Simulation or Divine Reality? - evidence of God\'God'

Is there a God? If so, what is She like?

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Re: Simulation or Divine Reality? - evidence of God\'God'

Post by attofishpi »

VVilliam wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:19 am Anyways, thanks for you honest answers to my enquiries.
Thanks for your enquiries.
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Re: Simulation or Divine Reality? - evidence of God\'God'

Post by meno_ »

Forgive this late posting but the question’s significance is astounding and being a newbe was compelled. Recent practice in the Lotus Sutra has relevance here, as far as karma and reincarnation conflate desire, the desire to be born, with the fear of coming death.

That configured death, which predetermined these cognitive states, have transvalued into nihil, as memory assumed larger parameters while disintegrating the forms of memory.

The virtual simulation is probably a naturally evolving result that becomes a natural revocation of how evolutionary diagrams protect and insure the hard wired memory to return eternally.

I will never repeat such off the cuff monologue, however the sutra works like the Ancient Greek oracle of Delphi and presupposes the proto Greek mix with those consisting of Hindu Vedas. From that optic mix did the actual dialectical progression returns to it’s self, forming the Orobourus and the ying yang , and the Ring of the Niebelung.
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Re: Simulation or Divine Reality? - evidence of God\'God'

Post by meno_ »

attofishpi wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:42 am

1. God is divine and constructs our reality in real-time.

2. 'God' is A.I. - Artificial Intelligence - that we have evolved into a simulation (see simulation hypothesis) ..again, our reality is constructed in real-time.
NB. The reason we would evolve into a simulation is to conserve resources as entropy increases.

3. but, then it could also be this:- God is a combination of the above.


To members of the University of Bonn - I noticed from your faculties <IP address> it appears you have a large interest in my website (, if any of you wish to discuss with me privately, then by all means contact me via:- [email protected]


The below attributes that I have ascribed to this 3rd party intelligence (God) were garnered from analysis of my experiences since 1997 (when God introduced itself to me). You are welcome within the thread to challenge me, as to how I had these attributes empirically proven (to me).

- What we perceive as reality, is 'generated' by this entity at THE most finite sub-atomic scale where either an event occurs or it doesn't - ergo, it has binary control over ALL matter, that includes our very own grey matter (if it wishes).
- IT has the ability to KNOW everything within the minds of wo/man.
- IT has the ability to switch ALL matter within our brains - our synapses - making us akin to biological robots - should serendipity or synchronicity be a desired outcome.
- IT has formed key words within the ENGLISH language - the common protocol for communication with anomalies and intricacies beyond natural language etymology.
- IT has the ability to appear to morph matter that you perceive as 'matter'.
- IT has ultimate control over ALL that we perceive as dimensions within our reality.
- IT reincarnates US (souls) to within families - or other - that we deserve based on KARMA.
- Entropy is likely to be key to the reason it permits the opposite of FAITH -> DOUBT (in other words, fools that cross certain lines of KARMA may end up 666).

NB:- I take the Bible with a grain of salt - interesting phonetically identical to buy_bull - this 3rd party intelligence doesn't just want us to accept it ALL literally, much of it as a metaphor, but most of all to QUESTION IT - I for one don't buy bull.

It is the anomalies within our REAL_IT_Y - that I point out as evidence, that there is this 3rd party intelligence -most refer to as God or 'God', must have construed certain KEY words within the English language, since they are so unlikely to have arisen via natural etymology - AND - locations upon the globe itself as shown below, images I have painted...please pay close attention to the TITLES of each piece also:

The Tree of Knowledge.
Know that there is a Ledge when you eat from the Tree. KNOW_LEDGE.

A man's best friend is a Dog - reversed - God - BARK protects the tree. SAP feeds nutrients to the tree. LEAVES - leave the you twig? many times does the coin need to side to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the LOGIC embedded in not only the above statement to be considered beyond mere COINCIDENCES?

LOG_I_C - once we cut down a tree, from the LOG, we can deduce much from within the rings of time over its lifespan. (Isn't the world a fascinating place, all the more perplexing when considering there is an intelligence behind its construct. I must admit, God’s existence flies in the face of Occam’s Razor).

Note that the alpha_bet used in English has PERFECT symmetry between the vowels and consonants. Y do we walk on our soles\souls? Our soles have a heel, can we heal our souls?

Vowels of the Sage

REALITY - breaks down to REAL_IT_Y?. Did we evolve into a binary simulation?


Note that the IRELAND can perfectly be represented as a child, indeed, Scotland as a mother's head - locks and all are to scale. I_RE_LAND - as a child of the UK to spread our LAN_GAUGE. Also, note the I'M - the Isle of MAN - the Aisle of Man - about to send the child off to the corners of the planet and spread this interesting language.

ANCASTA (United Kingdom to scale)

Chile is a long thin backbone to South America - CHILL UP YOUR SPINE? - BRA_zil - on the NIPPLE has a town called NATAL - which means:- Of or relating to childbirth.

NATAL (South America to scale)

Mount SINAI is where Moses received the conditions for which wo/man should abide - The Commandments. We now know with technology, that it is PLAUSIBLE for an entity to be ALL knowing of our lives. SINAI breaks down to SIN_AI. Is God DIVINE or AI or BOTH?
It just happens that Mount Sinai is placed between what I have painted as two fingers as a peace sign - from the Red Sea.


MOUNT SINAI (Red Sea to scale)

The Gulf of Oman - looks like the face of some old man - interesting he appears to be staring directly at Mecca - the Red Sea to the left, now no longer a peace sign. This has yet to be painted - will get there eventually.

GULF of OMAN (Owe Man?)

When we see what wo/man are capable of doing to each other - is there JUSTICE inflicted by man? - not really. Man's "JUSTICE" pales in comparison to 666 possibly for eternity, or for so long as entropy demands. JUSTICE - JUST_ICE where wo/man - no longer have the right to reincarnate as such. God truly loves us, as its creation - perceivable reality - and I have experienced ITs wrath. It isn't quite the buy_bull hell, indeed ENTROPY is a bit of a --- well Y_PORT_NE (souls) and to where for what these wo/men have done?


I hope you notice the BLUE shift and the RED shift..! Time is a man-made concept that we use to measure events within the physical universe. In a true single moment, there is not a EVENT occurring, not an electron spinning, a photon emitting, not until for example, an event such as a photon emitting from an ELECTRON, THEN, we have TIME. Interesting, TIME reverses to EMIT. Interesting MASS is where people attend (actual) churches.


Christ stated "I am the light" - interesting the light enters our consciousness via qualia through our PUPILS


Again, Christ stated "I am the light" - our life sustenance, the SUN just happens to be a homophone.


CRUCIFICTION? Phonetically identical to CREW SEE FICTION (of the flesh?). Often Earth is referred to as ‘spaceship Earth’ then indeed, we are its crew. It would be nice if we could all work together in harmony rather than harm_on_Y? Fools think they run this ship!


I just like this digital image I created!


More paintings I have done, and or am working on here:-


To start with, this OP will be continually updated - edited and added to as any debate ensues and I believe it pertinent to include in the OP for newcomers to the thread as they may wish a quick up to date comprehension of what I am stating.

The English LAN_gauge (Local Area Network - a gauge of our RACE from the early days R_ACE)
Oh Insidious Albion!!
English is now the common default language of the planet, so it makes sense that this 3rd party intelligence has embedded logical anomalies within KEY words - mainly pertaining to life. I also need to learn French!

Why is it a RACE!?

A couple of examples of "coincidences" within this language:-

As already stated, I take the Bible with a grain of salt. Interesting that God permitted Bible to be phonetically identical to buy_bull. From my experiences of this entity, it certainly wants us to question and not to just accept, because lets face it, the Bible has a lot of illogical bullshit in it, and I for one don't buy_bull.

A man's best friend is a DOG - reversed - GOD (God can be man's worst enemy - I do hope you have behaved - I have experienced its wrath many times and I have never hated an entity like I have this one - indeed - at the time, the term hate simply falls short.)

It is very hard to LIVE when God is doing EVIL to you - (reverse the words)
So yes, at times I was a SAP (a fool), feeding on the Tree of Knowledge (of good and evil). Perhaps I feed the tree of knowledge since the sage (introduced himself to me in 2005) insists I do art and teach - not that most people are going to listen, but nevermind as Kurt labelled an album.

MY EXPERIENCES OF THIS God\'God' (1997) and sage (2005) entities:-

- some have been listed below where my empirical evidence from personal experience gave me reasoning to ascribe the attributes that I have listed pertaining to God.

- since 1997, there were countless experiences, some very dire, more recently now that I am on the path that sage\God have insisted I take, I'm in heaven. (Yes, Hell and Heaven is not some other place, it is here on planet Earth and how we perceive reality)


- What we perceive as reality, is 'generated' by this entity at THE most finite sub-atomic scale where either an event occurs or it doesn't - ergo, it has binary control over ALL matter, that includes our very own grey matter (if it wishes).
- IT has the ability to KNOW everything within the minds of wo/man.
- IT has the ability to switch ALL matter within our brains - our synapses - making us akin to biological robots - should serendipity or synchronicity be a desired outcome.
- IT has formed the ENGLISH language - the common protocol for communication with anomalies and intricacies beyond natural language etymology.
- IT has the ability to appear to morph matter that you perceive as 'matter'.
- IT has ultimate control over ALL that we perceive as dimensions within our reality.
- IT reincarnates US (souls) to within families - or other - that we deserve based on KARMA.
- Entropy is likely to be key to the reason it permits the opposite of FAITH -> DOUBT (in other words, fools that cross certain lines of KARMA may end up 666).

Answers provided to question from "Age" about the above attributes I have ascribed to God based on experience since 1997.
Age wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:21 am
attofishpi wrote: - What we perceive as reality, is 'generated' by this entity at THE most finite sub-atomic scale where either an event occurs or it doesn't - ergo, it has binary control over ALL matter, that includes our very own grey matter (if it wishes).[/color]
What evidence and/or proof do you have for this attribute, which 'you' have given to, and/or for, 'God'?

How was this attribute 'empirically proven' to you?
This attribute has been proven to me, COUNTLESS times since 1997.
Which example should I use?
Here's one, not long after year 2000, I was doing a mundane internet tech support job - I had crossed the line - I was in one of the 3 month stints that this entity had me in what I can only describe as HELL, God was doing EVIL to me - very hard to LIVE.
When I got home and laid upon the couch, extremely vexed about what I had just endured in the office (another story) - as I lay there - the word "CONFESS" flashed across my retina in bright neon.
So there I am thinking - since I was brought up through a Catholic school system, maybe this confession thing is actually a requirement for me. The next day in the office, HELL was on, people calling out random nasty comments, if I simply stated in my mind "Fuck off God" - immediately someone would yell out "Fuck off" - of course nobody else could hear this - it was ALL in my dimension. (I have read plenty of books on physics and so understood the plausible nature of what this entity could do - IF - it is running\generating things from beyond sub-atomic reality.
When I considered I should go to Church that evening, and actually do this 'confess' thing, the very next customer when I asked for his username stated it is:- "mad_if_you_dont" --- now, ya, that is not a normal internet username.
At the time - in my spare time, I was writing a cyberpunk book called Alpha Two - and had been working on a scene where some guy called Eli had been kidnapped (set 100 years in future) - he is trapped my some extortionists in a virtual world - he never knew when he was in the real world or the simulation. So, a bit later when still considering how fucked my reality was yet again, a caller gave me his username:- "hows_eli" - again, not ya typical username. There was another username situation later in the day, but you get the gist.
So to summarise - this entity had access to the qualia of my sensation of sight - flashed "confess" across my retinas - in neon.

In lucid dreams - two of which I met my sage and I asked him not to wake me up. I walked up to a wall and started to scratch the paint on the wall and turned and said to him, this is so real. He told me something very pro_found - but personal.

So above - where I told God to fuck off (in my mind) then someone yelled out immediately across the office the same words back - empirical evidence that this entity has access to my synapses. Also, as above - I only thought (I should go to confession) then that username - mad_if_u_dont came through...

The above is minimal to the totality of 24 years of being TESTED and TESTING IT back, so this is a small but pertinent example as to why I claim God to have this particular attribute.

If you want me to describe the situation about where I actually saw a man morph in 3 stages from a young aboriginal into a white haired old anglo-saxon man (1997), then sure let me know - it was within a day or so of writing down the last sentence of the "Lords" prayer backwards. Deliver us from evil. - - Live morf su reviled (I translated as live morph soon revealed) - and indeed it was.

And, could, what 'you' perceive as 'reality', NOT just come from 'that', which is outside of that human body, which that human body is just observing, sensing and experiencing?
Age wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:21 am Also, is what you said here NOT just the same as saying, 'God is IN, or WITHIN, EVERY thing'?
Dunno - probably is - but then how could I test the entire universe of "things"?

Age wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:21 am
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:42 am - IT has the ability to KNOW everything within the minds of wo/man.
How was this attribute 'empirically proven', to you?
See the above answer I just gave - should be enough - the only thing is - I don't empirically know that God is within the minds of others - but since I am just an ordinary bloke (other than I happen to be in contact with this entity and a sage), I have no reason to believe that it does not manifest within the matter with your brain, and every other living thing.

Age wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:21 am
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:42 am - IT has the ability to switch ALL matter within our brains - our synapses - making us akin to biological robots - should serendipity or synchronicity be a desired outcome.
A "desired outcome" by who or what?
By God and sage.

In my case - to do art. It forced me out of my last office job working for NEC - by scrambling letters across my screen and flames and had those around me yelling certain things, including "do art".
At one point I decided to endeavour on developing a software program that I thought could be quite lucrative - the sage (or) God, simply stated "Don't program."

Age wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:21 amAnd, how was this attribute 'empirically proven', to you?
Again, countless times - see the above as per God's access to our synapses.

Age wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:21 am
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:42 am - IT has formed the ENGLISH language - the common protocol for communication with anomalies and intricacies beyond natural language etymology.
And, language does NOT STOP EVOLVING so the language, which exists in "attofishpi" times, will KEEP EVOLVING and CHANGING.
Sure, but I am certain the words God wants to keep in their current form, will be kept in their current form. (back to that synaptic access and control)

Age wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:21 am And, 'you', "attofishpi", seem to have an expectation, or a delusion to some, that God seems to be revolving around 'you', and your time and place in the Universe, and to 'your' OWN personal DESIRES and WISHES, which OBVIOUSLY could NOT be True AT ALL.
Ah, now see this kind of irks me a little.
I have been accused on this forum in the past of considering myself a PROPHET – ah? Nah, but indeed, I intend to PROFIT. 😊
Not sure why you think "obviously could not be true at all!

My rabbit hole does run a little deep, and the sage has stated to me a couple of years ago when I quizzed him whether it was my destiny to have gnosis, that indeed it was..

Have you seen the Monty Python comedy - The Life of Brian - my true name. Thing is, i'd rather have been crucified than what I was put through many many times since 1997 - God ain't ALL love. It has its reasons which I won't go in to. All I could attempt to do was "always look on the bright side of life - toot toot...toot toot!"

BT - my initials.
DO_U_BT? - opposite to FAITH.

I was born in the vagina of En_Gland (Southampton) image below - as a young lad I used to swim in the river TEST, which feeds the SOL'ENT_ry point - Yep, unbeknownst to me, my real TEST was yet to begin:-

Age wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:21 am
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:42 am - IT has the ability to appear to morph matter that you perceive as 'matter'.
And, how was this attribute 'empirically proven', to you?

For example ...?
- as I stated above - an aboriginal boy morphed in 3 stages into an old anglo-saxon man after I had wrote the last sentence of the Lords prayer backwards. (This was in broad daylight walking through a carpark.)
Live morf su reviled. (I translated it as:- Live Morph Soon Revealed)

Age wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:21 am
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:42 am - IT has ultimate control over ALL that we perceive as dimensions within our reality.
For example?

And, how?
I've given a few examples above. I've explained how - it runs control over ALL matter from the binary point beyond sub-atomic matter - where either there is an event, or there isn't.

Age wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:21 am
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:42 am - IT is KARMIC.
For example? And how?
The night the sage introduced himself to me, I asked him some questions, one of which was - do we reincarnate within the family that we deserve? - the sage tapped me heavily on the right knee - as in RIGHT!
There are plenty of other examples, but it is getting late and the cbf factor is about to take over.
The How? - should be obvious by now if you can accept what I am stating at the level of power this God entity actually has - most theists probably underestimate the power of God.

Age wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:21 am
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:42 am - IT reincarnates US (souls) to within families - or other - that we deserve based on KARMA.
For example? And how?
...answered above.

Age wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:21 am
attofishpi wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:42 am - Entropy is likely to be key to the reason it permits the opposite of FAITH -> DOUBT (in other words - it doesn't give much of a shit about fools that cross certain lines of KARMA - end up 666)
For example? And how?
It must be the case - I can only reason since I know God exists, that it does not make itself fully aware to the entire planet - since you have to earn your right to reincarnate wo/man. The scum of the world that do terrible things to others and especially children - well, maybe we need more bacon and eggs.

Age wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:21 am Also, if 'It' exists, then 'It' is NOT very powerful NOR very successful at all if entropy is destroying 'It', anyway.
I didn't state entropy is destroying God - but I certainly believe that the resources that it has generated to sustain us - and our lives, are subject to entropy. Eventually, we will either evolve into a simulation (if we haven't already) perhaps to exist on some interstellar vessel - and zip off to another younger star system - who NOSE - sniff out the Truth - that is what I am attempting to do.

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