There is a New Philosophical language

What did you say? And what did you mean by it?

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Bill Wiltrack
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Re: There is a New Philosophical language

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


Keep looking. Keep reading.

There is no shame as to where you are at on the path.

We are all where we should be.

Again, good luck to you upon your journey.

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Re: There is a New Philosophical language

Post by Blaggard »

I Got budj retrout upong thine howme les the retrout provood the restricted movfx ngoose. Hgenc lrte montera.

Let all crastitutedidness heck bt lowel tromp, with atbit

Rectid ipon smong, the lak of wok do

Rang hehs jess laof to myenmink on a wek.

honestly Bob the fuck what talking are you about on, make a sentence out of that.

You have more chance of making sense if you talk English not gibberrish, it need not be good English after all I am English and I can't talk that, but it should at least BE English on an English speaking forum, it could be another language if it is translated into English or not just word wank, but it must no matter what you post no matter how much nonsense at least be able to be understood. Now you can post in pictures and that is no issue, clearly you like doing that, and you can post in just words which is also fine, but if it makes no sense you might as well post in a language from a far, far away galaxy, you are not talking to anyone you are talking over them. Even if you are a droid who understands 3 million languages and 12 million dialects. You're still just talking to no one but yourself. Is that what you want, because that's what happens 99999/100000, you leave people no means to talk to your inane babble. And even if they do, you seem to think somehow they are foolish for not understanding your odd nonsense.

haronculous thio mex trp aconk swetjg unt a smegling were bold. Amen.
We are all where we should be.
And which planet are you on Bob?
Last edited by Blaggard on Sat May 10, 2014 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Bill Wiltrack
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Re: There is a New Philosophical language

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


Ya know, the um, the directions on the bottle...You have to follow those directions very closely.


I'm not your momma but you may want to consider just relaxing tonight. Don't tax yourself. Perhaps stay off the boards.

Good luck & good night.

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Re: There is a New Philosophical language

Post by Blaggard »

Slerump dif mong, lsp


Cthey clao

Wonk trope mene!

Reticullum spong, lackwod sporc mung.

And goodnight to you too bob you nonsense spouting oddity, who can't make himself understood, probably even to himself.
I'm not your momma but you may want to consider just relaxing tonight. Don't tax yourself. Perhaps stay off the boards.
I'm not your father but if I was I'd give you a serious slap on da side of the head, and tell you to take your medication, and cut out the wrapping up your hardware in clingflim and tin foil to stop the voices. And at the very least I'd ask you to make some fucking sense to anyone ever. Not talk gibberrish that no one ever could understand or will.

Thank all that is holy or should I say holey, I am not your mum, she's a whore, and presumably she had one to many sailors cocks in here to leave here genotype intact to any but remtards genes.

More pricks than a second hand dart board methinks, like a pin cushion that has lost all its fabric. Anon...

And yey the Jabberwock was lead by the nathe into the harbent groad, and therein he doth troth in all honesty and swained unto the soldier of his fate, hence was he defiant to the mimsey of men amongst the borogroaves, and the whimsy of the fen to the end.
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Re: There is a New Philosophical language

Post by Arising_uk »

Why does he keep calling you bob?
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Re: There is a New Philosophical language

Post by Blaggard »

Oh come on mate, that one is pretty obvious, if you are going to talk to a word salad monkey like bob, you have to use their real name not at all, Brian probably gets it: You Orizon Bouquet probably got it.

I think I am called Brian that is called Brian. Although I may be quoting a movie watched once, and even then it might of been The strife of Dave.

In all seriousness though, and I do like to make odd jokes, I just can't ever remember peoples names, they all seem to stream together at some point, so bob become bill, Will becomes bob and it's something I have never been able to do, I once called my own mum a name she has never had, by mistake of course. But it's one of those things I suppose, I just don't do names. If your name is anything please don't make it similar to anyone elses I'll probably end up calling you something random.

And it's not just peoples names either, it's any name of anyone famous or not, I just can't remember them. I can wax lyrical about the latest movie, or what football team I support and why but you ask me to name anyone in it and the best you are going to get is, some bloke oooo you know he was in Men in Black, he's like the white one, not Bill Smith, that guy who ah you know he was in that film with the guy who was a fugative, got wronged by the one armed man,was in all those adventure movies, you know the ones, the Raiders of the Lost Ark.

'Bout as good as it gets I am afraid. You know that movie As Good as it Gets with that woman who was in Twister and that guy who was in The Shining oooh what's his name. One Flew over the Cuckoos nest? You know? Jake Templeton wasn't it?

Frankly the lot of you are not your name, unless you are Dave. 'Cause you're all Dave to me.
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Re: There is a New Philosophical language

Post by Arising_uk »

So much for the ignore function. :roll:
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Re: There is a New Philosophical language

Post by Hjarloprillar »

Arising_uk wrote: Shouldn't you be working on that list of questions I gave you? Instead of cut-pasting more repeats that I've already asked you questions about. You know, the ones you asked for and said you'd answer.

Here's an example of one I've asked you regularly, its to do with this oft repeated phrase that you apparently think is deeep...

"Fear & hate are two sides of the same coin.", so what's this make this coin then?

doh it fell down back of couch

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Re: There is a New Philosophical language

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


Fear & hate are two sides of the same coin, was a phrase that was used during my years in a zen monastery.

It's implications are rather self evident.

Not sure where it originated from.

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Re: There is a New Philosophical language

Post by Hjarloprillar »

Bill Wiltrack wrote:.
Fear & hate are two sides of the same coin,

An old saying. good to see it pop up now and again.. reality check.

in a world where the new generation have never heard of Stalin. Gandhi. think robots are cyborgs. think themselves dangerous in some way lol..
what a pack of lollypops.

put a thousand teen gamer gungho's with pick of weps /> ONE platoon ~30 soldaten of DasR waffen ss with ww2 weps= 1000 dead fools

i'm the king of oblique
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Re: There is a New Philosophical language

Post by [email protected] »

Arising_uk wrote:
Bill Wiltrack wrote:...
Today, no one is known to be able to speak the language of Ithkuil fluently; Even the creator of Ithkuil, John Quijada, does not.
Quote"Do you understand what it is to have a philosophy and be a philosopher? I'll tell you, at base its to have an Ethics, an Epistemology, a Metaphysic and an understanding of Logic, you could also add a philosophy of politics, a philosophy of mind and a philosophy of language. All of them should hang together and reinforce each other. Have this and then you can call yourself a philosopher".

But your knowledge is not my knowledge and vice versa, we both see and understand (our) understanding of what we think we understand. Thoughts? Paul
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Re: There is a New Philosophical language

Post by Ginkgo »

[email protected] wrote:
But your knowledge is not my knowledge and vice versa, we both see and understand (our) understanding of what we think we understand. Thoughts? Paul
Philosophy is not the domain of the self-legislating individual. On a good day I can see the top of a nearby mountain. I am of the opinion that on top of this mountain exist four Gods. Each God has a dominion over the four basic elements that make up the composition of the earth.

We can call this philosophy if we like and we can say my idea is not your idea, but in the end this type of thinking has no legitimacy because it doesn't carry with it any epistemological credibility.

The idea that my knowledge is not your knowledge as basis for philosophy is not the way to go because it doesn't do the discipline justice. What we end up with is a host of crackpot theories that ignore the accumulative wisdom of the past. Under critical examination my ideas are nothing but garbage. So no, my ideas are not as good as your ideas an vice versa.
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Re: There is a New Philosophical language

Post by Arising_uk »

[email protected] wrote:But your knowledge is not my knowledge and vice versa, we both see and understand (our) understanding of what we think we understand. Thoughts? Paul
Which is where language comes in.
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