OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

reasonvemotion wrote:FACTS not FEELINGS

In 1913 the Federal Reserve central bank is set up in America, under orders of Jewish puppet President Woodrow Wilson. This act literally hands the American economy over to a handful of power Jewish banking families.

The main Jewish names behind creating this system of control where:

The Rothschilds

The Rockefellers

The Morgans

The Warburgs

"The placement for this was carried out by Morgan who used his position to publish lies that a powerful bank in New York was bankrupt, knowing it would cause mass panic and chain reaction among the Gentile public causing them to withdraw their monies. Causing the banks to call in all loans which forced the recipients of the loans to sell whatever they had from properties on. Thus a depression was generated by the Jews."

"Let me issue and control a Nation's money and I care not for who writes it's laws."
-Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 1790
Which religion would you prefer these people to be?
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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by reasonvemotion »

I repeat

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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by SecularCauses »

reasonvemotion wrote:FACTS not FEELINGS

In 1913 the Federal Reserve central bank is set up in America, under orders of Jewish puppet President Woodrow Wilson. This act literally hands the American economy over to a handful of power Jewish banking families.

The main Jewish names behind creating this system of control where:

The Rothschilds

The Rockefellers

The Morgans

The Warburgs

"The placement for this was carried out by Morgan who used his position to publish lies that a powerful bank in New York was bankrupt, knowing it would cause mass panic and chain reaction among the Gentile public causing them to withdraw their monies. Causing the banks to call in all loans which forced the recipients of the loans to sell whatever they had from properties on. Thus a depression was generated by the Jews."

"Let me issue and control a Nation's money and I care not for who writes it's laws."
-Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 1790
No, idiot, those are not the FACTS. The facts are that Wilson was a non-Jew. The facts are not that he was a puppet of the Jews. Where are your facts to prove this? The facts are that the people who wanted the FED the most were non-Jews. Here are the people involved: It actually started under Theodore Roosevelt's administration, so you'll also need to produce evidence that he was a Jew-puppet as well, moron. During Roosevelt's administration a National Monetary Commission was established and headed by Republican Senator, Nelson W. Aldrich. During Wilson's administration, the senator Carter Glass rewrote the commission's recommendations. This resulted in the federal reserve system.

Not only weren't the Jews involved, during this period of time, Jews were a minority in the banking industry and faced heavy discrimination. In fact, if you were to get your head out of your prejudiced rear-end, you would find that the anti-semites of the time were claiming that the Jews were conspiring to prevent the estblishment of the FED. You anti-semites always switch your story, and never, ever, have any facts to back up your BS.

The FED is controlled by the US government, and the Jews do no control the US government. They are too small of a voting block to do so. You are simply insane. There is no other explanation for your anti-semitic hatred. You have no facts, chaz has no facts, not a single anti-emite here has any facts. You are insane.
Last edited by SecularCauses on Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

reasonvemotion wrote:I repeat

Even if ALL the banks in the world were controlled and owned entirely by Jewish people (and I'm not even going to get started on what a Jew is ), I would be perfectly happy with it. Better that than Christians or Muslims. 8)
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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by SecularCauses »

reasonvemotion wrote:I repeat

No, not facts at all. Where are your facts that two US presidents were Jew puppets? Where are your facts that the Jews ran the commission that established the Jews? Where are your facts that these people were controlled by the FED? You have no facts of any kind. None.
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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by reasonvemotion »

Where are your facts? You dispute what I have presented, then

Show me some facts that disprove these.

Not your own personal emotional drivel.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was himself partly of Dutch-Jewish ancestry.
Last edited by reasonvemotion on Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by SecularCauses »

reasonvemotion wrote:Where are your facts? You dispute what I have presented, then

Show me some facts that disprove these.

Not your own personal emotional drivel.
I just gave the exact facts surrounding the establishment of the FED. Go look them up. I gave the names of the Republican senator in charge of the commission during a Republican administration and the name of the Democratic senator in charge during the Democratic administration. One may also read the act itself, which is quite lengthy and technical, which is why no anti-semite has ever bothered to do so. When you read he establishment act for the FED, it is clear that there is no way for anyone to "own" or control the FED as the anti-semites like you claim. In fact, if you review the current FED policies, they could not possibly be of any advantage to "the Jews," the FED simply fixes the price of money in the short-term to increase employment. Now, how would that make the Jews any money? The FED operates by allowing the Federal government to borrow money, through the process of printing money as needed, which allows the government to spend more than if it were limited to financing expenditures solely through taxes. How does that make the Jews money? This actually creates instability in the system, which threatens to reduce the wealth of anyone who has it. The recent recession reduced the value of the richest people on earth, as well as wealthy Jews, by considerable amounts. The FED operates solely to the advantage of those who believe in extending the influence of the state over the national economy. How is that to the Jews' advantage when they are a political minority? The Jews have a financial interest in seeing an end to the FED. Those are the actual facts.

It's not my fault that you know nothing of economics.
Last edited by SecularCauses on Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

SecularCauses wrote:
reasonvemotion wrote:FACTS not FEELINGS

In 1913 the Federal Reserve central bank is set up in America, under orders of Jewish puppet President Woodrow Wilson. This act literally hands the American economy over to a handful of power Jewish banking families.

The main Jewish names behind creating this system of control where:

The Rothschilds

The Rockefellers

The Morgans

The Warburgs

"The placement for this was carried out by Morgan who used his position to publish lies that a powerful bank in New York was bankrupt, knowing it would cause mass panic and chain reaction among the Gentile public causing them to withdraw their monies. Causing the banks to call in all loans which forced the recipients of the loans to sell whatever they had from properties on. Thus a depression was generated by the Jews."

"Let me issue and control a Nation's money and I care not for who writes it's laws."
-Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 1790
No, idiot, those are not the FACTS. The facts are that Wilson was a non-Jew. The facts are not that he was a puppet of the Jews. Where are your facts to prove this? The facts are that the people who wanted the FED the most were non-Jews. Here are the people involved: It actually started under Theodore Roosevelt's administration, so you'll also need to produce evidence that he was a Jew-puppet as well, moron. During Roosevelt's administration a National Monetary Commission was established and headed by Republican Senator, Nelson W. Aldrich. During Wilson's administration, the senator Carter Glass rewrote the commission's recommendations. This resulted in the federal reserve system.

Not only weren't the Jews involved, during this period of time, Jews were a minority in the banking industry and faced heavy discrimination. In fact, if you were to get your head out of your prejudiced rear-end, you would find that the anti-semites of the time were claiming that the Jews were conspiring to prevent the estblishment of the FED. You anti-semites always switch your story, and never, ever, have any facts to back up your BS.

The FED is controlled by the US government, and the Jews do no control the US government. They are too small of a voting block to do so. You are simply insane. There is no other explanation for your anti-semitic hatred. You have no facts, chaz has no facts, not a single anti-emite here has any facts. You are insane.
There's no getting through to them. It's just like arguing with creationists.
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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by reasonvemotion »

"In 1929 Jewish bankers such as Rockefeller and others withdrew from the market out the backdoor. On Oct 24, the Margin loans are called in mass waves. Everyone starts selling their stocks at once, in the encoring crash over 16,000 banks are wiped out alone. The Jews then swooped in and bought up. Leaving them in control of numerous corporations across the board. And generally the entire economic system. The Jews then purposely shrank the money supply increasing the depression to the point it is remembered to this day as "The Great Depression."

"It was a carefully contrived occurrence, International Bankers sought to bring conditions of despair so they might emerge rulers of us all".-Congressman Madden, on the truth of the Great Depression
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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by Kayla »

chaz wyman wrote:
Jews actually control the banks.
That does not amount to anti-semitism, moron.
has there ever been an anti-semite who admitted to being one?
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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by SecularCauses »

reasonvemotion wrote:"In 1929 Jewish bankers such as Rockefeller and others withdrew from the market out the backdoor. On Oct 24, the Margin loans are called in mass waves. Everyone starts selling their stocks at once, in the encoring crash over 16,000 banks are wiped out alone. The Jews then swooped in and bought up. Leaving them in control of numerous corporations across the board. And generally the entire economic system. The Jews then purposely shrank the money supply increasing the depression to the point it is remembered to this day as "The Great Depression."

"It was a carefully contrived occurrence, International Bankers sought to bring conditions of despair so they might emerge rulers of us all".-Congressman Madden, on the truth of the Great Depression
LOL. No, idiot, the Jews were not behind the Great Depression. Non-Jews were, primarily through government intervention in the market place. You are simply an insane, Jew-hating scumbag. What happened? Did some Jewish guy dump your ass? I read somewhere on here that happened, which would explain a lot.

Here's how real-world economics works. Let's say you own 1,000 shares of some company, and the current value is $100.00 a share, meaning your stock holdings are worth $100,000.00. Now, what happens when you sell "out the back door" as you claim? As you sell your shares, their value decreases. In other words, your shares aren't worth $100,000.00. Therefore, it would be irrational to cause a recession, to try to sell one's shares to make a profit. It can't happen. Not to mention, no one, and I mean no one, could time their transactions that well. Once you started to sell your shares, especially if you were a significant holder, that would cause a substantial slide in the stock price. Once that slide is observed, no one will want to buy in, because they will fear the slide continuing, and they won't want to loe their money. So, anyone trying to get rich by causing a recession, and trying to dump their stock shares before then, will get stuck holding a lot of worthless stock, after selling a substantial number of shares at reduced prices.

Now, I understand your hatred for Jews has caused your mind to disconnect completely from reality, but your information is so far off the mark it is amazing that neo-nazi hate sites even publish this crap. Bankers do not make money in recessions. They make money when economies are doing well. Furthermore, no banker forces anyone to do business with them. How much money did these bankers lose during the lengthy period of time it took to recover the stock market? How many loans that could have been profitably made during that time weren't? And you think this is some Jewish plot? The Jews did not, and do not control the Fed, nor fiscal policy. Therefore, the Jews were not responsible for the Great Depression, nor any other crash. And if they had such power, they would not use it to cause a crash, because that would not be the way to make money. Just the opposite. That would be an incredible way to lose money.

In the 1920s, the vast majority of Americans, decided that spending and borrowing to spend, like there was no tomorrow, was a good idea. They were not under the control of the Jews, they decided to engage in this reckless conduct on their own. If every Jew in America decided to behave this way, but every non-Jew didn't, there would not have been a Great Depression. How did these Jews manage to get all these non-Jews to spend like there was no tomorrow? They didn't. The non-Jews decided to do it on heir own, because it seemed like a good idea at the time. The same thing happened in the late 1990s, and a decade later in the real estate market. The same behavior is happening in China's real estate market. An asset bubble can only occur when the FED prints too much money, and that happened in the US, when the non-Jews who were in control of the FED, through the federal government, decided to spend like mad to gain votes. The Jews have nothing to do with such irresponsible behavior. It's like an alcoholic blaming the Jews for forcing him to get drunk and act like an idiot.

I have yet to meet any anti-semite who knew the first thing about economics. It is actually the economic claims anti-semites make that are the easiest to refute, because when one is shown the dots to follow, regarding how economics actually works, one can see the anti-semitic claims for the delusional claims they are.
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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by Khalid »

reasonvemotion wrote:FACTS not FEELINGS

In 1913 the Federal Reserve central bank is set up in America, under orders of Jewish puppet President Woodrow Wilson. This act literally hands the American economy over to a handful of power Jewish banking families.

The main Jewish names behind creating this system of control where:

The Rothschilds

The Rockefellers

The Morgans

The Warburgs

"The placement for this was carried out by Morgan who used his position to publish lies that a powerful bank in New York was bankrupt, knowing it would cause mass panic and chain reaction among the Gentile public causing them to withdraw their monies. Causing the banks to call in all loans which forced the recipients of the loans to sell whatever they had from properties on. Thus a depression was generated by the Jews."

"Let me issue and control a Nation's money and I care not for who writes it's laws."
-Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 1790
Please watch this video at the second 6:30 . . An American official talking about the debts with a friend or a journalist . And this was the conversation .
The journalist : You don't think that the national debt is an important issue ?
The official : The national debt measures the wealth of the country .
The journalist : The national debt has to be paid .
The official interrupts : It means the more wealthy we are .
The journalist : The more debt you have , the more wealthy you are ?!!
The official : It's a reference to the state's wealth .
The journalist : Then why don't we borrow another trillion of dollars this year ?

Then the official starts to get nervous as he can't explain his words and get's mad at the man to end the conversation and leave the office .

Today the U.S government has over 14.5 trillion of dollars of debts according to 2011/2012 statistics , a number that's too big to be paid back . Also the usury system of the federal reserve bank that's implemented on the loans given to the government makes it impossible for that number to be reduced due to the interests added to the loans . The American economy is fucked up and absolutely controlled by that Jewish banking system . Stop wondering about the American ultimate support to Israel .
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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by SecularCauses »

Khalid wrote:

Please watch this video at the second 6:30 . . An American official talking about the debts with a friend or a journalist . And this was the conversation .
The journalist : You don't think that the national debt is an important issue ?
The official : The national debt measures the wealth of the country .
The journalist : The national debt has to be paid .
The official interrupts : It means the more wealthy we are .
The journalist : The more debt you have , the more wealthy you are ?!!
The official : It's a reference to the state's wealth .
The journalist : Then why don't we borrow another trillion of dollars this year ?

Then the official starts to get nervous as he can't explain his words and get's mad at the man to end the conversation and leave the office .

Today the U.S government has over 14.5 trillion of dollars of debts according to 2011/2012 statistics , a number that's too big to be paid back . Also the usury system of the federal reserve bank that's implemented on the loans given to the government makes it impossible for that number to be reduced due to the interests added to the loans . The American economy is fucked up and absolutely controlled by that Jewish banking system .
Boy, are you completely off your meds. The economic theory that the politician was referring to comes from John Maynard Keynes. He was a non-Jew, a British economist. So, if anyone is to blame, let's string up the Brits. Or, maybe we can intelligently surmise that Keynes was wrong, and that those who presently use his policies are fools. These people are socialists. It has nothng to do with the Jews. These same problems occurred in France, when the Scottish man named John Law headed France's economy. The Jews don't control the millions and millions of non-Jews who vote to expand government spending on various programs without raising taxes to pay for them. That is a policy, in the US, jointly shared by Republicans and Democrats, and neither party is controlled by the Jews.

Just look at your post above. Take a look at it. Now, where is there a single shred of evidence presented that the Jews were behind any of the debt problems?

You are on a site that promotes anti-semitism, so I'm sure you think people are eating up your nonsense. They aren't. In the real world, where I spend most of my time, you clowns are laughed at. I had some idiot like you last week start mouthing off about Jewish bankers, and within less than 5 minutes, he group of people we were in were literally laughing at him. He stared whining about he needed to study economics more after I shredded him on the spot. Please feel free to make your comments in public, so people can physically insult you to your face for being a Jew-hating jerk.
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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by bus2bondi »

Pluto wrote:Listen to the hate spewed forth from the defenders of humanity.
who knows? they might even go so far to defend humanity by torturing INNOCENT american families. never heard of such a thing. lets fuck with her little one and see how far that non-bitch can go?

oh. i love america. and all it stands for. yes, i do.
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Re: OMG! shah of Iran is about to get the bomb!

Post by bus2bondi »

noble shining light of the world american: 'i can't figure out how to build something without killing women and children first'
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