If Women Ruled The World

Anything to do with gender and the status of women and men.

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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by Walker »

ForCruxSake wrote:
Walker wrote:
ForCruxSake wrote: Had you stopped to consider that those women that led, were constrained by a system built over several generations by men, which during the more 'egalitarian' 2Oth century has been slow to change?

Not all of the women who became leaders were power hungry go getters, grasping for power. Some were actually chosen and manoeuvred into power by the true power brokers. Those women may not have thought themselves qualified. Benazir Bhutto at one point admitted she wasn't. She was thrust into power by association, in a country that opted for dynastic rule, when democracy was fighting to be established.
Judging by how Merkel has ruled Germany, probably not so good for the world.

- The alpha feminine mind likes meetings, blue-ribbon panels, coffee-klatches, volunteerism, polling, PC, beta males to boss around.
Like Obama.
That's very funny, if a little mean. Merkel could be better, agreed, but do coukd evey other world leader. In the rankings of 'Western Leaders Who Could Do Better' she's way down the list, topped by Trump and May.
Walker wrote:- The alpha male mind is a Leader, not so much a Kumbaya.
You probably know, when Bill Clinton was president he publically declared that Benazir was "hot." Good ol’ Bill. That’s no problem for the folks who shape public opinion.
I met her twice. If you like your chicken, all skin and bone, she's your bird.
Walker wrote: - There are philosophical qualities of great leaders that can be researched. Clear vision, inclusive spirit, courage, responsibility, and so on.
All qualities exhibited by President Donald J. Trump, POTUS. :P
And when I count to three, you WILL wake up... 1... 2... 3!
Walker wrote: Here is something that’s missing in the blindspots… President Trump is getting a lot of work done every day, systemically undoing a socialist agenda that was imposed via Obama's abuse of presidential unilateral powers. Trump is simply doing what works in the business world. Nose to the grindstone righting of the ship, while the Dems and the media amp up their irrational hysteria with breathless 24/7 coverage of every fart, making up stuff, doing their best to tear down the country.

He's also breaking many of the promises he made, to get elected, and padding his presidential nest, on the back of possible conflicts of interest, apparently...
(From yesterday's Independent)

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 64826.html

Well presented viewpoints with narry a question.

I have a feeling you're American, at least in spirit, which is where it begins.
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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by Arising_uk »

Walker wrote:Judging by how Merkel has ruled Germany, probably not so good for the world. ...
How so?
- The alpha feminine mind likes meetings, blue-ribbon panels, coffee-klatches, volunteerism, polling, PC, beta males to boss around.
Like Obama.

- The alpha male mind is a Leader, not so much a Kumbaya. ...
This 'alpha/beta' stuff is for the birds as there is bugger all evidence that this primate works this way. But let's say there is, then alpha's work like alpha's and this 'feminine mind' is just your usual bollocks. As is what you think is needed for a leader in business or politics as leaders lead not bully.
You probably know, when Bill Clinton was president he publically declared that Benazir was "hot." Good ol’ Bill. That’s no problem for the folks who shape public opinion. ...
And they would be who?
- There are philosophical qualities of great leaders that can be researched. Clear vision, inclusive spirit, courage, responsibility, and so on. ...
What a sheep you are. He's a blustering bully with an extremely fragile ego and has none of the qualities of a leader, just inherited money and power. It's a good job he draft-dodged Vietnam as he's exactly the type of officer who would have been 'shot by charlie' from behind.
All qualities exhibited by President Donald J. Trump, POTUS. ...
- Here is something that’s missing in the blindspots… President Trump is getting a lot of work done every day, systemically undoing a socialist agenda that was imposed via Obama's abuse of presidential unilateral powers. ...
And he's trying to do this how? Oh yeah! By the abuse of presidential unilateral powers. Is there any sign that he'll be revoking such stuff and returning power back to your people via their Senate and Congress.
Trump is simply doing what works in the business world. Nose to the grindstone righting of the ship, while the Dems and the media amp up their irrational hysteria with breathless 24/7 coverage of every fart, making up stuff, doing their best to tear down the country. ...
:lol: You'd better hope he doesn't follow his 'business' record of going bankrupt and not paying his bills or creditors then.
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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

ForCruxSake wrote:
vegetariantaxidermy wrote:
ForCruxSake wrote:
I'll buy the hormones argument and totally agree on the psychopathy argument... It's a psyCOP-OUT (weak, but anything to lighten up the atmosphere here!)

Who are you referring to as the feminist here, Me or VT? What makes whoever it is you are calling a feminist, a feminist? It's supposedly a discussion on how women would rule and little seems to have come up in favour of women ruling.

It's interesting that you see a world ONLY as progressing because there are men to build and manufacture. Women can build, too, or they could get the men to build it, just the same as women get to be the cleaners and baby mums in a man's world. They'd just be running things.

Given that a woman can run a household, look after children, her man and a home, why can't she run a country?
What's a 'baby mum'? What's wrong with cleaning? No one is stopping women from building if they want to--it's just that they don't want to :| There have been plenty of women running countries. Not particularly well for the most part, same as men.
And I wondered about him calling me a 'feminist' too. You are the one who seems to be quoting straight from the feminist manifesto
You're inferring I said something, I didn't. I didn't say anything was wrong with cleaners or baby mums (those chosen specifically to bear a man's children, something no man can do). That's what your pugnacious way of seeing words, took it to mean. I think they are as vital as builders, whatever people like you might think others might think of them. I chose cleaners because I wanted a job that is generally taken up more by women, than men.

Yes, women have run countries, working through a structure devised specifically over generations by men. One that seems to encourage, if not greed, then warfare. It could be that that is the restraint on the women who have to date been selected to rule. How a bunch of women in charge, would run the world, having developed a different system, or even if they would develop a different system, is what I was looking to explore. I don't know if it makes a difference, or not, which is why I wanted to know what other clear, rational thinkers thought.

For somebody who was wondering why Kaleon would address you as a feminist, you very quick to jump down his throat about it. You should have asked him if he meant you, then taken the leap, but no, you had to jump to the conclusion, first. He could very well have been referring to me. It wasn't clear, so I asked.

(It's very tiring having to clear up your misdirecting thoughts, knowing that any second you can fly off the handle.)
Usually when someone is quoting you and says 'you' to you, then they mean 'you'. I wanted to know what you meant by 'baby mum'. I couldn't tell if it was a typo or not. Trying to decipher a point on here is frequently like trying to find a lost car key at the beach.
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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

ForCruxSake wrote:
Walker wrote:
ForCruxSake wrote: Had you stopped to consider that those women that led, were constrained by a system built over several generations by men, which during the more 'egalitarian' 2Oth century has been slow to change?

Not all of the women who became leaders were power hungry go getters, grasping for power. Some were actually chosen and manoeuvred into power by the true power brokers. Those women may not have thought themselves qualified. Benazir Bhutto at one point admitted she wasn't. She was thrust into power by association, in a country that opted for dynastic rule, when democracy was fighting to be established.
Judging by how Merkel has ruled Germany, probably not so good for the world.

- The alpha feminine mind likes meetings, blue-ribbon panels, coffee-klatches, volunteerism, polling, PC, beta males to boss around.
Like Obama.
That's very funny, if a little mean. Merkel could be better, agreed, but so coukd every other world leader. In the rankings of 'Western Leaders Who Could Do Better' she's way down the list, topped by Trump and May.
Walker wrote:- The alpha male mind is a Leader, not so much a Kumbaya.
You probably know, when Bill Clinton was president he publically declared that Benazir was "hot." Good ol’ Bill. That’s no problem for the folks who shape public opinion.
I met her twice. If you like your chicken, all skin and bone, she's your bird.
Walker wrote: - There are philosophical qualities of great leaders that can be researched. Clear vision, inclusive spirit, courage, responsibility, and so on.
All qualities exhibited by President Donald J. Trump, POTUS. :P
And when I count to three, you WILL wake up... 1... 2... 3!
Walker wrote: Here is something that’s missing in the blindspots… President Trump is getting a lot of work done every day, systemically undoing a socialist agenda that was imposed via Obama's abuse of presidential unilateral powers. Trump is simply doing what works in the business world. Nose to the grindstone righting of the ship, while the Dems and the media amp up their irrational hysteria with breathless 24/7 coverage of every fart, making up stuff, doing their best to tear down the country.

He's also breaking many of the promises he made, to get elected, and padding his presidential nest, on the back of possible conflicts of interest, apparently...
(From yesterday's Independent)

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 64826.html
Which is why people are supposed to vote for party policy, not the leader. Party leaders here always say 'we' will do this or that. Never 'I'. Only idiots believe a leader who makes promises of things 'he/she' will do as if they are a dictator who can do anything they want, without needing party backing and enough votes. Trump's cynical campaign was targeted at people who don't have even a minimal understanding of how politics in a democracy works.
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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by ForCruxSake »

Walker wrote:Well presented viewpoints with narry a question.
Thank you.
Walker wrote:I have a feeling you're American, at least in spirit, which is where it begins.
No, thank you.
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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by Walker »

ForCruxSake wrote:
Walker wrote:Well presented viewpoints with narry a question.
Thank you.
Walker wrote:I have a feeling you're American, at least in spirit, which is where it begins.
No, thank you.
That explains why you're clueless about President Trump.
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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by uwot »

ForCruxSake wrote:
uwot wrote:
ForCruxSake wrote:Had you stopped to consider that those women that led, were constrained by a system built over several generations by men, which during the more 'egalitarian' 2Oth century has been slow to change?
Care to share?
Not particularly. What exactly is the problem this time?
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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by Walker »

ForCruxSake wrote:He's also breaking many of the promises he made, to get elected, and padding his presidential nest, on the back of possible conflicts of interest, apparently...
Ever notice how women like to establish a nest, figuratively speaking. The Clinton Foundation is obviously a big feather nest for the Clintons. Just look at Haiti, for example. Had she been elected it would have been a wholesale firesale on the United States. Ten cents on the dollar.

Bill Clinton promoted North Korea when he was president.

North Korea is now threatening the region with nukes.

The official word now is: if China doesn't straighten the fat kid out, the United States will.

It's now in Trump's lap.

(In the voice of Slim Pickins)
Hillary Clinton sold them Rooskies a good chunk of United States uranium, you know. That’s pretty much the size of it. Let’s hope Trump don’t sell the rest to feather his nest too, the way the woman did, eh?
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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by Arising_uk »

Walker wrote:Ever notice how women like to establish a nest, figuratively speaking. The Clinton Foundation is obviously a big feather nest for the Clintons. Just look at Haiti, for example. Had she been elected it would have been a wholesale firesale on the United States. Ten cents on the dollar.
What about Haiti?
Bill Clinton promoted North Korea when he was president. ...
Did he, how?
North Korea is now threatening the region with nukes. ...
Er!? Been doing that since 2009.
The official word now is: if China doesn't straighten the fat kid out, the United States will. ...
And how will it do that?
It's now in Trump's lap.
God help us all.
(In the voice of Slim Pickins)
Hillary Clinton sold them Rooskies a good chunk of United States uranium, you know. That’s pretty much the size of it. Let’s hope Trump don’t sell the rest to feather his nest too, the way the woman did, eh?
Probably to help pay a chunk of your debt to the Chinese. This whole story is pretty much bollocks, just more Trump bullshit but don't let the facts get in the way eh!

http://www.business2community.com/gover ... Gtg13jv.97

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 ... andal-book
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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by Walker »

Arising_uk wrote: What about Haiti?
Did he, how?
And how will it do that?
God help us all.
Agreed. These are important questions, concluded with an always-wise assertion.
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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by Arising_uk »

Walker wrote:...
Agreed. These are important questions, concluded with an always-wise assertion.
Hmm... now let me think, what was that about evading questions?

I'd take your umbrage seriously if I thought for one minute you'd used it against the Right at any time,
https://www.ft.com/content/7f435f04-8c0 ... 144feabdc0
Last edited by Arising_uk on Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by Walker »

Arising_uk wrote:
Walker wrote:...
Agreed. These are important questions, concluded with an always-wise assertion.
Hmm... now let me think, what was that about evading questions?

I evade nothing.
Simply reporting the news.
Verify if you must.
Nuttin to prove, honey. :wink:
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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by Arising_uk »

Walker wrote:I evade nothing.
Simply reporting the news.
Verify if you must.
Nuttin to prove, honey. :wink:
No, no, you are just misreporting falsehoods for your ilk sweetie.

Still, nice to know that you're not here to philosophise just churnalise. That explains your reluctance to answer questions, you must be the trumpette's biggest fan in this respect.
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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by ForCruxSake »

uwot wrote:
ForCruxSake wrote:
uwot wrote: Yup.
Care to share?
Not particularly. What exactly is the problem this time?
You're disinclination to answer a question asked of you. But thanks for the heads up, I know not to try engage you in future.
Last edited by ForCruxSake on Thu Apr 06, 2017 3:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: If Women Ruled The World

Post by ForCruxSake »

Walker wrote:
ForCruxSake wrote:He's also breaking many of the promises he made, to get elected, and padding his presidential nest, on the back of possible conflicts of interest, apparently...
Ever notice how women like to establish a nest, figuratively speaking. The Clinton Foundation is obviously a big feather nest for the Clintons. Just look at Haiti, for example. Had she been elected it would have been a wholesale firesale on the United States. Ten cents on the dollar.

Bill Clinton promoted North Korea when he was president.

North Korea is now threatening the region with nukes.

The official word now is: if China doesn't straighten the fat kid out, the United States will.

It's now in Trump's lap.

(In the voice of Slim Pickins)
Hillary Clinton sold them Rooskies a good chunk of United States uranium, you know. That’s pretty much the size of it. Let’s hope Trump don’t sell the rest to feather his nest too, the way the woman did, eh?
I'm afraid I don't see how your answer let's Trump off the hook as being a big fat rule breaker when it suits him.
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