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Re: The Destruction of Sex.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 5:05 pm
by GreatandWiseTrixie
If you want to understand Sex, look at Japan. Nobody there gets laid, so they are obsessed with sex. Get people laid, and people will stop obsessing over sex. America is extremely sexually dysfunctional, therefore they bombard you with ideas about sex.

It's like that episode of Black Mirror. Everyone lived in a Borg cube, nobody had sex, babies were made in test tubes, they were all slaves who played shitty Wii games all day, and the government bombarded you with Porn ads 24/7 so you couldn't sleep.

When I say "get people laid" I mean healthy wholesome relationships. American men don't really trust american women, because none of them are trustworthy. Most american men don't have "real" relationships, they have paranoid associates kind of like a criminal organization, women are like "for rent hitmen" who they don't really trust, always paranoid of them leaving them for someone else. So their mind is always drifting off to sex, because these fickle women are all so floaty, they never lose the obsession with sex because there is no love in America, no true or satisfying relationships. Men are like James Bond, having a one-night stand, then the woman dumps them and never sees them again.

Re: The Destruction of Sex.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 5:10 pm
by Eodnhoj7
GreatandWiseTrixie wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2017 5:05 pm If you want to understand Sex, look at Japan. Nobody there gets laid, so they are obsessed with sex. Get people laid, and people will stop obsessing over sex. America is extremely sexually dysfunctional, therefore they bombard you with ideas about sex.

Interesting point.

It's like that episode of Black Mirror. Everyone lived in a Borg cube, nobody had sex, babies were made in test tubes, they were all slaves who played shitty Wii games all day, and the government bombarded you with Porn ads 24/7 so you couldn't sleep.

When I say "get people laid" I mean healthy wholesome relationships. American men don't really trust american women, because none of them are trustworthy. Most american men don't have "real" relationships, they have paranoid associates kind of like a criminal organization, women are like "for rent hitmen" who they don't really trust, always paranoid of them leaving them for someone else.

This is true, the greatest difficulty is the "trust" factor. However I am not sure it is about trusting the women, but rather trusting your "brother" not to seduce her. Women are rarely satisfied, and I don't know how many times I would either lost "friendships" or had to avoid the amount a time I was around a "brother" because of his girlfriend getting "flirty". It is sad and disgusting at the same time.

Marriages are a community event and not limited strictly to just the man and women. Most marriages fail because the community, in some degree, has failed.

So their mind is always drifting off to sex, because these fickle women are all so floaty, they never lose the obsession with sex because there is no love in America, no true or satisfying relationships. Men are like James Bond, having a one-night stand, then the woman dumps them and never sees them again.

Re: The Destruction of Sex.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:36 pm
by Celebritydiscodave2
But out of all of this can you, can anyone, provide us with just the one new/novel philosophical (bullet proof in its own right) sentiment, come affirmation, and only if you can has there been any at all movement forwards. It is on this level which counts, and only on this level is it remembered. Everybody does yap yap yap, stand alone bullet proof sentiment, this is the only reliable marker, a single line sentiment, just the all embracing, and bullet proof from every single last angle, one, that`s one for each province of thought. Finally, and in ten years or more from now, get them self published. Self published is not enough, I`m very well aware of this, but the gods will stand in the way of your doing more.
Another world record attempt tomorrow!
celebritydiscodave (google)

Re: The Destruction of Sex.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:41 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Celebritydiscodave2 wrote: Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:36 pm But out of all of this can you, can anyone, provide us with just the one new/novel philosophical (bullet proof in its own right) sentiment, come affirmation, and only if you can has there been any at all movement forwards. It is on this level which counts, and only on this level is it remembered.
celebritydiscodave (google)
Progress to where exactly?
Counted by
Remembered by

Any form of value or virtue in today's society would be considered "new".

Re: The Destruction of Sex.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:46 pm
by vegetariantaxidermy
Confusing sexuality with a legal contract. It would also help to know which society you are talking about (the one that is 'destroying sex').

Re: The Destruction of Sex.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:50 pm
by Eodnhoj7
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:46 pm Confusing sexuality with a legal contract. It would also help to know which society you are talking about (the one that is 'destroying sex').
Modern society, I would argue the west but apparently the east has problems symmetrical to ours.

How is it not a legal contract when in the modern view it is about empowerment?

Re: The Destruction of Sex.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:58 pm
by Celebritydiscodave2
More likely remembered by those whom happen here, remembered by those that read your book, but yes, sure, the gods will block any and all otherwise philosophical progression from those not already signed up members of their elitist club. Informations which are deployed to educate cannot be added to, either directly, or indirectly, from the outside. This would even be the case should there exist greater realization for that which actually is on the outside than within. I know, we are supposed to be programmed not to believe this possible. Once you believe that you have moved the game on with a sentiment, one which you believe cannot be found wanting on any single level, so floorless, there are three actions to take Google it for greater certainty of its uniqueness, mail it back to yourself in order to prove ownership, and place it before the perceptions of others besides yourself to be sure that it is not wanting. Do n`t present it before a god however, for if they want it they`ll simply claim prior ownership, and they`ll be heard, you wont.

Re: The Destruction of Sex.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:13 pm
by Viveka
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:54 pm A simple observation of modern culture is that sex has been placed on a pedestal way far above than it should be.

Whether one turns on the television, radio, or is skimming through e-mails one is bombarded with what used to be considered pornography 20+ years ago. This exploitation, of both men and women (in different respects), has created a chain around the throat of modern civilization.

A culture of death has resulted where all forms of creativity and expressions of the individual will have been stifled into a morality based upon the necessity of physical, emotional, and intellectual masturbation.

Life is no longer a priority to many as the seeking of pleasure is the only moral code today.

The human body, as a crowning achievement of order, in many respects has been reduced to a "mere play thing" whose only purpose is to "distract" man from any pursuit of meaning and structure.

Where sex was one used as a "creative force", today it has been reduced to simply...nothingness.

Men hate women. Women hate men. A brutal rule of technological hedonism has caused a dividing line between the sexes with the bars fundamentally be "ourselves".

Hedonism is totalitarianism in that it limits man in the ability to seek any truth past his own eyes...and the eyes are always moving. It is the perpetual appetite of the eyes which forms man for what he is, and when he seeks sensual pleasure over knowledge his ability to grasp any concept of justice is lost.

Where the intimacy of marriage was one valued as a "true" knowledge of the human body through mutual agreement, the nature of what we deem as "relationships" today is strictly equivalent to nothing other than cheap entertainment meant to distract us until the next form of entertainment comes.

It is in this loss of the ability to "create" that man is reduced to something lower than the animals and a savage atheism arises as man turns against his own nature in the pursuit of idols.

And what of these idols? What have they done for us other than cause further seperation, contempt and confusion?

What truth is their in our modern world other than death?
I fully agree. I think that Lust and Luster arise from the singular ignorance. Thus both are at fault for our desires and hedonism. Today our culture is not about contentment or love, but what brings about instant gratification, that which is Lust after Luster. To Lust after Luster is all of our culture in the sense that we are not Buddhas or simply delusional and deal with desire and ignorance in many aspects of our lives. Idols also occur due to lust, because Lust is what we find to be our starting, and ending point, while these Idols are what are simple lustings after luster, quite literally and figuratively. Golden idols and the metaphorical idols of money, sex, power, and instant gratification are a result of Luster.

Re: The Destruction of Sex.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 5:16 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Viveka wrote: Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:13 pm
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:54 pm A simple observation of modern culture is that sex has been placed on a pedestal way far above than it should be.

Whether one turns on the television, radio, or is skimming through e-mails one is bombarded with what used to be considered pornography 20+ years ago. This exploitation, of both men and women (in different respects), has created a chain around the throat of modern civilization.

A culture of death has resulted where all forms of creativity and expressions of the individual will have been stifled into a morality based upon the necessity of physical, emotional, and intellectual masturbation.

Life is no longer a priority to many as the seeking of pleasure is the only moral code today.

The human body, as a crowning achievement of order, in many respects has been reduced to a "mere play thing" whose only purpose is to "distract" man from any pursuit of meaning and structure.

Where sex was one used as a "creative force", today it has been reduced to simply...nothingness.

Men hate women. Women hate men. A brutal rule of technological hedonism has caused a dividing line between the sexes with the bars fundamentally be "ourselves".

Hedonism is totalitarianism in that it limits man in the ability to seek any truth past his own eyes...and the eyes are always moving. It is the perpetual appetite of the eyes which forms man for what he is, and when he seeks sensual pleasure over knowledge his ability to grasp any concept of justice is lost.

Where the intimacy of marriage was one valued as a "true" knowledge of the human body through mutual agreement, the nature of what we deem as "relationships" today is strictly equivalent to nothing other than cheap entertainment meant to distract us until the next form of entertainment comes.

It is in this loss of the ability to "create" that man is reduced to something lower than the animals and a savage atheism arises as man turns against his own nature in the pursuit of idols.

And what of these idols? What have they done for us other than cause further seperation, contempt and confusion?

What truth is their in our modern world other than death?
I fully agree. I think that Lust and Luster arise from the singular ignorance. Thus both are at fault for our desires and hedonism. Today our culture is not about contentment or love, but what brings about instant gratification, that which is Lust after Luster.
Yes, that desire for instant gratification is fundamentally a root of lust as what is instantaneous lacks any form of growth or value within itself. To expect "everything at once" is to perceive into reality a degree of destruction as "what is" is equated to "not enough". Existence is perceived as deficient and unbecoming in itself as the time which gives structure to a relationship is held as without value. The problem occurs as "time" acts as the root of most relationships. Without time "watering" most relationships, lust takes hold and dries up "what could have been", and "what could have been" becomes a specter within most peoples future relationships through the residual hauntings of memory. These memories in turn act as chains as people further seek instant gratification in the false pretense of trying to right a wrong.

To Lust after Luster is all of our culture in the sense that we are not Buddhas or simply delusional and deal with desire and ignorance in many aspects of our lives. Idols also occur due to lust, because Lust is what we find to be our starting, and ending point, while these Idols are what are simple lustings after luster, quite literally and figuratively. Golden idols and the metaphorical idols of money, sex, power, and instant gratification are a result of Luster.

Yes, and to build off of that observation, what we understand of "luster" is simply an external and false beauty that implies some "truth" but is simply its absence. Everything we observe in this world that "sparkles" or gives some "glory" is strictly an observation of perpetual decay as what "shines" in the eyes of most are simply shadows flickering by a fire. We look at these shadows, we see their movements, and assume there is some depth of "life" in them when in reality they are just extensions of ourselves as "untruths". These untruths become our idols as often times they are the only things we can see instantaneously and directly and because of this, and the inability to bear the cross of impatience, we seek to grasp what we cannot hold onto.

The only way to deal with lust, and its approximate "luster", is strictly learning to just let go.

Re: The Destruction of Sex.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 7:31 pm
by Viveka
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2017 5:16 pm
Viveka wrote: Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:13 pm
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:54 pm A simple observation of modern culture is that sex has been placed on a pedestal way far above than it should be.

Whether one turns on the television, radio, or is skimming through e-mails one is bombarded with what used to be considered pornography 20+ years ago. This exploitation, of both men and women (in different respects), has created a chain around the throat of modern civilization.

A culture of death has resulted where all forms of creativity and expressions of the individual will have been stifled into a morality based upon the necessity of physical, emotional, and intellectual masturbation.

Life is no longer a priority to many as the seeking of pleasure is the only moral code today.

The human body, as a crowning achievement of order, in many respects has been reduced to a "mere play thing" whose only purpose is to "distract" man from any pursuit of meaning and structure.

Where sex was one used as a "creative force", today it has been reduced to simply...nothingness.

Men hate women. Women hate men. A brutal rule of technological hedonism has caused a dividing line between the sexes with the bars fundamentally be "ourselves".

Hedonism is totalitarianism in that it limits man in the ability to seek any truth past his own eyes...and the eyes are always moving. It is the perpetual appetite of the eyes which forms man for what he is, and when he seeks sensual pleasure over knowledge his ability to grasp any concept of justice is lost.

Where the intimacy of marriage was one valued as a "true" knowledge of the human body through mutual agreement, the nature of what we deem as "relationships" today is strictly equivalent to nothing other than cheap entertainment meant to distract us until the next form of entertainment comes.

It is in this loss of the ability to "create" that man is reduced to something lower than the animals and a savage atheism arises as man turns against his own nature in the pursuit of idols.

And what of these idols? What have they done for us other than cause further seperation, contempt and confusion?

What truth is their in our modern world other than death?
I fully agree. I think that Lust and Luster arise from the singular ignorance. Thus both are at fault for our desires and hedonism. Today our culture is not about contentment or love, but what brings about instant gratification, that which is Lust after Luster.
Yes, that desire for instant gratification is fundamentally a root of lust as what is instantaneous lacks any form of growth or value within itself. To expect "everything at once" is to perceive into reality a degree of destruction as "what is" is equated to "not enough". Existence is perceived as deficient and unbecoming in itself as the time which gives structure to a relationship is held as without value. The problem occurs as "time" acts as the root of most relationships. Without time "watering" most relationships, lust takes hold and dries up "what could have been", and "what could have been" becomes a specter within most peoples future relationships through the residual hauntings of memory. These memories in turn act as chains as people further seek instant gratification in the false pretense of trying to right a wrong.

To Lust after Luster is all of our culture in the sense that we are not Buddhas or simply delusional and deal with desire and ignorance in many aspects of our lives. Idols also occur due to lust, because Lust is what we find to be our starting, and ending point, while these Idols are what are simple lustings after luster, quite literally and figuratively. Golden idols and the metaphorical idols of money, sex, power, and instant gratification are a result of Luster.

Yes, and to build off of that observation, what we understand of "luster" is simply an external and false beauty that implies some "truth" but is simply its absence. Everything we observe in this world that "sparkles" or gives some "glory" is strictly an observation of perpetual decay as what "shines" in the eyes of most are simply shadows flickering by a fire. We look at these shadows, we see their movements, and assume there is some depth of "life" in them when in reality they are just extensions of ourselves as "untruths". These untruths become our idols as often times they are the only things we can see instantaneously and directly and because of this, and the inability to bear the cross of impatience, we seek to grasp what we cannot hold onto.

The only way to deal with lust, and its approximate "luster", is strictly learning to just let go.
Couldn't agree more.

Re: The Destruction of Sex.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:16 am
by Nick_A
The orgasm has replaced the Cross as the focus of longing and the image of fulfillment." ― Malcolm Muggeridge
I believe a society is a living organism and just represents what an individual is. A society is born and after a while reaches midlife. Then it begins to deteriorate and eventually dies. A healthy society in midlife values ideals greater then itself represented by the cross. As it begins to die and its ideals are forgotten, only "me" is important so sex is used to intensify and justify negative emotions. The orgasm becomes a symbol of conquest and prestige as opposed to the expression of a sacred function. This is called progress.