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Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:28 pm
by Lacewing
SOB, just when I think I've seen the surprising extent to how idiotic, deluded, and hateful you can be, you go and outdo yourself again.

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:59 pm
by SpheresOfBalance
Lacewing wrote:SOB, just when I think I've seen the surprising extent to how

Self serving delusion!

Self serving delusion!

and hateful
Nope simply very harsh with my lessons, that would serve you very well indeed, if your skull wasn't made of lead!

you can be, you go and outdo yourself again.
Thank you very much, I'll take this as a complement.

Know that in fact, "I LOVE YOU," which is why as long as you spin hateful rhetoric towards others, I shall continue to treat you likewise, so you can finally understand how it feels, and then change your ways accordingly. I haven't given up hope for you yet, arising of course is way too far gone! Actually, in truth, I'm still hopeful for that seemingly lost cause as well.
I love you, so I feed you your own brand of medicine! Swallow it and it shall both make you wise, and a true philosopher, that seeks to understand, instead of condemn that, which one is ignorant.

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:26 pm
by Lacewing
SOB, you are so outrageously presumptive about what you think people are all about. You seem quite sure that you are keen on everyone's intentions and energy based on an ONLINE DANCE of feisty postings. You claim that you are cruel to be kind... while claiming that other people are cruel to be cruel. Yet you accuse other people of self-serving delusion! This is exactly what YOU, yourself are doing... and you do it over and over. You are so mistaken about me, it's absurd. But you seem to be getting off on it to such a degree, that no amount of reality will ever get through to you... so it seems my only realistic response is to ignore you and tell you to fuck off.

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 10:11 pm
by Arising_uk
SpheresOfBalance wrote:Again, those circular references have you head spinning!
Do they?

What circular references would these be?

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 10:56 pm
by Arising_uk
SpheresOfBalance wrote:As to their suffering, what arising and lacie refuse to wrap their puny little minds around, because of their protection fear rackets, is that simply providing a picture of the human mental landscape, the human condition, necessarily shows neither acceptance nor nonacceptance of it. Bill stated years ago, not that newbie lacie would necessarily know, but obviously arising with her blood engorged clit should know, that he provides images to stir consciousness. ...
:lol: So a misogynist like Bill, not surprised.

I've been here long enough to watch the recycling of Bill's images and know that he picks them to express his feelings as all its about is his feelings and nothing else. All Bill wishes to stir is his own feelings of self-importance and that he uses much vileness in the form of others misery and that you support this speaks much about you despite all the lofty words you cloak yourself with, that those words are also garbled pretentious sage speak also places you nicely with Bill.
So I'm sure that since he's trying to stir the pot, he "purposely" picks the most provocative examples. ...
Mind-reading are we? :lol:
So clearly, those that then assign his necessary alignment with them, is in fact a fool! ...
Not really as I think that in the main they are his subconscious yelling at him.
The furthest thing from an actual philosopher, as philosophy is all about "understanding." Instead these types, the extremely fearful of truth, assign their own value to another that serves their selfish purpose, at the others expense; understanding out the window, they can feel good about ostracizing/killing anyone or anything. ...
What a load of old toss, you're talking about Psychology not Philosophy but then you'd not know that as you are firmly in the mold of the therapised except that you are worse than that, you are the therapists nightmare - a budding psychopath. Here take one of these honestly and post the results to prove me wrong,
Yep, people like that wouldn't know philosophy if it bit them on the ass!
How would you know? Like Bill you've not bothered to study any.
Philosophy, my dear friends, is about understanding the absolute truth of everything it is, in being human!
SpheresOfBalance wrote:You, more than anyone, needs to seriously consider the words of Socrates, 'I only know that I don't know.' It's extremely self evident.
What a dickhead.

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 11:14 pm
by Arising_uk
SpheresOfBalance wrote:Yet you're the one that fears dictionaries, with, (as you've stated), 'circular references.' ...
Who fears them? I just pointed out to you that meaning is not created in dictionaries, that you can't grasp this is your limitation.
Tell me then idiot, how on earth could you know anything about English at all, such that you could effectively judge anyone's meaning. You can't! While you profess your English superiority, you fall flat on your face, most often appearing as a cowardly liar, or an simpleton idiot, take your pick.
I can only assume that you've been lying about having children as if you'd had them you'd know the answer to this one.
I mean is it any wonder that you so foolishly believe that your response, is so dead on another's meaning. You're protection fear racket; character armor! So you can suck your self, stroke your ego, or so you foolishly believe, yet actually displaying that of a buffoon.
Could you say this in plainer English please as I have no idea what you are yakking on about?
As if anyone can read minds, you fool!
That's my point idiot.
With respect to verbal interaction with you, this is a meaningless thing to say, as your mind is ever swirling from your perceived circular references you find in dictionaries, which are actually a means for universality. It's no wonder why you get almost everyone wrong, or you use lying as ploys, again take your pick.
Nothing here about my point? But then again its so convoluted it's hard to be sure.
As if your swirling mind can actually make sense of anything, ever!
Must be having a high IQ that causes the problem. :lol:
No, dumb ass, rather your ploy! An attempt at trying to save face, yet you're becoming more and more transparent day by day.
And there was me thinking I'm pretty much a WYSIWYG kinda-guy. :lol:
The mark of a fool, trying desperately to convince themselves otherwise.
Or someone with a sense of ironic humour.
This cutesy crap of yours, your way of side stepping issues, your denial, the 'coward' that would kill a child to save their ass, that you are.
Let's others judge as I just can't be bothered to go through it with you again.
There it is, good! Going further than usual, shows the degree of your protection fear racket, character armor, kicking in. I have the logical analysis of your words coming real soon, you're gonna love it! :lol:
Zzzz...Wake me up when it gets here as you appear a bit slow on the logical analysis side.
Sorry, you got me, I left out, "self professed." Which in truth is the only way it can be characterized. As it's your ever illusory state that's responsible. That you believe you most certainly know is indeed cute. You, more than anyone, needs to seriously consider the words of Socrates, 'I only know that I don't know.' It's extremely self evident.
Is it? Well maybe maybe not but for someone who 'knows nothing' you sure yak a lot.
More cute stuff, huh? You girl, you! I'm so wounded!!! I prefer Robert William, thank you!
Hey! It's to make others laugh. :wink: I give two tosses whether it affects you or not. Still, nice to see your misogyny is still going strong even if your gender sense isn't.

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 1:00 am
by SpheresOfBalance
Arising_uk wrote:
SpheresOfBalance wrote:As to their suffering, what arising and lacie refuse to wrap their puny little minds around, because of their protection fear rackets, is that simply providing a picture of the human mental landscape, the human condition, necessarily shows neither acceptance nor nonacceptance of it. Bill stated years ago, not that newbie lacie would necessarily know, but obviously arising with her blood engorged clit should know, that he provides images to stir consciousness. ...
:lol: So a misogynist like Bill, not surprised.
Where are the lies, you're nothing but lies. There is nothing misogynist at all in what I said.

Here you go dipshit:
misogynist [mi-soj-uh-nist, mahy‐]
1. a person who hates, dislikes, mistrusts, or mistreats women.

You are fucking stupid, you do realize that right!

I've been here long enough to watch the recycling of Bill's images and know that he picks them to express his feelings as all its about is his feelings and nothing else.
Wrong, I've been here long enough to see that you make anything that suits you, out of anyone's words, that you find threatening to your self-righteousness. Sometimes hes stating that you exemplify such imagery, sometimes that it's a travesty, sometimes that it's very common, sometimes that it's confusing. ETC! It's you that projects what you want out of Bill upon his meaning. And that's what he finds most enjoyable, that you run around like a rooster with it's head cut off, without a clue, spouting all kinds of ridiculous bull shit.

All Bill wishes to stir is his own feelings of self-importance and that he uses much vileness in the form of others misery
Total poppycock, but of course your supposed interpretation fits very nicely indeed with your belief that only you can discern ones meaning even if it's simply a picture. You see Bill and I have talked behind the scenes, I know how he likes to get your dumb ass going! :lol:

and that you support this speaks much about you despite all the lofty words you cloak yourself with, that those words are also garbled pretentious sage speak also places you nicely with Bill.
Fuck you, you lying piece of deluded shit, damn your lips are very securely super-glued to your genitals aren't they?
So I'm sure that since he's trying to stir the pot, he "purposely" picks the most provocative examples. ...
Mind-reading are we? :lol:
We talk behind the scenes you immature dipshit!
So clearly, those that then assign his necessary alignment with them, is in fact a fool! ...
Not really as I think that in the main they are his subconscious yelling at him.
You can think all you want to think, that which serves your twisted purpose, where you put words in others mouths, but in fact you couldn't be more wrong. As such, you are the least philosopher here.
The furthest thing from an actual philosopher, as philosophy is all about "understanding." Instead these types, the extremely fearful of truth, assign their own value to another that serves their selfish purpose, at the others expense; understanding out the window, they can feel good about ostracizing/killing anyone or anything. ...
What a load of old toss, you're talking about Psychology not Philosophy but then you'd not know that as you are firmly in the mold of the therapised except that you are worse than that, you are the therapists nightmare - a budding psychopath. Here take one of these honestly and post the results to prove me wrong,
You need to take the tests, not I. I'm not the one putting words into another's mouth so I can then beat them to death.

Though to be honest It would probably be fun taking them. What sort of authority do they represent?
Yep, people like that wouldn't know philosophy if it bit them on the ass!
How would you know? Like Bill you've not bothered to study any.
More lies, as usual. I have bills, college books, a still unpaid school loan and transcripts to prove otherwise. You're such a dipshit, seriously!
Philosophy, my dear friends, is about understanding the absolute truth of everything it is, in being human!
Most fools also do so 'rolling on the floor,' so it's ROTFLMFAO!!
SpheresOfBalance wrote:You, more than anyone, needs to seriously consider the words of Socrates, 'I only know that I don't know.' It's extremely self evident.
What a dickhead.
What a dumb shit! ;-)

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:37 am
by SpheresOfBalance
Arising_uk wrote:
SpheresOfBalance wrote:Yet you're the one that fears dictionaries, with, (as you've stated), 'circular references.' ...
Who fears them? I just pointed out to you that meaning is not created in dictionaries, that you can't grasp this is your limitation.
There goes your failing memory again, I never said meaning was created in dictionaries, I said that dictionaries contain "STANDARDIZED" meanings, so we are actually capable of understanding one another.
Tell me then idiot, how on earth could you know anything about English at all, such that you could effectively judge anyone's meaning. You can't! While you profess your English superiority, you fall flat on your face, most often appearing as a cowardly liar, or an simpleton idiot, take your pick.
I can only assume that you've been lying about having children as if you'd had them you'd know the answer to this one.
Having or not having children has absolutely nothing to do with your fucked up mind not being able to necessarily discern another's meaning, especially in a text based forum such as this.
I mean is it any wonder that you so foolishly believe that your response, is so dead on another's meaning. You're protection fear racket; character armor! So you can suck your self, stroke your ego, or so you foolishly believe, yet actually displaying that of a buffoon.
Could you say this in plainer English please as I have no idea what you are yakking on about?
Simply that it's an ego stroking technique, to assert that you are so exceptionally good with English, that you know better than the words actual author, of what they convey. You're so cock sure of your twisted sense of discernment, that you'd rather TELL someone what they meant, instead of simply ASKING them. It's especially telling, of your inability of necessarily being correct, that you find the dictionary full of circular references, seemingly not understanding the simple concept of synonyms. Certainly marks of a philosophical fool.
As if anyone can read minds, you fool!
That's my point idiot.
I've talked to Bill behind the scenes, have you?
With respect to verbal interaction with you, this is a meaningless thing to say, as your mind is ever swirling from your perceived circular references you find in dictionaries, which are actually a means for universality. It's no wonder why you get almost everyone wrong, or you use lying as ploys, again take your pick.
Nothing here about my point?
Of course there was, but it's no surprise that you refuse to get it. Yes, I sometimes believe it's purposeful.

But then again its so convoluted it's hard to be sure.
Convoluted you assert; ploy and childish insult I sense, because I really find it hard to believe you can't understand the words I've used. But I'm pretty sure it's to do with the constant denial of your twisted psyche.
As if your swirling mind can actually make sense of anything, ever!
Must be having a high IQ that causes the problem. :lol:
Really don't think yours is that high, but keep in mind that having a nearly eidetic memory is not the same thing as understanding the dynamics of things, interaction, correlation, valid premises and true conclusions.
No, dumb ass, rather your ploy! An attempt at trying to save face, yet you're becoming more and more transparent day by day.
And there was me thinking I'm pretty much a WYSIWYG kinda-guy. :lol:
No actually you're a What You Believe You See You Assert as Fact Whether It's Right Or Wrong. In other words, not a philosopher. ;-)

The mark of a fool, trying desperately to convince themselves otherwise.
Or someone with a sense of ironic humour.
Oh, of course there's nothing new under the sun, it's just that some refuse to see their folly.
This cutesy crap of yours, your way of side stepping issues, your denial, the 'coward' that would kill a child to save their ass, that you are.
Let's others judge as I just can't be bothered to go through it with you again.
Good, I like that it bothers you so much that you try and seek some desperate sense of justification, when there is none. That you would rather kill an infant to save your ass, and I would rather not to save my ass, is all that matters. That all life might be extinguished is certainly the fault of those that created such a device, and then allowed a child to control it, not that of the man that refused to kill the innocence of mankind, for it's warped sense of selfishness, that is in fact killing all of mankind.
There it is, good! Going further than usual, shows the degree of your protection fear racket, character armor, kicking in. I have the logical analysis of your words coming real soon, you're gonna love it! :lol:
Zzzz...Wake me up when it gets here as you appear a bit slow on the logical analysis side.
To hear you tell it, but then philosophically you're a real nobody! Rather a half assed wanna be! And in fact you and I both know that most of your derogatory remarks about everybody is purposely asserted having absolutely nothing to do with the truth of things. You're more of a punk with a smart assed attitude than you are a serious philosopher wanna be.
Sorry, you got me, I left out, "self professed." Which in truth is the only way it can be characterized. As it's your ever illusory state that's responsible. That you believe you most certainly know is indeed cute. You, more than anyone, needs to seriously consider the words of Socrates, 'I only know that I don't know.' It's extremely self evident.
Is it? Well maybe maybe not but for someone who 'knows nothing' you sure yak a lot.
Again you purposely put words into my mouth, in an attempt of making me look bad, but in fact it's you that looks bad, with your constant misrepresentations, seemingly the only way you can believe you can win at anything. Except that those that really pay attention, know better!
More cute stuff, huh? You girl, you! I'm so wounded!!! I prefer Robert William, thank you!
Hey! It's to make others laugh. :wink: I give two tosses whether it affects you or not. Still, nice to see your misogyny is still going strong even if your gender sense isn't.
Again with your lying, as if you really don't know what I meant and what its definition is. Pretty much you're pathetic.

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:06 am
by Arising_uk
SpheresOfBalance wrote:There goes your failing memory again, I never said meaning was created in dictionaries, I said that dictionaries contain "STANDARDIZED" meanings, so we are actually capable of understanding one another.
And where do you think this 'STANDARDIZED' comes from?
Having or not having children has absolutely nothing to do with your fucked up mind not being able to necessarily discern another's meaning, especially in a text based forum such as this.
So you telling me you don't have children? Anyhoo, if you did you'd know that you don't teach English by giving a dictionary.
Simply that it's an ego stroking technique, to assert that you are so exceptionally good with English, that you know better than the words actual author, of what they convey. You're so cock sure of your twisted sense of discernment, that you'd rather TELL someone what they meant, instead of simply ASKING them. ...
I ask all the time, do you see how many question marks there are in my posts?

I do not assert anything of the sort, I was just laughing because you misunderstood the colloquial English use of the term 'mouth' with your assertion of 'brains' knowing.
It's especially telling, of your inability of necessarily being correct, that you find the dictionary full of circular references, seemingly not understanding the simple concept of synonyms. Certainly marks of a philosophical fool.
I understand synonyms which means I understand how meaning does not come from dictionaries.
I've talked to Bill behind the scenes, have you?
OMG! You're a PM cliquer!! So much for the 'mob'. :lol:
Of course there was, but it's no surprise that you refuse to get it. Yes, I sometimes believe it's purposeful.
Get what? That I think dictionaries not the source of meaning for words and communication.
Convoluted you assert; ploy and childish insult I sense, because I really find it hard to believe you can't understand the words I've used. But I'm pretty sure it's to do with the constant denial of your twisted psyche.
Of course your do and of course you don't but that's because you think the meaning of your words when communicating lies with you.
Really don't think yours is that high, ...
Is it not? Oh well, I give two stuffs about it as it was your dig about having an IQ of 10 that made me think "I don't know what mine is?" so I took that online test. For all I know it was a bullshit one, so did you take it?
but keep in mind that having a nearly eidetic memory is not the same thing as understanding the dynamics of things, interaction, correlation, valid premises and true conclusions.
Well the latter two are about Logic and I have an above average grasp of that, the rest I think I have a pretty good grounding in as I've studied Philosophy that entails doing much of that but an "eidetic memory"? No chance I have one of those.
No actually you're a What You Believe You See You Assert as Fact Whether It's Right Or Wrong. In other words, not a philosopher. ;-)
My bits of paper say otherwise. :lol:
Oh, of course there's nothing new under the sun, it's just that some refuse to see their folly.
There's loads of new things under the sun but in Philosophy I'll give you that in some of the categories old themes are revisited by those who learn the originals.
Good, I like that it bothers you so much that you try and seek some desperate sense of justification, when there is none. ...
Only from your high-horse.
That you would rather kill an infant to save your ass, and I would rather not to save my ass, is all that matters. ...
But I told you, it would be to save my donkey, my kids donkeys and all the billions of other kids donkeys that I would do it.
That all life might be extinguished is certainly the fault of those that created such a device, and then allowed a child to control it, not that of the man that refused to kill the innocence of mankind, for it's warped sense of selfishness, that is in fact killing all of mankind.
Spoken like a misanthropic psychopath.
To hear you tell it, but then philosophically you're a real nobody! Rather a half assed wanna be! And in fact you and I both know that most of your derogatory remarks about everybody is purposely asserted having absolutely nothing to do with the truth of things. You're more of a punk with a smart assed attitude than you are a serious philosopher wanna be.
I look forward to hearing your 'logical' analysis until then save your psycho-babble for yourself.
Again you purposely put words into my mouth, in an attempt of making me look bad, but in fact it's you that looks bad, with your constant misrepresentations, seemingly the only way you can believe you can win at anything. Except that those that really pay attention, know better!
Tell me how you knowing that you 'know nothing' equates with all the things you claim you appear to know?
Again with your lying, as if you really don't know what I meant and what its definition is. Pretty much you're pathetic.
Are you talking about this MAD thing again?

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:36 am
by Beauty
All suffering is because we made someone or more suffer like that, so therein is the meaning in suffering you were looking for. Same for joy/happiness.

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:59 am
by SpheresOfBalance
Arising_uk wrote:
SpheresOfBalance wrote:There goes your failing memory again, I never said meaning was created in dictionaries, I said that dictionaries contain "STANDARDIZED" meanings, so we are actually capable of understanding one another.
And where do you think this 'STANDARDIZED' comes from?
If you don't understand the meaning of standardized, I suggest that you look in a dictionary! But watch out for those circular references, as they might bite your brain, fucking it up more that it is now. :lol:
Having or not having children has absolutely nothing to do with your fucked up mind not being able to necessarily discern another's meaning, especially in a text based forum such as this.
So you telling me you don't have children?
What a fucking douche. It's all in your head Asinking, all in your head! NOT!!! Actually nothing much of consequence is in there. See how speaking for others leaves you confused. I would like to say that I've never lied here in this forum, but in fact there has been one, only one, but it's nothing of any real consequence, or to do with my children.

Anyhoo, if you did you'd know that you don't teach English by giving a dictionary.
Bull shit, all we do, NOW DAYS, is teach them using dictionaries. Whether a parent or teacher, etc is reciting them or they're reading them for themselves, makes no difference.

Simply that it's an ego stroking technique, to assert that you are so exceptionally good with English, that you know better than the words actual author, of what they convey. You're so cock sure of your twisted sense of discernment, that you'd rather TELL someone what they meant, instead of simply ASKING them. ...
I ask all the time, do you see how many question marks there are in my posts?
Sure you try sometimes, unless of course someone is REALLY pissing you off, then you resort to putting your words in their mouths, in such a way, either hoping others won't notice, or they are just as crooked as you.

I do not assert anything of the sort,
YES YOU DO!! Don't you understand that to say, "The meaning of ones words is the response they get," is indicative of such absurd notions? Now if you said, "the meaning of ones words, for each unique individual that reads them, is relative to their particular understanding of what those words mean to them," you'd be all of, truthful, honest, correct, fair and sane, not perceived as some nut-bag that thinks they know-it-all. Your little ditty above, highlighted in purple, conveys pure unfounded conceit, a preconceived notion of superiority. In the moment you believe such things, you listen to no one but yourself. Why do you think your little ditty has pissed me off all this time? Logic dictates that It's total self serving bullshit! But your long explanation was grand, where ever you got it from. Some things just can't be reduced to a one liner. The words you chose to do so, outed you, Freudian slip?

I was just laughing because you misunderstood the colloquial English use of the term 'mouth' with your assertion of 'brains' knowing.
What the hell you rambling on about now? I know full well what a mouth is and how the word can be used.
It's especially telling, of your inability of necessarily being correct, that you find the dictionary full of circular references, seemingly not understanding the simple concept of synonyms. Certainly marks of a philosophical fool.
I understand synonyms which means I understand how meaning does not come from dictionaries.
Standardization, standardization, standardization, standardization, standardization, standardization! Your dumb ass starting to get it, If not I can repeat even more times, numbskull!

And dipshit, before one knows, meanings can be found in reference books, that's what dictionaries and encyclopedias are for. The meanings of words are to be found in dictionaries, as that's what a definition is; the meaning of a word. But then I can see how your dumb ass could believe that only you have created all the meanings for all words, or that dictionaries are living things from the 7th dimension that create words and their meanings, deluded as you are.

I've talked to Bill behind the scenes, have you?
OMG! You're a PM cliquer!! So much for the 'mob'. :lol:
I never said it was via a PM, the problem with your preconceived notions, and a mob has nothing to do with it. I never collude with anyone for any reason, I don't have to, I always stand on my own, which is all I need. Bill seems to be the same way!

Of course there was, but it's no surprise that you refuse to get it. Yes, I sometimes believe it's purposeful.
Get what? That I think dictionaries not the source of meaning for words and communication.
Yet dictionaries are a source for understanding the meanings of words.
Convoluted you assert; ploy and childish insult I sense, because I really find it hard to believe you can't understand the words I've used. But I'm pretty sure it's to do with the constant denial of your twisted psyche.
Of course your do and of course you don't but that's because you think the meaning of your words when communicating lies with you.
The meaning of what I want to convey originates in my mind. I was taught the meaning of words, that came before me, as recorded in dictionaries, so I can use them to share my meaning with others, so I pick and choose the ones I want to use. If someone doesn't understand my meaning, it's either because I left some words out, I misused the ones I used, I said it in a cryptic way so as to appeal to the more intelligent, or the people I serve them to, don't understand their meaning, or assign additional thoughts that they believe go along with them. So misconveyance is a result of both parties equally not understanding how to use the STANDARDIZED meanings of words effectively. In fact, contextually some can know what is meant despite either parties noncompliance with standardized meanings, at least when the topic is commonly known between them.

Really don't think yours is that high, ...
Is it not? Oh well, I give two stuffs about it as it was your dig about having an IQ of 10 that made me think "I don't know what mine is?" so I took that online test. For all I know it was a bullshit one, so did you take it?
No, I took mine many years ago, but I can see that you forgot one thousand zeros to the left of the decimal point, yet to the right of the two numbers you provided. But then I would expect that sort of mistake from the likes of an inferior human such as you. Of course who really knows today, it might require an additional two thousand zeros in that same location, or maybe minus five thousand. Time and change are funny that way.
but keep in mind that having a nearly eidetic memory is not the same thing as understanding the dynamics of things, interaction, correlation, valid premises and true conclusions.
Well the latter two are about Logic and I have an above average grasp of that, the rest I think I have a pretty good grounding in as I've studied Philosophy that entails doing much of that but an "eidetic memory"? No chance I have one of those.
There was a point in there somewhere, yet you either ignored it or refuse to consider it, either way your understanding/acceptance has no necessary bearing on it's truth factor.

No actually you're a What You Believe You See You Assert as Fact Whether It's Right Or Wrong. In other words, not a philosopher. ;-)
My bits of paper say otherwise. :lol:
Bits of paper are exactly the same as paper money and precious metals/gems, when it comes to the lack of what humans actually need, they are in fact worthless. In fact you have to understand what was covered in the two paragraphs immediately above to understand why that paper might be meaningless even now.

Oh, of course there's nothing new under the sun, it's just that some refuse to see their folly.
There's loads of new things under the sun but in Philosophy I'll give you that in some of the categories old themes are revisited by those who learn the originals.
Nope nothing new at all, because the way it is, it has always been. It makes no difference that only knowledge has changed, as knowledge of how it is, has no bearing on the truth, of how it is. As the way it is, is that knowledge shall change, as shall the universe, it's nothing new. Change, the one universal constant.

Good, I like that it bothers you so much that you try and seek some desperate sense of justification, when there is none. ...
Only from your high-horse.
Thanks for admitting that my horse is higher than yours, it's been that way from the beginning.
That you would rather kill an infant to save your ass, and I would rather not to save my ass, is all that matters. ...
But I told you, it would be to save my donkey, my kids donkeys and all the billions of other kids donkeys that I would do it.
No I'm referring to your cowardly ass, whether it resembles a donkey or not, is of no meaningful consequence whatsoever. In fact, you're using the innocent children as a shield, but it's to be expected, you're getting old and were mugged, after all. I understand why you cower behind your shield of innocent children, with the would be killing an innocent infant. It's due to a human constant, since the beginning of life on earths time, it's called the fear of dying.

That all life might be extinguished is certainly the fault of those that created such a device, and then allowed a child to control it, not that of the man that refused to kill the innocence of mankind, for it's warped sense of selfishness, that is in fact killing all of mankind.
Spoken like a misanthropic psychopath.
Only to such cowards as you are. You yellow bellies that would create a, so called, thought experiment, so you can kill an innocent infant, then profess you're a better human for it, which is actually to save your cowardly ass's, are all the same. Fearful Idiots created such a situation that nuclear weapons were created, if an innocent infant was then allowed access, it of course would be for the exact same reason, which is that fearful idiots created it, of course it then logically follows that it would be a fearful idiot that kills the innocent infant to save their fearful idiotic ass. It's just the facts of the matter.

To hear you tell it, but then philosophically you're a real nobody! Rather a half assed wanna be! And in fact you and I both know that most of your derogatory remarks about everybody is purposely asserted having absolutely nothing to do with the truth of things. You're more of a punk with a smart assed attitude than you are a serious philosopher wanna be.
I look forward to hearing your 'logical' analysis until then save your psycho-babble for yourself.
You hear it all the time, yet you fear it because it doesn't include your twisted rationalizations, so you deny it. It's to be expected from some one so steeped in fear.

Again you purposely put words into my mouth, in an attempt of making me look bad, but in fact it's you that looks bad, with your constant misrepresentations, seemingly the only way you can believe you can win at anything. Except that those that really pay attention, know better!
Tell me how you knowing that you 'know nothing' equates with all the things you claim you appear to know?
I'm not going to tell you again and again and again what I meant. You seem an imbecile to not have gotten it the first time. I explained in in clear English. If it wasn't so clear then, you should have asked the pertinent questions then.

Again with your lying, as if you really don't know what I meant and what its definition is. Pretty much you're pathetic.
Are you talking about this MAD thing again?
Your fascination with your version of misogyny of course. It's you that makes it misogyny, when you call it misogyny. I neither hate nor mistreat females because they are females, though I do acknowledge the differences between the sexes. If you were a male and I called you a pussy, I'm not demeaning women, I'm demeaning you, as I'm calling you dickless. Coward, yellow belly and scared-e-cat mean the same thing See below dumbshit!

pussy1 [poo s-ee]
noun, plural pussies.
2. Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. a timid, passive person, especially a man.

You know, one that would kill an innocent infant to save their pussy ass.

Hey I didn't coin these slang terms, I just use them when they're fitting.

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 12:56 am
by Arising_uk
SpheresOfBalance wrote:Where are the lies, you're nothing but lies. There is nothing misogynist at all in what I said. ...
"arising with her blood engorged clit should know" so this is a term of endearment is it? As what it shows is that to insult a male you use the terms that you consider derogatory, to wit, being a female and having an aroused sexual organ. Misogynist it is then.
You are fucking stupid, you do realize that right!
Yup! 137 IQ points of stupidity. :lol:
Wrong, I've been here long enough to see that you make anything that suits you, out of anyone's words, that you find threatening to your self-righteousness. Sometimes hes stating that you exemplify such imagery, sometimes that it's a travesty, sometimes that it's very common, sometimes that it's confusing. ETC! It's you that projects what you want out of Bill upon his meaning. And that's what he finds most enjoyable, that you run around like a rooster with it's head cut off, without a clue, spouting all kinds of ridiculous bull shit.
So funny! So what you are saying is that Bill is a gnu who uses his images to troll.
Total poppycock, but of course your supposed interpretation fits very nicely indeed with your belief that only you can discern ones meaning even if it's simply a picture. You see Bill and I have talked behind the scenes, I know how he likes to get your dumb ass going! :lol:
:lol: Gnu troll it is then. This ' behind the scenes', you pen-pals then?
Fuck you, you lying piece of deluded shit, damn your lips are very securely super-glued to your genitals aren't they?
:lol: Like Bill I think your subconscious is talking to you, you should pay it some attention.
We talk behind the scenes you immature dipshit!
How cliquish.
You can think all you want to think, that which serves your twisted purpose, where you put words in others mouths, but in fact you couldn't be more wrong. As such, you are the least philosopher here.
Well I've gotta admit, can't do much if those who post upon a philosophy forum are lying about their motives for doing so.
You need to take the tests, not I. I'm not the one putting words into another's mouth so I can then beat them to death.
I took 'em, not a psychopath but not exactly a nice guy either.
Though to be honest It would probably be fun taking them. What sort of authority do they represent?
No idea, like the IQ test they are a bit of fun so will you be taking the IQ or the psychopath test soon then?
More lies, as usual. I have bills, college books, a still unpaid school loan and transcripts to prove otherwise. You're such a dipshit, seriously!
So you studied for a few years reading and having to critique the actual books of those we call the philosophers or like Bill took a couple of modules where more than likely you read about what others said about them?
Most fools also do so 'rolling on the floor,' so it's ROTFLMFAO!!
You forgot ROTFLOL.
What a dumb shit! ;-)
Dumber than someone who says they know they know nothing and then knows that its all about knowing the absolute truth of everything about being human?

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:23 am
by bahman
I doubt that you can find meaning in the suffering. I even doubt that there is even a meaning in the life. Have you found meaning in suffering? I suffered for a long time but my suffering doesn't end up to a meaning.

Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:26 am
by Bill Wiltrack

What do you mean? How & why did you suffer?

What did you learn
from this suffering?


Re: ~ Where Do You Find Meaning in Your Suffering? ~

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:33 am
by bahman
Bill Wiltrack wrote:.

What do you mean? How & why did you suffer?

What did you learn
from this suffering?
Suffering generally improve our resistance against the problem in a giving situation or help us to learn from situation to don't end up in the same situation.