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Re: Do you like to watch Doctor Who?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:33 am
by Greta
ForCruxSake wrote:We were never afraid of the Daleks but when the Cybermen were on, we were terrified. By the end of a Cybermen episode, I would have to walk my two younger brothers to the toilet, a mere twenty feet walk down a corridor from our living room, convinced one of them would wet himself before he got there! I think the Cybermen were my first genuine fear from childhood, followed by Dracula.
Funny, I wasn't scared of either. But I was afraid of vampires, aliens, monsters and violent men. After seeing Count Yorga at the drive-in with my parents, both Mum and I was closely trailing Dad to the house when we arrived home, like your siblings' conga line to the toilet :)

When I was younger again, I somehow became afraid of Athena, the woman from the Green Dimension in Lost in Space, she would float outside the Jupiter II chanting "Dr Smii-iith Dr Smii-iith". I think I was afraid of the idea of being focused on and followed by someone or something that you cannot shake off - the instinctive mindset of a young prey animal?

Re: Do you like to watch Doctor Who?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 11:03 am
by vegetariantaxidermy
Greta wrote:Always liked the show. My favourite series was probably Seeds of Doom - where vegetable matter takes revenge on animals and, obviously, any episode where Daleks are involved.

Here's my old band playing a cover of the Dr Who theme last year (I'm on percussion tucked away at the back as I'd left the group two years earlier and was just guesting for the night) - ... RpiQ&t=266. The point being, check out the audience reaction when Dr Who starts :)
Fantastic stuff. That guy is brilliant. If I had a night out and this was the band, I would die happy. :D Is it Melbourne?

Re: Do you like to watch Doctor Who?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 11:38 am
by Greta
vegetariantaxidermy wrote:
Greta wrote:Always liked the show. My favourite series was probably Seeds of Doom - where vegetable matter takes revenge on animals and, obviously, any episode where Daleks are involved.

Here's my old band playing a cover of the Dr Who theme last year (I'm on percussion tucked away at the back as I'd left the group two years earlier and was just guesting for the night) - ... RpiQ&t=266. The point being, check out the audience reaction when Dr Who starts :)
Fantastic stuff. That guy is brilliant. If I had a night out and this was the band, I would die happy. :D Is it Melbourne?
Sydney. He is a talent, for sure. I've played in three bands with him over quite a few years, covering all sorts of material. The band has finished up now, alas. He's now playing with a jazz quintet as a drag character.

I was amused at the whooping when we started Dr Who. Even people don't watch the show love the theme :)

Re: Do you like to watch Doctor Who?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 10:42 pm
by ForCruxSake
Greta wrote:
ForCruxSake wrote:We were never afraid of the Daleks but when the Cybermen were on, we were terrified. By the end of a Cybermen episode, I would have to walk my two younger brothers to the toilet, a mere twenty feet walk down a corridor from our living room, convinced one of them would wet himself before he got there! I think the Cybermen were my first genuine fear from childhood, followed by Dracula.
Funny, I wasn't scared of either. But I was afraid of vampires, aliens, monsters and violent men. After seeing Count Yorga at the drive-in with my parents, both Mum and I was closely trailing Dad to the house when we arrived home, like your siblings' conga line to the toilet :)

When I was younger again, I somehow became afraid of Athena, the woman from the Green Dimension in Lost in Space, she would float outside the Jupiter II chanting "Dr Smii-iith Dr Smii-iith". I think I was afraid of the idea of being focused on and followed by someone or something that you cannot shake off - the instinctive mindset of a young prey animal?
My Dracula fear happened when it was broadcast as some kind of play for today, that was on late. We had extended family members round and so the children were not put to bed. When I did get to bed, in a room that slept five of us, all siblings, I spent the night looking out from my bed, up at the window, for what seemed like the whole night, looking out for Dracula climbing the walls opposite or flying up to the window. My siblings never stirred. It was the first time I had experienced such terror and I will never forget it.

Oh my, Lost In Space!!! We loved that show! We would rush home from school to catch it, running down the roads, to catch the opening credits (broadcast at either ten to, or ten past four, in the afternoon). I remember the announcement after the last episode aired here, that the show would return the following autumn. It never did. The show may well have been cancelled but it was just as likely that it was never repurchased by the advertising channel for broadcast again. I think I remained in a sort of stasis, for years, waiting to hear those immortal words, "You bubbled headed, booby" again.

Re: Do you like to watch Doctor Who?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 11:16 pm
by Greta
ForCruxSake wrote:My Dracula fear happened when it was broadcast as some kind of play for today, that was on late. We had extended family members round and so the children were not put to bed. When I did get to bed, in a room that slept five of us, all siblings, I spent the night looking out from my bed, up at the window, for what seemed like the whole night, looking out for Dracula climbing the walls opposite or flying up to the window. My siblings never stirred. It was the first time I had experienced such terror and I will never forget it.
Ah, night terrors. I feared that a whole group of hostile, spandex suit clad aliens like the Girl from the Green Dimension would come running out of the darkness of my parent' bedroom down the hall. Then there was Ajax,
a giant Golliwog living down the wall side of my bed who would come out and attack me if I slept facing the wall. I slept on my right side every night for many years. Really, to describe all the horrors of my imagination as a child would take a lot more writing than anyone would be prepared to read!
ForCruxSake wrote:Oh my, Lost In Space!!! We loved that show!
More fun than any other at the time. The latter day writer of the silly episodes, Peter Packer, must have been a lunatic. Do you remember the carrot man? :lol:

Re: Do you like to watch Doctor Who?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 11:57 pm
by ForCruxSake
Greta wrote: Then there was Ajax, a giant Golliwog living down the wall side of my bed who would come out and attack me if I slept facing the wall. I slept on my right side every night for many years. Really, to describe all the horrors of my imagination as a child would take a lot more writing than anyone would be prepared to read!
If you ever decide to write that book, I'll give it a go. :D

In all the scary movies I remember, children would always look under the bed for monsters. That was never something any of my clan did. Too much crap under the beds that was more likely to scare a monster, than hide one, going by mum's face at the end of every week, when she would clean our room.

I have to say, I never encountered a golliwog I didn't like. I was very upset when they were renamed 'gollies' and effectively wiped from British culture. They used to give away golliwog badges when you collected labels from jars of Robinsons jam, and it all came to end when golliwogs were banned. I remember one of the children of the Jamaican family, down our road, in tears when told they wouldn't being doing them anymore. Inconsolable at the fact she was never going to be able collect another badge. Oh, the irony.
Greta wrote:
ForCruxSake wrote:Oh my, Lost In Space!!! We loved that show!
More fun than any other at the time. The latter day writer of the silly episodes, Peter Packer, must have been a lunatic. Do you remember the carrot man? :lol:
You mean this...


I must confess I don't. Though how I have forgotten makes we wonder if there is a special form of dementia in childhood that wipes out that which should be unforgettable!


Re: Do you like to watch Doctor Who?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 12:20 am
by Greta
ForCruxSake wrote:In all the scary movies I remember, children would always look under the bed for monsters. That was never something any of my clan did. Too much crap under the beds that was more likely to scare a monster, than hide one, going by mum's face at the end of every week, when she would clean our room.

My bed was very low to the ground. There was not enough room for any kind of useful monster to live, though in hindsight an octopus-like monster would have no trouble. Then again, I believed monsters to live in an even narrower space between the bed and the wall. Maybe it was that junction at the bottom, which was unknown to me until taught the "joys" of cleaning up one's own room.
ForCruxSake wrote:I remember one of the children of the Jamaican family, down our road, in tears when told they wouldn't being doing them anymore. Inconsolable at the fact she was never going to be able collect another badge. Oh, the irony.
That completely typifies the way kids saw golliwogs. They could have been black, green or purple - they happened to be black. My particular scary golliwog, that came to me in a dream (as an intruder in the house who had taken over while Mum and I were at the shops). It normally lived down the side of my bed and his name was named "Ajax" (affected by advertising?), about 180cm tall, striped pants much too short.
ForCruxSake wrote:[re: carrot man] You mean this...

I must confess I don't. Though how I have forgotten makes we wonder if there is a special form of dementia in childhood that wipes out that which should be unforgettable!
Or a filter that saves us from what should be forgotten? :)

Re: Do you like to watch Doctor Who?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 11:49 pm
by EchoesOfTheHorizon
I think I had to of seen it a few times as a kid, probably on PBS, but wasn't until 2007 when I was in the Middle East I saw some bootleg seasons on sale of the first and second doctor of the reboot series. I got a tingling feeling, and watched it. Where I live in the US, we used to have Star Trek playing all night, so I used to watch them sometimes late on Saturday night when they would play.

Other than that, I wasn't very interested in science fiction, outside of Dune and a few Larry Niven books to pass the long time away.

I became a big fan of Doctor Who. The depictions of the British Males was insulting and sexist, but this is Britian, they all talk a bit submissive so you gotta accept it. Likely part of the reason so many Americans think 3-CPO is gay, but is actually just British.

So I liked David Tennant, his brown jacket and sneakers, but was more of a Matt Smith fan for personality. Plus I'm pretty sure Matt had to of banged Clara at some point. I didn't much care that Captain Jack was the gayest character in the history of television, he was well written for his role. Watched all five seasons of that spinoff. Thought Miracle Day was a bit lame, really gives insights into the decline of the British mentality, everyone running around trying to argue the imperative of aborting then killing everyone. (Watch Miracle Day before you pout at what I said).

I am a big fan of Peter Capaldi. He taught me how British people cuss. He didn't teach me about the whole holding the piss thing though, I was confused when I was told by a British woman not to pee out of the blue.... was like a dominatrix of something, demanding I hold it in. She yelled at me, called me a Idiom, and I took great insult at this till I googled idiom, means something different from Idiot. Turns out she was talking about stuff way different.

Anyway.... I liked Peter Capaldi as a actor, liked his first companion Clara. Was increasingly annoyed with the shitty storylines, think the episode "Kill The Moon" was fucking insulting, and the writer should be forced to take a class on physics. Honestly, how do you turn the moon into a ancient dragon egg, hatch a giant moon sized baby dragon from it, with wings.... in space, and then have it instantly lay a moon sized egg larger than it? And they were sitting on the shore while the moon disentergrated..... tides motherfuckers..... but this is English, they like, they are not that smart, so accepted it, but just barely. Nearly quit the show after blowing a lid.

Then they said the Doctor was going to become a black woman, and have a black female companion, and that totally confused the hell out of me. Nobody needed to turn the show about African lesbians in space, when it has been since the sixties about a old Victorian era grandpa traveling through space and time. I got weirded out when they did the sex change operation on The Master, made him sexually attracted to the Doctor..... WTF? They already had excellent female time lords like Romana from the old series.... instead of not just resurrecting the doctors grand daughter, or even his new daughter, or a new character, not everyone has to have a sex change. I was seriously on the verge of quitting it, but had just a few episodes left before the doctor was supposed to find Gallifrey.

I liked the second to last episode to the series. Then I saw the final episode, when the doctor returned, and it was retarded. He reshot his only ally.... despite being president (again) and could do pretty much whatever.... and nobody explained how the fuck Gallifrey just popped back up, or how it linked up to the Capaldi doctor showing up in the end battle of the 50th anniversary show. He just walked into it.

So I said fuck it.... they didn't want to make the series coherent, was focused on SJW issues, dropped the fucking ball on returning to Gallifrey, I gave up. I liked his past black companions, especially the sexy doctor (her name started with a M) and completely accepted Doctor Jack, but it ceased feeling like a science fiction show, and more like programming government propaganda, from a government not even my own. I can tolerate it to a extent, but not that far. I was a fan because of the history of the character of the Doctor. He was always a pacifist man, like a exploring Bertrand Russell. You shouldn't force a sex change on him just for the sake of making a checklist for liberals and SJWs to feel good.

Once they announced the Doctor was a female, the allure of the show died completely. I haven't listened to any of the old music, watched any of the old episodes. I used to visit where the 7th doctor was shot in San Francisco. Was a big fan, then they murdered it. They thought they could do anything to him. Breaking his character with the War Doctor was only acceptable given the difficult moral imperatives that faced him.... but he remained essentially who he was, just twisted. Now all of a sudden he is a gender bender, to appease a fucked up minority in a distant land across the Atlantic. No reason to be a fan anymore.

And I see people scream down the Doctor Who fan base for stating similar things as I am here. Loads of videos on YouTube pissed. Notice nobody hated Captain Jack, nobody hated the female time lords, or black companions. But this was too much. I want Wonder Woman to be Wonder Woman, not some guy with hair on his exposed chest and his junk hanging out below his skirt. I want Robin to be Robin, Batman's young male apprentice, and not have Robin dressing up as Cat Woman, or Joker becoming a investment banker in Thailand, leaving a clean life, or Harvey being a one dimensional character. Dammit, I want my iconic characters to have some sort of predictability. If they always have been male or female, generally keep them. No female spidermen, no whitewashed Asian characters, etc.

So I've watched pretty much everything else in existence on the side as well, well beyond Doctor Who. Just know the BBC won't ever get a penny of my money again. I used to pay two dollars a Episode. It lost out on a potential life long fan. I was seriously thinking of buying Matt Smith's jacket for a while. Now I'm embarrassed to say I was once a Doctor Who fan. Just very sad.

And no VeggieTax, don't care for your bigotry. My point of view, I have a right to it, dammit.