Sex and the Religious-Left

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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by seeds »

Dubious wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 7:54 pm Great story, rendered with real gusto.
Thank you, Dubious.

"Gusto" - sounds like a good name for a new energy drink.
Dubious wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 7:54 pm It reminds me of Trump, cheeseburgers and the effect of the Republican Party on the citizens of the U.S.

And I'm sure that just like the digestive system of the geese in my little story, Trump's body is somehow able to convert cheeseburgers into poop in less than five minutes.

Unfortunately, though, instead of evacuating the poop through his anus, his lower intestines simply extend back upward and squeeze it into his cranium where it is absorbed directly into his brain.

His brain then converts the raw sewage into words that are then expelled through his mouth in the normal fashion.

Indeed, that's why he has to talk so incessantly in order to fend-off constipation.

(I was going to suggest that perhaps there is a congenitally derived fistula between his rectum and cranium, but that seemed a bit of a stretch in plausibility due to the distance between the two.)
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Wizard22 »

Harbal wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2024 12:18 pmI thought his office was in the White House. :?
promethean75 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2024 12:41 pmUkraine isn't under the white house, dummy. It's over in the middle east somewhere.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by attofishpi »

Wizard22 wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:57 pm
Harbal wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2024 12:18 pmI thought his office was in the White House. :?
promethean75 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2024 12:41 pmUkraine isn't under the white house, dummy. It's over in the middle east somewhere.
Re utube vid: OMG. They can't be for real, surely.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Wizard22 »

Alexis Jacobi wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 1:59 pmThe United States is in the midst of a battle over how the Republic defines itself. The Postwar America -- what has developed -- is a different creature from that which was defined and understood previously. The way that this came about is worthy of study and examination. And for that reason the term "social engineering" is relevant.

Trump is one thing, and I tend to see his as the *armor piercing shell* that Bannon described him as. But there is actually a whole other sub-current here which I believe needs to be better understood through being seen.

So as an example I will submit Stew Peters and his strident polemic on Weimar Germany and his attempt at a 'historical clarification' in respect to the attack in social depravity which is the focus of his polemic. I refer to this and I could refer to ten additional video discourses (video being a major form of the communication of ideas in our time) by people who, for good or for bad, are convinced that their view of corruption and decadence are understandings with validity.
This thread has perfectly demonstrated my points and arguments, up to now.

Alexis, you and I are the eventual by-products of the deadening 1960s-70s American Hippy Liberal-Left Counter-Culture that has produced all that we see today, in politics, but especially in reality and day-to-day life, where all the Utopian promises of the Marxists eventually appeared—into a Dystopia. The West Coast is flooded with fentanyl, meth addicts, schizophrenic homeless madmen, squatters, antifa, 'youth' store spree robbers, criminals of all kinds, illegal aliens getting away with rape and murder, etc. The 1960s Counter-Culture was a complete failure, who brought nothing, not one promise that they "worked" so hard for... if you consider smoking weed and getting high "work". The Liberal-Leftists were convinced, as is their Religion and Cult, that if they secured complete political power, that their Utopia would finally be realized. They expected Obama and Hilary Clinton to 'complete' this work.

And they saw and still see that "EVIL DONALD J TRUMP!!!" threw a bucket of cold water on their project, their dream, their utopia, waking them from their "American Dream", into a Real Nightmare.

This thread proves all this to the T...(rump).

The Religious-Left, as with any major Religion or Cult, produces Fanatics that struggle at the ends of their lives, when confronted with lifetime of Lies. They were, and still are, persuaded that they were doing what was and is "Morally Right(eous)". They were convinced of their Utopia. But the reality shows, even with a Democrat stronghold like California, that their promises were all Lies, exposed one-by-one-by-one. Race relations are worsening quicker than before. The Middles Class is evaporated. Taxes and Inflation are impossibly high. Crime, drug abuse, homelessness, are all skyrocketed into the stratosphere. The Marxists have no Answers or Solutions, only Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Thus I recommend you (Alexis, and you the Reader), to treat the Religious-Left no different than you would a fringe American Protestant cult on the far Religious-Right. Both lived their lives on Big Lies. Both were completely wrong, and their ideologies failed. The Religious-Left could not produce their promised Utopia, in the same way the Religious-Right could not re-summon Lord Jesus Christ, God Made Flesh, back to Earth. The Far-Left and Far-Right are both failed, and it is the 99% rest of humanity who must suffer from these extreme polarities at war.

The Trump-Derangement-Syndromes in this thread proves that the Religious-Left cannot be, exactly, reasoned or rationalized with. At every turn, they expose their political Fears as psychological Projections.

They call Conservative Americans, whose grandfathers actually defeated the Nazis, as Fascists and Nazis—while they attempt to impose a one-sided Media in the US, and one political party dominance.

They call Trump every name in the book, symptoms of their own Jealousy and failure, to realize riches and a successful lifestyle (beautiful wife and children), spiteful and envious.

They call themselves "Democrats" while they try to take their political enemies (Trump) off the democratic voter-rolls and jail their political is USA any different from the Third-World, or "Shithole Countries", now? How is USA any different than the USSR, now, thanks to the Marxists, and Commie-crats???

Their mishmash of Leftist media fearmongering Trump, calling him every name in the book, is simply their Public Confessional, of everything they would like to do themselves—using Trump as a Scaepgoat. Good thing, I hope and believe, Middle-America is waking up and rejecting the Religous-Left.

I would like to believe that the average-IQ and double-digits, in Western Civilization, know what "It Isn't Going To Lick Itself" refers to in a drag show in front of children—despite Hairball here claiming " must mean ice cream right?!?..." Then he has the gall and chutzpah, to accuse others (Alexis) of being "Sinister".

No, it's obvious where the sinister, Evil, is coming from...from those willing to lie on behalf of Pedophiles.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Wizard22 »

seeds wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2024 4:40 pmDid you ever consider the possibility that the only reason why Trump didn't stumblebum us into some major military catastrophe somewhere on the globe is because he was too embroiled in his disastrous and incompetent handling of the covid19 epidemic, which probably led to the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens? (

Furthermore, it is unfathomable to me that I am being asked to defend why I would prefer that the country I am a citizen of, not be headed up by a pathological liar.

We're talking about someone who I made the following observations about in this prior discussion with you...
Here's how I see it, seeds...

You rubbed the Genie's lamp.

When confronted by the Jhinn,

You asked for World Peace.

You received 4 years of it, under Donald J. Trump.

It was then, in that moment, that you realized that your Wish was not worth the price...correct?

You spent the 60s and 70s in Woodstock, Vietnam, your life, fighting against War...but when you got it, you rejected it???

You rejected the Peace-Giver? Worse, you Crucify Him for it?!
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Wizard22 »

Thank you all for proving and adding so much content to my presumptions and expectations...

The Religious-Left got what they wanted, and exactly what they deserved... World Peace... and therefore, Donald J. Trump.

They exposed that their greatest desires in Life, realized, were Lies, which they admit to now.

They would rather Donald J. Trump burn or be jailed indefinitely, than any 'positive' SJW, woke, Woodstock, Anti-War, BLM protest they could ever organize.

Isn't it obvious now, that the Religious-Left is driven by no 'pure' desires and no 'holy' ideals? That it was for the sex, hedonism, pleasure... it ain't gonna lick itself right?! And that's it??? No greater Purpose. No significant Meaning, in Life?

And Alexis and I, symptomatic of this disease running its course, in its last stage... are the first to realize, looking around, and at each other bewildered... (uhm, uhhh, shit... we're gonna have to clean this mess up when it's over, aren't we??? fuuuuug)

[ Hands Alexis a mop... ]
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Atla »

The guy who wants immunity from the law so he can nuke countries at will, is the one to bring world peace?
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Dubious »

seeds wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:35 pm
Dubious wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 7:54 pm Great story, rendered with real gusto.
Thank you, Dubious.

"Gusto" - sounds like a good name for a new energy drink.
Dubious wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 7:54 pm It reminds me of Trump, cheeseburgers and the effect of the Republican Party on the citizens of the U.S.

And I'm sure that just like the digestive system of the geese in my little story, Trump's body is somehow able to convert cheeseburgers into poop in less than five minutes.

Unfortunately, though, instead of evacuating the poop through his anus, his lower intestines simply extend back upward and squeeze it into his cranium where it is absorbed directly into his brain.

His brain then converts the raw sewage into words that are then expelled through his mouth in the normal fashion.

Indeed, that's why he has to talk so incessantly in order to fend-off constipation.

(I was going to suggest that perhaps there is a congenitally derived fistula between his rectum and cranium, but that seemed a bit of a stretch in plausibility due to the distance between the two.)
You're welcome!

I haven't often encountered an exposé so humorously and deftly written.

No argument with your analysis of Trump's inner short circuits. The guy is a poop specialist who would render a great service to everyone if he were afflicted with a severe case of oral constipation. If he ever needed brain surgery, a pooper scooper is all that's required. How pathetic! So few words in his vocabulary and he still manages to create a big stink which his audiences are so eager to inhale as if it were the breath of a new messiah enveloping them. Listening to a Trump speech is the most potent way of a turning a mass of morons into idiots...who no-longer know what they do! :twisted:
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Alexis Jacobi
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

Wizard22 wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:20 amAlexis, you and I are the eventual by-products of the deadening 1960s-70s American Hippy Liberal-Left Counter-Culture that has produced all that we see today, in politics, but especially in reality and day-to-day life, where all the Utopian promises of the Marxists eventually appeared—into a Dystopia. The West Coast is flooded with fentanyl, meth addicts, schizophrenic homeless madmen, squatters, antifa, 'youth' store spree robbers, criminals of all kinds, illegal aliens getting away with rape and murder, etc. The 1960s Counter-Culture was a complete failure, who brought nothing, not one promise that they "worked" so hard for... if you consider smoking weed and getting high "work". The Liberal-Leftists were convinced, as is their Religion and Cult, that if they secured complete political power, that their Utopia would finally be realized. They expected Obama and Hilary Clinton to 'complete' this work.
It is a perspective and an interpretation that has many aspects of truth. At the same time it is something that I do not understand. In the sense that a great deal of idealism and such beautiful visions (the Sixties youth aspirations in general) would, in the course of time, lead also to such decadent outcomes.

I've mentioned Robert Bork's book Slouching Toward Gomorrah a few times:
[A review in Kirkus Journal]

A former judge's stinging indictment of the havoc postmodern liberalism has wrought on the state of the American union. An eloquent, often elegant, advocate, Bork (whose ultimately aborted nomination to the US Supreme Court unleashed an ideological firestorm in mid-1987) defines latter-day liberalism as an ad hoc coalition of cultural elites (academics, ecclesiastics, entertainers, filmmakers, foundation professionals, journalists, jurists, public-interest groups, et al.) committed to a radical egalitarianism and unfettered individualism. In sorrow as well as anger, he assesses the demonstrably corrosive impact these no-fault credos have had on a host of activities and institutions. Cases in point range from the violently misogynistic lyrics of rap music through permissive sexual attitudes that have escalated teen pregnancy rates, the debasement of university curricula with trivial or spurious courses of study, insistence on equality of outcomes as well as opportunity, and the emergence of moral relativism as an acceptable alternative to traditional values. Citing an increasing incidence of self-segregation by ethnic minorities, a discernible rise in anti-intellectualism, antipathy toward mainstream religions, the left's intolerance of dissent, and a half-hearted approach to crime and punishment, Bork (The Tempting of America, 1989, etc.) decries liberalism's capacity for divisiveness. He also condemns "killing for convenience'' (abortion, assisted suicide) and activist judges who usurp the power of the people with decisions that owe more to political correctness than statutory or constitutional authority. The author is by no means sanguine on the score of whether the US can reverse its long-term slide. To do so, he concludes, the populace will have to regain control over increasingly coercive government bureaucracies and court systems that have been setting an agenda decidedly at odds with majority wishes. A thoughtful conservative's devastating judgment on intemperate liberalism, one that seems sure to reopen the bitter national debate over individual rights and responsibilities.
The other thing I have been thinking about is the dangers of reaction. For example in that Stew Peters piece and the comparison drawn between the reaction against perverse sexuality in Weimar as it is linked to a similar reactive movement today (here in America at least) against similar manifestations.

Here is part of an article by a woman, Alyssa Shotwell, who is not unfriendly to the sexual liberation cause:
Though many people are aware that Nazis banned and burned books, I think that most people don’t know what types of books were actually burned—at least at first. Up until a few years ago, when I was introduced to the Weimar Republic (roughly 1918 to 1933, a.k.a. the time between WWI and Nazi Germany) via Christopher Isherwood’s semi-autobiographical book Goodbye to Berlin (the basis for Cabaret), I just assumed they burned anything linked to Jewish people. This was partly right, as antisemitism involved scapegoating Jewish people for broader cultural shifts, but there’s one type of Nazi-targeted book in particular that’s especially relevant today: books relating to sexuality and gender.

The first organized book-burning sweep (where many of the images come from) happened in May 1933—just two months after Germany opened its first concentration camps for “political prisoners.” Across 34 cities on May 10, middle-class Germans (many of whom were students) took fire oaths and tossed tens of thousands of books deemed “un-German” into the flames. The weekend before these burnings came for books about socialism (including one from Hellen Keller, and yes, she had a response), pacifism, and more, they would attack one of the most important institutions for sexuality and gender research in history: Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, or the Institute for Sexual Science (ISS).

The ISS is one of the most important institutions for sex, sexuality, and gender research in history. The founder of the school, German Jewish man Magnus Hirschfeld, would coin the word “transvestite” and write about sexuality being an “innate” trait for decades before Nazis rose to power. He and others associated with the school were frequently on the front page of Nazi magazines, and in March 1933, at least one school administrator (Kurt Hiller) was sent to a concentration camp. The first known patient of a male-to-female gender reassignment surgery, Dorchen Ritcher, was murdered when the school was stormed, by Nazi paramilitary group the brownshirts, on May 6 for the Saturday night book burning.
Here is a biography of Magnus Hirschfeld who began the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, or the Institute for Sexual Science (ISS).

And here an article on the Institut itself:

Institut für Sexualwissenschaft

What I find strange and problematic is that, as with Stew Peters, an extremely pointed attack is leveled against what he describes as the Jewish influence in sexual liberation. Today, in different forms, the same critique has come to the surface today.

The problem -- for some it is indeed a problem but for others it is not a problem at all! -- of unlimited sexual liberation, and the natural outcome of this ultra-liberalism in attitudes and programs initiated in primary and secondary schools where children are introduced to *deviant sexual practices*, and the attempt to locate the causes of this liberation or this corruption, depending on where one stands, is a hard problem to solve.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Harbal »

Wizard22 wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:27 am

And Alexis and I, symptomatic of this disease running its course, in its last stage... are the first to realize, looking around, and at each other bewildered... (uhm, uhhh, shit... we're gonna have to clean this mess up when it's over, aren't we??? fuuuuug)

[ Hands Alexis a mop... ]
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He really, really really wants to be in your gang, Alexis.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

Here’s the thing, Harbal, and though for you all of this is “water off a duck’s back”, the issues discussed here have tremendous relevancy. Yet it is literally impossible for you and others to see the importance. You are like a child, but an insolent, over-confident one.

You really should pay better attention. What you are hearing and seeing here (what Wizard writes about and what I also write about) are trends gaining momentum.

But instead, for you, it is only a game of mockery for entertainment purposes.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Harbal »

Alexis Jacobi wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 5:11 pm
You really should pay better attention. What you are hearing and seeing here (what Wizard writes about and what I also write about) are trends gaining momentum.
Just be careful how much momentum you gain; it will hurt all the more when you run into a brick wall.

You know, now that you have Wizard on your team, it finally gives you the credibility you deserve.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

Neither myself nor Wizard are actually the topic here. And by personalizing it exclusively you — of course you — miss the point.

The point is that there is now developing a cultural movement that bases its activism in values and ideas that are reactive to Hyper-Liberalism and Liberal excess.

Why has this come about? Where will it lead?

Those are the questions. Sadly, there seems to be no one home to have that conversation.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Gary Childress »

Alexis Jacobi wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:42 pm Neither myself nor Wizard are actually the topic here. And by personalizing it exclusively you — of course you — miss the point.

The point is that there is now developing a cultural movement that bases its activism in values and ideas that are reactive to Hyper-Liberalism and Liberal excess.

Why has this come about? Where will it lead?

Those are the questions. Sadly, there seems to be no one home to have that conversation.
What is "hyper-liberalism"? Is that another way of saying that there's too much liberty? I mean, I can see where a person ought not be at liberty to commit murder, however, to have the liberty to have sexual relations with another person of the same sex doesn't seem particularly harmful. Of course, there are caveats. For example, I don't think children should have their parents' relationship destroyed by a homosexual who wants to have an affair with one of their parents any more than I think children should have their parents' relationship destroyed by a heterosexual who wants to have an affair with one of their parents. And of course there is shared responsibility between the interloper and the parent who breaks up the relationship (as well as the ability to mend such a fissure in relations). Breaking up a marriage is not a good thing, I don't think. Having sex with a person of the same sex in and of itself doesn't seem like a particularly serious offense if it is an offense at all.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Harbal »

Alexis Jacobi wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:42 pm Neither myself nor Wizard are actually the topic here.
Well I'm doing what I can to change that.
And by personalizing it exclusively you — of course you — miss the point.
I'm trying to make a point of my own.
The point is that there is now developing a cultural movement that bases its activism in values and ideas that are reactive to Hyper-Liberalism and Liberal excess.
I find what is developing between you and Wizzo of far more interest. He's really taken a shine to you; sort of like a stray puppy that's followed you home. 🙂
Why has this come about?
It could be one of those rare soulmate things.
Where will it lead?
I'm rather hoping it will end in tears.
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