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Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 10:25 am
by Bill Wiltrack

I think I understand what you are trying to say.

Obviously English is not your native tongue. None-the-less, I agree with your statement.


Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 6:17 am
by creativesoul
Not everyone learns from suffering in such a way that they can avoid that same kind of suffering later... Just sayin'.

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 3:56 pm
by SpheresOfBalance
Lacewing wrote:SOB, you are so outrageously presumptive about what you think people are all about. You seem quite sure that you are keen on everyone's intentions and energy based on an ONLINE DANCE of feisty postings. You claim that you are cruel to be kind... while claiming that other people are cruel to be cruel. Yet you accuse other people of self-serving delusion! This is exactly what YOU, yourself are doing... and you do it over and over. You are so mistaken about me, it's absurd. But you seem to be getting off on it to such a degree, that no amount of reality will ever get through to you... so it seems my only realistic response is to ignore you and tell you to fuck off.
If only your attitude towards Bill exemplified that which you've just said, it doesn't. You have shown that which I find you guilty of, not the reverse. You mistake the mirror I place before your eyes, with me. Look back to see whom started the condemnation of whom. If you can be honest, it'll be you that you see as the problem child. Your ignorance of others, then your preconceived notions as projection, your fuel of condemnation.

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:43 pm
by SpheresOfBalance
Arising_uk wrote:
SpheresOfBalance wrote:Where are the lies, you're nothing but lies. There is nothing misogynist at all in what I said. ...
"arising with her blood engorged clit should know" so this is a term of endearment is it? As what it shows is that to insult a male you use the terms that you consider derogatory, to wit, being a female and having an aroused sexual organ. Misogynist it is then.
Nope, my meaning went right over your head as usual, so instead of seeking clarification, you supply your version, an attempt to call to the mob for your support. You mobsters are all the same. You have always been a female to me, you know that! Whether you are physically one, or only in your mind, makes no difference to the sex you identify with, hence what you are. The blood engorged bit is synonymous with an erect penis, you ignoramus, a testament to your level of excitement.
You are fucking stupid, you do realize that right!
Yup! 137 IQ points of stupidity. :lol:
Earlier you missed the difference between memory and intelligence. There is a difference moron. :lol:
Wrong, I've been here long enough to see that you make anything that suits you, out of anyone's words, that you find threatening to your self-righteousness. Sometimes hes stating that you exemplify such imagery, sometimes that it's a travesty, sometimes that it's very common, sometimes that it's confusing. ETC! It's you that projects what you want out of Bill upon his meaning. And that's what he finds most enjoyable, that you run around like a rooster with it's head cut off, without a clue, spouting all kinds of ridiculous bull shit.
So funny! So what you are saying is that Bill is a gnu who uses his images to troll.
Again your projection, of limited understanding, that surely suits your wants/desires, thus of no necessary truth value.
Total poppycock, but of course your supposed interpretation fits very nicely indeed with your belief that only you can discern ones meaning even if it's simply a picture. You see Bill and I have talked behind the scenes, I know how he likes to get your dumb ass going! :lol:
:lol: Gnu troll it is then.
No, you started the shit slinging, he only defends like all good people! :lol:

This ' behind the scenes', you pen-pals then?
Your condescension, your fear!
Fuck you, you lying piece of deluded shit, damn your lips are very securely super-glued to your genitals aren't they?
:lol: Like Bill I think your subconscious is talking to you, you should pay it some attention.
No, it's you that needs to listen up, but then you're in denial as to your self sucking ways, there may be no hope.

We talk behind the scenes you immature dipshit!
How cliquish.
Call it what ever you want, it still makes you an ignorant self serving idiot!

You can think all you want to think, that which serves your twisted purpose, where you put words in others mouths, but in fact you couldn't be more wrong. As such, you are the least philosopher here.
Well I've gotta admit, can't do much if those who post upon a philosophy forum are lying about their motives for doing so.
No one has lied here, save you. :lol:
You need to take the tests, not I. I'm not the one putting words into another's mouth so I can then beat them to death.
I took 'em, not a psychopath but not exactly a nice guy either.
You mean gal, right Kim?
Though to be honest It would probably be fun taking them. What sort of authority do they represent?
No idea, like the IQ test they are a bit of fun so will you be taking the IQ or the psychopath test soon then?
Maybe! I like testing! It may or may not give one insight as to either the tester or testee. So they can be fun.

More lies, as usual. I have bills, college books, a still unpaid school loan and transcripts to prove otherwise. You're such a dipshit, seriously!
So you studied for a few years reading and having to critique the actual books of those we call the philosophers or like Bill took a couple of modules where more than likely you read about what others said about them?
Of course you would try and discredit me, as you do that to anyone that doesn't see eye to eye with you. You believe that you necessarily know, one of your shelters from fear, as with many people, myself always included. The difference is that I understand the human condition more than you do.

Most fools also do so 'rolling on the floor,' so it's ROTFLMFAO!!
You forgot ROTFLOL.
Yep that was another one I believe, from my days on USENET.

What a dumb shit! ;-)
Dumber than someone who says they know they know nothing and then knows that its all about knowing the absolute truth of everything about being human?
Again, with your ignorance as to how that quote should be taken as I see it, even though I've told you. So not ignorance then, simply a ploy? So you're either dumb or a liar, which is it?

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:45 pm
by Arising_uk
SpheresOfBalance wrote:Nope, my meaning went right over your head as usual, so instead of seeking clarification, you supply your version, an attempt to call to the mob for your support. You mobsters are all the same. You have always been a female to me, you know that! Whether you are physically one, or only in your mind, makes no difference to the sex you identify with, hence what you are. The blood engorged bit is synonymous with an erect penis, you ignoramus, a testament to your level of excitement.
:lol: And what is a female to you then?

Why would you wish to imply that I am one if not that it makes me less of a 'man' in your misogynistic eyes?

Since you never back-up your claims about me but keep right on asserting them I just link to the actual thread so that others can judge your claims against me. That you think of your peers as a 'mob' is just plain rude I think.
Earlier you missed the difference between memory and intelligence. There is a difference moron. :lol:
Yet it was you who brought up my IQ and apparently you don;t like the result. :lol:

Ignoring that I told you that I have a terrible memory, what has memory got to do with IQ tests?
Again your projection, of limited understanding, that surely suits your wants/desires, thus of no necessary truth value.
So are you now saying that Bill doesn't post to provoke? :roll:
No, you started the shit slinging, he only defends like all good people! :lol:
And having cosy behind the scene chats as well. :lol:
Your condescension, your fear!
I give two tosses what you to get up to in private.
No, it's you that needs to listen up, but then you're in denial as to your self sucking ways, there may be no hope.
Listen to what? A gnu and a psycho-babbling moralistic white-knight? I'll pass thanks.
Call it what ever you want, it still makes you an ignorant self serving idiot!
I call it' starting a mob' behaviour.
No one has lied here, save you. :lol:
Show me or shut-up.
You mean gal, right Kim?
If it makes the little misogynist happy, sure.
Maybe! I like testing! It may or may not give one insight as to either the tester or testee. So they can be fun.
That'll be a no then.
Of course you would try and discredit me, as you do that to anyone that doesn't see eye to eye with you. You believe that you necessarily know, one of your shelters from fear, as with many people, myself always included. The difference is that I understand the human condition more than you do.
I thought that you knew that you know nothing?

What I know is that to read and critique the actual words of many of those we call the philosophers takes about three years. Short modules just give you the words and critique of those who've read them.
Yep that was another one I believe, from my days on USENET.
Is that meant to impress?
Again, with your ignorance as to how that quote should be taken as I see it, even though I've told you. So not ignorance then, simply a ploy? So you're either dumb or a liar, which is it?
Ah! Yes, this bodge of an epistemology that thinks that unless all is known nothing is known. So how are you knowing that you know more of this 'human condition' than I do?

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:49 pm
by SpheresOfBalance
Arising_uk wrote:
SpheresOfBalance wrote:Nope, my meaning went right over your head as usual, so instead of seeking clarification, you supply your version, an attempt to call to the mob for your support. You mobsters are all the same. You have always been a female to me, you know that! Whether you are physically one, or only in your mind, makes no difference to the sex you identify with, hence what you are. The blood engorged bit is synonymous with an erect penis, you ignoramus, a testament to your level of excitement.
:lol: And what is a female to you then?
Why, you are stupid aren't you? A female is half a human, of course!

Why would you wish to imply that I am one if not that it makes me less of a 'man' in your misogynistic eyes?
Because with your standard arguments of the past, you surely seemed like a female. I have never said females are less than males. It's always been you, that has been misogynistic, in defense of your, supposed manhood. If not a misogynist, why so worried about being called a female? If men and women are equal why worry that you are being seen as a female? Must be that you consider females less than males, for you to be so offended. You seem extremely preoccupied with misogynistic behavior, surely only females are so consumed by it, fighting for their equal rights, (and I don't blame them), such that surely you seem a female.

Since you never back-up your claims about me but keep right on asserting them I just link to the actual thread so that others can judge your claims against me. That you think of your peers as a 'mob' is just plain rude I think.
Earlier you missed the difference between memory and intelligence. There is a difference moron. :lol:
Yet it was you who brought up my IQ and apparently you don;t like the result. :lol:
No Idiot! If you had actually paid attention all these years, you'd have noticed that I've always said that I don't have too high a regard for IQ tests. That largely they have to do with memory, not necessarily intelligence. But for those that do consider them telling of ones capabilities, I have provided mine, which I'm happy with, as I don't require one that is higher than genius to know how capable I am.

Ignoring that I told you that I have a terrible memory, what has memory got to do with IQ tests?
Again your projection, of limited understanding, that surely suits your wants/desires, thus of no necessary truth value.
So are you now saying that Bill doesn't post to provoke? :roll:
There is nothing wrong with provoking thought, but then I guess you'd think so, seeing as how you believe only you can know, while all others can only try, unless they agree with you of course. :lol:

No, you started the shit slinging, he only defends like all good people! :lol:
And having cosy behind the scene chats as well. :lol:
FYI, People that visit here, can and do talk elsewhere, my friend, Duh!

Your condescension, your fear!
I give two tosses what you to get up to in private.
So then why worry about it?

No, it's you that needs to listen up, but then you're in denial as to your self sucking ways, there may be no hope.
Listen to what? A gnu and a psycho-babbling moralistic white-knight? I'll pass thanks.
Just like we don't want to listen to a self aggrandizing, would be know it all, (especially an English wizard), that is so utterly fearful that they might die from a nuclear doomsday device, that they'd actually kill an innocent infant to save their old worthless ass, using all of humanities fear of death as their shield of reason, and their 'get out of jail free card' in the face of the aftermath.

Fearing such a death as nuclear Armageddon, does not necessarily make one sane; just as not fearing 'such a death,' does not necessarily make one insane.

In your silly little thought experiment, that which would actually be guilty of killing off all life on the planet, would be that part of the human condition, that has plagued us since our beginning, that actually caused us to build such a device in the first place, that which is responsible for our, so called, solution in coming to grips with the ramifications of M.A.D., hence the riddle. And of course also those that would allow an infant to command such a device. Not he that understands all this, and refuses to save them from themselves.

If you were drowning, even if by your own foolishness, I would risk my life to save you, as my life is the 'only' life I have complete dominion over, I've done it once before. But I would not kill another to save you, as I would not kill you to save another. In such a case whom am I actually saving? Why am I actually saving? What am I actually saving? Who actually deserves saving? Who actually doesn't deserve saving? What actually is saving? What is actually most important to save? To actually save whom for whom? To actually save whom for what? To actually save what for whom? To actually save what for what? We have all actually been born. And we shall all actually die. Very few of us that claim we want to die would actually cause it to happen, though some do. Why? In the scheme of all things universal, what has mankind done, so altruistic, so as to warrant being saved from his own folly?

Call it what ever you want, it still makes you an ignorant self serving idiot!
I call it' starting a mob' behaviour.
Well you surly do appeal to the mobs support often enough, that one would think you'd know all about it. Is that knowledge for you? Simply being in agreement with the mob and your heros?
No one has lied here, save you. :lol:
Show me or shut-up.
You do it so constantly, that I'd have a problem not finding evidence.

You mean gal, right Kim?
If it makes the little misogynist happy, sure.
You're the one that fears being seen as a female, who's the misogynist? That's right, you are!

Maybe! I like testing! It may or may not give one insight as to either the tester or testee. So they can be fun.
That'll be a no then.
There's a lie right there, as you can't possibly know what I might do. See what I mean, you lie all the time. You especially lie about Bill. And me, when I challenge you. You do it with Bob too, but then so does he, so he deserves it.

Of course you would try and discredit me, as you do that to anyone that doesn't see eye to eye with you. You believe that you necessarily know, one of your shelters from fear, as with many people, myself always included. The difference is that I understand the human condition more than you do.
I thought that you knew that you know nothing?
There's another lie, as I've already told you again and again how it's to be used. You can blame it on your flawed memory, so as to cover your tracks, but we both know you're just a liar.

What I know is that to read and critique the actual words of many of those we call the philosophers takes about three years. Short modules just give you the words and critique of those who've read them.
Yep that was another one I believe, from my days on USENET.
Is that meant to impress?
Ditto! But obviously your hacking away at the threads history of three deep has left you screwing up knowing how to respond effectively.
Again, with your ignorance as to how that quote should be taken as I see it, even though I've told you. So not ignorance then, simply a ploy? So you're either dumb or a liar, which is it?
Ah! Yes, this bodge of an epistemology that thinks that unless all is known nothing is known. So how are you knowing that you know more of this 'human condition' than I do?
Because you're constantly hiding from the truths that you fear, with your emoticons, self serving false characterizations, and lies, etc. Largely you create your version of reality through denial of painful truths like most selfish humans. On the other hand I have been honest to such an extent as to purposely bare a large portion of myself naked for all to see and judge, as I fear no mans ignorance. At least not in a forum of argument. Face to face is another matter. In that arena, depending upon what they might bring to the table, I may only expect the worst of men, and so I'll counter with the worst, as defense should always have the final say in such a matter.

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:30 pm
by Arising_uk
SpheresOfBalance wrote:Why, you are stupid aren't you? A female is half a human, of course!
What you actually think is, slightly less than a male.
Because with your standard arguments of the past, you surely seemed like a female.
And that involves being what?
I have never said females are less than males. ...
And yet you use it as an insult to a male?
It's always been you, that has been misogynistic, in defense of your, supposed manhood. ...
Where do I defend my manhood?
If not a misogynist, why so worried about being called a female? ...
I'm not, I'm just pointing out that since I am a male why would you think calling me a female applies?
If men and women are equal why worry that you are being seen as a female? ...
Who said people are equal and what are you describing with the phrase "men and women are equal"?
Must be that you consider females less than males, for you to be so offended. ...
Who's offended? That you think this is your misogyny.
You seem extremely preoccupied with misogynistic behavior, surely only females are so consumed by it, fighting for their equal rights, (and I don't blame them), such that surely you seem a female.
And there you have it. I'm concerned because I have a mother, sister and daughter.
No Idiot! If you had actually paid attention all these years, you'd have noticed that I've always said that I don't have too high a regard for IQ tests. ...
And yet you went with the 'what's your IQ? 10.' crack?
That largely they have to do with memory, not necessarily intelligence. ...
No they don't. They are largely to do with pattern-recognition and general knowledge of grammar.
But for those that do consider them telling of ones capabilities, I have provided mine, which I'm happy with, as I don't require one that is higher than genius to know how capable I am.
Who does?

What is your IQ then? If you can;t remeber then take the link test I provided. I took it for fun as I had no idea what my IQ was supposed to be and it was your crack that led me to have a go.

Whilst you're there take the psychopath one as well.
No they haven't.
There is nothing wrong with provoking thought, but then I guess you'd think so, seeing as how you believe only you can know, while all others can only try, unless they agree with you of course. :lol:
Actually you are describing Bill and yourself here.
FYI, People that visit here, can and do talk elsewhere, my friend, Duh!
They can, its called mob and clique behaviour.
So then why worry about it?
You brought it up?
Just like we don't want to listen to a self aggrandizing, would be know it all, (especially an English wizard), that is so utterly fearful that they might die from a nuclear doomsday device, that they'd actually kill an innocent infant to save their old worthless ass, using all of humanities fear of death as their shield of reason, and their 'get out of jail free card' in the face of the aftermath.
You are demented. I'd kill that child to save my kids and all the other innocent children that you will conveniently leave to die to save your psychopathic moralism.

Are you telling me that when you were Soviet nuclear sub hunting you would have not fired if the Soviets had told you that they have an innocent child on every sub?
Fearing such a death as nuclear Armageddon, does not necessarily make one sane; just as not fearing 'such a death,' does not necessarily make one insane.
I grew up having dreams of big silver missiles with USA on the side and big silver missiles with the hammer and sickle in red on the side landing on my head. Did it make me sane or insane? No it just made me realise that there's no point in worrying about shit you can't control and if one does worry then at least try and do something about it as then when you die from the event you'll die with a fairly clear conscience.
In your silly little thought experiment, ...
Not mine? but a fairly standard moral quandary in Philosophy.
that which would actually be guilty of killing off all life on the planet, would be that part of the human condition, that has plagued us since our beginning, that actually caused us to build such a device in the first place, that which is responsible for our, so called, solution in coming to grips with the ramifications of M.A.D., hence the riddle. And of course also those that would allow an infant to command such a device. Not he that understands all this, and refuses to save them from themselves. ...
If you were drowning, even if by your own foolishness, I would risk my life to save you, as my life is the 'only' life I have complete dominion over, I've done it once before. ...
Do you think you would have done it without the training?
But I would not kill another to save you, as I would not kill you to save another. In such a case whom am I actually saving? Why am I actually saving? What am I actually saving? Who actually deserves saving? Who actually doesn't deserve saving? What actually is saving? What is actually most important to save? To actually save whom for whom? To actually save whom for what? To actually save what for whom? To actually save what for what? We have all actually been born. And we shall all actually die. Very few of us that claim we want to die would actually cause it to happen, though some do. Why? In the scheme of all things universal, what has mankind done, so altruistic, so as to warrant being saved from his own folly?
Is this why you left the Navy?
Well you surly do appeal to the mobs support often enough, that one would think you'd know all about it. Is that knowledge for you? Simply being in agreement with the mob and your heros?
Well I certainly think that there can be agreement amongst people but my words were just about you decrying the other forum members here. As all I said was I'll leave them to judge your words against me as I already think them false.
You do it so constantly, that I'd have a problem not finding evidence.
Still waiting?

Also where is this 'logical' analysis you promised?
You're the one that fears being seen as a female, who's the misogynist? That's right, you are!
I don't fear being called a female, I just wonder what this means in this context?

There's a lie right there, as you can't possibly know what I might do. See what I mean, you lie all the time. You especially lie about Bill. And me, when I challenge you. You do it with Bob too, but then so does he, so he deserves it.
Still waiting for you to take the tests. What are you scared of?
There's another lie, as I've already told you again and again how it's to be used. You can blame it on your flawed memory, so as to cover your tracks, but we both know you're just a liar.
Only in your psycho-babble fantasies. Your claim is that because we can't know everything we can know nothing. I think this false.
Ditto! But obviously your hacking away at the threads history of three deep has left you screwing up knowing how to respond effectively.
You should drop those old habits as it's easier to not re-quote everything but just quote what's been said and then you can trace the thread back.
Because you're constantly hiding from the truths that you fear, with your emoticons, self serving false characterizations, and lies, etc. ...
Show me.
Largely you create your version of reality through denial of painful truths like most selfish humans.
On the other hand I have been honest to such an extent as to purposely bare a large portion of myself naked for all to see and judge, as I fear no mans ignorance.
Prejudging already I see, none but the blind eh!
At least not in a forum of argument. Face to face is another matter. In that arena, depending upon what they might bring to the table, I may only expect the worst of men, and so I'll counter with the worst, as defense should always have the final say in such a matter.
There's an irony, as I only expect the best face-to-face and respond only if the worst occurs. You've had a lot of strife in your life I suspect.

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:59 am
by Abunai
Within every outlet of light that shines through the darkness holds infinite knowledge and wisdom if you wish to see it.