End Equality and all Human Rights

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Re: End Equality and all Human Rights

Post by Atthet »

reasonvemotion wrote:Atthet,

I would like to know exactly, if you would care to explain, how you can achieve this stance you so desire. It is impossible in the society we live in today. Your venom is unreasonable as my retort is as you perceive it, an attempt to break you down. If I were male it would be different wouldn't it. My sex, female is what you fear and mistrust.
I'm a mind reader, allemotion noreason. And I know you, and your ilk, better than you know yourself. I've been studying you for a long time now. There is not a single thought, belief, idea, or memory inside your head, that is new to me. All of your life, all those memories you value and cherish, everything you've built your life around, is nothing to me.

My values are far, far beyond yours. You lack imagination, dignity, and courage. You talk about "fear", but you truly have no idea what that word even means.

reasonvemotion wrote:I wonder how you came to be in this curious position of aggressiveness. We are are on philosophy forum after all and one's opinions should be tolerated. My rationale tells me you fight a futile battle in the year 2012.
It was your lies that started this, started my hatred. I've observed the endless lies of you and your kind, your Judeo-Christian heritage. I've lived my life with arms folded, and doubt keeps me sane and from giving in completely to your seduction. I attribute my resistance to something genetic ultimately. Hate separates people, which is why hate is such a useful and good emotion.

You and your kind know nothing about the difference between truth, falsehood, and lies. To you, a simple minded human beast driven by instincts, your emotions are what you call "true". But these can be easily manipulated.

reasonvemotion wrote:I have misunderstood you. Why your very haste to return here exposes your need to relate and that Atthet, is how I think it should be, whether we are male or female, from my own viewpoint I welcome your opinions and look upon them equally as I would any person here on this forum.
You don't know why I'm here, allemotion noreason. And my presence, or lack of it, will stay that way. You cannot begin to comprehend the motivations for anything I do or think. You are a woman, not a man. You will never understand me. You could never understand me. Because to do so, you'll need to let hate overwhelm you. You'll need to hate all other people. You'll need to hate your own family, your own children. Everybody.

A woman is as opposite to man, as man is a fish in the sea. A male human shares more in common with a male insect, than to a human female. We are entirely opposite existences.

reasonvemotion wrote:If I saw you I would shake your hand and say "I am very pleased to meet you and welcome".
I would lie, and tell you I'm charmed to meet you. I would forget your name instantly. You don't matter to me, you're unimportant. Your life is nothing, no value to me. I only remember those who are filled with passion and spirit, those with higher levels of existence, those with potency in their souls. I forget, shortly, the losers of the world. I wouldn't remember you within a few minutes after departing. It would be as if the memory never even occurred to me, as if the event was a million miles away, and a million years away.

Humans like you, are not interesting to me. There's nothing you can say that will change this. You have no power, in the realm of philosophy. You are a woman, and you will learn to submit to the philosophies of men, as if you ever had the choice to do otherwise, to think on your own, and become an individual and "independent".
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Re: End Equality and all Human Rights

Post by Atthet »

chaz wyman wrote:Freedom of speech has to be limited to some degree. It should not be allowable to run into a crowed theatre and shout "Fire!"
Also, abusive and threatening language is not acceptable.
Not acceptable to who, Cheezy? You meant, not acceptable to you. Your Jewish and Christian laws expose you for what you are. Are you scared of having your feelings hurt, aren't you?

chaz wyman wrote:I've never had my posts edited in any way, though I find myself here in the most liberal minded Forum I have yet found on the Internet.
For all your childish protestations, Rick is under NO obligation to give you or anyone else a platform for your vitriolic poison and persistently insulting and ignorant behaviour.
You should think yourself lucky and privileged to find that this current post has not been deleted you you on a life ban.
The vengefulness, the hatred, the resentment and spite.....I enjoy you demonstrating your Jewish and Christian "love".

Your Judeo-Christian "tolerance" has obvious limits, doesn't it, Cheezy? And I know the line very well, as I'm treading this line between acceptable and "unacceptable" behavior. I'm sure even you're amazed that Rick Lewish has allowed me to stay, even if briefly. You must ask yourself: Why does Atthet deserve such protection?

But you can't understand, Cheezy. You have no idea what I represent, do you? I know your values, how you cherish and hug that diploma of yours, but do you know my values? Do you know what gives me authority? Hint, it's not a piece of paper.

chaz wyman wrote:If you don't like it here, why not set up your own Forum?
I doubt that you would be as permissive or as thick-skinned as Rick.
If you like I can be the first person you ban from your new Forum.
What makes you believe I haven't set up my own forum?
What makes you believe your ideas, your philosophy, interests me in the slightest, Cheezy?
I already know everything that makes your mind tick back and forth. You are invested, in a system that goes beyond you.

You'd need to step far outside your comfort zone, to even begin to interest me. Maybe a conversion is in order. I will make you renounce your precious Judaism, your precious Christianity, your precious "humanism".
This is a philosophy forum?
Let's apply your doubt to what you cherish most of all in life?
Let's apply "philosophy".
Let's quit participating in "why philosophy is so useless" threads, here, and start putting doubt into practice. Can you doubt yourself? Can you walk backward on all the lies your failures of parents instructed to you, verbatim, copied out of a holy book?
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Re: End Equality and all Human Rights

Post by reasonvemotion »

Interesting reply Atthet.

It betrays the intensity of your emotions. It is unwise to take words on a forum "personally", which you have. If there has been a betrayal in your eyes, it is you who betrays himself. To keep your arms folded, expresses the desire to block the "you" internally. I wish you well, not with the intention, to be remembered, forgotten or hated. I do so because you are a human being and I see who you are despite your protests.

"Woman was not designed to be exactly like man. She was designed to be his mirror opposite, possessing the other half of the qualities, responsibilities, and attributes which he lacked. Just like their sexual organs were physically mirror opposites (one being internal and the other external) so designed to be opposite but fit together perfectly to create life. Woman is man's complete spiritual equal."

Is there no agreement on the above, it would be preferable if you could put aside your bitterness.
Last edited by reasonvemotion on Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: End Equality and all Human Rights

Post by Notvacka »

Atthet wrote:All has been defeated by now. Nobody lives forever. Time takes its toll on the human body. You grow old, crippled, and die. You submit to nature. But dying of old age is no escape from the war of all against all. It is proof of it!. Dying of old age is passive. Young men should die in war, with pride and dignity, rather than withering away like a prune.
The simple fact that our human bodies are subject to decay is no "proof" of a war all against all. We all struggle against nature, together or alone, and nature always wins in the end. But all has not been defeated yet; some of us are still alive and kicking. There is no dignity in dying, whether from old age or in battle. You can live with dignity, but dying is always a shame. We are all equal in death, and pride is for fools.
Atthet wrote:I would prefer to make enemies of the strongest, but the strong are so few, so rare. They are almost too difficult to find. All excellence, all possibility, is my ally. If ever a man becomes strong, powerful, corrupt, and nearer to absolute tyranny, the more he and I will get along, and tolerate each other.
You think there are too few at the top? That's a silly idea. You can't make more room at the top, unless you shave it off. And such a person as you describe would only tolerate you if you were no threat. And what would that make you? If you want enemies, why settle for anything less than the most powerful?
Atthet wrote:I only see individuals. I only see Ones. I only see the trees, never the forest. I only divide and divide and divide. I never unite.
You admit to being knowingly and deliberately half blind, then? Besides, using only division will leave you with ever diminishing results. Pure maths.
Atthet wrote:What are you waiting for? You want to live forever? To what end? What would you do, what would you accomplish, if you could not die? You're pathetic, Notvacka. Know that these questions are not directed to you personally, but are hypothetically. Everybody should answer them individually.
What would I do if I could not die? I would probably be sitting here, writing this post, regardless. Yes, I would do the same things. Death is inevitable, so why even consider it? I actually recommend living your life as if you would live forever. And what are you trying to accomplish, Atthet? To what end? The question is directed to you personally, and there is nothing hypothetical about it. This is life, what do you do with it?
Atthet wrote:Civilization is artificial and unnatural.
Yes. Unless you view it as natural, of course. It seems to me that it's human nature to fight nature all the way. And that goes for our own inner nature as well as the surrounding environment.
Atthet wrote:Civilization is against nature.
Yes. That's where the real struggle is. It's us against nature, against our own inner nature and against external forces of nature.
Atthet wrote:Civilization is against paganism.
Isn't paganism practised in groups, like most religions?
chaz wyman
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Re: End Equality and all Human Rights

Post by chaz wyman »

Atthet wrote:
chaz wyman wrote:Freedom of speech has to be limited to some degree. It should not be allowable to run into a crowed theatre and shout "Fire!"
Also, abusive and threatening language is not acceptable.
Not acceptable to who, Cheezy? You meant, not acceptable to you. Your Jewish and Christian laws expose you for what you are. Are you scared of having your feelings hurt, aren't you?

No you fucking moron, not acceptable to any decent person you fuckwit!
As you see we are allowed a certain amount of latitude on this Forum, Arsethet.
I can't image what you wrote but it must have been ridiculously nasty.
Rick is not under any obligation to provide an idiot like you any kind of a platform.
If you don't like it you can go and fuck off - easy solution.

chaz wyman wrote:I've never had my posts edited in any way, though I find myself here in the most liberal minded Forum I have yet found on the Internet.
For all your childish protestations, Rick is under NO obligation to give you or anyone else a platform for your vitriolic poison and persistently insulting and ignorant behaviour.
You should think yourself lucky and privileged to find that this current post has not been deleted you you on a life ban.
The vengefulness, the hatred, the resentment and spite.....I enjoy you demonstrating your Jewish and Christian "love".
I'm an atheist.
Your Judeo-Christian "tolerance" has obvious limits, doesn't it, Cheezy? And I know the line very well, as I'm treading this line between acceptable and "unacceptable" behavior. I'm sure even you're amazed that Rick Lewish has allowed me to stay, even if briefly. You must ask yourself: Why does Atthet deserve such protection?
You must ask yourself that question. I'd throw you off in a breath. You don't deserve his protection

But you can't understand, Cheezy. You have no idea what I represent, do you? I know your values, how you cherish and hug that diploma of yours, but do you know my values? Do you know what gives me authority? Hint, it's not a piece of paper.

I don't really give a rat's arse what you think you represent. For me you represent nothing, You are nothing. You don't have authority of any kind. And represent no values I can think of.

chaz wyman wrote:If you don't like it here, why not set up your own Forum?
I doubt that you would be as permissive or as thick-skinned as Rick.
If you like I can be the first person you ban from your new Forum.
What makes you believe I haven't set up my own forum?

Because you have all the appearance of a time-wasting moron.

What makes you believe your ideas, your philosophy, interests me in the slightest, Cheezy?

Obviously you have no interest in philosophy of any kind; that's why I invited you to ban me from your Forum.

I already know everything that makes your mind tick back and forth. You are invested, in a system that goes beyond you.

You'd need to step far outside your comfort zone, to even begin to interest me. Maybe a conversion is in order. I will make you renounce your precious Judaism, your precious Christianity, your precious "humanism".

If your intellect was half what you think it is and ten times what it actually is you might have a chance of figuring out what I believe in. Most people just read my posts and have got a lot further than you.

This is a philosophy forum?
Let's apply your doubt to what you cherish most of all in life?
Let's apply "philosophy".
Let's quit participating in "why philosophy is so useless" threads, here, and start putting doubt into practice. Can you doubt yourself? Can you walk backward on all the lies your failures of parents instructed to you, verbatim, copied out of a holy book?

~Let's not.
chaz wyman
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Re: End Equality and all Human Rights

Post by chaz wyman »

Atthet wrote:If you don't like this society, then it is up to you to burn it all down, and build it how you want to. But you are weak, and you'll never do this. You've denied your will to power. You've wasted your life on nothingness. You lost your voice, decades ago.

Darwin said, the disposition to associate may be innate in the higher animals: many animals are unhappy if long separated from their fellows, also noting man’s dislike of solitude and his wish for society beyond that of his own family. Indeed an individual who showed no trace of social feeling would be “an unnatural monster".

I think I have found a human example, in Arsethet.
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Re: End Equality and all Human Rights

Post by reasonvemotion »

Satyr under the guise of Atthet wrote:
What makes you believe I haven't set up my own forum?
What makes you believe your ideas, your philosophy, interests me in the slightest, Cheezy?
I already know everything that makes your mind tick back and forth. You are invested, in a system that goes beyond you.

You'd need to step far outside your comfort zone, to even begin to interest me. Maybe a conversion is in order. I will make you renounce your precious Judaism, your precious Christianity, your precious "humanism".
This is a philosophy forum?
Let's apply your doubt to what you cherish most of all in life?
Let's apply "philosophy".
Let's quit participating in "why philosophy is so useless" threads, here, and start putting doubt into practice. Can you doubt yourself? Can you walk backward on all the lies your failures of parents instructed to you, verbatim, copied out of a holy book?

LOL, you can't help yourself can you Satyr? It must kill you to "read only" and not reply in person, so you do it under the guise of "the pet"/Atthet.
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Re: End Equality and all Human Rights

Post by Atthet »

reasonvemotion wrote:Interesting reply Atthet.

It betrays the intensity of your emotions. It is unwise to take words on a forum "personally", which you have. If there has been a betrayal in your eyes, it is you who betrays himself. To keep your arms folded, expresses the desire to block the "you" internally. I wish you well, not with the intention, to be remembered, forgotten or hated. I do so because you are a human being and I see who you are despite your protests.
You're wrong. I'm not human because you don't even know what a "human" is or represents. Again, like love and hate, your definition of "human" is so vastly different than mine, that our meaning is worlds apart. By how you define "human", I am not it. You are not equal with me. You will never become equal with me. Because you settle for mediocrity, stupidity, and weakness. You settle for dependence, for unity, for "love". This is all weakness, to me and my ilk. My ilk represents independence, division, hate.
To me, "love" is reserved only for the best, only for the superior, only for the proven. There is no love in weakness, no compassion, no mercy. War of all, against all.

reasonvemotion wrote:"Woman was not designed to be exactly like man. She was designed to be his mirror opposite, possessing the other half of the qualities, responsibilities, and attributes which he lacked. Just like their sexual organs were physically mirror opposites (one being internal and the other external) so designed to be opposite but fit together perfectly to create life. Woman is man's complete spiritual equal."

Is there no agreement on the above, it would be preferable if you could put aside your bitterness.
No equals, what part of this don't you understand?
You, pussy, are completely oblivious aren't you? You keep coming back to "equality", don't you? You cannot think beyond this "humanist" lie, Judeo-Christian dogma, false premise. Erase "equality", there is no such thing, no such reality. Nothing is ever equal, nothing has ever been equal, not one time in this entire universe. Nothing is equal then, now, or forevermore.

Your "equality", like your "love", is a lie. This is your instinct speaking, your allemotion, noreason. You are incapable of reasoning and rationality, because you have no penis. You are missing an essential part. You operate on a lie. This makes you very, very predictable.
It makes you easy to control.
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Re: End Equality and all Human Rights

Post by Atthet »

Notvacka wrote:The simple fact that our human bodies are subject to decay is no "proof" of a war all against all.
It's not proof. It's evidence. Do you know the difference between proof and evidence?

Notvacka wrote:We all struggle against nature, together or alone, and nature always wins in the end. But all has not been defeated yet; some of us are still alive and kicking. There is no dignity in dying, whether from old age or in battle. You can live with dignity, but dying is always a shame. We are all equal in death, and pride is for fools.
Then you have no pride, or you admit to being a fool.
You are either a woman, or a fool. Quite a selection you reduce nature down to, this exposes your philosophical limits.

Notvacka wrote:You think there are too few at the top? That's a silly idea. You can't make more room at the top, unless you shave it off. And such a person as you describe would only tolerate you if you were no threat. And what would that make you? If you want enemies, why settle for anything less than the most powerful?
A master liar, a master of lies, knows how to go through his life without being seen.
I can be invisible, never letting you know about my deeper nature. An intelligent man can act stupid, in an age of stupidity.
Lying, deception, intelligence, these are all routes to higher power. They are just paths, to the same end. I use them, depending on the situation.

You cannot know a lie, if you cannot judge the truth. Part of being powerful, is knowing the difference between Truth, Lie, and Falsity.

Notvacka wrote:You admit to being knowingly and deliberately half blind, then? Besides, using only division will leave you with ever diminishing results. Pure maths.
I use ignorance. Ignorance is useful. Ignoring the weak, the stupid, the meek, is a useful division. Ignoring others, and having a closed mind is useful sometimes. Listening to the wise, the knowledgeable, being open minded is also useful sometimes. The distinction is made by recognizing who is a fool, and who is a genius.
If you deny the difference, or cannot recognize the difference, then you are a moron. You are incompetent, an imbecile.

Notvacka wrote:What would I do if I could not die? I would probably be sitting here, writing this post, regardless. Yes, I would do the same things. Death is inevitable, so why even consider it? I actually recommend living your life as if you would live forever. And what are you trying to accomplish, Atthet? To what end? The question is directed to you personally, and there is nothing hypothetical about it. This is life, what do you do with it?
You answer my question first.

Notvacka wrote:Yes. Unless you view it as natural, of course. It seems to me that it's human nature to fight nature all the way. And that goes for our own inner nature as well as the surrounding environment.
Can you fight nature?
Can you deny what sexually excites you?
Can you deny the feeling that rises within you, when your sexual fantasies offer itself to you in the flesh?
Can you deny beautiful girls lavishing you with praise and loyalty?
Can you deny rich Jews offering you billions of dollars to sell out?
You cannot fight your nature, without first knowing and accepting your nature. You must first know thyself.

Notvacka wrote:Yes. That's where the real struggle is. It's us against nature, against our own inner nature and against external forces of nature.

Isn't paganism practised in groups, like most religions?
Unlike Judeo-Christian religions, paganism can be practiced without groups. This is called "individualism". It is a form of Protestantism, a rebellion against Jews and Christians. Individualism is an ideology that grew out of Protestantism. It is a rejection of God.
It is the core of atheism.
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Re: End Equality and all Human Rights

Post by Atthet »

chaz wyman wrote:No you fucking moron, not acceptable to any decent person you fuckwit!
As you see we are allowed a certain amount of latitude on this Forum, Arsethet.
I can't image what you wrote but it must have been ridiculously nasty.
What I wrote was nasty. It was "evil", and Rick Lewish did a very good job to protect you and your childishness from reading my words. My words are bad, evil, for "grown ups" only. You are not allowed to read my words, without them going through a filter first.
That filter is Rick Lewish. He hands down "The Word" to his disciples, like a good priest to his flock. He filters out the "pure words", the raw emotion, the raw hatred. He gives you something digestible.

Rick separates you, from me, Cheezy. He is a moderator, an administrator. He needs to filter my words from you, because they offend you. They hurt you. They get under your skin. But you? Your words?
Your words do nothing to me, Cheezy. Rick doesn't need to censor you, because your words are harmless, wasted, nothing. They reflect nothing potent or virile. Your words are weak, Cheeze.

chaz wyman wrote:Rick is not under any obligation to provide an idiot like you any kind of a platform.
If you don't like it you can go and fuck off - easy solution.
Fortunately for me, Cheezy, you're not the boss of Rick. Rick is the boss of you, and me while I participate here.
I hope you're not dependent on this forum, Cheezy. That would be a fine shame?

chaz wyman wrote:I'm an atheist.
No you're not, Cheeze. Foggy/SecularHumanist was correct to call you an anti-semite. You are an anti-semitic Jew. You are self-hating, and deny your past, rather than take pride in it, as Secular Humanist does. I trust Secular Humanist, over you. Because at least he has pride in who he is. That is a form of honesty. Secular Humanist doesn't claim to be an atheist. He is proud of his Jewish heritage, and he has every "right" to be, doesn't he?
You should be proud of what you are, your ancestors, and where you came from.
Part of paganism, is embracing your past, despite how ashamed of it you may feel. You cannot turn on your own blood. Turning on your own blood, is something Judeo-Christianity invented. That is anti-pagan.

chaz wyman wrote:I don't really give a rat's arse what you think you represent. For me you represent nothing, You are nothing. You don't have authority of any kind. And represent no values I can think of.
Why do you hurt me, Cheeze? It's because I've hurt you, haven't I? Do you want revenge? Do you want to hurt me, as I've hurt you? :twisted:

chaz wyman wrote:~Let's not.
Yes, Cheeze, let's do some actual, real philosophy!
I want you to doubt everything you've ever believed in, everything you've ever valued, every "truth" you've been told by your weak parents.
I want you to doubt yourself, Cheeze.

Show me some "philosophy". Show me the worth of your diploma hanging on the wall. This is your chance to "apply" your educumuation.
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Re: End Equality and all Human Rights

Post by Atthet »

chaz wyman wrote:Darwin said, the disposition to associate may be innate in the higher animals: many animals are unhappy if long separated from their fellows, also noting man’s dislike of solitude and his wish for society beyond that of his own family. Indeed an individual who showed no trace of social feeling would be “an unnatural monster".

I think I have found a human example, in Arsethet.
The only "need" I've ever felt to be around other people, and "socializing", was when on the hunt for a nice piece of ass, and pretty hazel eyes like allemotion, noreason. I hunt, for women. But other than that, no. I only partake in socializing briefly, and with very particular individuals. There is no "need" for the socializing.
There is only a need for power. That's all there is.

If a man is wise, and I can learn something new from him, something interesting, then I may engage him, listen, and hear what he has to say. And I will challenge him, to see where his knowledge is weak, and his wisdom falters. This is how I view other males. Males are in endless competition, often to the death, and male competition is a rule of nature. Many times we will kill each other, over a nice piece of ass.
I accept this, and encourage it!
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Re: End Equality and all Human Rights

Post by Atthet »

reasonvemotion wrote:Satyr under the guise of Atthet wrote:

LOL, you can't help yourself can you Satyr? It must kill you to "read only" and not reply in person, so you do it under the guise of "the pet"/Atthet.
You are insightful, allemotion....you have a good instinct to see through a few of my tricks. But you don't see the complete picture. It's clear, now, that you are drawn to me. Go further.
Know thyself
You wish to expose me, and I want to expose you, too. Show me something new. If you have no ideas worth my hearing, listening to, debating, or reading, but you still have your young, agile body. Show me something, and I'll show you something. I'm fair, cruel yes, but fair.
Show me how clever you really are.
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Re: End Equality and all Human Rights

Post by Notvacka »

Atthet wrote:
Notvacka wrote:The simple fact that our human bodies are subject to decay is no "proof" of a war all against all.
It's not proof. It's evidence. Do you know the difference between proof and evidence?
You used the word "proof" yourself. Now you call it "evidence". No matter. That our human bodies are subject to decay is neither "proof" nor "evidence", not even an indication of such a war.

Our mortality, the brevity of life and the inevitability of death, brings a certain urgency to human existence, but also futility. In essence; if you want to do something, do it now, because tomorrow might be too late. This is true for every human endeavour, love and compassion as well as war and confrontation. Furthermore, whatever you do in this world is futile. You will die anyway and all will be forgotten eventually.

This also brings an aspect of equality to life. The urgency and futility of human existence is something we all share.
Notvacka wrote:Then you have no pride, or you admit to being a fool.
I'm too humble to pride myself of humility. And what pride I have is of course foolish pride. :)
Notvacka wrote:A master liar, a master of lies, knows how to go through his life without being seen.
I can be invisible, never letting you know about my deeper nature. An intelligent man can act stupid, in an age of stupidity.
Lying, deception, intelligence, these are all routes to higher power. They are just paths, to the same end. I use them, depending on the situation.
Should I then assume that you are lying or acting stupid here? Because considering power an end in itself seems like pure stupidity to me. Power is pointless unless directed towards some goal. You want power? What for? It won't alleviate any feelings of insufficiency or helplessness, because in truth we are all insignificant and powerless against reality. Life is short. Flailing about too much, trying to achieve power for no purpose, is just pathetic.
Notvacka wrote:The distinction is made by recognizing who is a fool, and who is a genius. If you deny the difference, or cannot recognize the difference, then you are a moron. You are incompetent, an imbecile.
How do you judge your own foolishness? A true fool does not know that he is a fool.
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Re: End Equality and all Human Rights

Post by RickLewis »

I wasn't sure whether to lock this thread or to let it run - because there are at least some interesting posts in it. However, now I've had a complaint so I've decided to lock it.