No War Has Ever Been A War For Freedom

How should society be organised, if at all?

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Re: No War Has Ever Been A War For Freedom

Post by RCSaunders »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:39 pm
RCSaunders wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:32 pm
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:04 am

It's not the 'govt. telling me what to do'. It's called co-operation. Making an effort to live in harmony with others. This benefits everyone, including me, making life as pleasant as it can be for all. No govt. can enforce laws if a population chooses not to follow them. It's a bit like a marriage. There's no point in only one party making an effort. Think of traffic lights. What could anyone do if everyone chose to ignore them? What you crave is anarchy, which is extremely UNpleasant for everyone except a few opportunistic kunts (and there are always plenty of those in any population).
Cooperation is two or more individuals each voluntarily agreeing to participate in something to their mutual benefit. When one or more of those individuals holds a gun to force participation of others in anything they would not otherwise have chosen to be part of, it is not cooperation, it is oppression. Cooperation does not require obedience or the use or threat of force to back it up. Laws do.
No one has ever pointed a gun at me. I also go about my daily life without ever agonising over whether or not I'm breaking some absurd law.
Your position is absurd. I'm over trying to discuss 'freedom' with idiot Americans.

ps. American is an ethnicity?

pps. If you don't want to be stereotyped then don't behave like a stereotype...
Why would I care what you say or think about me, or anything else, if you ever got around to thinking instead of spouting a lot of parochial judgements and ideological prejudices you've picked up along the way. If it makes you happy, I'm all for it.

I think your ideas are horrible and will ultimately only do you harm (and perhaps those you directly influence as well), but they certainly don't harm me in any way. Just hope you can be as happy and delighted with this world and life as I am.
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Re: No War Has Ever Been A War For Freedom

Post by popeye1945 »

Most wars if not all, have been about exploitation, colonization and slavery, it's a different form of slavery than the homegrown kind of American society. American globle colonization took on a different appearance than that of the British brand. The British were the empire to deal with at one time, enslaving a good portion of the globe until the first world war. It is then they realized they could no longer get all their own way in the world anymore without the United States backing them. The first world war was a great turning point, many empires collapsed and newer ones arose. Power after the first world war started shifting from British hands to American.

Most European countries had the hand in to exploiting the weaker nations of the world, it was the white man's burden to civilize the savage, or use your own derogatory term for the victims. The British would make war on the subject country, subdue the population then send its priests in. Following this they took over the governing of the defeated country its peoples and bled it dry, keeping the inhabitants poor and ignorant. Modern American colonization functions much differently, and is in the great pretense of being a democracy loving nation when nothing could be further from the truth.

Americans subdue with threats and economic warfare and clandestine violence, then move their corporations in setting up puppet governments and rule with an iron fist and again bleeding and enslaving the inhabitance. If these people protest desiring to make changes to improve the plight of their own people they are labeled communists, and one can do what one will with a filthy communist no? The irony after the first world war was all these European countries colonial powers, united in fighting the Russian revolution, which denounced at the time colonization, evil bastards that they were. At anyrate people today in South America do believe and desire democracy for their people but America supports many many dictatorship around the world to serve the interests of America. So, not much has changed since the British were the bullies of the block, colonization is still the major if not the only source or seed of war.
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