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Post by sthitapragya »

Bill Wiltrack wrote:.

I assume ALL active members here are female unless they use their god-given legal name and I perceive from that that they are otherwise.

I can understand if a female chooses to use a moniker for safety sake...Other than that, if you are using a moniker and you are male on a philosophy forum...you actually are exhibiting female characteristics.

As far as age, since you did not share any personal information as far as your location upon your title stamp, I assume you are female - I was just paying you an innocent complement that I might initially extend to any female here upon the boards.


So you believe that females hide their names because they are more afraid than true men like you? Women being the scared defenceless types? Isnt that sexist?

I think what you mean to say is that men who hide behind a false identity are cowards. However, by comparing us to women, you are essentially calling all women cowards, which is wrong. You would bet better off saying that man who hide behind a false identity are cowards and not worthy of being called men. But at the same time, when you say they are women, you imply that women too are not worthy of being called men. That is misogyny. Think about that. Why bring women into an insult directed at men?
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Bill Wiltrack
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Post by Bill Wiltrack »


Say what you will. Call me whatever you like. Try to put my words into a box but whatever you say, it just doesn't matter.

If you want to be treated like a man act like one. Show yourself to be one.

All of the active members here have agreed with me and either they have the balls to put their names; their god-given legal names, to their words, or they don't.

I NEVER use the phony moniker of a cuck member here for referring ANYTHING philosophical for that would be blasphemy to the very essence of truth and courage. For that is the OVERALL underlying principle of ALL philosophy. No matter what words or opinions, or standpoint you have in relation to a philosophical doctrine afterword.

Over 4,000 posts here at The Forum and I have yet to call another active member a derogatory name - EVEN MORE disrespectful, in my mind, would be to marry a philosophically related thought or response to a cartoon character or other silly, childish moniker.

I LOVE PHILOSOPHY. Ever since I began posting here I respected this forum. Other active members do not need to do this. It's just the way I look at it.

Post in the way you feel. That certainly is A-priori telling...


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Post by henry quirk »

So, if I use a drawing of a caveman as avatar, and 'Henry Quirk' as handle, I'm a girl?

Well, slap my ass and call me Lucille... :|


By the way, Bill, since that gun thread of yours done went *poof!*, I'll say here what I said there (cuz I'm interested in your response)...

I own and use a gun to...



...defend my loved ones.

That sums it up for me.
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Bill Wiltrack
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Post by Bill Wiltrack »


I do ALL of the things that you have listed above - WITHOUT a gun strapped to my side.

...guess I'm more comfortable & confident in my manhood.


And as far as my gun thread, I appreciate the fact that you were one of the few active posters here to respond but I was actually looking for a more philosophical response...thank you, anyway.

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Post by Lacewing »

Bill Wiltrack wrote:want to be treated like a man act like one. Show yourself to be one.
Such judgments, Bill? If people don't do it your way, then they're not as manly and right as you... then they're dishonest or cowardly or this or that... because everyone should know that the way YOU do it is the right and best way to do it... even if their own better judgement tells them that your method is meaningless or foolish for them.
Bill Wiltrack wrote:either they have the balls to put their names; their god-given legal names, to their words, or they don't.
Now you're bringing your balls into it. Proud of them, are you? If only that's what actually mattered.
Bill Wiltrack wrote:I NEVER use the phony moniker
You are a shining example... of nothing in particularly important.
Bill Wiltrack wrote:Over 4,000 posts here at The Forum and I have yet to call another active member a derogatory name
Well aren't you a saint, Bill?! Oh wait, unless we consider all of the other crazy-ass, obnoxious, destructive, negative, rude, disturbed, and judgmental stuff that you have repeatedly bombarded this site and people here with. We just won't think about that, will we?

As so many of your rants proclaim... what YOU do is RIGHT (and noble)... and what other people do is WRONG (and demented). It's NOT YOU that's demented, projecting it onto others. Have you ever really CLUED into this and asked yourself why you NEED to handle your thoughts in such a way?
Bill Wiltrack wrote:Post in the way you feel. That certainly is A-priori telling...
How noble of you to grant us that freedom after your ball-wielding tirade. The way you post, Bill, shows a lot about you.
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Bill Wiltrack
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Post by Bill Wiltrack »


Look, we ALL think that the way WE THINK is right.

Our individual opinion is the one we adhere to, admire the most, & defend.

That is the way it is.

For the most part, we are all the same in that respect.

I appreciate your response but you really didn't move the ball forward...

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Post by Arising_uk »

Bill Wiltrack wrote:.Say what you will. Call me whatever you like. Try to put my words into a box but whatever you say, it just doesn't matter. ...
He's just accurately noticed and confirmed what I've said to to you many times, that you are a closet misogynist. That you can't see yourself reflects well upon your 'philosophy'.
If you want to be treated like a man act like one. Show yourself to be one.
Easy for the retired or unemployable without dependents to say.
All of the active members here have agreed with me and either they have the balls to put their names; their god-given legal names, to their words, or they don't.
Who is this 'god' you keep yakking about?
I NEVER use the phony moniker of a cuck member here for referring ANYTHING philosophical for that would be blasphemy to the very essence of truth and courage. For that is the OVERALL underlying principle of ALL philosophy. No matter what words or opinions, or standpoint you have in relation to a philosophical doctrine afterword.
It's a fair point but the real reason why you use your name is you are a gnu looking for approbation.
Over 4,000 posts here at The Forum and I have yet to call another active member a derogatory name - EVEN MORE disrespectful, in my mind, would be to marry a philosophically related thought or response to a cartoon character or other silly, childish moniker.
But you're not above sly little digs are you? Nor nasty little psycho-babble games. Time to take a look at those images of yours that you use to paint me, as very disrespectful in the main but I guess images are not as powerful as words eh!
I LOVE PHILOSOPHY. Ever since I began posting here I respected this forum. Other active members do not need to do this. It's just the way I look at it.
You have no clue what Philosophy Now is and you have shown nothing but disrespect to Philosophy. The only reason you are here is because you've pretty much been banned from every other forum and it's all about your need to become a gnu.
Post in the way you feel. That certainly is A-priori telling...[/size]
Yeah, that's exactly how 'apriori' should be used.
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Post by Arising_uk »

Bill Wiltrack wrote:.Look, we ALL think that the way WE THINK is right.
Maybe, but some of us have tempered such thoughts with Philosophy.
Our individual opinion is the one we adhere to, admire the most, & defend.
But if we've studied Philosophy we also learn to change if necessary.
That is the way it is.
Nothing is just the way it is.
For the most part, we are all the same in that respect.
You spend an inordinate amount of time trying to make you, we.
I appreciate your response but you really didn't move the ball forward...[/size].
Maybe not but she spotted you nicely.
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Bill Wiltrack
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Post by Bill Wiltrack »


You picked-up what I was laying down.

...if the shoe fits...wear it.


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Post by Bill Wiltrack »


Look. I have the DEEPEST respect for those active members who openly portray themselves - AS THEMSELVES.

Stand by your comments if they are important enough to you.

Have the balls, if you are a man, to act like one.

For those of you who openly portray yourselves as cartoon characters - don't expect to be treated as anything more than a buffoon. Don't expect to be treated anything more than you portray yourself to be.

Don't feed me that shit that you are protecting your job or your family. This isn't a child-porn site - IT'S A GODDAMN PHILOSOPHY SITE.

If you think philosophy is a dirty or sick subject, perhaps you shouldn't be posting here...

I posted here FOR YEARS when I was working & had a family.

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Post by Arising_uk »

Bill Wiltrack wrote:.You picked-up what I was laying down.

...if the shoe fits...wear it.
:lol: I looked at your [img] for once. You really need to line up all your images one day as your sub-conscious is yelling loud and clear to you.
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Post by Arising_uk »

Bill Wiltrack wrote:.Look. I have the DEEPEST respect for those active members who openly portray themselves - AS THEMSELVES.
So the deepest respect for bob eh! You don't appear to reflect that in your posts. Are you also saying you have no respect to those whom you heaped platiudes upon when you thought they agreed with you?
Stand by your comments if they are important enough to you.

Have the balls, if you are a man, to act like one.
:lol: Time to leave the 50's Bill.
For those of you who openly portray yourselves as cartoon characters - don't expect to be treated as anything more than a buffoon. Don't expect to be treated anything more than you portray yourself to be.
:lol: What a noob! You think my avatar means something?
Don't feed me that shit that you are protecting your job or your family. This isn't a child-porn site - IT'S A GODDAMN PHILOSOPHY SITE.
Have you taken a look at the images you've posted? You think I wish to have an employer associate them with me? In the past we've had people who've promoted paedophilia, sexism(you), misogyny(you), voyeurism of violence(you), etc, etc. One of my qualifications is as a teacher and I may need to go back to it, you think possible employers would look kindly upon my application after seeing the kind of people I'm conversing with?
If you think philosophy is a dirty or sick subject, perhaps you shouldn't be posting here...
I think what you do is.

I posted here FOR YEARS when I was working & had a family.
That's strange Bill, as you said you had no children through choice and I thought you'd retired long-ago? When did you get the time to work as for as long as you've been here you've posted at all times of the day.
Last edited by Arising_uk on Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Bill Wiltrack
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Post by Bill Wiltrack »


Wait a minute...thought you drive a cab?

...oh, and you're not shittin anyone...you ALWAYS view my images. Powerful stuff...

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Post by Arising_uk »

Bill Wiltrack wrote:............................................Wait a minute...thought you drive a cab?
Double-decker London bus, just something I had to do for a while.
...oh, and you're not shittin anyone...you ALWAYS view my images. Powerful stuff....
:lol: Delusional.
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Post by Bill Wiltrack »


What are you doing now? - Stay-at-home-dad?

...which is fine BTW.

This is me. Watching YOU!

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