very persuasive, to some, then that is great, and it is even better to know. I am actually learning, from being here.

By writing in this style, which is, by the way, unintentional on my part, here in this forum, is so that my writing style continues to improve, here in this forum, so that I can and will eventually be able to write in a way or a style where I am fully heard, and fully understood. This part of what I set out to do will not be happening here, in this forum.

Before I came to forums I could not, in a sense write at all. It is only from being here, in this forum, that I have, to some, improved.
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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by surreptitious57 »

Age wrote:
How can logical reasoning take place if one is trying to explain that there is only one Mind when the other is continuing saying there
are many minds and that those minds do not work that way
A conversation is simply an exchange of facts and opinions and ideas . Sometimes there will be agreement and sometimes there
will be disagreement but to me this is not as important as the free and open exchange and the spirit in which that is conducted
And so it is not about one proving themselves right or the other wrong but just the natural and organic flow of the conversation
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Re: An Analogy, From Physical To Mind

Post by surreptitious57 »

Age wrote:
To me it comes across as you really do not care what is thought nor how some thing is felt about a situation and that it is
not your responsibility at all and that the other is made aware of this fact . You also come across to me that it is the sole
responsibility of the other to deal with whatever there is
Simply saying that one is not responsible for someone else is I would have thought stating the obvious but state it I had to
So it is not about caring but understanding that one does not have the right to impose on anyone without their permission

Had it ever occurred to you that I am actually respecting you by not imposing on you in any way as you never asked me to
You did not want me to and neither did I but because you just assumed I am a cold person I now have to correct you on this
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