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Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:56 pm
by Hjarloprillar
SpheresOfBalance wrote:]
You're an idiot, seemingly, as you judge me before you know, what I mean. Just because I talk above or around you, and you know not what I mean, lends no credibility to your assumed judgement, you are clearly a "buddy sucker," In my 55 years I've seen your kind all over the place, always seeking approval, of the one that makes allowances for you. So your comment was more of a social nature, about you, and not of the subject that was at hand. I would really rather not waste time with such people of such means. If you want to "actually" talk of the "topic" in question, not merely saying yes, what he said, or arguing what each other is or is not, then you have my ear, otherwise I shall meet your eye with an eye, or your tooth with a tooth. It's your call!

"I talk above or around you"

in MY 55 years. i see a tool. called SOB.
why would i want your ear?
you are just text on my screen.
Instead of wasted insult. try supporting say
"What I have said above, comes from Klaus Scherer, where does yours come from"

is he your boyfriend

Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:08 pm
by SpheresOfBalance
Hjarloprillar wrote:
SpheresOfBalance wrote:]
You're an idiot, seemingly, as you judge me before you know, what I mean. Just because I talk above or around you, and you know not what I mean, lends no credibility to your assumed judgement, you are clearly a "buddy sucker," In my 55 years I've seen your kind all over the place, always seeking approval, of the one that makes allowances for you. So your comment was more of a social nature, about you, and not of the subject that was at hand. I would really rather not waste time with such people of such means. If you want to "actually" talk of the "topic" in question, not merely saying yes, what he said, or arguing what each other is or is not, then you have my ear, otherwise I shall meet your eye with an eye, or your tooth with a tooth. It's your call!

"I talk above or around you"

You are a fool, as the quote that you referenced above, speaks of ignorance, of which, no one is responsible, as it just speaks of exposure, or rather, the lack thereof. You are seemingly a frog that jumps ignorantly.

in MY 55 years. i see a tool. called SOB.
why would i want your ear?
you are just text on my screen.
Instead of wasted insult. try supporting say
"What I have said above, comes from Klaus Scherer, where does yours come from"

is he your boyfriend
No he is an expert, while you are obviously a moron!

Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:26 pm
by Hjarloprillar
Not a moron. a smart peep.
Willing to speak outside boundaries.
There are no 'experts'
a term for ' those less stupid'

I respect that.

because 90% + of humanity is so stupid it does not know it is stupid.


Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:35 pm
by SpheresOfBalance
Hjarloprillar wrote:Not a moron. a smart peep.
Willing to speak outside boundaries.
There are no 'experts'
a term for ' those less stupid'

I respect that.

because 90% + of humanity is so stupid it does not know it is stupid.

All the above is your rationalization so as to lift yourself up, your ego that is. I have heard this from you from the start, and it's constant, do you actually have low self esteem? Such that you have to continually tell everyone, thus yourself, that you are smarter than everyone else. Psychology 101, you must therefore have low self esteem. It would seem you are the largest part of that 90%. What? Did you conduct a scientific study to come to that percentage, sheesh, some peeps kids... Go figure!

Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:50 pm
by Hjarloprillar

You are least qualified to psychoanalyze me.
So dont even try that line interspersed with insult.

i have left off and war no more.
surely you are not so stupid as to have not seen this?

im old tired and dying of liver death. I will not see 60. or even 58 ..
enemies are are easy. friends are not..

Even friends with oblique perspectives.
still friends.

Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:03 pm
by SpheresOfBalance
Hjarloprillar wrote:SOB

You are least qualified to psychoanalyze me.
So dont even try that line interspersed with insult.

i have left off and war no more.
surely you are not so stupid as to have not seen this?

im old tired and dying of liver death. I will not see 60. or even 58 ..
enemies are are easy. friends are not..

Even friends with oblique perspectives.
still friends.
Now that I know you face such ends, regardless of the causal, I quit, and shall never speak to you again. If only to the extent, if ever, to say, "I'm sorry." And I truly am, and see much wisdom in 'unknowingly burning out, instead of knowingly fading away.'

May you find happiness in these last days, see the world through the eyes of a child, OH the magnificence of it all, this earth, this symbiosis. Mark my words, as I truly love everyone, save those that hate, and cannot be made to not.

Surround yourself with the beauty of nature and consume 'only' that of fresh organic raw plants, the other side of the animal EQUATION, and you shall be cured. Make no mistake, if you do not already know of this, it is true!

Then, and only then, shall we argue of the hypothetical, you have far more important things to consider.

Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:32 pm
by HexHammer
rantal wrote:Philosophers have traditionally drawn a distinction between 'knowing how' and 'knowing that' and concentrated investigations epistemological on 'knowing that' Russel further classifying this as knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description. But I contend that there is only 'knowing how'
No, there are theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge.

Many blind typers who can fluidly type on keyboard may not conciously know where the keys are, but their hands has musslememory.

Many eggheads has a theoretical theory about how the real world works, but when they step out of their lab to the real world they often gets depressed because they can't handle the real world and it's ensuing chaos.

Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:15 pm
by Immanuel Can
Philosophers have traditionally drawn a distinction between 'knowing how' and 'knowing that' and concentrated investigations epistemological on 'knowing that' Russel further classifying this as knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description. But I contend that there is only 'knowing how'
Do you know that? :)

Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:03 pm
by Hjarloprillar
At age 11 i undeerstood epistemology.
As a life long facet of consciousness and perception. mind.

The theory of knowing.

Is such a huge field it needs a full forum just to probe its edges.
I do not post here because my thinking would result in 10 page essays.

It s good to see topic...."Re: There is no such thing as knowing"

Rantal.. good work

Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:56 pm
by HexHammer
Hjarloprillar wrote:It s good to see topic...."Re: There is no such thing as knowing"

Rantal.. good work
Surely you jest, what he says doesn't make logically sense, sure there are uncertainties about knowing something, but that doesn't mean that we know absolute nothing about anything.

Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:08 pm
by SpheresOfBalance
HexHammer wrote:
Hjarloprillar wrote:It s good to see topic...."Re: There is no such thing as knowing"

Rantal.. good work
Surely you jest, what he says doesn't make logically sense, sure there are uncertainties about knowing something, but that doesn't mean that we know absolute nothing about anything.
Man can only ever know that, within the framework, that he's established. So he can know himself, eventually!

Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:04 pm
by Hjarloprillar

Surely i jest
An incredibly powerful tool.

logic is naught to do with pain and pleasure.
Beauty and desire
love, compassion fear horror angst indifference
boredom lust hate guilt remorse.

those things by which we live.

yet my post including rancal as sidebar was logical.
and you f***ed it.


all we know is cogito ergo sum. all else is a variable.

pass the port pls

Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 3:37 am
by popeye1945
rantal wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:26 am Philosophers have traditionally drawn a distinction between 'knowing how' and 'knowing that' and concentrated investigations epistemological on 'knowing that' Russel further classifying this as knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description. But I contend that there is only 'knowing how'

all the best, rantal
knowledge is of immediate experience and in immediacy this perceptional experience is truth until a reason arises to question one's immediate experience/perception. Truth to the individual is experience to the group it is consensus agreement. Knowledge is of an object and/or the relations between two or more objects.

Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 7:59 pm
by bahman
rantal wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:26 am Philosophers have traditionally drawn a distinction between 'knowing how' and 'knowing that' and concentrated investigations epistemological on 'knowing that' Russel further classifying this as knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description. But I contend that there is only 'knowing how'

all the best, rantal
There are two types of knowledge, knowledge by experience and knowledge by processing the experience. You have knowledge by experience when you taste something for example. It is plain and simple, you taste it and you know it. You have knowledge by processing the experience when you read and understand what I said for example. You however need to experience the outcome of the process in order to understand. Understanding however is not possible without processing. Knowledge how cannot be transmitted to another person. The taste of something could be different between me and you, the taste of sugar for example. You cannot describe it to me so that is "knowing how". I, however, can explain what I have in my mind, my knowledge for example and you can understand it and that is "knowing that".

Re: There is no such thing as knowing

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 2:12 am
by popeye1945
rantal wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:26 am Philosophers have traditionally drawn a distinction between 'knowing how' and 'knowing that' and concentrated investigations epistemological on 'knowing that' Russel further classifying this as knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description. But I contend that there is only 'knowing how'

all the best, rantal
Knowing is remembering an experience, indeed experience and knowledge are one and the same thing. A forgotten experience is a forgotten knowing.