Divine Etymology Argument

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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by Age »

promethean75 wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:06 pm Here's another cool part. Each 'system' (a livable planet) goes through a series of stages. The end game is destruction (becuz all supporting star suns eventually burn out), but in the meanwhile the goal is to sustain the planet as long as possible to produce as many beings/spirits as possible so there can be more pleasure experience. Remember that's the MO.

There can be critical stage periods during this inevitable transition toward the final destruction stage that speed it all up; the planet can stop producing life long before its sun burns out. Kay now that's what we want to avoid for obvious reasons. Our particular situation is approaching that dreaded critical systems stage. What will be a premature end to life on erf will be brought about by capitalism; all its effects. War, religious disputes, poverty, pollution, disease, social conflict, etc. However, it can be prevented. And this brings us to my favorite part of the story. As we approach the tipping point - when capitalism becomes irreversible by the elite controlling AI and the working classes being no longer able to effectively revolt (see Elysium) - the criminal spirits start to become more active and become agents of chaos, for lack of a better phrase. They start'ta stir shit up more and more in an effort to bring the whole thing down before it can destroy itself prematurely. So in effect, the bad guys become the good guys and destruction becomes creation... or preservation, I should say. Nice twist, right?

So u basically now have a battle of spirits between the Bezos and the Che Guevaras of the spirit world. The Bezos don't care about a premature end for the planet system becuz they are solely interested in their own pleasure. There is nothing 'evil' in the grand economy tho, but if there was, it would be these guys. Cosmic parasites that sweep through planets, maximizing their pleasure and quickly depleting the host planet. The working spirits of the universe wanna get rid of these guys and the systems that engender their existence. All this just to extend the planets life a little longer before the sun blows up. Crazy shit, mate.

What may be possible is migration to another inhabitable planet in another solar system. This would be the only way to avoid a solar death. I dunno. But if it is possible, it will not be made possible by a capitalist planet system. Ergo, we gotta stop it before it's too late.

When a sun goes boom, all the spirits in that solar system go bye-bye. That is ultimate annihilation for the occupying spirits.

The only good news is there are operating solar systems throughout the universe with planets of intelligent life that are running through the same system stages. Some make it, some don't, but life does go on.

The problem is gravity. Spirits can't leave their planets without the use of machines. So they can't just be like yo let's just float to that galaxy over there so we can keep living while this planet continues to prematurely destroy itself. Nah bro, it don't work like that.
So, either 'spirits' are made up of physical matter as well, or gravity effects non physical and non materialist things.
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by Age »

promethean75 wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:25 pm "It just blows me away that you think it more likely that spirits and ghosts hang around in the aether, but that there is NO God."

C'mon man I've already explained this to u a hunerd times. A single anthropomorphic monotheistic god is logically absurd and impossible.
Of course it is. But, and Correct me if I am Wrong here, "attofishpi" has never said God was a so-called single anthropomorphic monotheist god. As far as I can tell "attofishpi" believes that God, Itself, is either Divine or just an artificial intelligence only, of all things.
promethean75 wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:25 pm U gotta wipe your whole mainframe of that shit and read Spinoza, Benedict or you'll be a buffoon for the rest of your immortal life (if u don't get vaporized when the sun explodes).

Substance produces mind, not vice versa. There is nothing more than the modes and modifications of this substance 'god', which is immanent (not transcendent, not separate from creation, time and space). God is not some mega dude in space playing with the erf. God is not your pops. Not your mum. Not your counselor. He is not a gamer and does not have a computer.

U are god, mate. Naturatus fishpus naturata. And u better get with the program buddy.
So, how many of these god things are there, exactly?

Or, is it just the 'U' here, also known as "attofishpi", who is the only one God here?
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by attofishpi »

promethean75 wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:49 pm "What about these little gems?

Mr (missed her)"

Okay but if she's married (Mrs.) she 'misses'. Misses what tho? Being sing_le? But she can still sing when she's married.

And an unmarried juvenile male is called a 'mast_er'. So what is supposed to do, find a chick and mast her... like put her on his boat?

Lesson: your theory does not allow u to determine which coincidences in grammar are meaning_ful and which ones are not. And when u practice your theory u are being full of mean-ness. Mean_ing_ful.
Carefool, you're starting to catch on, if ya keep delving into words I'd reject you might go insane!

Like I said in my OP, it's KEY words that revolve around life that tend to have the embedded further logic. The entire point I am making is that the cumulative evidence of these words in their present form are NOT coincidences and must have been formed by an intelligence (God).

Let's try some more:-

So thus far the above not considered "Apophenia" brain fart?

How about this:-

South America (to scale)
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by Age »

attofishpi wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:48 am AGE.
I am going to say this in the nicest possible way, please leave this argument between me and the atheists. I have no argument with you here.
Here is another example of how one word can be used in two completely opposing ways. See, 'arguing' with someone, or having an 'argument' between two people, can just be 'logically reasoning' together, in order to come to one unified and accepted agreement.

But, obviously, this one here does not want to do nor achieve this, and would much rather prefer to just 'argue' and 'fight against' another.

There is, literally, nothing to fight about nor fight against, except of course two very Wrong and False beliefs.

There is, however, and literally, one thing that could and would come-to-light with 'logical reasoning' and/or in a Truly 'logically reasoned' way.

But, if you prefer to have the former, and not the latter, 'argument', then please continue on how you have been here.
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by Age »

attofishpi wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2024 12:22 am :roll: ^ moron ^
If this was intended for me, then just to clarify, it was you who, 'refuse to believe that there are spirits/ghosts, but seriously believe that there is a, Spirit/Allah/God/Enlightenment, Intelligence that can manifest and/or manipulate all matter', correct?


To you, God/sages project things to others, which those others believe exist, whereas God/sages project things to you, which you do not believe exist, right?
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by attofishpi »

:roll: ^ moron ^
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by Age »

attofishpi wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2024 5:12 am :roll: ^ moron ^
Well then 'this' was obviously not for 'me'.
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by attofishpi »


Is there an atheist on the forum with a counter argument to the "Divine Etymology Argument" ?

Have I brought to fruition a fact.

The fact being that the only reasonable explanation for the logical anomalies presented here is that there must me an intelligence behind the formation of these KEY words withing English and also the formation of landmasses with KEY place names?
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by Age »

attofishpi wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 7:56 am So.

Is there an atheist on the forum with a counter argument to the "Divine Etymology Argument" ?

Have I brought to fruition a fact.
I do not yet know what your so-called 'divine etymology argument' was meant to conclude, nor prove, but the Fact that verification of the actual answers, which solved, and solves, the previous puzzle/s and/or previous mystery/s of Life, and living, Itself, can be found within already existing words and language, then 'this' was already known, before you brought any thing to fruition here "attofishpi".
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 7:56 am The fact being that the only reasonable explanation for the logical anomalies presented here
But what was so-called 'standard', 'normal', and/or 'expected', which what you brought here somehow, supposedly, deviates away from, exactly?
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 7:56 am is that there must me an intelligence behind the formation of these KEY words withing English and also the formation of landmasses with KEY place names?
Again, once, and if, you ever work out, or learn, and discover and understand who and what the God word is Truly meaning, and/or referring to, exactly, then you will learn and see not just how and why what you are claiming here is True and Right but also how all-of-this actually worked, and came about.
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by attofishpi »

Age wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:24 am bla bla
U appear to think that you exist within a realm where drivelling crap is accepted as philosophy. All I have done is point out that U R indeed a MORON.
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by Age »

attofishpi wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:36 am
Age wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:24 am bla bla
U appear to think that you exist within a realm where drivelling crap is accepted as philosophy.
Unlike you I can actually back up and support my 'driveling crap'. you, however, continually fail in backing and supporting your 'driveling crap'.
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:36 am All I have done is point out that U R indeed a MORON.
If this is what you believe is true, then this must be true, right?

And, all you have done is just write the word 'moron'. Which, unfortunately for you, you believe points some thing out. But, exactly like in your posts here, you completely and utterly fail to recognize that what you 'see', others do not.

In a lot of your views and writings here you just expect others to 'see' what you 'see'. But, 'we' are not 'seeing' what you 'see', and this is why people do not understand how and why you believe God exists, and is somehow proved true within the "english" language.

Now, you come here claiming that you have formulated some argument. I just ask you some questions, to clarify your position, so as to better understand your position. you, however, do not answer, thus do not clarify. So, this means that you are left with your own views, alone.

you do not explain what you are 'seeing', nor relate what you 'see' to any actual thing. For example, you just write, 'just_ice', alone, and then expect 'us' to 'see' what you 'see'. I, for one, have absolutely clue as to what you are 'seeing' nor what you are even relating this to exactly. So, how this example is some sort of proof, evidence, or confirmation of how God does exist I have absolutely no idea of.

Remember, this is a philosophy forum, and if you want to come here saying and writing things, or 'driveling crap', which 'we' have no idea nor clue what you are talking about nor referring to, and are not yet prepared and ready to clarify or back up and support your 'driveling crap', then I suggest refraining from expressing your views here. There are plenty of other websites that are not dedicated to 'philosophy', itself.

Now, if you want to claim I write 'driveling crap' here, without even trying to comprehend and understand what I write, like exactly what I am trying to do with you, then you still have a lot to learn about 'philosophy', and 'philosophizing', itself.

Coming into a 'philosophy' forum of all places and claiming, 'When I look on a map i see mount sinai, which means 'sin_ai', (which 'we' have absolutely no idea nor clue what this has to do with absolutely anything), I see this mountain in between two fingers. So, this then means God wrote or formulated some so-called 'divine etymology', then, until you start explaining and elaborating on 'what' means' 'what' here and how things relate here, what 'we' are actually looking at and seeing is 'absolute drivel', as some might say and claim here now.

In other words if you "attofishpi" would like to call 'me' a 'moron', and claim this to be true, then I suggest you do like I do and explain how and why, and back it up with some examples, and proof.

Until then writing just the one word 'moron' in one post, which, once again, was not related to absolutely anything could be a sign of who the True so-called 'moron' is here. But, we will just wait, to see. See you might actually provide some examples and actual proof of how and why 'you' "attofishpi" are claiming that it is 'I', indeed, who is a 'moron' here.
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by attofishpi »

Age wrote: Fri Jan 26, 2024 12:26 am
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:36 am
Age wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:24 am bla bla
U appear to think that you exist within a realm where drivelling crap is accepted as philosophy.
Unlike you I can actually back up and support my 'driveling crap'. you, however, continually fail in backing and supporting your 'driveling crap'.
Actually, you never do. Ya puff yourself up and talk down to everyone as if you are some galactic wizard but everyone on the forum knows you are a moron.

Age wrote:
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:36 am All I have done is point out that U R indeed a MORON.
If this is what you believe is true, then this must be true, right?

And, all you have done is just write the word 'moron'. Which, unfortunately for you, you believe points some thing out. But, exactly like in your posts here, you completely and utterly fail to recognize that what you 'see', others do not.

In a lot of your views and writings here you just expect others to 'see' what you 'see'. But, 'we' are not 'seeing' what you 'see', and this is why people do not understand how and why you believe God exists, and is somehow proved true within the "english" language.

Now, you come here claiming that you have formulated some argument. I just ask you some questions, to clarify your position, so as to better understand your position. you, however, do not answer, thus do not clarify. So, this means that you are left with your own views, alone.

you do not explain what you are 'seeing', nor relate what you 'see' to any actual thing. For example, you just write, 'just_ice', alone, and then expect 'us' to 'see' what you 'see'. I, for one, have absolutely clue as to what you are 'seeing' nor what you are even relating this to exactly. So, how this example is some sort of proof, evidence, or confirmation of how God does exist I have absolutely no idea of.

Remember, this is a philosophy forum, and if you want to come here saying and writing things, or 'driveling crap', which 'we' have no idea nor clue what you are talking about nor referring to, and are not yet prepared and ready to clarify or back up and support your 'driveling crap', then I suggest refraining from expressing your views here. There are plenty of other websites that are not dedicated to 'philosophy', itself.

Now, if you want to claim I write 'driveling crap' here, without even trying to comprehend and understand what I write, like exactly what I am trying to do with you, then you still have a lot to learn about 'philosophy', and 'philosophizing', itself.

Coming into a 'philosophy' forum of all places and claiming, 'When I look on a map i see mount sinai, which means 'sin_ai', (which 'we' have absolutely no idea nor clue what this has to do with absolutely anything), I see this mountain in between two fingers. So, this then means God wrote or formulated some so-called 'divine etymology', then, until you start explaining and elaborating on 'what' means' 'what' here and how things relate here, what 'we' are actually looking at and seeing is 'absolute drivel', as some might say and claim here now.

In other words if you "attofishpi" would like to call 'me' a 'moron', and claim this to be true, then I suggest you do like I do and explain how and why, and back it up with some examples, and proof.

Until then writing just the one word 'moron' in one post, which, once again, was not related to absolutely anything could be a sign of who the True so-called 'moron' is here. But, we will just wait, to see. See you might actually provide some examples and actual proof of how and why 'you' "attofishpi" are claiming that it is 'I', indeed, who is a 'moron' here.
MORON...it's all explained for simple people like you in the OP.

Here, just in case you don't know how to load the OP, this is a link - simply click on it and everything is explained:- viewtopic.php?t=41324
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by Age »

attofishpi wrote: Fri Jan 26, 2024 2:38 am
Age wrote: Fri Jan 26, 2024 12:26 am
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:36 am

U appear to think that you exist within a realm where drivelling crap is accepted as philosophy.
Unlike you I can actually back up and support my 'driveling crap'. you, however, continually fail in backing and supporting your 'driveling crap'.
Actually, you never do.
Name just one thing that I have said or claimed, which I have never backed up and supported when asked to.
attofishpi wrote: Fri Jan 26, 2024 2:38 am Ya puff yourself up and talk down to everyone as if you are some galactic wizard but everyone on the forum knows you are a moron.
I have never talked down to anyone, let alone everyone, and I have never done what you imagined here as if I were some so-called 'galactic wizard'.

Look if one knows that they can, irrefutably, back up and support their claims, no matter what others think of them, then until that one is fully tested, what that one is saying and claiming could may well be True, Right, Accurate, and/or Correct, obviously.
attofishpi wrote: Fri Jan 26, 2024 2:38 am
Age wrote:
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:36 am All I have done is point out that U R indeed a MORON.
If this is what you believe is true, then this must be true, right?

And, all you have done is just write the word 'moron'. Which, unfortunately for you, you believe points some thing out. But, exactly like in your posts here, you completely and utterly fail to recognize that what you 'see', others do not.

In a lot of your views and writings here you just expect others to 'see' what you 'see'. But, 'we' are not 'seeing' what you 'see', and this is why people do not understand how and why you believe God exists, and is somehow proved true within the "english" language.

Now, you come here claiming that you have formulated some argument. I just ask you some questions, to clarify your position, so as to better understand your position. you, however, do not answer, thus do not clarify. So, this means that you are left with your own views, alone.

you do not explain what you are 'seeing', nor relate what you 'see' to any actual thing. For example, you just write, 'just_ice', alone, and then expect 'us' to 'see' what you 'see'. I, for one, have absolutely clue as to what you are 'seeing' nor what you are even relating this to exactly. So, how this example is some sort of proof, evidence, or confirmation of how God does exist I have absolutely no idea of.

Remember, this is a philosophy forum, and if you want to come here saying and writing things, or 'driveling crap', which 'we' have no idea nor clue what you are talking about nor referring to, and are not yet prepared and ready to clarify or back up and support your 'driveling crap', then I suggest refraining from expressing your views here. There are plenty of other websites that are not dedicated to 'philosophy', itself.

Now, if you want to claim I write 'driveling crap' here, without even trying to comprehend and understand what I write, like exactly what I am trying to do with you, then you still have a lot to learn about 'philosophy', and 'philosophizing', itself.

Coming into a 'philosophy' forum of all places and claiming, 'When I look on a map i see mount sinai, which means 'sin_ai', (which 'we' have absolutely no idea nor clue what this has to do with absolutely anything), I see this mountain in between two fingers. So, this then means God wrote or formulated some so-called 'divine etymology', then, until you start explaining and elaborating on 'what' means' 'what' here and how things relate here, what 'we' are actually looking at and seeing is 'absolute drivel', as some might say and claim here now.

In other words if you "attofishpi" would like to call 'me' a 'moron', and claim this to be true, then I suggest you do like I do and explain how and why, and back it up with some examples, and proof.

Until then writing just the one word 'moron' in one post, which, once again, was not related to absolutely anything could be a sign of who the True so-called 'moron' is here. But, we will just wait, to see. See you might actually provide some examples and actual proof of how and why 'you' "attofishpi" are claiming that it is 'I', indeed, who is a 'moron' here.
MORON...it's all explained for simple people like you in the OP.
See, how these people, back then, would regularly allude to things, only?

And, to make 'this' worse, when they are asked to clarify what they are actually meaning and/or referring to, exactly, then they would not. As I will, once again, prove irrefutably True here. So, "attofishpi" what does is the 'its' word referring to, exactly.

Also, let 'us' not forget that it was 'you' who was claiming that 'I' 'talk down to everyone', yet look at the very first word you used here to call, or refer to, 'me'.

And, this is certainly not the first time you have done this. So, why 'talk down' to others, but then make that it is somewhat wrong to do so.

Furthermore, the more people or posters here, in the days when this was being written, as a "moron", then the better 'all of this' works in my favor.
attofishpi wrote: Fri Jan 26, 2024 2:38 am Here, just in case you don't know how to load the OP, this is a link - simply click on it and everything is explained:- viewtopic.php?t=41324
But are even capable of just explaining what is, supposedly, all explained in that opening post here?

If yes, then will you?

If no, then why not?
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by Agent Smith »

The only explanation or conjecture I can think of is that, bereshit there were only as many words as letters in a given alphabet. So, if the English language has 26 letters, ab ovo it had only 26 words. The meaning of some letters, like Z, are lost in the mists of time.

One of the many reasons put forward regarding the global appeal of English is that it was an inevitable sequelae of the might of the British Empire once, and now American global supremacy
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by attofishpi »

Love this.

What does Y E S spell?
..so what does E Y E S spell?

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