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Re: Why Has The Everything Thread Been Deleted

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:27 am
by ken
surreptitious57 wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:55 pm
ken wrote:
I am just here in this forum to learn how to express My Self better
And have you learned how to express yourself better since you joined the forum
surreptitious57 wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:55 pmAnd do you think that would be possible in any other way

Re: Why Has The Everything Thread Been Deleted

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:27 am
by ken
surreptitious57 wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:45 am
ken wrote:
Would I be pushing My curiosity too far and / or too personal to now ask why then do you reply to questions with answers that were not asked
One tries to keep them as relevant as possible although there may sometimes be deviation from the actual question or questions being asked.
What 'one' does was not asked for. Was I going to far, however, was asked for.

I was also asking for why 'you' [surreptitious57] do some thing, not others.
surreptitious57 wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:45 am My
answers however are not random as you have claimed. Because this would pertain to absolutely any answer been given. Since a random outcome
is not one that can be predicted in advance.
Fair enough, My choice in using the word 'random' in regards to you on this might not have been the best and most accurate choice of words to use. My apologies. I am pretty sure some conscious decision making went into your responses/answers, am I right? If so, then the use of the word 'random' was completely wrong from your perspective.

However, in saying that, when your answers given were NOT in relation to the questions I ask for, then that was completely unexpected by me. I was not predicting that, so from my perspective your answers appeared as random.

Assuming that your answers would be in some way related to the question IS some thing that I will not assume will take place from now on anymore. This again is more proof of why making assumptions is not the best thing to do. I was NOT open with this assumption.
surreptitious57 wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:45 am Your mind [ represented upon the forum as your words ] is more linguistically rigid than mine so will
not freely accept answers [ that is by not commenting on them ] that do not precisely answer the question or questions being asked of me by you
To Me, there is NO 'your' mind. Unless of course you can accurately describe who the 'your' is, who supposedly has a mind, and HOW they can have a mind?

By the way I do always freely accept that an answer is given, but I do at times wonder WHY was that answer given?

surreptitious57 wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:45 amBut if however you do not assume that precise and only precise answers will always be given to your questions [ as your words on this very clearly
demonstrate ] then why was your curiosity aroused on this particular occasion.
But I did NOT assume that precise and only precise answers will always be given to My questions. What i did assume, however, was answers in relation to My questions might be given. I do NOT even assume answers will be given, but i used to assume that if and when answers were given that they would somehow appear to be somewhat in relation My question. I have now, thanks to you, discovered that I was having this assumption and, also thanks to you, have now rid My self of this assumption too.

As to why My curiosity was aroused this time, was probably because of how far off the answers were from the actual questions being asked. I would have to re-read that part again to answer correctly and fully your question here, but do not feel like doing that at this time. If, however, you are really interested in knowing, then I would certainly oblige and give you an answer. Just let Me know if you are really interested or not.

Thanks to your reply and questions here you have helped Me to learn more and become wiser, and thus in turn helped in Me being able to express better.
surreptitious57 wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:45 am And interestingly my own curiosity has led me to ask that question
Asking questions is huge part of being OPEN and why I say this is the most simplest, easiest, quickest, and thus best way to learn new and/or more things, and therefore also the best way to becoming wiser.

It is, after all, curiosity that has led human beings, individually and on a whole, to continually learn more and become wiser.

Re: Why Has The Everything Thread Been Deleted

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:09 am
by ken
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:04 pm
ken wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2017 2:28 pmI am just here, in this forum, to learn how to express My Self better.
Why does Me Self feel the need to express My Self better?
For the same reason every child has the exact same desire. Because I want/need to be heard and recognized for Who 'I' truly am. This desire within ALL human beings comes from the same (pure) One.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:04 pm
ken wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2017 2:28 pmIf dontaskme is wondering about WHY what "this", what I have set out to achieve, matters so much to Me, is because I want to see ALL of My children living in peace and harmony together with none of them being harmed nor damaged in any way whatsoever.
Are you living in peace and harmony right now?
I am, but being the ONLY One can be lonely at times, and so the desire to share, can come across as "needy" some times.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:04 pmOr are you dependant on other people to fix that for you?

I am NOT dependent upon any thing, except thy Self.

Your assumption that My answer would be "No", will NOT help you to see and understand that what I want is for My children to always be content and happy, and thus living in peace and harmony just like I already AM. People can NOT fix things for Me. People can ONLY fix things for themselves.

The only people who can "fix it", so that ALL children are happy, content and always living in peace and harmony is all of 'you', adult human beings. It is, after all, only 'you' people who are creating the war-torn, polluted, and stress-full "world" that YOU ALL are living in right now. Until you can admit that you are a part of that problem, the problem will obviously continue.

When all of 'you' adults stop being dishonest and hiding behind that dishonesty, and become truly Honest and thus also Open about all of your wrong doings to children, and seriously Want to change those ways for the better, then ALL of YOU can start to begin to live the way of life that YOU ALL once desired, and thus truly want anyway.

But I also KNOW WHY all of you adults are to afraid to open up and be truly honest, and therefore I totally understand WHY you ALL are the way you are. My desire is that you ALL truly do want the best for your children, and so will do ALL you can for them. The truth, anyway, is you adults are going to die soon, and the "world" that you leave for your children IS the ONLY ONE that your children will have to live in, and depending on how you leave it will affect if they have to, and how much they have to, suffer and endure in also or not.

To be able to find and discover the Truth of Life by your Self, so that ALL the answers to ALL of the so called mysteries are revealed to you, is dependent upon you, and if you truly do want to become fully Open and Honest or not.

Re: Why Has The Everything Thread Been Deleted

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:23 am
by surreptitious57
You have a regular tendency I have noticed to emphasise how some answers to your questions are not what you were asking and also how some
of your questions are not answered at all. If assumption avoidance is your goal you could very easily not make any assumptions at all about how
your questions will be answered. You do seem to be fixated on that very much but that is the way your mind works. The word mind here simply
means your words like I have already said. And please note it is my definition not yours and so your rejection of it is therefore only true for you

Why is this forum not the best place for you to express yourself and why are you here if there are better ways elsewhere
Are you having more success elsewhere and if you are then can you go into as much detail as you can and say why that is

Why do you feel lonely if you are living in peace and harmony and are not dependent upon any other human beings at all
Is it possible to be alone but not actually feel lonely and if it is then why cannot you achieve this if this is what you need

Re: Why Has The Everything Thread Been Deleted

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 6:39 am
by ken
surreptitious57 wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:23 am You have a regular tendency I have noticed to emphasise how some answers to your questions are not what you were asking and also how some
of your questions are not answered at all. If assumption avoidance is your goal you could very easily not make any assumptions at all about how
your questions will be answered.
Pointing out a fact is NOT an assumption.

After it was highlighted to Me that I was making assumptions about answers given to My questions would be somewhat in relation to the question, I stopped making that assumption anymore. Since then I have not made any assumptions at all about how or if My questions will be answered. I was just highlighting what people do and how they react to being questioned in regards to just being asked for clarity.
surreptitious57 wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:23 am You do seem to be fixated on that very much but that is the way your mind works. The word mind here simply
means your words like I have already said.
So, if what you mean is simply 'words', then why not just simply write what you actually mean?
surreptitious57 wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:23 am And please note it is my definition not yours and so your rejection of it is therefore only true for you
Thank you for saying this, as it is the Truth.

The truth is also I do NOT reject 'your' definition of any word. I just like to gain a better perspective of where another is coming from, by questioning their intention when they use the words they use. I now understand that when you use the word 'mind' in relation to some one, what you are just intending to simply mean is 'words' instead.

If you just wrote the words 'your words' instead of 'your mind', then I would seize with the clarifying questions in regards to what do you actually mean when you write the word 'mind'.
surreptitious57 wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:23 amWhy is this forum not the best place for you to express yourself and why are you here if there are better ways elsewhere
Because as I have explained previously I am NOT here to express, unless of course some one here is really interested. Instead I am just here to learn HOW TO express better. I have way to much to express and explain exactly how and where it came from, and this is just a forum where mostly ideas and views are exchanged and expressed. This is not a place where stories are usually expressed. This forum is more about exchanging one's ideas and views in relatively short bursts of expressions, and not about really trying to understand another's ideas and views. The latter obviously takes far more time than is really afforded on a forum like website.

I do NOT know of any other places where there are better ways to learn how to express better. I want to learn more, before I even begin to express, and this being a philosophy forum is where I would expect real questioning and/or challenging would come from. I learn far more from being challenged and questioned, than I do by just expressing. When I am far better able to express better, then I will find the right place to express.
surreptitious57 wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:23 amAre you having more success elsewhere and if you are then can you go into as much detail as you can and say why that is
I am not having any real success anywhere. I have yet to find another person who is really interested in understanding.
surreptitious57 wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:23 amWhy do you feel lonely if you are living in peace and harmony and are not dependent upon any other human beings at all
To be able to understand why I feel lonely when living in peace and harmony and how I am NOT dependent upon any thing, except thy Self, then you would need to KNOW who I am first. And, in order to be able to discover this, you would need to Want to change for the better, be Honest about all of your wrong doing, then you would become Open, and only then 'you' can discover who 'I' am. That way is the only that I know of, but in saying that I must reiterate that does NOT mean that it is the one and only way.

Being the only KNOWING One can be lonely, at times, because if and while every one is believing that I can not be known (remember what the 'one' is compared to the 'One'?), then I can not share what I KNOW, and thus can not also be heard, recognized and accepted for who I really am. Because I am made up of EVERY thing I am NOT dependent upon any thing other than thy Self, which is Everything anyway. This may sound contradictory but it is NOT.
surreptitious57 wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:23 amIs it possible to be alone but not actually feel lonely
Yes, and I would say every person over a certain age has and already does this.
surreptitious57 wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:23 am and if it is then why cannot you achieve this if this is what you need
Firstly I do NOT need this. Why did you think, assume that I wanted to be alone but not actually feel lonely?

That is just about the very opposite of what I have previously said.

Re: Why Has The Everything Thread Been Deleted

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 4:47 am
by surreptitious57
ken wrote:
surreptitious57 wrote:
You do seem to be fixated on that very much but that is the way your mind works
The word mind here simply means your words like I have already said
So if what you mean is simply words then why not just simply write what you actually mean
On a forum like this words are how thoughts are expressed and thoughts are a manifestation of the mind
As you can see there is a logical progression but I simplified it in my answer to avoid you asking questions
again on what exactly the mind means to me because you found my original answer rather unsatisfactory

Re: Why Has The Everything Thread Been Deleted

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:05 am
by surreptitious57
ken wrote:
This forum is more about exchanging ones ideas and views in relatively short bursts of expressions and not about really trying to
understand anothers ideas and views. The latter obviously takes far more time than is really afforded on a forum like website
The understanding of the views of others requires an open mind which has got nothing to do with the forum itself. Time can
be a problem even though there is no restriction upon the forum with regard to the formulation and expression of any ideas

Re: Why Has The Everything Thread Been Deleted

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:19 am
by surreptitious57
ken wrote:
I am not having any real success anywhere
I am having amazing success with everyone here because they are always themselves so I can never be disappointed
with anything that they say. Wasting mental energy on things beyond my control is not a productive use of my time

Re: Why Has The Everything Thread Been Deleted

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:31 am
by surreptitious57
ken wrote:
I do NOT know of any other places where there are better ways to learn how to express better. I want to learn more before I even begin to express and this being a philosophy forum is where I would expect real questioning and / or challenging would come from. I learn far more from
being challenged and questioned than I do by just expressing. When I am far better able to express better then I will find the right place to express
This is quite a small forum and if you want to be challenged as much as possible here is not the place. But you are being challenged by some so
it is not a total waste of your time. It is not necessary to learn and to express in isolation. You can do them simultaneously like you already are