ilp migration

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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

A list of eleven problems that need to be solved to save mankind.


1. The pleasurable exclusive access problem

2. The no means yes / sex dimorphism / approach escalation problem

3. The consent violation problem

4. The bothering problem

5. The grooming problem as a singularity (specific to me)

6. When I have friends

7. When I have no friends

8. When I have enemies

9. When I get something others want but don’t or can’t have it

10. I don’t always get everything I want

11. Negative zero sum realities (for every winner there is one or more losers).

"Unless these problems are solved, we’re all eternally damned" - Ecmandu
Magnus Anderson
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Re: ilp migration

Post by Magnus Anderson »

promethean75 wrote:"Unless these problems are solved, we’re all eternally damned" - Ecmandu
What's the progress?
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Re: ilp migration

Post by MagsJ »

ILP has been down since last night.. the servers can’t be reached, apparently.. perhaps Carleas needs to perform an update.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

"What's the progress?"

It's not lookin good becuz in addition to the eleven problems of existence, E is also sayin that we are not alone and that the Greys are here and tryna splice our DNA.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

"The earth gets down and dirty with beings of my caliber looking to have sex with it." - Ecmandu

A very decent joke could be made with this material and I'll even give u a couple hints. It will involve the phrase 'global warming'. Ecmandu and the earth are on a date and after a couple glasses of wine....

Okay see who can work it out.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

Oh wait there's another one.

Maybe it doesn't go so well and when Ecmandu presses her for a reason, she says 'i'm not very good at carbon dating'?

Oh shit hold on.

They're at the table and through the candle light Ecmandu surreptitiously studies her plate tectonics?
Last edited by promethean75 on Mon Sep 25, 2023 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

They're in bed together and when she rolls over after they're done, it's like night and day.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

"I have to navigate multi dimensions and parallel universes constantly. When all the women are unclothed and offer me their sex.. I’ll know I accomplished hyperdimensional mirror realities that violate nobody’s consent. I have the highest encryption level in life." - Ecmandu

The problem is doing it. Think about how difficult it would be to first, find all women, second instruct them to get naked, third confirm that they were indeed naked and fourth, allow Ecmandu to observe them either simultaneously or consecutively.

If there's even one woman... say somewhere in the Philippines hiding out in some rice patties who hasn't been accounted for, the hyperdimensional mirror couldn't be built.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

Speaking of N's GOM, u can experience a first hand real time exhibition of the type and a demonstration of the type's reasoning over in the philosophy forum of ILP right now.

Also i should add that there is a third type of religious person not addressed in The GOM (if i recall) that is excluded from the other two types. That type is the religious person who's superstition evolves out of his overabundance of happiness and good fortune, something that swells up his pride. He's astonished before himself and 'feels' divine, blessed, favored, etc., by some higher power. N called Plato one of these types... he was in love with life and his religious fervor sprang from a healthy eroticism. Long story and not important. We're tryna look at the other two ugly types right now.

Well really there's only one other type but there's two variations of it.

The prototype is of course that impotent failure who suffers constantly and is ultimately sickened by life.

That original type becomes one of these two variations. One finds a redeeming god to believe in, and the other believes he's become a redeeming god.

And whichever one the original impotentee becomes is a matter of the intensity and uniqueness of the suffering he endures. U have the jesus types that get into a whole lotta real shit and are forced to become psychologically deranged in order to cope... and u have the simple normies that never really suffer anything significant in life but are so appalled by their own mediocrity and boredom that they become disgusted with themselves and anyone who isn't mediocre and boring at the same time. A double whammy.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

"You don’t see the world though my eyes Ichthus. The sidewalk is sentient. It gives me permission to walk on it. The sidewalk can pass a Turing test." - Ecmandu

Clearly, as evidenced by the sidewalk's execution of the halt function.

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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

My god Ecmandu brought out the Gordon Lightfoot and put em on Satyr. He's killing him with kindness the ruthless bastard. Look at this:

"Satyr cannot conquer things like this…."

I really don't know of any man who is not learned a great lesson, who does not become a better man, when Lightfoot plays. My fav is the one about the freighter ship that gets caught in the storm on one of the great lakes can't remember which. U literally feel like you're trapped on that ill fated vessel as the storm rolls in.

fellas, it's been good to know ya
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

"MagsJ, Feel very fortunate for the life I’ve lived to protect you. Enlightenment is knowing everything is just a construct. There is more to life than being enlightened. There is passion. MagsJ, you’re dead. You have no passion." - Ecmandu

"Not sure why that guy keeps replying to me. Sor-ry, I don’t talk Twat!" - MagsJ

Everytime these two have a lover's quarrel or the relationship grows stale and unsatisfying for each of them, i picture MagsJ running an ad in the singles section and then Ecmandu sees the ad and replies. When they meet at the restaurant, Ecmandu knows her smile in an instant. He knows the cuuurve of her face. It's his own lovely lady. And MagsJ says 'oh, it's u!' Realizing who each other are, she falls into his arms and they laugh hysterically together in the rain, having fallen in love once again.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by MagsJ »

promethean75 wrote: Wed Oct 04, 2023 10:33 pm "MagsJ, Feel very fortunate for the life I’ve lived to protect you. Enlightenment is knowing everything is just a construct. There is more to life than being enlightened. There is passion. MagsJ, you’re dead. You have no passion." - Ecmandu

"Not sure why that guy keeps replying to me. Sor-ry, I don’t talk Twat!" - MagsJ

Everytime these two have a lover's quarrel or the relationship grows stale and unsatisfying for each of them, i picture MagsJ running an ad in the singles section and then Ecmandu sees the ad and replies. When they meet at the restaurant, Ecmandu knows her smile in an instant. He knows the cuuurve of her face. It's his own lovely lady. And MagsJ says 'oh, it's u!' Realizing who each other are, she falls into his arms and they laugh hysterically together in the rain, having fallen in love once again.
No comment!

I know you’re game.. oh what a tangled web y’all [try to] weave, but I don’t talk Basic/Transparent/Bait/Twat, but I was waiting for this moment to culminate/arrive/happen.. and you delivered. 👏🏼
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

"How many women, raise your hands, have ever had their fathers walk into the bathroom as a teenager to brush his teeth while you turned the shower off They masturbated to you after that. You were too young to understand. Maybe they took all your clothes off to spank you. Another common technique.

MagsJ. If it hurts your feelings, I’m sorry. Your father probably masturbated to you." - Ecmandu, Studies On Incestuous Approach Escalation

if she were my daughter I'd

Consumer liner note: the song is actually about city hall corruption and politicians having underaged sex partners on the down low like on an Epstein trip. Lol Trump or Gaetz could be city hall Fred and homegirl would be one of Epstein's girls.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by Iwannaplato »

It's interesting to see a whole group of people be narcissistic.
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