AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by Greta »

Yes, a re-run of the civil war seems likely in the US within the next decade or two, by the looks of things. I've never known the degree of intense hatred at home that I see in Americans online, especially the hatreds of Republicans and Tea Party (which is now largely the same with Trump).

Funny how people try these experiments with obviously useless candidates ... "maybe politicians don't need to be intelligent and competent, after all?". It's only when the reality of a stupid politician bites that people realise the extent of the error.

Most thinking people in Australia knew well that Tony Abbott was completely unsuited to national leadership before he became Prime Minister, sadly lacking in vision, policy understanding and regular morality, being one of the cynical liars I've seen in politics in the last 40 years (his mentor John "core promises" Howard was close).

After one year Abbott's own party was forced to remove him because he was miles out of his depth, making terrible decisions. This is despite the fact they had never removed a mid-term leader before and had spent the previous four years furiously attacking the Labor Party for removing their dud first term leader in the prior administration and claiming high moral high ground for standing by their leaders.

No one will remove Trump if he gets his hands on the top job, no matter how disastrously he performs. There is an increasing gap between electioneering skills and governance skills. This is all part of the coming breakdown of democracy.

Dubious, I expect most western people to fall into line easily once democracy goes, piece by piece, calmed by the propaganda of a captive media. People are already falling into line, their main hostilities being reserved for those they are told are "enemies of the state" rather that those who are actually responsible for their problems.
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Bill Wiltrack
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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


When you say, He[Trump] largely by-passed the party system, I see what you mean yet there is still an R behind Trump's name. And he did actually rise through the Republican National Committee nomination process. Was nominated by the Republican party.

2016 could be the birth of a significant third party in the next Presidential election cycle. Perhaps the Trumpette party?

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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by osgart »

a greedy capitalist trump.
A power mongering socialist clinton.
This is a vote between two dragons. The vote is not represantitive of individual rights. In fact both undermine civil liberty. One controls power with money the other with unconstitutional policy that buys up the resources of america and puts a stranglehold on wealth for their own purposes.
Ask yourself is economy equal to the deserve? Ask yourself do i want more government control over every facet of life and economy?
America wake up! Challenge the powers that be. A two party system centralizes control over people. They are both dragons out for power over the people.
When clinton and trump are gone far from now what dictator will you vote for in the future; worse than this. When law breaks down in our country will you give yourself to another Time Magazine man of the year such as hitler.
A lot of democrats prefer a new constitution. They have been circumventing this one for thirty plus years.
Republicans want the 1980s again where greed is king and money owning wealthy controlled privately and with little in the way of law intefering with their vast power.
We have put lawful power in the hands of two dragons at war with each other. We have put lawful power in two few hands.
Remember that government is a civil duty of the citizens and not a corporation or a career power mongerer.
Wouldnt you rather see a successful small business owner become president. Or an honorable veteran. Ask yourselves are we in another cold war. Do we love our international state of affairs? With isil and iran. Do other countries respect america?
Republicans and democrats have been failing us for too long when all they care about is seizing more and more power.
The Constitution clearly outlines power as a duty that is under lawful limits. The Constitution has been kicked around long enough.
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Bill Wiltrack
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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


Excellent post. Well thought-out & extremely well written

Thank you for adding another solid dimension to this thread...

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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by osgart »

well thank you
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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by Melchior »

You are saying that as though it was a good thing....
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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by Philosophy Explorer »

Melchior wrote:You are saying that as though it was a good thing....
Babble and nonsense.

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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by Walker »

Can this be true?


BREAKING: Clinton’s intelligence briefings suspended indefinitely following latest in email scandal ... l-scandal/
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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


--- BREAKING --- --- BREAKING --- ---With One Week to go ---

Final ‘October Surprises’ Reveal FBI Is Probing Trump’s Alleged Russia Ties

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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by bobevenson »

What the FBI should be investigating is Hillary's pay to play access to government and her foundation scam to enrich Bill and herself.
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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by Trajk Logik »

I find it amazing that we aren't talking about the classified information on her private server that Russia hacked. Thanks to her lazy security, Russia had easy access to our classified information. They are only releasing a small fraction of what they've stolen. How can we ever trust her with any classified information? How can any progressive vote for the status quo and still call themselves a progressive?
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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


Turns-out that Hillary Clinton's private server is the ONLY thing that did NOT get hacked by the Russians. The government sponsored DNC emails DID get hacked. So, there's that...

And for the member above, welcome to earth. What you call pay-for-play, in the way you are using it, describes how Democracy works. America still has one of the most representative governments in the world. You pay for influence. Get over it.

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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by bobevenson »

Bill Wiltrack wrote:What you call pay-for-play, in the way you are using it, describes how Democracy works. You pay for influence.
Please, that bitch is going to jail and you know it.
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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by Walker »

The brilliant Michael Ramirez asks the question, just how did those e-mails end up on A. Weiner’s device? ... 1_orig.jpg

“I only worry for the country in that Hillary Clinton was careless and negligent in allowing Weiner to have such close proximity to highly classified information.”
- Trump, August 2016
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Bill Wiltrack
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Re: AMERICA May Be Electing it's First WOMAN President...

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


Less than 24 hours until the 2016 Presidential election in the United States and it's neck & neck, right down to the wire between Donald J Trump and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Most pundits and pollsters are giving an ever-so-slight edge to Hillary at this moment.


Her simple, straight-forward message, Stronger Together really brings every American back to their roots. Back to what America, in it's most basic terms, - stands for.

The win, if their is an electoral win for the Democrats, will shine a beacon throughout the world stating, We are still your leader. You can depend upon us. I stated earlier in this post - America's ultimate direction depends upon the participation of every American in their choice for President.

And in that respect, the jury is still, definitely out!


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