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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by promethean75 »

"Weird the way they always rave on about how 'handsome' and 'charming' Ted Bundy was. His eyes are too close together."

he's a predator bro he has to have stereoscopic vision. duh. and the bad pics of sexy ted are always the wrong angle ones that accent that hideous hook nose he got from his moms. sexy ted had a hot bod tho too. he wasn't built but he wuz cut the fuck up. i think his physique comes from his old man who would happen to be his moms old man too. anyway there's a pic of them two on the beach, ted and the old man. Ted's around eight or nine looks like and the old man's got a wife beater on. that arm is identical to Ted's late adolescent adult stage arms. sinewy and cut. looks just like em.

"He comes across as a phony who's trying too hard."

no none of his composure and demeanor is phony in the sense that he is having to pretend to enjoy talking to people and be able to speak freely and comfortably. course the claims of innocence are phony obviously, and sometimes the conversation he builds around having to answer incriminating questions (see the act he put on in the colorado jail interview. the one with sexy Ted's beard.) is necessary. the question is rather: how well did he do. and sexy ted was pretty damn good at it. but at the same time, he isn't putting on a show in general conversation. he liked talking to people, genuinely, about anything that wuz interesting and was a lively and well spoken dude.

but now sexy Ted did experience low self esteem and lack of confidence when he was a boy (for several reasons), which produced in him a sense of pressure to impress people to compensate for his lack of confidence. that's where the 'trying too hard' originates. everybody goes through it but once in a while you get one who has compounded failures and embarrassments and can only experience a relationship with the world as something like a point to prove or something to get some kind of revenge on.

but when you say phony, you're getting that from either the interviews or the court footage. prolly the latter. if so, that was an act only because ted wasn't a lawyer but was granted that power when he represented himself. and he really did quite well at it. but you gotta get deep into the trial footage to see ted werk.

and shirley the last interview he had was anything but phony. bro bro even shed a tear and got a little shook up. I'm tellin you i think that poor bastard was possessed by something. something that got em when he was a kid.

at any rate it is a historical truism to say sexy ted was unbelievable in the way that certain big events can and only happen once and become legendary watershed events for world history when they do. sexy ted's one such event. that had to, and always wuz, gonna happen on erf. ted just happened to be the guy who had to do the thing.

and yeah i know there are thousands of serial killers. I'm not denying the common category... all I'm sayin is there wasn't such a unique serial killer story until ted. it had to happen in the seventies too because that's the last decade in which serial killers had no fear of DNA forensics and everybody and their sister wuz hitchhiking because peace brother far out.
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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by promethean75 »

plus veg u need to consider the style and wardrobe changes that followed the time and place of his movement. i feel like you'd think the Florida fashions were the hottest. s'got the short upcoming 80s haircut style, gold chain and navy blue blazer. ted was miami vice before miami vice was miami vice. check em out in the pensicola police station. he's started smoking cigarettes at this time, something he never did and was an avid jogger/runner. the fuckin guy was a nervous wreck and completely off the chain at that time.
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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

He only 'shed a tear' because he was about to vist old sparky.
You talk such a load of bollocks.
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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

Speaking of crooked teeth, they were Bundy's undoing in the end (although since discredited as unscientific). Serial killers and other murderers must love those crime investigation shows where they learn all about how to hone their 'craft' and avoid capture for as long as possible. Sick, sick, sick.
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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by promethean75 »

"He only 'shed a tear' because he was about to vist old sparky."

but tears nonetheless, veg. tears nonetheless.

"Speaking of crooked teeth, they were Bundy's undoing in the end (although since discredited as unscientific)"

that's right. as forrest gump once put it 'that man walked in there and bit Ms. Lisa Levy right on the BUTT TOCKS.'

it came down to the jury being convinced by  the expert that his teeth made that mark. okay, maybe on its own, that particular exhibit wouldn't have persuaded a jury... but all the other circumstantial evidence surrounding Ted had been all over the news, see. i mean a buncha people in colorado, washington and utah all thought he was the guy. wuddint a jury on either side of the Mississippi that wouldn't have believed that dental expert.

when katsaris's boys came and got Ted that night they said they were takin em to be questioned. they opened the door and when Ted saw the dental chair they said homeboy shrieked in horror. he knew it wuz over for em, veg.

"Serial killers and other murderers must love those crime investigation shows where they learn all about how to hone their 'craft' and avoid capture for as long as possible. Sick, sick, sick."

that's not sick, sick, sick, veg. that's smart, smart, smart.
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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by promethean75 »

I'll get em at the window and door price, watch. that $75 got em speechless right now, but check it out. it takes all of five minutes to install a vinyl window or a door. literally. especially if you framed the walls and everything is square and plumb. so if im gonna get two grand off the job, I'm not sweatin the door and window price, see. rather i cut him a great deal there and use that as a bargaining chip. it makes my already exceptionally low labor price look even better.
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I'd do it in two and a half days. that's taking my time. a 4/12 pitch roof of 2x6 rafters is nuthin to frame by yourself. you just use a dead man on the other side to hold the ridge beam when you set it.

know how much I'd make off this job if i were workin for that last knucklehead Bob who i worked for years ago? around $440.

i want you to take a good look at how obscene that difference in take away is. and no I'm not doing the impossible task of managing the business and its resources, something only the sharpest and hardest working capitalist business owners are able to do yada yada. so don't gimme that shit. this isn't rocket science folks. you need a saw and a ladder. I'm not doin nothin Jose couldn't do and he'd build the whole goddamn garage with his brothers for two hunerd probably.
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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by promethean75 »

i rode with some big boys earlier today y'all and i hadta lean a bit more on the turns then I'm used to. i mean i wasn't draggin the knee or nuthin but i wuz down there bruh. shifted in the seat like the racing guys and everything. I swear to God it doesn't feel like you should be able to do that what the centrifugal force and the inertia of the bike and all that stuff. and in the straights where no cops hide off to the side with the speed gun and you can see any coming a quarter mile away damn near, shit we got em up to almost a buck twenty. can't really get faster than that around here unless you go to a track. well i mean for longer than thirty seconds before you're forced to slow down because of road conditions, lights, turns, cops, other cars, etc.

I wuz goin so fast on that bike i had them [Redacted] singin ground control to major prom.
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p.s. https://youtu.be/gjvps9f_KLI

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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

I can't stand narcissists and those who talk incessantly about themselves. If only they knew what massive bores they are. No one gives a shit what you do in your personal life.
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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by promethean75 »

Oh. Yes. They. Do.

You have to start believing that people care about you, veg. You are meaningful. You matter.

Explain why social media is such an important part of our culture then, veg. G'head.

Aks Biggs. I can single handedly turn a philosophy forum into a social media platform in a matter of weeks.

And I don't talk incessantly about myself. I produce at least two philosophy posts per ten posts about how great I am or would like to be.
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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

How old are you? Five? Actually that's an insult to children. They are far more intelligent and mature than adults.
I've never 'met' an actual internet troll before. What sad little people they are. Desperate for attention. What's so great about attention anyway? I find it's more trouble than it's worth, not to mention dangerous. Some people just have to be the centre of attention. Tedious bores they are.
Now go back to your mediocre guitar playing.
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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by promethean75 »

What about this one. You don't think I got the blues? Not even a little?
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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

The worst yet.
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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by promethean75 »

Tough crowd
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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by promethean75 »

on some deep Freudian shit tho you know why i think black peoples might be more defensive and insecure about themselves and their 'race', than white peoples are?

because they recognize how much more like our ape-like prehistoric ancestors they look, than the other 'races'.

it's a rude reminder of the human species' evolutionary past. that the species was not 'created', but happened more or less by accident through a series if biological changes.

but here's the thing. black folks need to get off the religion because that's what's fuckin em up. only when contrasted to the Christian bologna about the origins of the human species, does the fact that one came from a monkey become even more incredulous and offensive to you.

instead black folks need to remember that white folks are monkies too, see, just maybe better lookin ones.

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Re: _______________________________________________

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

Rick is gonna be cheesed off by that one :lol:
It's all nonsense of course. We all look like apes because we ARE apes.