Ukraine Crisis

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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Walker »

henry quirk wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 12:41 am
henry quirk wrote: Tue Feb 01, 2022 5:29 pmif certain folks here in the states weren't desperate to turn attention away from their own failings, ukraine wouldn't be in the news: it's all misdirection and diversion...well, gee, we sure screwed things up here at home! let's scare the citizens with the threat of sendin' their sons and daughters off to war! we'll get their attention focused over there while we mop up the mess we made here
Tomorrow: when the net is down, when your grocer hasn't anything to sell, when your vehicle is parked cuz there's no fuel, and when your guts are twisted, think about the dodderin' old man crappin' himself in the White House, and all his clueless advisors who, just to wag the dog, made it all (im)possible.
Biden sometimes speaks the silent part. Recently he let it slip that no one expected much from the sanctions against Russia.

The Biden administration is messaging that sanctions against Russia will also produce hardship for the US and the rest of the world. That promise of hardship should be enough to satisfy the Leftist Media’s curiosity about rising inflation and energy costs, while conveniently ignoring they were rising before the Ukraine invasion.

The Ukraine invasion, for the purposes of replacing the Ukraine government with Putin stooges, was triggered at this particular time by US weakness demonstrated by the Biden administration’s incompetence in protecting and advancing US interests, both foreign and domestic.

A strategy of never letting a crisis go to waste is for the benefit of The Party, not the country. The Party protects and advances the interests of The Party. To this end, The Party defines the crisis, which explains the situation on the US-Mexico border. The Party figures that flooding the country with illegals is to The Party's benefit.

The Party ideology is not limited to Party affiliation, and it’s enforced by totalitarian controls made possible by corrupting and perverting the existing systems.

For example, emergency powers that temporarily suspend constitutionally protected human rights or specific existing laws, end up lasting for years, until they are legislated into law. Also, emergency taxation quietly never goes away.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Age »

Gary Childress wrote: Tue Feb 01, 2022 12:02 pm Dear philosophers, please read the brief interview below from lifelong US political activist and dissident Noam Chomsky. Is the US pursuing an antiquated foreign policy based on Cold War strategy and concerns? Should we leave Ukraine a neutral country? After what happened to Russia in two world wars in the previous century is Russia "justified" in feeling threatened by Ukraine potentially joining NATO? Should we allow Russia/Putin to have some breathing room as it were--by making Ukraine a neutral state--so that Russia doesn't feel threatened from the West? Is it OK to make concessions to avoid stoking the flames of a potential conflict between two nuclear-armed states?

What are your thoughts?
What do you mean by, "making "ukraine" a neutral state"?

What is 'it' now?

And, is it not up to the people of a bordered off parcel of land to decide what they do?

Who else could 'make' "ukraine" whatever state the people within it want it to be?
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Age »

promethean75 wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 11:21 pm I cannot express how excited I am about the Russia/Ukraine fiasco now that it seems to be firing back up. This might be the one, kids. I just hope that clown Putin isn't just flexing.

So in the event that WW3 begins, my wolverines and I will make our way to the middle Appalachian mountain range in north America. If any of you seek refuge, protection, equipment or just a hot meal, follow the grafitti with the egoist-anarchist flag (green and black), and we will meet you at one of our pre-established checkpoints.

Note to capitalists, wanna-be capitalists, capitalist cheerleaders, conservatives and the religious; you are not welcome. If we see you, we will shoot you on sight.
And those that HATE "anti-capitalists', 'anti-wanna-be capitalists', 'anti-capitalis cheerleaders', 'anti-conservatives', and the 'anti-religious' WILL make their way to where you LEAD them to in the middle appalachian mountain range in north america and shoot "your lot" on sight. You will NOT be very hard to find "hiding" there.
promethean75 wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 11:21 pm Alright Pootin... let's see what you got. You betterfuckin not be bluffing again you ugly slavic neanderthal sloped foreheaded lookin sonofabitch.
Why do you not 'face' someone and say this, instead of HIDING out, in the mountain range, saying this?

You want to threaten "others" but ONLY when "hiding".
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Age »

promethean75 wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 4:12 pm How can a single man with such a small chin and an almost perfectly round head, have the whole world on the edge of its seat?
What does the shape of a human body have to do with the actual 'thoughts' within?

It is 'thoughts', themselves, that cause and create human being made 'things', like wars.
promethean75 wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 4:12 pm If this fuckin guy doesn't do sumthin and do it soon, I've got the good nerve to call him myself and straighten shit out ova there.
Are you happy now?
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Age »

Belinda wrote: Fri Feb 18, 2022 1:20 pm I read Chomsky's piece about the wider view of the Ukraine crisis. Thanks for posting copy of the Chomsky article. How might these historical events and their present issues be popularised in easy language for inadequate readers?
That would all depend on what 'it' is EXACTLY that you want presented and heard.
Belinda wrote: Fri Feb 18, 2022 1:20 pm Who will and can disseminate easy to read paraphrases of Chomsky?
Do mean like when it is said that "noam chromsky" reminded us that:

In 2014, a Russia-supported government in Ukraine was forcefully removed from power by a coup supported by the U.S. and replaced by a U.S. and European-backed government.?

If yes, then it appears that we have ANOTHER 'war' started by the "united states of america" AGAIN. But which the "united states of america" will TELL the 'world' that "it was " putin" or "russia" that STARTED 'this war' ".

Is that an example of a 'dissemination' of a " paraphrase of "noam chomsky" "?

It this what you would like PRESENTED and HEARD?
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Age »

promethean75 wrote: Sun Feb 20, 2022 3:56 pm Imma ax Putin to invade YOU if you don't leave me alone, Age.
Are you trying to say, "I am going to ask "putin" to invade YOU if you do NOT leave me alone, "age"?"

If yes, then okay.

Am 'I' annoying 'you' "promethean75"?

If yes, then WHY?
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Age »

promethean75 wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:57 pm It's true. The last batch of young, new relevant intellectuals to come out of the last fifty years were the four horsemen (Dennett, Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens). Conservative intellectuals like Shapiro and Peterson and Craig don't count because clowns belong in circuses, not academia.

But yeah it's pretty much over. Well I mean it was over at the apex of the analytical movement coming out of the 40s; everything following this decisive moment was either a recapitulation of some past continental philosophy, post-structural, post-modern obscurantism, or a variety of analytical Marxism.

But now it's really, really over. You will see nothing but the rise of AI and a world teetering between a full blown capitalistic techno-fascism and violent worker revolution to stop it.
So, to you, the ones who build the robots that hold so-called "a1" within them, which "will" do nothing but rise, will "revolt violently" to the ones who pay them to create and build the 'things' that 'you' say, "you will see nothing but the rise of".


How, EXACTLY, could 'we' see nothing but the rise of "a1" when the actual ones who build the "a1" are revolting against the ones who pay them to build such 'things'?

In other words, how can the workers keep continue building when they are causing a "violent revolution" to stop it?
promethean75 wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:57 pm
Which way the cookie will crumble is impossible to say.
But you just CLEARLY said and STATED:

But now it's really, really over. You will see nothing but the rise of AI and ...

And what can be CLEARLY SEEN here is you are CLAIMING to ALREADY KNOW, "which way the cookie will crumble". After all you just CLAIMED, "it is REALLY, REALLY OVER, and, "You WILL see NOTHING BUT ...".

Therefore, you are CLEARLY SAYING that it is POSSIBLE to KNOW so-called "which way the cookie will crumble", and that you ACTUALLY ALREADY KNOW "which way" 'it' WILL go, or crumble.
promethean75 wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:57 pm But you'll get no more intellectuals because philosophy is dead, has been dead, died nearly a hunerd years ago.
Sounds like, TO YOU, here again that it is POSSIBLE to KNOW "which way things will go".

So, for the rest of humanity there will be NO MORE INTELLECTUALS, well to "promethean75" anyway.
promethean75 wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:57 pm All you have today (with the exception of the horsemen) are weaponized memes, systematic pseudo-scientific brainwashing and conservative propaganda to defend and support the ruling global capitalist elite (or 'mondo parasite class', the MPC).
Is that, REALLY, ALL 'we' have "today"?

But 'you', "yourself promethean75", are PROVING otherwise.
promethean75 wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:57 pm Then of course there's public philosophy forums with all the hobby garage intellectuals but they don't count. Like me. Don't believe a word I say. Actually forget this entire post.
Okay. But I wish you wrote this 'last' sentence 'first'.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Age »

promethean75 wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:02 pm Has there ever been a more perfectly designed piece of shit than Donald Trump?
YES, 'it' is, literally, called 'shit' and NOT a human being with a label nor name.
promethean75 wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:02 pm It is as if a jungian archetype of the capitalist had crawled right out of the sewer to walk among men. Now he's praising Putin... another useless bourgeois parasite, who is attacking, unprovoked, a sovereign country.

Okay but let's assume this attack has good reasons.
But WHY ASSUME ANY thing AT ALL. WHY NOT just find out and clarify what thee ACTUAL Truth IS, INSTEAD, FIRST?
promethean75 wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:02 pm Still, Trump wouldn't know what they are (if there were), so he gets no credit here, either, because a 40 IQ is not able to comprehend any of this. Did he (try to) think about what he said, or did he just open his eating hole and something random came out?

What I can't figure out is why Trump hasn't been assassinated yet.
Because NO one REALLY wants to "kill" "him" YET.
promethean75 wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:02 pm I can't be the only one who recognizes what a scum bucket this guy is, and shirley there are as many opportunities to shoot his fat ass as there are nutts out there who would do it.
But OBVIOUSLY they have NOT wanted to, YET.

Also, is this thread about the so-called "ukraine crisis" or just ANOTHER human being, with the name and label "donald trump"?
promethean75 wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:02 pm If I were a Ukrainian and I heard Trump praise Putin like he did, I'd be on the first plane to Florida or where ever that shit stain is, to put a cap in his ass and be done with em.
Okay, if you say so.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Age »

promethean75 wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 11:46 pm That whole mess with the Donbas region is part and parcel of how badly economies can be managed by imperialist countries competing for territory. The fact, however, that the Ukraine did so terribly at it, and that pro-russian separatists occupy the region, does not give Putin a diplomatic right to invade Ukraine. He's simply declaring the Minsk protocols void and rolling the tanks in because the region has a strong population of Russian sympathizers. I mean you can do that, sure, but it ain't gonna convince the rest of the world that you have good reason to do so.

But this is what you need to look at:

"Amidst the ongoing war, the separatist republics held referendums on the status of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts on 11 May 2014. In the referendums, viewed as illegal by Ukraine and undemocratic by the international community, about 90% voted for the independence of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic."
The one known as "donald trump" also said, "the election [which voted against "him"] was illegal", as well.

Some people will say, "the referendum/vote was illegal", when it goes AGAINST them.
promethean75 wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:02 pm The existential dilemma; what constitutes a 'legal' referendum in a region so badly managed and abandoned by its parent country that the only niggas in the place with any say/vote, happen to be pro-russian thugs who are armed to the teeth?
WHY was the "niggas" word used here?

Were there some human beings from "nigeria" there when the referendum took place?

Also, is it an IMPOSSIBILITY that there be any area or region where the majority of the people vote against the way 'you', or some "others", would like?
promethean75 wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:02 pm Bro if Lenin were alive today to see this nonsense I dunno whether he'd laugh or cry.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Age »

henry quirk wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 12:41 am
henry quirk wrote: Tue Feb 01, 2022 5:29 pmif certain folks here in the states weren't desperate to turn attention away from their own failings, ukraine wouldn't be in the news: it's all misdirection and diversion...well, gee, we sure screwed things up here at home! let's scare the citizens with the threat of sendin' their sons and daughters off to war! we'll get their attention focused over there while we mop up the mess we made here
Tomorrow: when the net is down, when your grocer hasn't anything to sell, when your vehicle is parked cuz there's no fuel, and when your guts are twisted, think about the dodderin' old man crappin' himself in the White House, and all his clueless advisors who, just to wag the dog, made it all (im)possible.
Talk about being SCARED and AFRAID, AND spreading FEAR and FRIGHT over, relatively, absolutely NOTHING AT ALL.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Age »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 12:51 am So humans have learnt nothing and remain the feral mob of gullible, brain-washed retards, susceptible to every over-confident kunt with 'leader qualities' who comes along, that we have always been.
Take out the word 'brain-washed' (as that word is literally a PRIME example of a misnomer), add the word 'adults' to humans, take out the 'kunt' word, and remove the words "have always been", then what you say here is EXACTLY and IRREFUTABLY True, Right, AND Correct.

That is, as long as the words 'leader qualities' was written with what is known as 'tongue-in-cheek', or with ABSOLUTE SARCASM.
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 12:51 am Or perhaps not. It's entirely up to us...

Oh, and by the way, in case you forgot '****' is spelled with a 'c' and not a 'k'.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

Age wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 12:34 pm

Oh, and by the way, in case you forgot '****' is spelled with a 'c' and not a 'k'.
I told you it doesn't show up when it's SPELT with a c :(
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Age »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 12:46 pm
Age wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 12:34 pm

Oh, and by the way, in case you forgot '****' is spelled with a 'c' and not a 'k'.
I told you it doesn't show up when it's SPELT with a c :(
You did NOT say that AT ALL. What you ACTUALLY SAID was:

Because it didn't used to show up when spelt correctly. I see that is no longer the case.

But I SEE, now, that it is only the 'cunts' word that appears and not the c-u-n-t word.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by promethean75 »

Young adults are not permitted to leave the Ukraine and are forced to stay and fight.

Oh that's just great. Wealthy bourgeois politicians fighting over territory rain a shit storm down on the working citizens of the country and then refuse to let them leave when they're about to get blowed up.

Seriously tho. Let how absurd this is, sink into your brain for a minute.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by henry quirk »

Walker wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:02 amThe Ukraine invasion, for the purposes of replacing the Ukraine government with Putin stooges, was triggered at this particular time by US weakness demonstrated by the Biden administration’s incompetence in protecting and advancing US interests, both foreign and domestic.
More simply: while Putin has eyed the Ukraine for awhile, the to hell with it, we're goin' in! moment came when Smokin' Joe began makin' noise about it. Who does that? You get credible info Russia is gonna tromp into and over Ukraine and you blab it to the world like a school girl? There was no credible new info: the House Plant, as I say, wagged the dog, and now, mebbe, we're all gonna get bit for it.

Putin is doin' all this now (as opposed to any time in the previous admin) simply cuz the House Plant -- in essence -- dared him to. Joe gambled with the wrong sociopath, and he gambled just to hide, or distract from, his own bumbly incompetence.
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