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Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 12:06 pm
by surreptitious57
ken wrote:
Whilst a sound truth statement may no unpopular and vice versa a truly resounding sound truth statement would on its own merit be
very popular. A completely sound and valid truth statement would not be unambiguous and thus could not be disputed nor disagreed
with so on its merit would have to be accepted by Everyone. Thus a truly sound truth statement must be by definition most popular
Popular in the sense that it has to be accepted by Everyone
Truly resounding truth statements are simply truth statements. There is no need for superfluous hyperbole. It serves no purpose. Also
sound truth statements are disputed. I do not accept your concept of Everyone only everyone. For there is no evidence for the former

Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 1:57 pm
by ken
surreptitious57 wrote:
ken wrote:
Whilst a sound truth statement may no unpopular and vice versa a truly resounding sound truth statement would on its own merit be
very popular. A completely sound and valid truth statement would not be unambiguous and thus could not be disputed nor disagreed
with so on its merit would have to be accepted by Everyone. Thus a truly sound truth statement must be by definition most popular
Popular in the sense that it has to be accepted by Everyone
Truly resounding truth statements are simply truth statements. There is no need for superfluous hyperbole. It serves no purpose. Also
sound truth statements are disputed. I do not accept your concept of Everyone only everyone. For there is no evidence for the former
How can you soundly say there is no evidence of something?

How do you know what might be presented in the future?

Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 2:02 pm
by ken
surreptitious57 wrote:
ken wrote:
You say you know the distinction I make between Mind and mind, YET I make absolutely NO distinction between Mind and mind. I have already written about this and thus have already show that I make NO distinction. I have already explained that there is no mind. That there is only
One Mind and that because there is only One there is not two. Therefore there can be NO distinction. I have already written and explained
this but you want to continue to believe that I make a distinction between Mind and mind
You claim no distinction between Mind and mind then say that Mind exists but mind does not so there is the distinction. Now I also make a
distinction between them. Namely that mind exists but Mind does not. There is no evidence for Mind which is why you cannot provide any
If there is only ONE, then there can not be a distinction. There is only One.

How can you be sure that I cannot provide any evidence?

How do you already know there is no evidence for Mind?

Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 5:33 am
by surreptitious57
One can only say there is no evidence for something now and not in the future
But I am very sceptical of there being any evidence for imaginary proper nouns
Things like Mind and Everyone and God which are no more likely to exist simply
because they re capitalised and given importance by those who believe in them

Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 7:41 am
by ken
surreptitious57 wrote:One can only say there is no evidence for something now and not in the future
That is far truer than what you were proposing before but even your statement here is not correct. Evidence may exist NOW but some people are just unaware of it. A truer statement is something like, "I have not yet seen any evidence of ..."
surreptitious57 wrote:But I am very sceptical of there being any evidence for imaginary proper nouns
If something is imaginary, then I hope you will always remain skeptical of it/them. If some thing is imaginary, then obviously it does not exist.
surreptitious57 wrote:Things like Mind and Everyone and God which are no more likely to exist simply
because they re capitalised and given importance by those who believe in them
If proper nouns have two distinct features: They name specific one-of-a-kind items, and they begin with capital letters, no matter where they occur within a sentence, then specific one-of-a-kind things like Mind, Everyone, and God works, perfectly for Me.

I say, there is only one Mind, that the every one as One is Everyone, and that God, in the physical sense, is every (individual) thing interacting together as One specific thing. I also write every (single) thing as 'every thing' and I write every (single) thing when It is working together as One thing as 'everything', and I this specific one-of-a-kind thing as Oneness or 'Everything'.

I give these things capitals because of the importance, they are in of themselves, not because i personally put more importance on them. I, for one, do not believe (in) them. I also do it in order to find what I can actually do to promote inquisitiveness in others.

You ask for evidence of things, namely a humanistic utopian enlightenment. I write some things down. You, however, do not question anything, you do not clarify anything, nor do you challenge anything I write. You, like most other human beings, just believe (in) what you already believe, and then just accept or reject what is written or said by others. This acceptance or rejection is usually solely depended upon already held beliefs, which came solely from previous experiences.

What do I have to do to get people to open up and question, clarify, and/or challenge Me?

If you were the one coming here saying you KNOW something that most or all others do not know, or, that you HAVE some specific kind of knowledge that is not yet known, then I would be completely and truly interested and open to finding out what it is and then questioning you about it. In fact I would not stop. I would be truly interested in learning more and becoming wiser. But why can I not get the same kind of inquisition here? Are human beings in this forum so fixated ONLY on the things that they think they already "know" that they really believe that if they do not yet know some thing, then it is impossible to know that, or, that that knowledge does not and nor will not ever exist? 'Philosophy' I thought was all about learning and becoming wiser.

I said that I already obtained the enlightenment needed for a humanely created utopia, I have provided a tiny fraction of evidence for this, yet I have not had one question asked for clarification, nor have I been challenged about this in any way whatsoever. ALL I get is disinterested or dismissive responses. Some people can see (some) truth in what I write already, but most just refuse and reject before any clarification is obtained.

Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:11 am
by surreptitious57
How anyone reacts to your words is for them not you. You are only responsible for the words them selves. As for why others are not as inquisitive as you would like the answer is the same. You are only responsible for your curiosity not anyone elses. For my part I am more of an observer than
a participant because I know that this life is just temporary and every thing only matters in the here and now. Eventually it will not matter at all

Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:22 am
by Dontaskme
surreptitious57 wrote:One can only say there is no evidence for something now and not in the future
But I am very sceptical of there being any evidence for imaginary proper nouns
Things like Mind and Everyone and God which are no more likely to exist simply
because they re capitalised and given importance by those who believe in them
There is no Life in a Concept. Concepts are dead.

Chop off your finger or arm or leg and life goes on...chop down a tree, cut the grass and life goes on.

Life is not dead, life is not alive. Life just IS

Words are formed from sounds which are auditory illusions which are transformed into a living story which is taken and believed to be reality.

Once this is realised we can built a utopia reality and not get swallowed up by our false believed separate selves which believe life for them is temporary which is actually a despairing way to think.

Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:43 am
by surreptitious57
Dontaskme wrote:
we can built a utopia reality and not get swallowed up by our false separate selves
which believe life for them is temporary which is actually a despairing way to think
Life is temporary and death is liberating and it is not a despairing way at all to think

Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 1:12 pm
by ken
surreptitious57 wrote:How anyone reacts to your words is for them not you. You are only responsible for the words them selves.
You have already expressed this before, and I already agreed with this before. I am 100% totally responsible for every word and behavior I say and do, and therefore I am also responsible for how that affects everyone. How they react is their choice, but how I affect them to react is My responsibility.
surreptitious57 wrote:As for why others are not as inquisitive as you would like the answer is the same.

I never asked why others are not as inquisitive as I would like. I already know why ALL human beings think what they think and do what they do. I am just asking, "Why can I not get the same kind of inquisition here?" and "What do I have to do to get people to open up and question, clarify, and/or challenge Me?"

Your answer might be the same, "How anyone reacts to your words is for them not you. You are only responsible for the words them selves." But that does not answer My questions. I will repeat with the same response again, "I agree that how people choose to react is their choice". Now, what is the answer to My questions?
surreptitious57 wrote:You are only responsible for your curiosity not anyone elses.
Of course I am only responsible for My curiosity, AND, of course I am also only responsible for what I say and do, but I can still ask for help and guidance in how I can better express My wording so that it promotes more inquisitiveness in others.

I do not need you to tell me what I am responsible or not responsible for anymore. I just need help in how to express words better.
surreptitious57 wrote:For my part I am more of an observer than
a participant
Although you still, at times, express your version of the truth as though it is the truth instead of just observing 'what IS' actually happening.
surreptitious57 wrote: I know that this life is just temporary and every thing only matters in the here and now.
I agree that the only thing that really only matters is the here and now, but how exactly do you KNOW that "this life" is just temporary?

'You' have been aware of a few things and only aware for a relatively minuscule period of time so do you really think you could have gained the enlightenment needed to know such a thing as if life, itself, is just temporary or not? The very fact that you came into existence, from other things, means this life might actually be much bigger than you could imagine and might even be the exact opposite of just temporary.

I agree, wholeheartedly, that you being aware of this life is very short lived, and thus this part of life is just temporary, but just because this is temporary does not mean this life, itself, is temporary. Unless of course by "this life" all you are talking about is the period of time that you are aware of, is that what you mean? If it is, does that also mean when you say, "every thing only matters in the here and now" that it only matters to you? Are you suggesting that only 'you' is what only matters?
surreptitious57 wrote:Eventually it will not matter at all
This comes across, to Me anyway, as though your saying everything revolves around you. Are you central to every thing, and so after you stop being aware of life then nothing will matter at all? Or are you expressing some thing else?

To Me, what human beings do in the here and now is what really only matters because what each of them think and thus do has an affect on Everyone else for ever more.

Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 4:02 am
by surreptitious57
I do not think anything revolves around me other than the things that are important to me. But this is true of everyone. I do
not think I am important in the grand scheme of things. Admittedly no one is but I am more aware of it myself. And nor do I
want to be important either. I am too insignificant to be so. I am as unimportant as anyone can be and it suits me perfectly

Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 3:13 am
by Melchior
Democrats and academics.

Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 7:02 pm
by SpheresOfBalance
SoB: Snipped all the good stuff Greta wrote...
Greta wrote: Mon May 08, 2017 1:01 am
ken wrote:If you are not grateful (content) with what you have now, then what makes you think you will be happy with more?
I agree fully.

As you claimed earlier, many believe there is an upcoming "awakening". I suggest that this "awakening" is not the first and it will occur, as always, after Armageddon, and as a result of Armageddon. There will be no awakening beforehand, although perhaps same groundwork being laid by those who are concerned about what's happening in the world. rather than preventing it. By the same token, Europe could have prevented the disaster of the great plague had they practised better sanitation and hygiene - but they didn't, and most died, and the remainder learned the lesson and thrived without without the pressures of overcrowding.

Still, while we all talk about the problems of life, how much different might our lives seem to us if we did not access the news?
SoB wrote: I disagree! Though I do agree that it can be hard to parse the news so as to understand which bits are most important.

We might be bothered by more intense heatwaves, longer dry spells and more intense wet spells, by extra traffic, pollution, accommodation costs and access, and so forth but we would largely not be assailed by daily reports of terrorists, Trump, climate change, North Korea, China, Russia, refugees, rapes, murders, violence, home invasions, long term economic worries, car smashes, corrupt policies, fighting, arguments, dishonest polemic, cheating, lying and so forth - aside from the unlucky, this is what the new introduces us to daily.
SoB wrote: I see the contradictions above in red. As surely the news of climate change, informs our concerns of intense heatwaves, longer dry spells and more intense wet spells.

Life would seem much simpler and happier without the news and its routinely negative focus and manipulations.
SoB wrote: And so you speak of ignorance being bliss, but I no longer see that as a viable way to think. As it can only seem like bliss in the interim. Long term however, we always eventually, have to pay the piper, such that ignorance is never really bliss, it's just ignorance of the imminent. News, if parsed with knowledge, can help terminate that which is imminent, if enough voices sing the correct song.

Maybe a quick scan to make sure you don't miss the tiny portion of it that may be relevant, but it is compelling, like looking at a car crash.
Is it simply that currently the majority of human minds are far to small to navigate the news so as to make sense of it all? Could it be true that attempting to do so can cause it to eventually be capable?

But of course, as usual, overall, Greta, I see your hemispheres as pretty well balanced!
Of course, coming from me, you can either take it or leave it. Whatever suits you! ;-)

"Love, love, love;...
...Love is all you need!"

Oh..., except for "truth," that is!

Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 8:35 pm
by SpheresOfBalance
Dontaskme wrote: Tue May 09, 2017 1:38 pm Many people suffer and die from cancer, "What is God doing about it?".....God gave us the cure for cancer in Genesis 1:29 ..he told us what to eat. Man is destroying it by cooking it, something no other living creature does, poisoning it when we grow it, genetically altering it forever from how God created it..why? for the love of money.

Cancer is a cause of two major factors (not the only two) deficiency of pure living unprocessed, vitamin, mineral, LIVING ENZYMES, and toxicity, We can cure cancer by addressing these issues with the natural foods given freely to us from mother earth, we have a free will to research, find the truth about, or keep doing the same thing that caused it, then relying on only addressing the symptom, and poisoning the body more by chemo, radiation, pharmaceuticals.

We are slaves to food as we are slaves to money. And it's making us puke.
Actually that's not true according to the newer science. It has determined that wheat is bad for you. And I'm talking about all the various incarnations of wheat dating back to when humans first decided to eat it. So it's not just mankind's bastardized versions of wheat. In fact the newest science shows that humans shouldn't eat any of the so called grains at all.

Of course one can't be sure that it's to do with grains, in and of themselves, that it's not due to other changes on planet earth.

At this juncture it would surely seem that the best things to eat are only whole foods, which include small wild cold water fish, pastured free range meats (that eat what they normally want to eat in their natural, uncontaminated, habitats) along with their related dairy, if any dairy at all, (according to some), and eggs; and all the organic non-GMO fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices one can eat. NO simple carbohydrates at ALL! And NO grains, at ALL! Or so says the newest scientific data.

Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 6:14 am
by Greta
SpheresOfBalance wrote: Tue May 16, 2017 7:02 pm
Still, while we all talk about the problems of life, how much different might our lives seem to us if we did not access the news?
I disagree! Though I do agree that it can be hard to parse the news so as to understand which bits are most important.
Imagine that we lived without watching the news and being very angry about, say:

- The Don
- those who are angry about The Don
- whatever is going on with Muslims and the middle east
- the various dodgy dealings by powerbrokers, intimated but never called out
- etc.

Would you be missing anything of value?
SpheresOfBalance wrote:
We might be bothered by more intense heatwaves, longer dry spells and more intense wet spells, by extra traffic, pollution, accommodation costs and access, and so forth but we would largely not be assailed by daily reports of terrorists, Trump, climate change, North Korea, China, Russia, refugees, rapes, murders, violence, home invasions, long term economic worries, car smashes, corrupt policies, fighting, arguments, dishonest polemic, cheating, lying and so forth - aside from the unlucky, this is what the new introduces us to daily.
SoB wrote: I see the contradictions above in red. As surely the news of climate change, informs our concerns of intense heatwaves, longer dry spells and more intense wet spells.
Longer dry spells and more intense wet spells are what was predicted by modelling and is occurring. Rain, rather than falling piecemeal throughout the year ,will increasingly come down with fewer, but stronger storms.
SpheresOfBalance wrote:
Life would seem much simpler and happier without the news and its routinely negative focus and manipulations.
And so you speak of ignorance being bliss, but I no longer see that as a viable way to think. As it can only seem like bliss in the interim. Long term however, we always eventually, have to pay the piper, such that ignorance is never really bliss, it's just ignorance of the imminent. News, if parsed with knowledge, can help terminate that which is imminent, if enough voices sing the correct song.
IMO most of the news is of limited worth. There's many shiny baubles to catch out attention but most of it is crap. As per earlier: "Maybe a quick scan to make sure you don't miss the tiny portion of it that may be relevant, but it is compelling, like looking at a car crash."
SpheresOfBalance wrote:Is it simply that currently the majority of human minds are far to small to navigate the news so as to make sense of it all? Could it be true that attempting to do so can cause it to eventually be capable?
There certainly is group learning going on, but it's "drone food" - the stuff they give to the "dumb terminals" of society, skilled with their allotted functions and who would rather parrot than think for themselves. (Can be "tasty" but is not mentally "nutritious").
SpheresOfBalance wrote:"Love, love, love;...
...Love is all you need!"
I believe that too (which of course would make many puke :). It can be any of the seven kinds of love as defined by the Greeks, or any other kind of love they didn't think of, it doesn't matter. It's important for health and happiness to be enthusiastic about something.

Re: What makes you puke?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 12:08 pm
by SpheresOfBalance
Greta wrote: Wed May 17, 2017 6:14 am
SpheresOfBalance wrote: Tue May 16, 2017 7:02 pm
Still, while we all talk about the problems of life, how much different might our lives seem to us if we did not access the news?
I disagree! Though I do agree that it can be hard to parse the news so as to understand which bits are most important.
Imagine that we lived without watching the news and being very angry about, say:

- The Don
- those who are angry about The Don
- whatever is going on with Muslims and the middle east
- the various dodgy dealings by powerbrokers, intimated but never called out
- etc.

Would you be missing anything of value?
I hear what you're saying, there is far too much crap, but even the crap can be informative to the enlightened mind, as it can uncover their agendas, so their covert aim is perfectly clear to those not in the loop. Not saying that it's currently an easy task, but I'd rather hear their chatter than not.

SpheresOfBalance wrote:
We might be bothered by more intense heatwaves, longer dry spells and more intense wet spells, by extra traffic, pollution, accommodation costs and access, and so forth but we would largely not be assailed by daily reports of terrorists, Trump, climate change, North Korea, China, Russia, refugees, rapes, murders, violence, home invasions, long term economic worries, car smashes, corrupt policies, fighting, arguments, dishonest polemic, cheating, lying and so forth - aside from the unlucky, this is what the new introduces us to daily.
SoB wrote: I see the contradictions above in red. As surely the news of climate change, informs our concerns of intense heatwaves, longer dry spells and more intense wet spells.
Longer dry spells and more intense wet spells are what was predicted by modelling and is occurring. Rain, rather than falling piecemeal throughout the year ,will increasingly come down with fewer, but stronger storms.
Yes, but that's largely due to global warming and not all humans are plugged into the science community. It takes a strong chorus indeed to sway the minds of the powerful, in those governments where officials are elected, that is. Our only hope?
SpheresOfBalance wrote:
Life would seem much simpler and happier without the news and its routinely negative focus and manipulations.
And so you speak of ignorance being bliss, but I no longer see that as a viable way to think. As it can only seem like bliss in the interim. Long term however, we always eventually, have to pay the piper, such that ignorance is never really bliss, it's just ignorance of the imminent. News, if parsed with knowledge, can help terminate that which is imminent, if enough voices sing the correct song.
IMO most of the news is of limited worth. There's many shiny baubles to catch out attention but most of it is crap. As per earlier: "Maybe a quick scan to make sure you don't miss the tiny portion of it that may be relevant, but it is compelling, like looking at a car crash."
Yep, everyone has agendas to suit their particular wants and desires, I can see the Gordian knot is quite formidable, but I still say that I'd rather see it's twisted-ness, than not!

SpheresOfBalance wrote:Is it simply that currently the majority of human minds are far to small to navigate the news so as to make sense of it all? Could it be true that attempting to do so can cause it to eventually be capable?
There certainly is group learning going on, but it's "drone food" - the stuff they give to the "dumb terminals" of society, skilled with their allotted functions and who would rather parrot than think for themselves. (Can be "tasty" but is not mentally "nutritious").
SpheresOfBalance wrote:"Love, love, love;...
...Love is all you need!"
I believe that too (which of course would make many puke :). It can be any of the seven kinds of love as defined by the Greeks, or any other kind of love they didn't think of, it doesn't matter. It's important for health and happiness to be enthusiastic about something.
Let them puke, them love them for it! ;-)