ilp migration

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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

"Being willing to give your life because it was done for you puts things in perspective."

I just read this over there. Is this a references to jesus dying for our sins?

If so, why would i be the slightest bit moved (or feel appreciative) by an immortal god who temporarily took the form of a human being and died a meager human death on erf?

Ia this a joke?

I'm moved by human suffering, not the suffering or death of immortal gods pretending to be human.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

Meanwhile Captain Incel with his 'original' thesis of consent violation nonsense is still banging on about something the Buddha already covered two thousand years ago.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

Oh wait I forgot. The Buddha wasn't a time traveler and architect of hyperdimensional mirrors. My bad.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

MagsJ tell that dude you're just a person who likes to hang out with smart people at philosophy forums and you're not a devil.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

Omg u know what would be too funny? Put Age on Ecmandu and lock em in a thread together.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by Atla »

promethean75 wrote: Sun Oct 29, 2023 6:42 am Omg u know what would be too funny? Put Age on Ecmandu and lock em in a thread together.
Just.. just think about this for a second. Ecmandu has already breached the universe/multiverse barrier using the sheer intensity of his incel-ness, but Age would grind even him down. Then Age would go through the breach and become one with the infinite itself. Even Ecmandu may not have crossed a line, but Age wouldn't fuck around.

Age would become your God too. Is that what you really want?
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

"but Age would grind even him down."

Precisely. Age is our secret weapon against Captain Incel the false idol. Once Age causes the breach, destroys Captain Incel and becomes one with the infinite, we can live in a world of CLARITY where 'we' ALL know EXACTLY 'what' the truth IS.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by Atla »

You wish doom upon the world. Hm I like it
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

Really the only thing suggesting that Captain Incel isn't playing with a full deck of cards is the fact that he's unable to recognize that we know he's full of shit. Other than that he's normal, competent and functional.

What could be happening is one of these situations: u get so far down the bullshit hole that u can't stop now and admit you're full of shit. U have to keep going and hope somebody, somewhere, believes u. As i said, he's invested so much time and energy into this farce that to abandon it now and face the embarrassment that would entail, would be too overwhelming.

What he'll do is stay close to the type that might believe his nonsense; the superstitious religious type. If you've got someone who believes people can be sons of god and sages and prophets and spiritual leaders, you've got someone more likely to believe your own version of that bullshit. And ILP is a hotzone for those kinds of people.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

"For no reason at all, I went to the deepest pits of hell (thousands of them) for 30 fucking years." - ecmandu

Here's a few instances of the immense suffering he's been through.

1. His mom changed the station when they were riding to the grocery store one day and he didn't get to hear the rest of the Air Supply song that was playing.

2. The free group home or apartment that he lives in has a bathroom fan that rattles incessantly when it's turned on.

3. He ordered a pizza one time and it only had like four pieces of pepperoni on it.

4. He spent his whole allowance and had to roll tobacco from cigarette butts together so he could have a smoke.

5. Two instead of three people talk to him at the philosophy forum, and they're as dumb as he is.

6. The electric can opener stopped working and he had to walk to walgreens and buy one of those hand crank can openers.

7. One the way (see 6) he stepped in the neighbor's dog shit.

8. His netflix subscription was accidently cancelled and he had to contact customer support. Was on hold for seven minutes.

9. He had to watch a happy couple walking down the street holding hands.

10. He farted once in a movie theater and a little poo came out instead. Had to go to the bathroom and missed a critically important part of the movie.

(Ec you're a good kid and I'm just joshing with u. It's just all the goddamn complaining all the time. I can't take it bro)
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Re: ilp migration

Post by MagsJ »

Bit quiet round here, these last few weeks/since 4th November.

Veeeeee-ry quiet, in-fact.
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

meanwhile in the 'overcoming abraham' thread over there in the out-patient therapy group forum, Captain Incel points out how your boys Noah and Abraham followed the commands of a (sadistic) god, etc.

follow me here. since neither of these conversations existed between Noah, Ab and god - Noah and Ab very well may have never existed and were made up characters... and this god certainly doesn't exist - why and for what would such a story be invented? what is its purpose, what function would it serve? ah. those ruling elites invested in securing their dominance and the ordinary people's dependence on them, would design such a thing to... wait for it... strike fear in the hearts of the plebs. Noah.... more-so Ab, really, are designed to be role models, idols, for the people. the moral of the story; despite seeming wrong, despite going against everything you feel is the right thing to do, trust in god and follow his directions.

this then translates to and becomes: do what the church and its clergy tell u to do becuz they are the representatives of god.

and presto. the priest and the rabbis (the new parasite class) combine forces with the philosophers (the elite's yes-men) to secure the future of the bourgeois ruling class's success that owns and controls all the property.

any revolution is permanently forstalled. it's genius.

the plebs work hard, eat their breadcrust, sleep on their flea infested hay mattresses, give all their coins to the king/emperor, die at an average age of thirty-five, and go to heaven to live happily every after.

pleb: sounds good to me, bro. i mean what's all this earthly suffering compared to an eternity in heaven singing praises to god? fuck yeah I'll work fifteen hours a day in the field. count me in!
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 » ... 2#p2923471

why do I always see this in my head when Ecmandu and Ichthus are in a thread together? is something wrong with me?
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

Hey magsj imma help u guys out over there at ihatephilosophy with this pedophilia phobia u all have. But unlike Protagoras I'm not gonna charge u for it. I only charge my students when commissioned to solve complex problems. This one's is pretty easy.

Pedophilia will never be normalized and here's why. The practice of it would never be practically possible/feasible even if it were legalized becuz:

No parent would give their prepubescent child permission to have sexual relations with an adult even if it were legal. It just ain't gonna happen becuz humans associate sex with domination and exploitation, and parents certainly don't want this to happen to their youngins. Moreover, the risk of a pregnancy happening is all the more reason to avoid letting it happen. And even in the event that a prepubescent child is not under the supervision of a parent or guardian and finds an opportunity to have said relations with an adult, they'll be terrified of doing so, anyway.

To further ensure their prepubescent child isn't having sex, parents would routinely have their child examined by a doctor. If the child is found not to be a virgin, the parents would punish them... and kids don't want to be punished.

This is how it would work in the real world, not the philosophically theoretical world of fantasy and fear mongering fiction. I promise u. The fact is, legal or not, it will never be an open practice, and if the number of diaper snipers increases if and when it becomes legal, that increase would be negligible... not substantial enough to make any difference.

At most the age of consent might be dropped a few years, but prepubescent kids havin sex with adults? Nuh-uh. Never gonna happen.

Think about it.

'Hey mom, Mr. Barker next door wants to have sex with me. Can i... please, please, please?'

'Oh that sounds like fun, Mindy! Go ahead, sweetheart. And try doggystyle if u get a chance. Hurry back tho becuz dinner will be ready soon.'

'Honey, where's Mindy? She didn't clean up her room like i asked.'

'She's next door bangin Mr. Barker right now.'

'Oh okay. Well I'm off to the golf course. Tell her to clean that room when she gets back, will ya?'
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Re: ilp migration

Post by promethean75 »

Oh thank god ecmandu is back. I think he was banned for a day becuz he claimed that magsj's mammalian protuberances were invaluable. or something like that, can't remember. Anyway imagine the hell he must have experienced in that twenty-four hour ban period. Wonder what he did all that time. Vacuum the place while listening to Toto's greatest hits? Or did he sit there in front of the computer eating ravioli, his bloodshot eyes fixed on the clock, the ILP login page ready on his browser.... waiting... waiting.
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